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Former Member

March 2020 is the earliest possible time for the holding of General and Regional Elections, according to several Commissioners at the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) nominated by both sides of the political divide. They spoke to members of the media after yesterday’s statutory meeting of the Commission at the Secretariat’s Kingston headquarters.

Commissioner Robeson Benn

Commissioner Vincent Alexander

Commissioner Robeson Benn said that that timeline is repeated in four separate proposals made by the Secretariat to the Commission. To be more specific, Commissioner Bibi Shadick said that the date being looked at is precisely one year and two days after the Constitutional date of March 21 – which is the three month timeframe stipulated by the Constitution in the case of the passing of a No Confidence Motion. That would be March 23, 2020.
It is important to note that no decision was made at yesterday’s meeting.
GECOM Chair, Justice Claudette Singh, during a brief interview yesterday, noted that no date has been decided on. It was emphasised that this date is simply the proposal which currently provides the earliest date for elections.
Commissioner Vincent Alexander told reporters that the Commissioners were widely able to come to some consensus on some of the timelines proposed, but stressed that the proposals are still currently under revision.
Attempts were made to crunch the numbers to determine whether the timeline could be shortened, according to Commissioner Charles Corbin, but he said it is only possible to reduce the timelines in those proposals by eight days.

Commissioner Sase Gunraj

Commissioner Bibi Shadick

Commissioner Charles Corbin

There are many activities that are to be done within the period leading up to March next year, and even though some run concurrently, it’s not enough to allow GECOM to crunch the numbers enough. Alexander explained that there are certain statutory activities for which GECOM can’t make a determination on how long it should take. An example of that is the period that must span Nomination Day and Election Day.
The Opposition-nominated Commissioners – Shadick, Benn and Gunraj – are adamant that elections should be held this year.
“We are opposed to that situation.” Benn stated.
Asked whether it is possible for elections to be held this year, Alexander said that it would be a “hard call” to make. He explained that it would be extremely improbable.
Gunraj said that it would be better for elections to be held in November of this year.
“We are insisting that we accord with the Constitutional imperatives,” Benn added.
But for the November timeline to work, according to Benn, GECOM would have to roll back on its decision to use the data from House-to-House Registration.
“We advise that the House-to-House Registration is incomplete, it’s aborted.”
He said that some of the data from the exercise could still be used, but only in cases where new registrants are being added who have come of age to vote. Even then, he contends that that would not add many young people. Further additions of new registrants who have come of age would, he advised, come from a period of claims and objections “with the political parties as scrutineers”.
The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) has made it a major point of contention that the data acquired from the recently suspended House-to-House exercise should be considered invalid, since it did not send scrutineers to participate.
But Corbin contends that a November date is an unrealistic timeline, and that there was no real discussion on how that timeline was arrived at.
“They don’t want to discuss it. They just want to say this November.”
He explained that the correct practice is to determine a date based on how activities align, instead of attempting to fit the preparatory activities into a timeline of choice.
Several things must be done before elections are held.
At present, the Secretariat is entering the data gotten from House-to-House into its database.
According to Shadick, of the 370,800+ registrants enumerators accumulated, the Secretariat has only scanned and input about 120,000 or so into its database. The House-to-House exercise was brought to a halt, one week ago.
“So we’re not even anywhere near to them inputting all that data that they collected. They input less than a third.”
After that, the Secretariat would have to have the cross-matching done. While there is no definitive decision at the level of the Commission on who will do it, Alexander said that there seems to be some amount of consensus on having it done by the previous service provider, Cogent Systems Inc.
He said that that could be done, subject to verification, in about 16 days.
According to GECOM, the merger of that data with the National Register of Registrants (NRR) would be followed by an extensive period of claims and objections, but the timeframe for that is unclear.
Otherwise, GECOM discussed the production of new identification (ID) cards, which are very different in configuration, material and design, from the cards currently in circulation.
Corbin, Alexander and Shadick all said that when that is done, the old ID cards would be decommissioned.
Shadick said the Commission has “kind of agreed” that GECOM should produce its own ID cards.
According to an Internal Memorandum (dated September 3, 2019), GECOM would procure its own card issuance system at a cost of US$495,000, inclusive of consulting and administration costs.
According to the document, it would take two weeks to acquire the equipment, three days to deploy and configure it, and about nine continuous days to produce 750,000 cards.
However, Alexander said that, in the interest of time, the Commission is considering printing only as much as is needed for the upcoming General and Regional Elections, for persons who would be over 18 years of age at a qualifying date.
The Opposition-nominated Commissioners appeared opposed to the production of ID cards, as they stressed that the process is not necessary at this time.
Alexander admitted that whether ID cards should be produced is a major matter of contention, but he maintains that it is a critical part of the exercise, as GECOM was granted funds specifically for the production of ID cards in the 2019 budget.
In any case, Corbin explained that the production of ID cards runs concurrent with the preparation process, and that the election date does not depend in any way on the production of ID cards.
It should be noted that it is not necessary for a voter to produce an ID card at a polling station in order to cast their vote.
“In other words, if you don’t produce ID cards, it doesn’t affect the date.” Corbin said.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Several months ago I said the PNC will drag this out and agree to election just short of their full term.  They will say they complied with early elections!

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:

Several months ago I said the PNC will drag this out and agree to election just short of their full term.  They will say they complied with early elections!

Prezi Granger, said he was elected for the full term, the message was sent .

Django posted:
Baseman posted:

Several months ago I said the PNC will drag this out and agree to election just short of their full term.  They will say they complied with early elections!

Prezi Granger, said he was elected for the full term, the message was sent .

Wasn't Ramotar elected for a full term? The difference is Ramotar respected the constitution and Granger thinks he IS the constitution.

Django posted:
Baseman posted:

Several months ago I said the PNC will drag this out and agree to election just short of their full term.  They will say they complied with early elections!

Prezi Granger, said he was elected for the full term, the message was sent .

In other words, nothing can remove him, even when his term is up. All of this is a trial run to remain as a Dictator. The PPP opposition is a Little Puppy, all bark no bite.

 Mr No Confidence{Charrandas} has reduced himself from a Hero to Zero, he is a coward, stir up shit then run to NA for shelter, using his Canadian passport. A true Hero would have stayed and fight to the Bitter end.

kp posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

Several months ago I said the PNC will drag this out and agree to election just short of their full term.  They will say they complied with early elections!

Prezi Granger, said he was elected for the full term, the message was sent .

In other words, nothing can remove him, even when his term is up. All of this is a trial run to remain as a Dictator. The PPP opposition is a Little Puppy, all bark no bite.

 Mr No Confidence{Charrandas} has reduced himself from a Hero to Zero, he is a coward, stir up shit then run to NA for shelter, using his Canadian passport. A true Hero would have stayed and fight to the Bitter end.

Let's not put the blame entirely on Charandass. He never expected Guyana to be turned into a PNC Granger led dictatorship. He had to leave to protect his life. You know the history of the PNC.

skeldon_man posted:
kp posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

Several months ago I said the PNC will drag this out and agree to election just short of their full term.  They will say they complied with early elections!

Prezi Granger, said he was elected for the full term, the message was sent .

In other words, nothing can remove him, even when his term is up. All of this is a trial run to remain as a Dictator. The PPP opposition is a Little Puppy, all bark no bite.

 Mr No Confidence{Charrandas} has reduced himself from a Hero to Zero, he is a coward, stir up shit then run to NA for shelter, using his Canadian passport. A true Hero would have stayed and fight to the Bitter end.

Let's not put the blame entirely on Charandass. He never expected Guyana to be turned into a PNC Granger led dictatorship. He had to leave to protect his life. You know the history of the PNC.

Every Indian life is at risk in Guyana under this illegal government, he would have benefited and protected more than the ordinary being an MP.

As a lawyer Charran made allegations then flee the country, he should have stayed and defended his stance, bring to light the incompetence of the AFC/APNU rule. Being here in Canada going to different temples to be worshiped as an idol singing the same old song does not help the cause in Guyana. Many say He cut and Run.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

Several months ago I said the PNC will drag this out and agree to election just short of their full term.  They will say they complied with early elections!

Prezi Granger, said he was elected for the full term, the message was sent .

Wasn't Ramotar elected for a full term? The difference is Ramotar respected the constitution and Granger thinks he IS the constitution.

You can’t expect Granger to demonstrate the decent fortitude that Ramotar has. It is incompatible with his nature. 

skeldon_man posted:

They still live in the trees and have not evolved as yet.

You just can't stop with the racist shit talk, so here goes you imbecile. You rass lucky the white man pulled your people away from India, you racist skont would still be shittin in the street and wash your ass with leaf.pon top ah dat you would be killing yo mattie dem in Pakistan  over piece ah land, more fo go shit on.

Django posted:
Baseman posted:

Several months ago I said the PNC will drag this out and agree to election just short of their full term.  They will say they complied with early elections!

Prezi Granger, said he was elected for the full term, the message was sent .

But there is the constitution. It’s not up to him.  

That’s why I contend,  Ayuh PPP and PNC deserve each other. Pure buggering and screwing.

Human and political development in Guyana will not progress until both the PNC and PPP are rendered impotent by the introduction of new population, be it Brazilian, Venezuelan and other non-Indo/non-Afro who will the coalesce around a new political force to take the majority and form the government!

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

Several months ago I said the PNC will drag this out and agree to election just short of their full term.  They will say they complied with early elections!

Prezi Granger, said he was elected for the full term, the message was sent .

Wasn't Ramotar elected for a full term? The difference is Ramotar respected the constitution and Granger thinks he IS the constitution.

Plus a stinking GADAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!

cain posted:
skeldon_man posted:

They still live in the trees and have not evolved as yet.

You just can't stop with the racist shit talk, so here goes you imbecile. You rass lucky the white man pulled your people away from India, you racist skont would still be shittin in the street and wash your ass with leaf.pon top ah dat you would be killing yo mattie dem in Pakistan  over piece ah land, more fo go shit on.

Don't expect anything better from a petrified brain. I have always thanked the white man for bringing my forefathers to Guyana. At least I still thank the white man for allowing me to be here. You can go on with your incoherent ramblings of Muslims, Hindus, India, and Pakistan and shitting and pissing on your face. I will always be outspoken and yes, in case your petrified brain does not recall, I have criticized every race including my own. So shut your dope eating mouth. Putagees are racists too.

Prince posted:

Yes Skelly, why are you so racist, bhaiya? Now you cussing Cain because Blackman giving you goodie for election.  

You start with yourF'kin lil bai nonsense soon marnin? Blackman did not give ME goodie fun elekshan. You sure you nah want fuh seh goadie? Hey you triple chin baby E(elephant), continue sucking the black man goadie and you gon get weh you want fuh go. If you tek out devil fram you mind and put god in it, you might stop sucking black man goadie.

skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:

Yes Skelly, why are you so racist, bhaiya? Now you cussing Cain because Blackman giving you goodie for election.  

You start with yourF'kin lil bai nonsense soon marnin? Blackman did not give ME goodie fun elekshan. You sure you nah want fuh seh goadie? Hey you triple chin baby E(elephant), continue sucking the black man goadie and you gon get weh you want fuh go. If you tek out devil fram you mind and put god in it, you might stop sucking black man goadie.

Look how you cussing and getting on. I only mention black and all hell broke loose. 

Prince posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:

Yes Skelly, why are you so racist, bhaiya? Now you cussing Cain because Blackman giving you goodie for election.  

You start with yourF'kin lil bai nonsense soon marnin? Blackman did not give ME goodie fun elekshan. You sure you nah want fuh seh goadie? Hey you triple chin baby E(elephant), continue sucking the black man goadie and you gon get weh you want fuh go. If you tek out devil fram you mind and put god in it, you might stop sucking black man goadie.

Look how you cussing and getting on. I only mention black and all hell broke loose. 

You pretend as if black man ah me mumma man.

skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:

Yes Skelly, why are you so racist, bhaiya? Now you cussing Cain because Blackman giving you goodie for election.  

You start with yourF'kin lil bai nonsense soon marnin? Blackman did not give ME goodie fun elekshan. You sure you nah want fuh seh goadie? Hey you triple chin baby E(elephant), continue sucking the black man goadie and you gon get weh you want fuh go. If you tek out devil fram you mind and put god in it, you might stop sucking black man goadie.

Look how you cussing and getting on. I only mention black and all hell broke loose. 

You pretend as if black man ah me mumma man.

If it were, you might have been a better person, you never know. Look how the few blacks here carry on, not with the vulgar racist diatribe we see oozing out of you. Even I do worse than they due to the shit you and a few here post.

I am sure you notice other Indos here posting who do not carry on the way you and a few others do, they are decent people. Perhaps you need some sexual release to get you over that hump.

cain posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:

Yes Skelly, why are you so racist, bhaiya? Now you cussing Cain because Blackman giving you goodie for election.  

You start with yourF'kin lil bai nonsense soon marnin? Blackman did not give ME goodie fun elekshan. You sure you nah want fuh seh goadie? Hey you triple chin baby E(elephant), continue sucking the black man goadie and you gon get weh you want fuh go. If you tek out devil fram you mind and put god in it, you might stop sucking black man goadie.

Look how you cussing and getting on. I only mention black and all hell broke loose. 

You pretend as if black man ah me mumma man.

If it were, you might have been a better person, you never know. Look how the few blacks here carry on, not with the vulgar racist diatribe we see oozing out of you. Even I do worse than they due to the shit you and a few here post.

I am sure you notice other Indos here posting who do not carry on the way you and a few others do, they are decent people. Perhaps you need some sexual release to get you over that hump.

I heard Skelly grew up by Skeldon market square. Cain, you believe Skelly hate black people? 

cain posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:

Yes Skelly, why are you so racist, bhaiya? Now you cussing Cain because Blackman giving you goodie for election.  

You start with yourF'kin lil bai nonsense soon marnin? Blackman did not give ME goodie fun elekshan. You sure you nah want fuh seh goadie? Hey you triple chin baby E(elephant), continue sucking the black man goadie and you gon get weh you want fuh go. If you tek out devil fram you mind and put god in it, you might stop sucking black man goadie.

Look how you cussing and getting on. I only mention black and all hell broke loose. 

You pretend as if black man ah me mumma man.

If it were, you might have been a better person, you never know. Look how the few blacks here carry on, not with the vulgar racist diatribe we see oozing out of you. Even I do worse than they due to the shit you and a few here post.

I am sure you notice other Indos here posting who do not carry on the way you and a few others do, they are decent people. Perhaps you need some sexual release to get you over that hump.

You should know. You bent over many times to take that kind of humping. Or you visit Ms. Palmer on a daily basis?

Prince posted:
cain posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:

Yes Skelly, why are you so racist, bhaiya? Now you cussing Cain because Blackman giving you goodie for election.  

You start with yourF'kin lil bai nonsense soon marnin? Blackman did not give ME goodie fun elekshan. You sure you nah want fuh seh goadie? Hey you triple chin baby E(elephant), continue sucking the black man goadie and you gon get weh you want fuh go. If you tek out devil fram you mind and put god in it, you might stop sucking black man goadie.

Look how you cussing and getting on. I only mention black and all hell broke loose. 

You pretend as if black man ah me mumma man.

If it were, you might have been a better person, you never know. Look how the few blacks here carry on, not with the vulgar racist diatribe we see oozing out of you. Even I do worse than they due to the shit you and a few here post.

I am sure you notice other Indos here posting who do not carry on the way you and a few others do, they are decent people. Perhaps you need some sexual release to get you over that hump.

I heard Skelly grew up by Skeldon market square. Cain, you believe Skelly hate black people? 

I hate coolies equally. Look how I cuss you down more than negroes and yet you hard jackass mouth  don't get it.

Prince posted:
cain posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:

If it were, you might have been a better person, you never know. Look how the few blacks here carry on, not with the vulgar racist diatribe we see oozing out of you. Even I do worse than they due to the shit you and a few here post.

I am sure you notice other Indos here posting who do not carry on the way you and a few others do, they are decent people. Perhaps you need some sexual release to get you over that hump.

I heard Skelly grew up by Skeldon market square. Cain, you believe Skelly hate black people? 

Prince and Cain are negroes.

skeldon_man posted:
cain posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Prince and Cain are negroes.

...and you are a moron.

Are you belittled to be called a negro?

Are you belittled to be called what you really are, a moron?

cain posted:
skeldon_man posted:
cain posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Prince and Cain are negroes.

...and you are a moron.

Are you belittled to be called a negro?

Are you belittled to be called what you really are, a moron?

Why should I give a rat's ass as to what shit comes out of your fried brain? I don't see you buying my groceries.


Oi, I ain't belittled being called a negro but would be if called what you are, moron.

Doan worry, I won't be buying you any dam groceries, you are the one who said that blacks helped you with getting over out of Guyana and you turn round and call them nasty names. You does eat people food an bore hole in plate, yo dutty rass.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

Several months ago I said the PNC will drag this out and agree to election just short of their full term.  They will say they complied with early elections!

Prezi Granger, said he was elected for the full term, the message was sent .

Wasn't Ramotar elected for a full term? The difference is Ramotar respected the constitution and Granger thinks he IS the constitution.

Elections in November.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

Several months ago I said the PNC will drag this out and agree to election just short of their full term.  They will say they complied with early elections!

Prezi Granger, said he was elected for the full term, the message was sent .

Wasn't Ramotar elected for a full term? The difference is Ramotar respected the constitution and Granger thinks he IS the constitution.

Elections in November.

Morning dawlin’.  Is who tell yuh suh?

Bibi Haniffa posted:
cain posted:
Baseman posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Elections in November.

Morning dawlin’.  Is who tell yuh suh?

When November comes she'll say it's moved to March.




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