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Marriot construction site labour concerns more political than real- President RamotarPDFPrintE-mail
Written by GINA   
Sunday, 17 February 2013 23:01

PRESIDENT Donald Ramotar said the issues surrounding Chinese workers who are constructing the Marriott Hotel in Guyana are more political in nature rather than a genuine concern for Guyanese.

Responding to questions during a press conference at the Miami Hilton on Saturday, the President dismissed the suggestion that allowing Chinese skilled workers to construct the hotel is an indication that Guyana lacks the skills. “That’s not the issue; in fact to me, when I look at the issue, I think it’s more like the opposition looking for an issue to try to make a fight, because one- a lot of Guyanese are being employed, because contractors supply all the concrete work, security services, many other services that the contractor needs in building the hotel are being supplied there… I think Guyanese have done more construction in the Caribbean than any other group of people so it’s not that we don’t have capable people and so forth as they are saying,” the President explained.
He noted that there is a contract with the Chinese which, by allowing them to use Chinese workers on the project, Guyana benefitted from a huge discount on the project.
“We have a contract with the Chinese to build the Marriot hotel. That contract was gone into; part of it we had a discount to allow the Chinese to come in, from US$65 million to US$51 million in the construction of the hotel,” the Head of State said.
He said while there is not a lack of skilled Guyanese, the demand for their services is very high, especially in Guyana’s current construction boom.
“Many local employers are now asking us to allow them to bring in some labour sometimes to do some work within the system, and if you look too and where I sit I will see this. Many of the projects we have because of the volume of work that exists within our country at this time, almost every single contractor is behind time because of the volume of work that they have, I will give you one example, the Black Bush Polder road was one year behind time and if you make a thorough examination of all these, we have the Hope Canal going on now and some sections too are behind schedule, largely not because of the lack of skills, but because of the lack of labour,” the President said.
The Guyanese leader also pointed out that a large number of skilled Guyanese have now been absorbed into the mining sector, which has been growing extensively in recent times.
“A lot of people have been absorbed into the gold industry. For instance, it is very difficult on the coast now to get a heavy-duty operator, a dragline operator; most of them have gone into the interior, because they work for a quarter million or half a million Guyana dollars a month in there. So the economy has been growing and has been absorbing a lot of labour; all the facts are there… The construction sector in Guyana has grown enormously. We are building new roads to the airport; they are also struggling (behind schedule). So in my own view this is more political, than it is real.”
The use of Chinese labour in the ongoing construction of the Marriott prompted a picketing exercise by opposition entities at the site and a threat by the Guyana Trades Union Congress (GTUC) to take court action.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Many are saying, the joint opposition is just pulling a political stunt

bless u bai . . . i know de post count is what matters


mek de lil money while de mekkin good . . . it soon coming to an end


“We have a contract with the Chinese to build the Marriot hotel. That contract was gone into; part of it we had a discount to allow the Chinese to come in, from US$65 million to US$51 million in the construction of the hotel,” the Head of State said.
He said while there is not a lack of skilled Guyanese, the demand for their services is very high, especially in Guyana’s current construction boom.
“Many local employers are now asking us to allow them to bring in some labour sometimes to do some work within the system, and if you look too and where I sit I will see this. Many of the projects we have because of the volume of work that exists within our country at this time, almost every single contractor is behind time because of the volume of work that they have, I will give you one example, the Black Bush Polder road was one year behind time and if you make a thorough examination of all these, we have the Hope Canal going on now and some sections too are behind schedule, largely not because of the lack of skills, but because of the lack of labour,” the President said.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

“We have a contract with the Chinese to build the Marriot hotel. That contract was gone into; part of it we had a discount to allow the Chinese to come in, from US$65 million to US$51 million in the construction of the hotel,” the Head of State said.
He said while there is not a lack of skilled Guyanese, the demand for their services is very high, especially in Guyana’s current construction boom.
“Many local employers are now asking us to allow them to bring in some labour sometimes to do some work within the system, and if you look too and where I sit I will see this. Many of the projects we have because of the volume of work that exists within our country at this time, almost every single contractor is behind time because of the volume of work that they have, I will give you one example, the Black Bush Polder road was one year behind time and if you make a thorough examination of all these, we have the Hope Canal going on now and some sections too are behind schedule, largely not because of the lack of skills, but because of the lack of labour,” the President said.

bless u bai . . . i know de post count is what matters


mek de lil money while de mekkin good . . . it soon coming to an end


The opposition goons seems to be grasping at any straw, to remain relevant, it is clear as day to see, their Marriott Hotel is going ahead on Schedule against all the predictions of the opposition's preachers of doom....when completed, hundreds of Guyanese will be gainfully employed

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The opposition goons seems to be grasping at any straw, to remain relevant, it is clear as day to see, their Marriott Hotel is going ahead on Schedule against all the predictions of the opposition's preachers of doom....when completed, hundreds of Guyanese will be gainfully employed

Suh wah yuh gun tell the youths looking fuh wan jab.."ayuh tie yuh belly an bear am bettah"...soon when the hotel done ayuh can back fuh wuk as sex slave..

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Many are saying, the joint opposition is just pulling a political stunt

When you say "many" how many do you really mean, 130 people or so?



Originally Posted by Conscience:

The opposition goons seems to be grasping at any straw, to remain relevant, it is clear as day to see, their Marriott Hotel is going ahead on Schedule against all the predictions of the opposition's preachers of doom....when completed, hundreds of Guyanese will be gainfully employed

Oh yeah! You would be employed as a sex slave.

Originally Posted by Prashad:

Guyana is forced into a position where it is China or nothing.  No white country is going to send construction technology to Guyana.

nonsense! . . . this is either a slavish recitation from Freedom House's tiefman manual, or


you have the reasoning capacity of a 12-year old

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

Guyana is forced into a position where it is China or nothing.  No white country is going to send construction technology to Guyana.

nonsense! . . . this is either a slavish recitation from Freedom House's tiefman manual, or


you have the reasoning capacity of a 12-year old

look at this lil antiman do-little.  High-tail it out of Guyana, lived off the backs of laboring Guyanese in a "White" country, now he commenting on who Guyana should seek help from.  Who gives a damn what you think.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

Guyana is forced into a position where it is China or nothing.  No white country is going to send construction technology to Guyana.

nonsense! . . . this is either a slavish recitation from Freedom House's tiefman manual, or


you have the reasoning capacity of a 12-year old

look at this lil antiman do-little.  High-tail it out of Guyana, lived off the backs of laboring Guyanese in a "White" country, now he commenting on who Guyana should seek help from.  Who gives a damn what you think.

ow baseman bai . . . dis wan been pun yuh chest whole nite nuh?


chill lil, and next time offer up something useful like argument rather than pelting random shyte @ me from your kneeling position with that, ahhh, very feminine throwing motion, hoping . . .


har de har har har

Last edited by Former Member

Ramouthar should be concerned about the political implications of what is happening at the Marriot construction site with the absence of Guyanese labour..... Sometime ago he promised to create at least 10,000 new jobs and so far he has been president for over a year and no growth in the job market....


I do not buy the language barrier excuse as I have seen in other parts of the Caribbean construction  being undertaken by Chinese firms utilising local labour ( unskilled ) on their sites....


This whole Marriot issue has been agreed on behind closed doors by the Chinese firm involved and representatives of the Jagdeo/Ramouthar cabal....this lack of transparency will  soon lead  to the proverbial opening of  " a can of worms ".....

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

Guyana is forced into a position where it is China or nothing.  No white country is going to send construction technology to Guyana.

nonsense! . . . this is either a slavish recitation from Freedom House's tiefman manual, or


you have the reasoning capacity of a 12-year old

look at this lil antiman do-little.  High-tail it out of Guyana, lived off the backs of laboring Guyanese in a "White" country, now he commenting on who Guyana should seek help from.  Who gives a damn what you think.

 That he thinks is the significant thing. You can exercise that organ in your head a little more and avid the fluff not to mention the ignorance in posts as these.

Originally Posted by Prashad:

Guyana is forced into a position where it is China or nothing.  No white country is going to send construction technology to Guyana.

 China itself is what white tech build. You are talking complete and utter nonsense. China has borrowed, stole or appropriated by other means ( tech exchanges etc) all of its boot strapping technology. It, on the other hand, gives nothing away from which it does not expect at minimum a twofold return. It does not lend without it controlling the cash. It does not build without getting additional bargains in extraction options to resources it lacks ( timber, minerals). It gets these deals because it does not live or care to live by an ethics of fairness. It has no compunction to bribe, to buy their way into the assats of poor nation states as ours that are ruled by poor people wanting to get rich such as those in the PPP.


The AFC have gone back to this Anti-Imperialist thing again. Who the hell can do business without China today? China is giving aid to Russia and lending money to AMerican corporations. They're the biggest holders of U.S. debt securities. Americans are bitching and moaning about America's dependence on China but Washington just ignores everyone and keep increasing its trade with China. 


The Chinese are now building Guyana's first international hotel and the moon-gazers are out in force screaming and making all sorts of alarms. Should we take them seriously?  I say No!  For too long we have waited for the West to help us develop our country and the results have been disastrous. Today's leaders in Guyana are looking at ways of bringing prosperity to the nation even if it means some sacrifices. The Chinese have a policy of  scrambling most of the contracts for major projects that their monies is financing. The Marriot is no exception. You can use your own labor but it will cost you more.  Use our labor and you will get the loan,.  Simple as that.


Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The AFC have gone back to this Anti-Imperialist thing again. Who the hell can do business without China today? China is giving aid to Russia and lending money to AMerican corporations. They're the biggest holders of U.S. debt securities. Americans are bitching and moaning about America's dependence on China but Washington just ignores everyone and keep increasing its trade with China. 


The Chinese are now building Guyana's first international hotel and the moon-gazers are out in force screaming and making all sorts of alarms. Should we take them seriously?  I say No!  For too long we have waited for the West to help us develop our country and the results have been disastrous. Today's leaders in Guyana are looking at ways of bringing prosperity to the nation even if it means some sacrifices. The Chinese have a policy of  scrambling most of the contracts for major projects that their monies is financing. The Marriot is no exception. You can use your own labor but it will cost you more.  Use our labor and you will get the loan,.  Simple as that.




Hmmm...Chinese are building the hotel? The hotel is financed by the tax payers and Republic Bank. So far only Chinese laborers are benefiting. 


Guyanese need jobs! The Chinese won't feed those Guyanese who are looking for work that expensively imported Chinese slave labourers are brought in to do instead. Don't forget that most of those Chinese labourers are convicts.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The opposition goons seems to be grasping at any straw, to remain relevant, it is clear as day to see, their Marriott Hotel is going ahead on Schedule against all the predictions of the opposition's preachers of doom....when completed, hundreds of Guyanese will be gainfully employed



If Guyanese lackj the skills to build structires that they have already built in Guyana and elsewhere in CARICOM, they definitely lack the skills needed in a 4 star facility, given that few Guyana have proper training in the hospitality trades.


So I will expect Filipinos to arrive to do the jobs at Marriott, except for cleaning rooms, washing pots and security guard jobs.


I also expect silly people like you to praise this.


If Guyanese lack the skills, and yet so many Guyanese are either unemplyed or under employed, then what is the govt doing to equip those willing to work to obtain these much needed skills?


Surely with slowing economies throughout CARICOM, many Guyanese who went to those places to work, will now be available in Guyana, if proper wages were being paid.

Originally Posted by baseman:

look at this lil antiman do-little.  High-tail it out of Guyana, lived off the backs of laboring Guyanese in a "White" country, now he commenting on who Guyana should seek help from.  Who gives a damn what you think.

One day it will dawn on you that PPP does NOT equal Guyana.


 2 years ago you lamented the wise spread poverty in Guyana.  Yet here are some decent jobs being given to foreigners and you praise this.


1.  Guyanese have built the Bank of GY and Pegasus, structures no less complex than the Marriott, and at a time when skills would have been more limited and building tehnology mkore backward, YET THEY DID IT.


2.  There is a large pool ofGuyanese constrcutions  workers in the Caribbean.  Did the PPP try to recruit some of these, if the poopl of skilled workers left in Guyana is too limited.


3.  Why isnt the PPP helping those Guyanese who desire to upgrade their skills so that they can work on these projects, to do so.  What is the incentive for Guyanese to upgrade their skills if when such projects come they are excluded.



Must Guyanese aspire to be mere sales clerks, security guards, and ditch diggers?


This is total eyepass.  Not only are the taxpayers dollars being used to build a project,m and to guarantee the equity investment of the few private investors without any transparency.  But it now seems as if Guyanese arent "good enough" to build the hotel.  


And just as how Guyanese were promised constrcution jobs, they should be equally skeptical about post-constrcution work, given the limited skills that Guyanese have in the hospitality trades.


the best social program is a decent paying job.  The PPP prefers to offer periodic hand outs just before the election. 


conman the guyanese is a bunch of animals to go into the bush and work but they cannot build a hotel i am saying let the ppp call a snap election i cannot wait to spit on some of them in jail


The Marriot is going despite by all attempts by the JOP to stop it. The next gov't in office whether PPP or JFAP will have to deal with the Chinese. They have the money bag and we need the money to develop our country.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

look at this lil antiman do-little.  High-tail it out of Guyana, lived off the backs of laboring Guyanese in a "White" country, now he commenting on who Guyana should seek help from.  Who gives a damn what you think.

One day it will dawn on you that PPP does NOT equal Guyana.


 2 years ago you lamented the wise spread poverty in Guyana.  Yet here are some decent jobs being given to foreigners and you praise this.


1.  Guyanese have built the Bank of GY and Pegasus, structures no less complex than the Marriott, and at a time when skills would have been more limited and building tehnology mkore backward, YET THEY DID IT.


2.  There is a large pool ofGuyanese constrcutions  workers in the Caribbean.  Did the PPP try to recruit some of these, if the poopl of skilled workers left in Guyana is too limited.


3.  Why isnt the PPP helping those Guyanese who desire to upgrade their skills so that they can work on these projects, to do so.  What is the incentive for Guyanese to upgrade their skills if when such projects come they are excluded.



Must Guyanese aspire to be mere sales clerks, security guards, and ditch diggers?


This is total eyepass.  Not only are the taxpayers dollars being used to build a project,m and to guarantee the equity investment of the few private investors without any transparency.  But it now seems as if Guyanese arent "good enough" to build the hotel.  


And just as how Guyanese were promised constrcution jobs, they should be equally skeptical about post-constrcution work, given the limited skills that Guyanese have in the hospitality trades.


the best social program is a decent paying job.  The PPP prefers to offer periodic hand outs just before the election. 



Add the beautiful CARICOM building that was built by Guyanese and a Guyanese master builder who was likely killed by the great Indo warrior on the back road. We know the great Indo warrior took out a full page ad in the papers claiming to be fighting for the PPP government. You see how everything is interconnected at each level. Perhaps this master builder could have been doing the Marriott today.  


the chinese only deal with people they can payoff guyana donot need the chinese the chinese need guyana and all third world country do you ever hear any guyanese or any other race migrating to china


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