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Marcus Brian Bisram, the Founder, Trustee and President of the Marcus Brian Bisram Foundation is a passionate human being with a heart of gold who believes in service to mankind. As a young cultural ambassador and investor, Marcus has been making a name for himself. A substantial portion of the net proceeds of his investments goes to charitable and humanitarian projects both here in the USA and in Guyana. He is a strong propagator of education, culture and religion especially with the younger generations.

Marcus has contributed a vast amount of donations to the preserving and the establishment of several temples here in the Tri- State area as well as abroad. His passion for his religion sparks these contributions because he believes that religion is one of the pillars to the success of a person. He has also made several charitable endowments to organizations that promote our wonderful culture especially with the younger generation. His love for a variety of music and dance sparks his initiatives to give back to many cultural projects. Marcus has been focusing on numerous cultural projects in the community not only to lend a hand to the various organizations that request his assistance but because he adores his wonderful culture and wants it to flourish.

Bisram has begun to set examples for the younger generation by donating to projects that better the human race especially within our community and with people from Indo Caribbean decent. His hope is that his initiatives is a stepping stone for the youngsters to see that with preservation, determination and having education and culture as your backbone one can be successful like him. His is very adamant about preserving our wonderful culture because so much is being lost with the changing of times and melting pot of society that is why he commits a reasonable amount of his donations to projects that uplifts our culture. Marcus will continue to make a difference via MBBF especially to education, culture and service to mankind.

— with Marcus Brian Bisram.

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