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Margaret Osborne – One hundred years of a life well lived - - And still counting


September 22, 2012 | By | Filed Under News -- Source


Yesterday marked the centenary of Margaret Irene Osborne who was born to John and Rebecca Babb on September 21, 1912 in the village of Hague, West Coast Demerara.  Born into a family in which there were seven siblings, Margaret spent her early days on the West Coast, attending St Jude’s Anglican School and later attended sewing classes.


Margaret Irene Osborne


On June 3, 1944, Margaret married Herbert Osborne. The union produced three children; Orlton, Jeanette and Ian Osborne.  Margaret and Herbert moved their young family to Linden.

She continued to be a homemaker and stayed at home while her husband worked in the Bauxite industry.  Margaret was known to be a loving and committed family person who was feisty and strong willed but calm and strong.

As a testament to her commitment to her family, once during a period when her husband was unemployed, she took on domestic work to support her family. The couple was married for 61 years before Herbert’s death in 2006.

This centenarian is fortunate to enjoy good health and condition for her age, maintaining her memory, eyesight and hearing.

She continued to be the beloved matriarch of her family.  She enjoys reading the newspaper and continues have a keen interest in the politics of the day. Margaret also enjoys good conversation and catching up on old times with her family. An ardent Anglican, she also enjoys Pentecostal services.

Margaret now lives in Georgetown with her daughter. She has seven grand children and two great grandchildren.  Margaret is not the first centenarian in the family.  Her late brother, Rupert Babb, also achieved this feat. Margaret is the only surviving child of her parents.

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