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Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:

We need to see their manifesto and plan for Guyana. Please post here so we expert them can tell we. 

XM25 and bush rum for all.

El Dorado 21. You get that 

El Dorado 21 give you whapyaa. You want the rest of the people to get whapyaa? Misery does love company. Remember I outed you a while ago as a man pretending to be a woman. Be careful now! 

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:

We need to see their manifesto and plan for Guyana. Please post here so we expert them can tell we. 

XM25 and bush rum for all.

El Dorado 21. You get that 

El Dorado 21 give you whapyaa. You want the rest of the people to get whapyaa? Misery does love company. Remember I outed you a while ago as a man pretending to be a woman. Be careful now! 

Like the cheap rum confuse you

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:

We need to see their manifesto and plan for Guyana. Please post here so we expert them can tell we. 

XM25 and bush rum for all.

El Dorado 21. You get that 

El Dorado 21 give you whapyaa. You want the rest of the people to get whapyaa? Misery does love company. Remember I outed you a while ago as a man pretending to be a woman. Be careful now! 

Like the cheap rum confuse you

Hey fake boobs, take your pasties off. Come out from under the alias you are, be a real man. Don't hide under a woman's skirt. Only cowards do that.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:

We need to see their manifesto and plan for Guyana. Please post here so we expert them can tell we. 

XM25 and bush rum for all.

El Dorado 21. You get that 

El Dorado 21 give you whapyaa. You want the rest of the people to get whapyaa? Misery does love company. Remember I outed you a while ago as a man pretending to be a woman. Be careful now! 

Like the cheap rum confuse you

Hey fake boobs, take your pasties off. Come out from under the alias you are, be a real man. Don't hide under a woman's skirt. Only cowards do that.

Dont be a low class bound c00lie Mr Skeldon_Man. Learn to speak to a lady. Ok.

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by JB:

We need to see their manifesto and plan for Guyana. Please post here so we expert them can tell we. 

XM25 and bush rum for all.

El Dorado 21. You get that 

El Dorado 21 give you whapyaa. You want the rest of the people to get whapyaa? Misery does love company. Remember I outed you a while ago as a man pretending to be a woman. Be careful now! 

Like the cheap rum confuse you

Hey fake boobs, take your pasties off. Come out from under the alias you are, be a real man. Don't hide under a woman's skirt. Only cowards do that.

Dont be a low class bound c00lie Mr Skeldon_Man. Learn to speak to a lady. Ok.

I am calling you out. You are not a lady. If you are, you are a flaming man/hooman. Calling me names don't bother me. When you do, it's a sign that you have been busted and you have nowhere to hide. Go run now and complain to the admin. JB is a man.

Originally Posted by JB:

We need to see their manifesto and plan for Guyana. Please post here so we expert them can tell we. 

These were the promises made by the AFC going into the 2011 elections. With their AFC/APNU/PNC/R combined majority, which of these were kept and which were not. As well, which of these promises did not find favour with the APNU/PNC/R?





We commit to -


* Establishing a caring government where the suffering and the plight of the poor, the elderly in particular, youths, the issues of gender and Guyanese in general will be addressed in a timely manner.


* Creating a stable social and political environment where the rule of law is upheld to attract suitable local, regional and foreign direct investment for the creation of jobs, economic development, self reliance, wealth and the alleviation of poverty, consistent with the Millennium Development Goals.


* Dealing with the crime situation in the country in a holistic way and returning the country to a satisfactory level of security where our people could once again feel physically secure in their homes, places of work and recreation.


* Working towards the development of trust between government and the people, between local professionals and government; between the private sector and government; between investors and government; between all the ethnic groups in Guyana and government.


* Re-establishing a qualified and professionally competent public service and a National Insurance and Social Security Scheme that is relevant to the financial and economic realities of the Guyanese society.


* Restoring the principle of separation of powers, strengthening the three arms of the State by reforming the Parliamentary System, improving the standards of the judiciary as well as inculcating in government a culture of excellence and service to the people.


* Developing institutional arrangements for the mutually beneficial utilization of the expertise and financial means of the Diaspora.


* Conserving the natural heritage and the biodiversity of out country in accordance with the principles of sustainable development.


* Creating a system of education and moral guidance that will unlock the potential of our children in an environment of equal treatment and equal opportunity to give support to the family structure. 

They kept none of their promises. True, they did not have a majority but they alligned themselves with the the APNU whose combined votes gave them the majority. The PPP, as a minority government appeared stronger and did some stuff than the combined majority opposition whodid absolutely nothing.


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