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Chief posted:
ba$eman posted:
ksazma posted:
Leonora posted:

Let's hope we don't see Chiefy in any rioting pics. like the rogues who burned down the limo yesterday.    We haven't heard yet who rode the limo to the inauguration and had to beg a ride home.  

Those protestors were operating PNC style.

If they don't stop this crap, Trump's red-necks will swarm in from the Appalachian!

DJ Trump is president and he is here to stay!  Get used to it people!

I do not agree with the bahavior of thugs .

A twist of irony though,  a bunch of bikers were on Hannity the night before boasting how they will stop any protestor or rioters.

Apparently they were MIA.

MIA because they heard a Islamic man name Chief has his troops out, and will be visiting Saturday 

Chief posted:
ba$eman posted:
ksazma posted:

Those protestors were operating PNC style.

If they don't stop this crap, Trump's red-necks will swarm in from the Appalachian!

DJ Trump is president and he is here to stay!  Get used to it people!

I do not agree with the bahavior of thugs .

A twist of irony though,  a bunch of bikers were on Hannity the night before boasting how they will stop any protestor or rioters.

Apparently they were MIA.

It is mostly women so the red-necks let them vent.  I'm sure they all have good practice at home!

Imran posted:
Chief posted:

I do not agree with the bahavior of thugs .

A twist of irony though,  a bunch of bikers were on Hannity the night before boasting how they will stop any protestor or rioters.

Apparently they were MIA.

MIA because they heard a Islamic man name Chief has his troops out, and will be visiting Saturday 

Imran, You better advise our Chiefy to strap on his jock strap tightly. The bikers might just show up and he will need to make a 100 yards dash faster than Usain Bolt.

Amral posted:

these people marching today are wasting their time. They are only causing more division than healing

I agree. People like Sharpton use these kinds of frenzies to enrich themselves. There were a lot of lazy people who did not vote in November. I wouldn't be surprised if some of them are marching today. "An once of precaution is better than a pound of cure"

ksazma posted:
Amral posted:

these people marching today are wasting their time. They are only causing more division than healing

I agree. People like Sharpton use these kinds of frenzies to enrich themselves. There were a lot of lazy people who did not vote in November. I wouldn't be surprised if some of them are marching today. "An once of precaution is better than a pound of cure"

Totally agree. If you didn't vote, don't complain or protest.

ksazma posted:
Amral posted:

these people marching today are wasting their time. They are only causing more division than healing

I agree. People like Sharpton use these kinds of frenzies to enrich themselves. There were a lot of lazy people who did not vote in November. I wouldn't be surprised if some of them are marching today. "An once of precaution is better than a pound of cure"

You folks need to stop seeing the world in black and white. Instead see the world in beautiful high definition.

This was not a democrat vs Republican thing, it was people power (from all walks). 

It is also an insult to sit at home and make such statements when our brother got his ass out of bed early this morning and drove hours to do his civic duty.

BTW, the march got under the skin of orange-a-tang.

Abu Jihad posted:
Chief posted:

Quick update this is by far the largest March I have attended in DC . 

Close to a million people.


I envy you my brother.

I was watching the crowd and the only thing that came to my mind was Mina.


Definitely . 

Only those  of us who experienced that will know the feeling. The folks I was with were Americans andwhen I started to navigate the crowd they were surprised. I did not say where I got my experiece, stoning at Jamarah.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

A million people showed up for the march.  299 million did not. Trump is in good territory.

Mahatma Ghandi and Martin Luther King proved that your calculation is so wrong.

The colonial power in India and the authorities who kept non whites at the back of the bus in America used your math Bibi and the rest is history.

yuji22 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

A million people showed up for the march.  299 million did not. Trump is in good territory.

Exactly one of the points in my commentary. This march achieved nothing.

These women would have been better off staying home and Balay some Roti for their men who were at home watching football.  

Would you say the same thing here if women of all races take to the streets in Guyana to protest against the current government's policies? Be careful what comes out of your "fingers".

yuji22 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

A million people showed up for the march.  299 million did not. Trump is in good territory.

Exactly one of the points in my commentary. This march achieved nothing.

These women would have been better off staying home and Balay some Roti for their men who were at home watching football.  

That is the solution for your women, how primitive.


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