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cain posted:

You doan know me but know I was part of the elite,I'm glad you have me way up there and if Indian uniqueness is what makes Indians so intolerant to each other, I doan care to know anymore about it.

In the colonial period, every putagee was well to do. And mostly living in GT. Suh how can you really know us Indians. U all din rub shoulders with us, but the Afroes were ur eurocentic  companerios.  

Gilbakka posted:

If Moses Nagamootoo is invited in his capacity as the Prime Minister of Guyana, he can delegate someone to represent him at the GOPIO event. If he cannot do that, he should decline the invitation. It is clear from comments in this thread that Mr Nagamootoo's presence there would cause an explosion. GOPIO may be a big thing for some Indians,but for many Indians it has no meaning in their lives. GOPIO's actions have no impact on their lives. 

You are correct no impact.

seignet posted:

Nagamootoo should return the acknowledgement they gave to him. He only has a designation in the Granger government. He has no control over the AFC members appointed to the coalition. He and Ramjattan are dispossessed.


You are a simple minded nitwit as well as a bigot. GIOIO give him an award for being an accomplished individual of indian heritage. If they feel compelled to respond because by some racists in the guyanese indian community envision Mr Nagamootoo less worthy because he facilitated the loss of an indian identified government that is their problem. Let them call for it and people like me will excoriate them in the press.

seignet posted:
cain posted:

You doan know me but know I was part of the elite,I'm glad you have me way up there and if Indian uniqueness is what makes Indians so intolerant to each other, I doan care to know anymore about it.

In the colonial period, every putagee was well to do. And mostly living in GT. Suh how can you really know us Indians. U all din rub shoulders with us, but the Afroes were ur eurocentic  companerios.  

Sige,i can relate differently,there were Portuguese in our village they mixed with the Indians,one inter married with an Indian.

Alyuh grow up in homogeneous society and thinks all over the country is the same.

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
seignet posted:
cain posted:

You doan know me but know I was part of the elite,I'm glad you have me way up there and if Indian uniqueness is what makes Indians so intolerant to each other, I doan care to know anymore about it.

In the colonial period, every putagee was well to do. And mostly living in GT. Suh how can you really know us Indians. U all din rub shoulders with us, but the Afroes were ur eurocentic  companerios.  

Sige,i can relate differently,there were Portuguese in our village they mixed with the Indians,one inter married with an Indian.

Alyuh grow up in homogeneous society and thinks all over the country is the same.

I have a number of Portuguese friends. I lived in a Portuguese woman's house on David Street Kitty for 6 years. Cain knows one of my Portuguese friends. They have all been good to me. Also, one of my grandfather's close friends was Charlie Correia the winemaker. They were longtime buddies.

Danyael posted:
seignet posted:

Nagamootoo should return the acknowledgement they gave to him. He only has a designation in the Granger government. He has no control over the AFC members appointed to the coalition. He and Ramjattan are dispossessed.


You are a simple minded nitwit as well as a bigot. GIOIO give him an award for being an accomplished individual of indian heritage. If they feel compelled to respond because by some racists in the guyanese indian community envision Mr Nagamootoo less worthy because he facilitated the loss of an indian identified government that is their problem. Let them call for it and people like me will excoriate them in the press.

Meh read u. 

Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
seignet posted:
cain posted:

You doan know me but know I was part of the elite,I'm glad you have me way up there and if Indian uniqueness is what makes Indians so intolerant to each other, I doan care to know anymore about it.

In the colonial period, every putagee was well to do. And mostly living in GT. Suh how can you really know us Indians. U all din rub shoulders with us, but the Afroes were ur eurocentic  companerios.  

Sige,i can relate differently,there were Portuguese in our village they mixed with the Indians,one inter married with an Indian.

Alyuh grow up in homogeneous society and thinks all over the country is the same.

I have a number of Portuguese friends. I lived in a Portuguese woman's house on David Street Kitty for 6 years. Cain knows one of my Portuguese friends. They have all been good to me. Also, one of my grandfather's close friends was Charlie Correia the winemaker. They were longtime buddies.

Cain, dislike Indian people. He sides with the arch racist Caribj.

I guess his comments fly past ur keen mind. Because u r buddies. Afroes been good to me, in many ways. But that doan mean that a Caribj would not exist.

These racists on here, is just hanging themselves out since the PPP was disposed of. They thinking coolie ppl days done.

Are you helping them to portray a despicable image of your people?


Vish M posted:

I can  ask the Presidents of the two Chapters.

But you are the first to make this request

Both of those chaps including the Jagans royally screwed up the Indians in Guyana. And the GOPIO should not really encourage them at their podium.

The current government have no interest in the well being of the Indian citizenry. They basically have no interest in the well being of any citizens.

Their schemes of National Cohesion is freaking scam.

Indian ppl needs to hear a new voice, and the GOPIO could help dem. Otherwise, they are done for. If no help is coming, then they should all tek up with Amerindian tribes. Mixed their blood with the hope of their offspring cussing the Indian blood in dem veins.

seignet posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
seignet posted:
cain posted:

You doan know me but know I was part of the elite,I'm glad you have me way up there and if Indian uniqueness is what makes Indians so intolerant to each other, I doan care to know anymore about it.

In the colonial period, every putagee was well to do. And mostly living in GT. Suh how can you really know us Indians. U all din rub shoulders with us, but the Afroes were ur eurocentic  companerios.  

Sige,i can relate differently,there were Portuguese in our village they mixed with the Indians,one inter married with an Indian.

Alyuh grow up in homogeneous society and thinks all over the country is the same.

I have a number of Portuguese friends. I lived in a Portuguese woman's house on David Street Kitty for 6 years. Cain knows one of my Portuguese friends. They have all been good to me. Also, one of my grandfather's close friends was Charlie Correia the winemaker. They were longtime buddies.

Cain, dislike Indian people. He sides with the arch racist Caribj.

I guess his comments fly past ur keen mind. Because u r buddies. Afroes been good to me, in many ways. But that doan mean that a Caribj would not exist.

These racists on here, is just hanging themselves out since the PPP was disposed of. They thinking coolie ppl days done.

Are you helping them to portray a despicable image of your people?


Oh you Po Po ting you, dam liar!!! The racism is in you.

cain posted:
seignet posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
seignet posted:
cain posted:

You doan know me but know I was part of the elite,I'm glad you have me way up there and if Indian uniqueness is what makes Indians so intolerant to each other, I doan care to know anymore about it.

In the colonial period, every putagee was well to do. And mostly living in GT. Suh how can you really know us Indians. U all din rub shoulders with us, but the Afroes were ur eurocentic  companerios.  

Sige,i can relate differently,there were Portuguese in our village they mixed with the Indians,one inter married with an Indian.

Alyuh grow up in homogeneous society and thinks all over the country is the same.

I have a number of Portuguese friends. I lived in a Portuguese woman's house on David Street Kitty for 6 years. Cain knows one of my Portuguese friends. They have all been good to me. Also, one of my grandfather's close friends was Charlie Correia the winemaker. They were longtime buddies.

Cain, dislike Indian people. He sides with the arch racist Caribj.

I guess his comments fly past ur keen mind. Because u r buddies. Afroes been good to me, in many ways. But that doan mean that a Caribj would not exist.

These racists on here, is just hanging themselves out since the PPP was disposed of. They thinking coolie ppl days done.

Are you helping them to portray a despicable image of your people?


Oh you Po Po ting you, dam liar!!! The racism is in you.

Prejudice is a very serious matter. Is no skin teeth. Words are war. No one comes on here bashing Indians will get away with it. Nagamoottoo has only one agenda, himself.

Perhaps, it was always that way. It really shows the type of leadership the Jagans entertained.

Vish M posted:

Cain et al,

Lets focus on the issue on hand.

the issue at hand is indian people setting up criteria about who qualifies as an indian ( outside   leges sanguinis) and whose not meeting their standards are to exiled. It is plainly ignorant and asks if  these mean spirited lot are simply ill informed or intellectually stunted.

Last edited by Former Member
Danyael posted:
Vish M posted:

 Please be advised Moses Nagamootoo was not personally invited

Vish, are you part of this crew revoking Nagamootoo's credential as a proper indian? I know  you  were fully aware  when the head of this organization leveled horrible charges of outcaste status to Guyanese in general.

I would hope you learn that the organization is not dedicated to the identifying the proper indian but the indian in general. There are no rules suggesting that anyone can exclude another on grounds they do not meet the criteria if they can demonstrate they are of indian heritage.

This is not only stupid and small minded. It is an example of why we still have caste undercurrents in our society.


Where in any of my postings did you find justification for your conclusion.

I provided information from GOPIO.



Vish M
seignet posted:
Gilbakka posted:
seignet posted:
Cain, dislike Indian people. 



Siggy, I don't think Cain dislikes Indians generally. It would be more accurate to say that Cain dislikes racial PPP Indians and ROAR-type Indians. 

Would he qualified to be that judge? There are no racists Indians on the BB. We express opinion based on personal experience.  

It is plain to see that you are fulla shit.

Last edited by cain

This is how it will play out. Moses is a resume politican like Ralph. Before the next election he will quit and hand over the Prime minister position to Ramjattan who will run in the next election. He already achieve the Prime minister position. Then he will decide to dedicate more time to helping rural christian Indians. then everyone here will say the man was a good politican.

Prashad posted:

This is how it will play out. Moses is a resume politican like Ralph. Before the next election he will quit and hand over the Prime minister position to Ramjattan who will run in the next election. He already achieve the Prime minister position. Then he will decide to dedicate more time to helping rural christian Indians. then everyone here will say the man was a good politican.

Tarot cards? Tea leaves? Crystal ball? Pandit patra? How yuh know da fo sure bai?

Chief posted:
Vish M posted:

Cain et al,

Lets focus on the issue on hand.

So is it okay for the PPP boys to Cain a racist?

The issue at hand is that these coolie are still reeling  by Mr Nagamootoo  knock out punch .

Victory should imply, the willingness to bring about changes for the better. Nagamootoo has so far demonstrated victory is only for his benefit. If the elections were swayed because of him, then he is a disappointment to those who entrusted their hopes and aspirations in him.

There is a price to be paid when elected officials trampled on the desires of the citizens. I will read of Granger and Nagamootoo. They both lied.


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