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Manufacturing plunge worse than Govt’s projection


End-of-Year report

…following unaddressed challenges in sugar, rice sectors

The Finance Ministry’s recently released end-of-year Outcome Report has recorded even bleaker statistics on the nation’s manufacturing sector than Minister Winston Jordan’s 2017 budget had projected.

Finance Minister Winston Jordan during his budget presentation

The report, which covers the year 2016, contains revised projections from those presented in budget 2017. It stated that the manufacturing sector contracted by 9.5 per cent and not the 7.1 per cent Jordan had announced in November.

The decline in the manufacturing sector was linked to the shrinking production in agriculture. The manufacturing sector is heavily dependent on sugar and rice production, a fact that Jordan had acknowledged last month at a press conference.

“Very little manufacturing activity takes place in Guyana… The last (time) I looked at manufacturing without sugar and rice milling, (it contributed) a mere five per cent to GDP (Gross Domestic Product), which is very low,” Jordan had told journalists at the press conference.

The Finance Ministry has revealed that, overall, the agriculture and fishing and forestry sectors had contracted by 10.4 per cent in 2016. According to the report, this is 0.9 per cent more than the rate projected at the time the 2017 Budget was presented.

“Sugar production contracted even further than projected in November 2016, as the industry underestimated the negative impacts of late planting of the second crop on production.

In addition, the late arrival of spare parts for factories negatively affected the processing stage of production,” the report revealed.

At his 2016 end-of-year press conference, Agriculture Minister Noel Holder had explained that sugar production for the year had been plagued by poor labour turnout; lack of spares; equipment shortages, in particular cane punts; and factory breakdowns in the sector.

He had also revealed that the shortage of skills and experience, in addition to underinvestment in the industry, was taking its toll.

The 2016 second crop had started late as a result of the wet conditions which succeeded the drought. Holder had said that the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) would be unable to harvest all its cane before the end of the year.

But the Government has also embarked on a deliberate plan to downsize production in the industry, with profitability being cited as a reason. Following a visit from an International Monetary Fund (IMF) team, Government had been warned of the social impact from making these and other decisions.

Rice production has also performed worse than projected. This has been blamed on lower-than-expected yields and acreage, all related to late planting.

Rice farmers currently face a myriad of challenges, which include insufficient supply of water in their fields, the El Niño weather phenomenon, combating paddy bugs, and fiscal matters such as late payments and indebtedness.

Farmers also have to contend with fertiliser and pesticide prices.

Farmers have stated that they have not been afforded the prices they were once offered by the previous Government to assist them in offsetting their overhead expenses.

Since the loss of the Venezuelan oil-for-rice agreement with Guyana in 2015, farmers have not been getting the lucrative prices they were once paid per bag of paddy.

Farmers in Region Two recently voiced their dissatisfaction about the prices offered by millers, which range from $1800 to $2400 for grades A and B paddy.

The end-of-year report has however stated that fishing and other crops were the only industries in the agriculture sector to experience positive growth.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

PNC boy Django shows up to defend the PNC clowns. I respect your right to do so.

Listen, Guyana Times is doing EXACTLY what KN did when the PPP was in office.

Do for Do is not Obeah.

yuji22 posted:

PNC boy Django shows up to defend the PNC clowns. I respect your right to do so.

Listen, Guyana Times is doing EXACTLY what KN did when the PPP was in office.

Do for Do is not Obeah.

PNC boy...LOL

Danjo is here to expose the lies that are propagated by the Freedom House coolaid drinkers.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

PNC boy Django shows up to defend the PNC clowns. I respect your right to do so.

Listen, Guyana Times is doing EXACTLY what KN did when the PPP was in office.

Do for Do is not Obeah.

PNC boy...LOL

Danjo is here to expose the lies that are propagating by the Freedom House coolaid drinkers.

You drank an overdose of AFC/PNC cool aid. Take time, it will stop acting.

yuji22 posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:

PNC boy Django shows up to defend the PNC clowns. I respect your right to do so.

Listen, Guyana Times is doing EXACTLY what KN did when the PPP was in office.

Do for Do is not Obeah.

PNC boy...LOL

Danjo is here to expose the lies that are propagating by the Freedom House coolaid drinkers.

You drank an overdose of AFC/PNC cool aid. Take time, it will stop acting.

That's the best you can come up with,your heroes grasping at straws lately,the will be in the wilderness for awhile.

Django posted:

That article from the rag Guyana Times are are for cool aid drinkers,what was Guyana manufacturing prior to May 2105,can some one  list the items other than two dead beat Sugar and Rice.

read here about Sugar

Guyana has no other manufacturing sector, no one denying that.  However, they are saying those which exist have declined substantially.  To develop manufacturing, Guyana needs cheap power.  What are the PNC plans here?  I guess oil!


These jackasses claimed that with all the savings from clamping down on corruption, the national coffers would be overflowing. Now we see the only thing overflowing is the slop can with so much filth that even the most ardent supporters are fleeing the stench. 

yuji22 posted:
Drugb posted:

Except a few, django, d2, caribj, T, warrior. 

As of today, I hold Django as being a dirty Indian and will address him as such for now on. 

Are you sure he's an Indian?  

Drugb posted:

I believe he is a mongrel else they would not give him slop can carrier job. are one confused fella,people who haven't got the taste of first world education is highly intellectual than you,there is a saying  "can't take away the pig from gutter" it fits you.

Django posted:
Drugb posted:

I believe he is a mongrel else they would not give him slop can carrier job. are one confused fella,people who haven't got the taste of first world education is highly intellectual than you,there is a saying  "can't take away the pig from gutter" it fits you.

In fact I admire you. At least you take your job seriously, you fetch that slop can with pride and do the best job regardless of how lowly it is. This is the measure of a great human being. 

Drugb posted:
Django posted:
Drugb posted:

I believe he is a mongrel else they would not give him slop can carrier job. are one confused fella,people who haven't got the taste of first world education is highly intellectual than you,there is a saying  "can't take away the pig from gutter" it fits you.

In fact I admire you. At least you take your job seriously, you fetch that slop can with pride and do the best job regardless of how lowly it is. This is the measure of a great human being. 

and yet  "you can't lace my shoes"

Django posted:
Drugb posted:
Django posted:
Drugb posted:

I believe he is a mongrel else they would not give him slop can carrier job. are one confused fella,people who haven't got the taste of first world education is highly intellectual than you,there is a saying  "can't take away the pig from gutter" it fits you.

In fact I admire you. At least you take your job seriously, you fetch that slop can with pride and do the best job regardless of how lowly it is. This is the measure of a great human being. 

and yet  "you can't lace my shoes"

Nobody wants to lace a Dirty Indian Shoes. We leave that to your dalit PNC friends.

Django posted:
Drugb posted:
Django posted:
Drugb posted:

I believe he is a mongrel else they would not give him slop can carrier job. are one confused fella,people who haven't got the taste of first world education is highly intellectual than you,there is a saying  "can't take away the pig from gutter" it fits you.

In fact I admire you. At least you take your job seriously, you fetch that slop can with pride and do the best job regardless of how lowly it is. This is the measure of a great human being. 

and yet  "you can't lace my shoes"

I would, but at your advanced age you only wear slip ons.

Drugb posted:
Django posted:
Drugb posted:
Django posted:
Drugb posted:

I believe he is a mongrel else they would not give him slop can carrier job. are one confused fella,people who haven't got the taste of first world education is highly intellectual than you,there is a saying  "can't take away the pig from gutter" it fits you.

In fact I admire you. At least you take your job seriously, you fetch that slop can with pride and do the best job regardless of how lowly it is. This is the measure of a great human being. 

and yet  "you can't lace my shoes"

I would, but at your advanced age you only wear slip ons.

And PNC diapers.


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