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Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

He is definitely getting more press coverage than Granger.  And they are listening to everything he says on policy development to the point where they are reversing their policy based on what he says.

Are you for real ??

I think she really meant " they are laughing at everything he says..."

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

He is definitely getting more press coverage than Granger.  And they are listening to everything he says on policy development to the point where they are reversing their policy based on what he says.

Are you for real ??

Of course she is real. And she is correct 1000 percent. The Honorable Dr Bharrat Jagdeo is the best thing Guyana produced since the invention of pepperpot. Ask anybody at Freedom House.

redux posted:

de rat's new starbai role is Captain Obvious

with Bibi as guy Friday


Well, aren't you eating your heart out!!

BJ is in the best place.  I doubt anyone in the PNC/AFC has the intellectual depth, wherewithal and real-time experience to compete with BJ.  And to make it better, he ain't accountable.  Alyuh want it, now deal with it!!!

Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

He is definitely getting more press coverage than Granger.  And they are listening to everything he says on policy development to the point where they are reversing their policy based on what he says.

Are you for real ??

The Honorable Dr Bharrat Jagdeo is the best thing Guyana produced since the invention of pepperpot.

From the looks of things right now, you may have a point!!

baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

When the king is in the Opposition the PNC becomes pawns in Jagdeo's game of chess.  A couple more moves to go and checkmate ends the game.

And that coolie banna speak Russian and learn to play Chess in Russia!!  Not good for the PNC/AFC mediocre bannas!!


the 2 of u trying waayy too hard

abee tiefman lumumba grad with 5 'dactarates' as intellectual

har de har har har har har harrr

redux posted:
baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

When the king is in the Opposition the PNC becomes pawns in Jagdeo's game of chess.  A couple more moves to go and checkmate ends the game.

And that coolie banna speak Russian and learn to play Chess in Russia!!  Not good for the PNC/AFC mediocre bannas!!


the 2 of u trying waayy too hard

abee tiefman lumumba grad with 5 'dactarates' as intellectual

har de har har har har har harrr

Redux, you need to change but that's just me.

Honestly, you need to send your resume to Granger.  Intellectually, they are an inch deep and two inches wide.  I think even you would be an additive value proposition!!  And I'm being brutally honest!!

baseman posted:
redux posted:
baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

When the king is in the Opposition the PNC becomes pawns in Jagdeo's game of chess.  A couple more moves to go and checkmate ends the game.

And that coolie banna speak Russian and learn to play Chess in Russia!!  Not good for the PNC/AFC mediocre bannas!!


the 2 of u trying waayy too hard

abee tiefman lumumba grad with 5 'dactarates' as intellectual

har de har har har har har harrr

Redux, you need to change but that's just me.

Honestly, you need to send your resume to Granger.  Intellectually, they are an inch deep and two inches wide.  I think even you would be an additive value proposition!!  And I'm being brutally honest!!

u do realize that this conversation is about Dr5 Jagdeo not me, rite?

nice try

and get up off your knees . . . it's kinda sad, and i remain embarrassed for u

Gilbakka posted:
baseman posted:
Gilbakka posted:

The Honorable Dr Bharrat Jagdeo is the best thing Guyana produced since the invention of pepperpot.

From the looks of things right now, you may have a point!!

My point is ironic, base. Irony. Not to be taken as gospel.

Now you talking?  Just when I had my mind set on that pepperpot!!!

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Gilbakka posted:
baseman posted:
Gilbakka posted:

The Honorable Dr Bharrat Jagdeo is the best thing Guyana produced since the invention of pepperpot.

From the looks of things right now, you may have a point!!

My point is ironic, base. Irony. Not to be taken as gospel.

Now you talking?  Just when I had my mind set on that pepperpot!!!

Have a nice day. 


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