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Former Member

Mara ..


One article directly from APNU's site.


You can access other relevant articles.


I cannot locate the thread where we had the discussion.


Hence the post here.






APNU Updates







A Partnership for National Unity

Thursday 15th December 2011





apnu logo - handRepresentatives of A Partnership for National Unity (A.P.N.U) and the Alliance For Change (AFC) met again on Monday 12th December 2011, to continue the exploratory process of a creating a sustainable framework for joint engagement in the National Assembly, and the shaping of a common agenda that takes into account the needs of the Guyanese people, their expectations, and the Parties' commitments made during the just concluded campaign. 


Most importantly, the representatives discussed a wide range of issues that address governance, and the economic wellbeing of the state and its citizens.  These included wide-ranging parliamentary reforms leading to a strong and participatory National Assembly, support for the strengthening of the rule of law, the lowering of the Value Added Tax, and increasing public service wages, among the most urgent.  Increases in Old Age Pension, increase of public sector wages and a re-examination of the Presidents' Pension package were also listed for review.


afc symbol - keyIn the interest of continuing the discussions with a view to arriving on a consensual agenda and building a healthy relationship within the National Assembly, two sectoral working groups, in the areas of governance and the economy, were established to fast-track the process. 


The issue of the appointment of the Speaker of the National Assembly, and other important roles and responsibilities, remain under active discussion for resolution not as isolated items, but as part of a fuller menu of agreed measures.


The two parties agreed to continue to meet and deepen their engagement and remain committed to fulfilling the mandate the people of Guyana.

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To anyone with no history of Guyana’s politics this joint statement of Dec 15, 2011, shortly after the 2011 elections where the PPP/C regained the Presidency but lost the Parliamentary majority by one vote, would be quite normal. To those knowing the tortured history of Guyana’s politics this would, understandably, be treated with skepticism.


What we can reflect on 6 months later of the new Parliament, among other things, are such things contained in this joint statement as to how to approach the Speaker-ship of the National Assembly.


  1. exploratory process of a creating a sustainable framework for joint engagement in the National Assembly
  2. a re-examination of the Presidents' Pension package
  3. The issue of the appointment of the Speaker of the National Assembly, and other important roles and responsibilities, remain under active discussion for resolution not as isolated items, but as part of a fuller menu of agreed measures.





This  is  a  Press  release  by  APNU and there is  absolutely  nothing  abnormal about  the  joint opposition meeting   and  discussing  strategies "... to continue the exploratory process of a creating a sustainable framework for joint engagement in the National Assembly, and the shaping of a common agenda that takes into account the needs of the Guyanese people, their expectations, and the Parties' commitments made during the just concluded campaign..."

It  is  in  fact  a far  cry  from  a  formal  union   between  the  AFC  and  APNU which  you  have   been  advancing  here:

"...The good for the nation was a have a political organisation devoid of ties to any group to pursue a new path for Guyanese, as were the intentions advocated by the AFC.


Immediate and current actions, after the 2011 elections, show that the AFC has abandoned that approach and is integrated into the PNC.

And, that exactly is where the AFC is today..."


AND  Here:

"...It was publicly announced by the AFC in the newspapers that their key members are formally united with the PNC to formulate their strategies.


1. You can find the article in the newspapers.


2. The statement was made by the AFC officials"



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