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Former Member

Manzoor Nadir elected Speaker of the National Assembly, Shuman elected Deputy

– as 12th Sitting of Parliament gets under way

Sep 01, 2020 News 0, Source - Kaieteur News Online - https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...uman-elected-deputy/

Guyana’s 12th sitting of Parliament commenced earlier this morning and saw Manzoor Nadir being elected as the Speaker of the National Assembly.

Speaker of the National Assembly, Manzoor Nadir

Following behind was Leader of the Liberty and Justice Party, Lennox Shuman as Deputy Speaker.

Shuman ousted Alliance For Change Opposition Member of Parliament, Raphael Trotman in a majority vote for the slot.

Deputy Speaker, Lennox Shuman

Shuman was nominated by Minister of Parliamentary Affairs, Gail Teixeira while Trotman – Speaker for 10th Parliament – was nominated by his fellow MP and Alliance For Change Executive, Cathy Hughes.

Immediately after, the Speaker and Deputy took their oaths of office along with the other MPs.

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Nadir promises to be fair, impartial as Speaker

, Source - News Room - Nadir takes the oath as Speaker of the National Assembly [Photo: DPI/September 1, 2020]

With a political career already spanning 40 years, Manzoor Nadir was on Tuesday elected to serve as Speaker of the National Assembly for the 12th Parliament and has promised to be impartial in the execution of his duties.

Nadir was nominated by Prime Minister Brigadier (rt’d) Mark Phillips and it was seconded by Minister of Governance and Parliamentary Affairs Gail Teixeira.

No other nominations were made.

Nadir is a former five-term Member of Parliament, first being elected in 1992 after the October 5th General Elections as former Leader of the United Force political Party. of the National Assembly Manzoor Nadir greets Clerk of the National Assembly Sherlock Isaacs [Photo: DPI/September 1, 2020]

“Having sat in this very House for some 23 plus years as a member on both the opposition and government sides, I understand the importance of this position and I promise to be impartial, fair, and just while upholding the rules, laws and procedures in the execution of my responsibilities as Speaker of this Honourable House. The veracity of this noble Institution must and will be upheld at all times during my tenure,” the Speaker said in his acceptance speech.

The Speaker said he is “enthusiastic and dedicated” to making the 12th Parliament one that will positively impact on pertinent issues such as constitutional reform, legislative reform, and the implementation of new laws / Acts that caters for changing realities. of the National Assembly Manzoor Nadir [Photo: DPI/September 1, 2020]

“I am committed to working with all sides of the House to ensure that this 12th Parliament will be inscribed, in the history of our country, as being the most successful and productive ever.”

In his message to the new Parliamentarians, Speaker Nadir underscored that their responsibilities to the National Assembly require “dedication, unbiased dialogue, integrity and most importantly, acting in the best interest of the people of Guyana, without whom, we all would not have been here today.”

He added, “When an individual is nominated by a list of electors on nomination’s day, he/she does so with the understanding that your constituents are entrusting you with their lives, their future and will rely on you to represent them by speaking on their behalf.

“As you took your oaths today, I urge you therefore to always be accessible to your constituents and to uphold your vows to the people of Guyana.”

To those who have returned to Parliament, Speaker Nadir urged them to continue their “sterling contributions.”

Meanwhile, the newly elected Speaker also paid homage to Guyana’s Indigenous Peoples who have commenced celebrations in honour of Amerindian Heritage Month today.

“The first Amerindian Member of the House, Stephen Campbell first entered this House on the Tenth of September.  I take this opportunity to wish our Amerindian people and all Guyanese a glorious Amerindian Heritage Month.”


Lenox Shuman elected Deputy Speaker

, Source - News Room - of the Liberty and Justice Party (LJP) Lenox Shuman [Photo: News Room]

Leader of the Liberty and Justice Party and representative of the joinder list in the National Assembly Lenox Shuman has been elected Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly in the 12th Parliament.

The former Indigenous Cheif went up against former Speaker Raphael Trotman for the post and secured the majority votes to be successfully elected to the position.

He was nominated by Minister of Governance and Parliamentary Affairs Gail Teixeira while Trotman was nominated by Alliance for Change member and opposition colleague Catherine Hughes.

The government MPs with their 33 majority in the House voted in favour of Teixeira’s nomination of Shuman allowing for his successful election. Shuman also voted for the motion allowing for a 34/31 vote count.

He immediately took the Oath of Office, along with the other MPs, and will support Speaker Mansor Nadir in his duties.

Shuman represents three parties in the National Assembly – The New and United Guyana (ANUG), the Liberty and Justice Party (LJP) and the New Movement (TNM).

He will, however, not occupy that seat for the entire life of the 12th Parliament. He will have to vacate that seat in keeping with a rotation agreement between the three parties.

@Former Member posted:

Lenox Shuman elected Deputy Speaker


He will, however, not occupy that seat for the entire life of the 12th Parliament. He will have to vacate that seat in keeping with a rotation agreement between the three parties.

That's alright. His replacement will fill it next. Bad news for the PNC.


Sheik, I do not want you to engage me in any discussion directly. You are being disrespectful and annoying. Keep your distance. Everything was going well on the board until you arrived. 

@Former Member posted:

Sheik, I do not want you to engage me in any discussion directly. You are being disrespectful and annoying. Keep your distance. Everything was going well on the board until you arrived. 

I'm only giving my humbled opinion sir.😁😄😃

@Sheik101 posted:

If youre going to make posts on tbe forum, as a member I have the rite to critique u 

hey Sheikster, some relatives went to Queens this weekend and brought back baked goods and delicious-looking fried rice from the Guyanese stores but I'm scared to eat them due to Covid

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

hey Sheikster, some relatives went to Queens this weekend and brought back some baked goods and delicious-looking fried rice but I'm scared to eat them due to Covid

Yuh safe. Doan worry bout it. Where did they buy from. Sybil's?

@Former Member posted:

Sheik, I do not want you to engage me in any discussion directly. You are being disrespectful and annoying. Keep your distance. Everything was going well on the board until you arrived. 

Stop being a cry baby. 

@Sheik101 posted:

If youre going to make posts on tbe forum, as a member I have the rite to critique u 

Right not rite.

But some ayuh dozz write like yuh performing some type of rite like ayuh got the right to seh anything.

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Sheik, I do not want you to engage me in any discussion directly. You are being disrespectful and annoying. Keep your distance. Everything was going well on the board until you arrived. 

I disagree, this place did not become 'bad' after Sheik arrived. It was the worse (edited) forum previously and was worse than Skeik comments.

But as moderator, certain rules needs to be followed, including respect.  So if Skeik is breaking any, take appropriate action. Until then, he has a right to post his opinion, just like any other member.   

Last edited by Former Member
@Tola posted:

I disagree, this place did not become 'bad' after Sheik arrived. It was the worse (edited) forum previously and was worse than Skeik comments.

But as moderator, certain rules needs to be followed, including respect.  So if Skeik is breaking any, take appropriate action. Until then, he has a right to post his opinion, just like any other member.   

Please note that I edited your censored word you use to describe the forum. 

@Former Member posted:

Please note that I edited your censored word you use to describe the forum. 

Will you be unbiased and also edit the same words in CAPS, that are not masked ? 

Last edited by Tola
@Former Member posted:

Did anyone second Cathy Hughes when she nominated Trotman? 

Mansoor Nadir is an excellent choice for the speakership. I am not sure of Lenox Shuman as Deputy Speaker.

Indirectly, the PPP got the Speaker and deputy Speaker. Great going, PPP control Parliament. PNC/AFC dead.

@kp posted:

Indirectly, the PPP got the Speaker and deputy Speaker. Great going, PPP control Parliament. PNC/AFC dead.

The PPP controls the House by an ABSOLUTE majority of 34:31. Just what the doctor ordered.

@Former Member posted:

Sheik, I do not want you to engage me in any discussion directly. You are being disrespectful and annoying. Keep your distance. Everything was going well on the board until you arrived. 

Like you keeping that cutlass closeby?

@Former Member posted:

The PPP controls the House by an ABSOLUTE majority of 34:31. Just what the doctor ordered.

PNC is shut out. Good for the PPP, an all-inclusive party. Look for daily walkouts, bitching and moaning, and groaning. They will try to bully the parliament and will resort to banging the desks. I hope there are no killing threats as they did to happened to Charandass.

@Former Member posted:

Stay humble and everything will be fine but I don't need your opinion. 

You can air your views but nobody else can? Shiek has a right to his opinion. On this thread, he didn't say anything until you started to harass him.


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