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Manickchand well received during Linden visitPDFPrintE-mail
Written by Leroy Smith   
Monday, 20 August 2012 22:52

-agreement sealed on placement for One-Mile Primary students for September 3 school opening

EDUCATION Minister, Priya Manickchand yesterday paid a visit to Linden in Region Ten (Upper Demerara/Upper Berbice) where she met with education stakeholders, parents and other concerned residents of the community at the Wismar Hill Primary School, as they enjoyed a fruitful interaction on the placements and other issues in relation to the children of One-Mile Primary School that was gutted by fire two Sundays ago. 

Parents and teachers who turned out for the meeting yesterday in Linden

The meeting attracted about 400 people and the minister was accompanied by senior educational officials from Georgetown who met their counterparts from the Regional Education Office.
Ms. Manickchand made it clear that the Government of Guyana is committed to rebuilding the infrastructure that was damaged in the community including the One-Mile Primary School. She however told those gathered that the main focus of the Education Ministry and by extension the Government of Guyana is the placing of all 847 students from the burnt out school into classes on the first day of school which is just two weeks from now.
She said that the residents had to choose if they were going to allow the situation to damage their children or rise up and ensure that they work to prevent any of the children who attended the school not to be disadvantaged by the unfortunate situation. 
She said her visit was to put to them the arrangements that have been floating around between her, and education officials from the ministry and the region.
The Education Minister added that the parents and teachers had a right to say what they were comfortable with and what needs to be adjusted.

Education Minister, Priya Manickchand, Chief Education Officer, Olata Sam and the Region Ten Regional Education Officer make their way to One-Mile Nursery Extension which will house the grades one and two students. The burnt out One-Mile Primary school can be seen in the background.

They were however cautioned that while the aim of the ministry is to ensure that there is comfort for the children come September 3 and beyond, it must not be forgotten that there will be some amount of discomfort and uneasiness because of the arrangements. It was with that, that the minister asked the parents and teachers to be reasonable in their bargaining and requests.
She said that it was important for the residents to look forward and develop the best plan for the children of the community especially those of the burnt out school, she called for all to be involved and at every level.

In pointing out the importance of finding places for the children to start school on 3 September, the Education Minister reminded parents that the only way their children will have a better life and opportunities that were not available to their parents is through having an education and their chances for that opportunity must not be damaged the minister added.

Ms. P Manickchand addresses teachers of the One-Mile Primary School.

She said that placements for the students was of utmost importance at this time for two reasons, she mentioned the limited time that remains available for the educators and teachers to agree on everything since school reopens on the 03 of September. The other reason she give was the fact that a school was destroyed and it will take a while before there is some amount of normalcy that will start to flow as children and teachers will have to adjust to new conditions under which they will have to operate.
Last week the Ministry of Education and the Regional Education Department of Region Ten were in much discussion and planning on how, where and by when they will be able to place children in time for the reopening of school. The discussions also involved the Regional Chairman and the region’s Member of Parliament all of whom seemed to have a vested interest in ensuring that all students of the region especially the Linden community was ready for school when it reopens.

It was announced that based on the discussion between the officials of the education ministry and regional education authorities in Linden several students from several grades will be strategically place come September 03.
A total of one hundred and fifty students representing six grade one classes will be placed at the One-Mile Nursery School new extension. That extension is located in the compound of the burnt out school which also had a nursery school. It was related that the location that the students will be occupying was initially built because the department of education expected an increase in the number of nursery students from the new school term.
The Grade two students will also be occupying the very building. The grade two has a total of five classes and account for a total of one hundred and thirty five children. It was related to the parents that the new arrangement will force the department to facilitate a double session with the younger one in grade one showing up for school in the morning at 7.30 to 11.30 while the older one in grade two will show up for classes in the afternoon from 12 to 4 pm.
The arrangement was well received by the parents and teachers but not before theclearing up of some misconceptions. The minister made it clear to the parents that while the arrangement of a double session was not a preference it was the best that could have been done at time.
The minister told the parents that she is aware that they will be wondering what their children will be doing for the period that they will be home which will account for almost an entire half day. She added that she is also aware that the double sessions will take away from the instruction time in the class rooms since students and teachers will be spending less time together.

It was there that the parents were told that the Education Department in the region along with the Ministry of Education were trying to secure the service of a church that had a building which could be used for hosting some of the classes. It was announced that should the church be in a position to accommodate the students then the double sessions will not be necessary since with the church and  several other buildings that will be made available, students will be able to attend school for entire five hours as is customary.
The Wismar Hill Primary School where the meeting was held will be accommodating grades three, four and five which represent twelve classes and a student population of four hundred and twenty one. This school was made available the very afternoon of the morning that the Wismar One- Mile Primary school was gutted. The students will occupy the auditorium of the school as well as two other classes.

Meanwhile grade six students will be housed at the Block 22 Community Multi- purpose Centre. The grade six comprises of four classes and represents a student population of one hundred and forty two students. The grade six students will not be having a double session and are going to be housed in a building alone. That move is being commended since those children will be preparing to write the National Grade Six Assessment examination next year and placing them in an environment that sees them having less classroom time among other things would not have been helpful to them at the examination, one resident said.
Parents and teachers were given the opportunity to respond to the arrangements and all were well received. Some even asked about transportation for their children from the long distances to the school that they were placed and that was given a thought and will be finalised soon, as one resident has already indicated that she was willing to have her minibus available at cost once the PTA or the department of education secure a driver.

The students though they will be accommodated at other schools will not have to have a change of uniform the ministry confirmed. With the exception of the Wismar Hill Primary School, all other schools and facilities which will accommodate the displaced students are situated in close proximity to where the One-Mile Primary School stood.
At some of the facilities there will be additional sanitary blocks that will be included while better security and securing of other buildings are on the cards for some of the other facilities and which will be worked out and finalized before school is opened on September 3.
Following the scheduled meeting at the Wismar Hill School, Ms. Manickchand met with teachers and later travelled to the burnt out site of the One-Mile Primary School. Other senior education officials also paid visits to other locations that children are expected to be placed come September 03, 2012.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Not one positive comment from the AFC and PNC posters. The minister was talking about the future of the children while AFC and PNC posters continue with their nonsense.


she's doing her freakin JOB! . . . not any favors to the community.


She's a public servant . . . her fat salary & perks paid by those citizens' taxes.


What the HELL do you wanna hear?


it's the LEAST she can do knowing that her PPP likely burned the bloody school down

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Not one positive comment from the AFC and PNC posters. The minister was talking about the future of the children while AFC and PNC posters continue with their nonsense.


she's doing her freakin JOB! . . . not any favors to the community.


She's a public servant . . . her fat salary & perks paid by those citizens' taxes.


What the HELL do you wanna hear?


it's the LEAST she can do knowing that her PPP likely burned the bloody school down

You're sick. Why would the government want to burn down the school? 

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Not one positive comment from the AFC and PNC posters. The minister was talking about the future of the children while AFC and PNC posters continue with their nonsense.


she's doing her freakin JOB! . . . not any favors to the community.


She's a public servant . . . her fat salary & perks paid by those citizens' taxes.


What the HELL do you wanna hear?


it's the LEAST she can do knowing that her PPP likely burned the bloody school down

You're sick. Why would the government want to burn down the school? 

To create a diversion from the main issues and to look like angels; and to distract from the allegations of corruption; to drive fear into the indos in order to mobilize their support. 

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

And you could go on and on, all this stuff is in your head. The fact is that the gov't does not have a history of burning down schools. And to do that in Linden is not going to bring them political capital. 

Like you haven't been paying attention to the political party allegiance that government contracts are awarded to.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Not one positive comment from the AFC and PNC posters. The minister was talking about the future of the children while AFC and PNC posters continue with their nonsense.


she's doing her freakin JOB! . . . not any favors to the community.


She's a public servant . . . her fat salary & perks paid by those citizens' taxes.


What the HELL do you wanna hear?


it's the LEAST she can do knowing that her PPP likely burned the bloody school down

You're sick. Why would the government want to burn down the school? 

Let history refresh our memory of whom are the architects and who has the tendency of destruction. When you have a tribe that was taught to understand straw huts and a barren land and ruled by a dictator who can engage them to be self-destruction, the value of an educational institution doesn't mean anything. They burn hospital that cared for the sick and schools that stand as symbols of knowledge to the nation children. This is an example of the type of people we're dealing with. Please don't waste your time and energy on people who remain primitive.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Not one positive comment from the AFC and PNC posters. The minister was talking about the future of the children while AFC and PNC posters continue with their nonsense.


she's doing her freakin JOB! . . . not any favors to the community.


She's a public servant . . . her fat salary & perks paid by those citizens' taxes.


What the HELL do you wanna hear?


it's the LEAST she can do knowing that her PPP likely burned the bloody school down

You're sick. Why would the government want to burn down the school? 

Let history refresh our memory of whom are the architects and who has the tendency of destruction. When you have a tribe that was taught to understand straw huts and a barren land and ruled by a dictator who can engage them to be self-destruction, the value of an educational institution doesn't mean anything. They burn hospital that cared for the sick and schools that stand as symbols of knowledge to the nation children. This is an example of the type of people we're dealing with. Please don't waste your time and energy on people who remain primitive.


It is clear that if you leave a man alone to freely express his intellectual range he soon reaches the limits of his intellect and the boundaries of his wisdom. Amral may be on to something leaving you idiots to express the range of your thinking and clearly maximize the limits of your intellect. 


The value of whatever institution that molded your brains did a poor job at it. The above is such a graphic illustration of a moron you would never be able to come close to knowing it. It is the matter of the fish and what stopped it from discovering water.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Not one positive comment from the AFC and PNC posters. The minister was talking about the future of the children while AFC and PNC posters continue with their nonsense.


she's doing her freakin JOB! . . . not any favors to the community.


She's a public servant . . . her fat salary & perks paid by those citizens' taxes.


What the HELL do you wanna hear?


it's the LEAST she can do knowing that her PPP likely burned the bloody school down

It's her job of course, and she's doing what she does best. She was also welcome with open arms, which shows that not all Lindeners are hooligans. Sorry, your disrupted leaders were unable to pull a rabbit out of their asses in Buxton. Is that's the way APNU/AFC intended to extract the people's mind until 2016?
Guyanese are not stupid to take fooling from hooligans.
Now, where did it say the PPP likely burn the bloody school down? Did you borrow that line from your tribal text of destruction?



Originally Posted by Nehru:


one only has to read the above and the would quickly deduce you are either a moron of off some anti psychotic meds.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

All of the above describe you to the teeth!!!

Is that why it is composed of moronic word choice, poor grammar,  incoherent sentence structure that typifies your peculiar brain work. It is definitely not even creole of a kind that isolated communities of places like Guava bush devised. It only makes sense to you so that it it is supposed  match  my teeth is not a bother to me one bit

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by raymond:

SOmeone should buy her a threadmill

Maybe you should ask her to walk door to door to collect empty laser cartridges for recycling. Her health or appearance has not been a factor in preventing her from executing her duties.

why would I ask her to do that...mind you, it could help her lose some weight


Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:


You're sick. Why would the government want to burn down the school? 

The name of a suspected arsonist was provided and he claimed that some one paid him to commit arson.  Apparently the name of this "some one" is a secret.



Can you therefore be shocked if people speculate about who that person was?



Also if the PPP spreads lies about the police shooting in self defense, when they shot merely because an order vacate the bridge was ignored, why be surprised if the other side comes with its own conspiracy theories?


As to whether the PPP has any thing to gain, well what does any one have to gain from burning down a school?  Opinions expressed will merely reflect personal biases, given that no proof of anything has been furnished.  So those who blame the AFC/APNU have no more validity than those who blame the PPP.  Both will claim that arson was committed to make the other side look bad.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

All of the above describe you to the teeth!!!

Is that why it is composed of moronic word choice, poor grammar,  incoherent sentence structure that typifies your peculiar brain work. It is definitely not even creole of a kind that isolated communities of places like Guava bush devised. It only makes sense to you so that it it is supposed  match  my teeth is not a bother to me one bit

That is when Nehru is not taking you seriously. He can vacillate to get you all worked up. If and when he gets serious on any given topic, you are no match for him.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:


You're sick. Why would the government want to burn down the school? 

The name of a suspected arsonist was provided and he claimed that some one paid him to commit arson.  Apparently the name of this "some one" is a secret.



Can you therefore be shocked if people speculate about who that person was?



Also if the PPP spreads lies about the police shooting in self defense, when they shot merely because an order vacate the bridge was ignored, why be surprised if the other side comes with its own conspiracy theories?


As to whether the PPP has any thing to gain, well what does any one have to gain from burning down a school?  Opinions expressed will merely reflect personal biases, given that no proof of anything has been furnished.  So those who blame the AFC/APNU have no more validity than those who blame the PPP.  Both will claim that arson was committed to make the other side look bad.

When you have Benschop telling the people to attack the police what can you deduce from that?

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:

Let history refresh our memory of whom are the architects and who has the tendency of destruction. When you have a tribe that was taught to understand straw huts and a barren land and ruled by a dictator who can engage them to be self-destruction, the value of an educational institution doesn't mean anything. They burn hospital that cared for the sick and schools that stand as symbols of knowledge to the nation children. This is an example of the type of people we're dealing with. Please don't waste your time and energy on people who remain primitive.

return the "history" card to your back pocket . . . pin head dunces like you are manifestly unqualified to be in the "refresh[ing] our memory" business.


but, I digress . . . tell us more about the "tribe" of "straw huts and a barren land" who remain "primitive," and for whom "the value of an educational institution doesn't mean anything"

Originally Posted by *ABIDHA:

It's her job of course, and she's doing what she does best. She was also welcome with open arms, which shows that not all Lindeners are hooligans. Sorry, your disrupted leaders were unable to pull a rabbit out of their asses in Buxton. Is that's the way APNU/AFC intended to extract the people's mind until 2016?

ahmmm fool . . . THOSE words do not mean what you think they mean


*ABIDHA = GNI's Oswald Bates [see Damon Wayans/In Living Color] 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

All of the above describe you to the teeth!!!

Is that why it is composed of moronic word choice, poor grammar,  incoherent sentence structure that typifies your peculiar brain work. It is definitely not even creole of a kind that isolated communities of places like Guava bush devised. It only makes sense to you so that it it is supposed  match  my teeth is not a bother to me one bit

That is when Nehru is not taking you seriously. He can vacillate to get you all worked up. If and when he gets serious on any given topic, you are no match for him.

There is no need to use the word vacillate as you did since it does not have applicability. Nehru is a classic moron and if he had any book smarts or other latent skill set,  one would see that coming out in various ways.


To the contrary, in the 10 years he has been here all he persists in doing is going on rants in that peculiar phraseology of his that makes sense only to himself. I do not need to match him in much.


The scope of the discourse here is on the narrow area of Guyanese politics. Surely that is not so taxing so the brain that it warrants 10 years vacillation ( if you need to use the word)  to produce a solitary  meaningful opinion.


NEHRU think guyana is a great country,but he think so from afar,well dummy nehru guyana is the poorest country in the caribbean,with the highest crime rate and the most courupt government offical in the world maybe you should stay living in your closlet because if you end up in any of the other caribbean country you might think you die and gone to haven

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The present administration has always kept the Education Sector on its front burner, that sector receives the largest budgetary allocations yearly.

That is Bull Shyte under the PNC when a guyanese  Student came to NY the promoted them to a higher class NOW TEHY ARE DEMOTED TO A LOWER CLASS AND PUT IN ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE PROGRAMS

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Not one positive comment from the AFC and PNC posters. The minister was talking about the future of the children while AFC and PNC posters continue with their nonsense.


she's doing her freakin JOB! . . . not any favors to the community.


She's a public servant . . . her fat salary & perks paid by those citizens' taxes.


What the HELL do you wanna hear?


it's the LEAST she can do knowing that her PPP likely burned the bloody school down

You're sick. Why would the government want to burn down the school? 

Same reason they shoot and kill their countrymen...because they @#$%$^&* well can.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

All of the above describe you to the teeth!!!

Is that why it is composed of moronic word choice, poor grammar,  incoherent sentence structure that typifies your peculiar brain work. It is definitely not even creole of a kind that isolated communities of places like Guava bush devised. It only makes sense to you so that it it is supposed  match  my teeth is not a bother to me one bit

That is when Nehru is not taking you seriously. He can vacillate to get you all worked up. If and when he gets serious on any given topic, you are no match for him.

HAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA! Are you for real?



Throw in yuuuujiii and yourself in the mix along with the other PPP retards, altogether you guys just might come up with a proper working brain.


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