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Former Member
Written by Admin3   
Thursday, 21 February 2013 20:31

It must be observed that the  high-voltage criticism from  the traditional quarters of  naysayers, prophets of doom, hitherto  the high -crescendo furore that descended upon the public  announcement of the terms and conditions for the construction of the Marriott, has begun to dissipate.
Surely, by now, Guyanese are beginning to understand holistically the entire swathe of  issues as it relates to this very special project. Many are beginning to comprehend its meaning for national development.
What is very clear is that the political opposition and its allied critics of the PPP/C government’s negotiation of what is going to be a ground-breaking enhancement of the local hospitality industry, has been defeated.
This is another blow to a pilotless group, whose agenda at a very important juncture of the nation’s political, social and economic development, has been to oppose for the sake of opposing.
One would have thought, that given  all the talk of a new dispensation, that there would have been a departure from this kind of decrepit, traditional political culture that has ever since been proven to be unbeneficial, sterile, and a very bad example to the younger segment of the Guyanese people.
At its worst, the Opposition’s concept as it relates to national development, has been glaringly exposed. It boggles the mind, that with its  array of legal expertise and advice, concomitant with its institutional capacity, that it is not aware that projects of the magnitude of the Marriott, are inclusive of the kind of concessions announced. Or was it plain politics, with the ultimate aim of  creating further tensions in our country, seeking to undermine the transformation process?
If the latter, as it has proven to be, then the Opposition  has not  done its credentials as a People’s Representative  any  good, with a further diminution of its image  as a responsible national leader.
One is certain that there are those, particularly in the PNC/R segment of A Partnership For National Unity (APNU), who can recall several past arrangements with foreign companies for the execution of local economic projects, that witnessed large contingents of expatriate workers – OMAI comes to mind. Who complained, or picketed, then?
But just to reiterate a very important fact that is deliberately missing from the many statements of the Opposition, et al: that there is a significant Guyanese input and participation in the current construction of the Marriott.
For example, there are Guyanese contractors who are supplying the foundation aspect of the building process in the form of thousands of concrete blocks, and this is going to be on-going. Then there are the  dozens of business entities conveying building materials to the construction site. These undertakings are indeed huge in proportions, that involve 100% Guyanese skills.
Surely, all the critics, inclusive of the Opposition, are aware of this!

Replies sorted oldest to newest

the rent seeking disease infecting Freedom House now 'offically' out of control


even though the threadbare "PNC did do it in lang ago time" [actually a barefaced lie here] is way past its "use by" shelf life . . . these larcenous gangsters still believe they can blow cigar smoke out their ass(es) and mek it smell nice


Skeldon Man,


An Indo-Guyanese friend of mine who has no love for the PPP happily told me that his cousin got a contract with the Marriot to supply and transport building materials. Many local businesses are benefitting from this project.  The opposition is out to make trouble.


Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Skeldon Man,


An Indo-Guyanese friend of mine who has no love for the PPP happily told me that his cousin got a contract with the Marriot to supply and transport building materials. Many local businesses are benefitting from this project.  The opposition is out to make trouble.



The opposition will create trouble if they know the PPP is taking a shit.

Originally Posted by redux:

the rent seeking disease infecting Freedom House now 'offically' out of control


even though the threadbare "PNC did do it in lang ago time" [actually a barefaced lie here] is way past its "use by" shelf life . . . these larcenous gangsters still believe they can blow cigar smoke out their ass(es) and mek it smell nice

Reduce man,

You are here to give the PPP a basket to bail a sinking boat. No matter what progress the PPP is achieving or has achieved in Guyana, they are not doing enough. However, if th PNC was in power and they were raping the country, you will give them bravos.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Skeldon Man,


An Indo-Guyanese friend of mine who has no love for the PPP happily told me that his cousin got a contract with the Marriot to supply and transport building materials. Many local businesses are benefitting from this project.  The opposition is out to make trouble.


BRB, your N*gger Indian friend is lying. Marriot is not the builder. 

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Skeldon Man,


An Indo-Guyanese friend of mine who has no love for the PPP happily told me that his cousin got a contract with the Marriot to supply and transport building materials. Many local businesses are benefitting from this project.  The opposition is out to make trouble.


So good for the FEW people who found employment.  What about the MANY others who are deprived of this opportunity?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by redux:

the rent seeking disease infecting Freedom House now 'offically' out of control


even though the threadbare "PNC did do it in lang ago time" [actually a barefaced lie here] is way past its "use by" shelf life . . . these larcenous gangsters still believe they can blow cigar smoke out their ass(es) and mek it smell nice

Reduce man,

You are here to give the PPP a basket to bail a sinking boat. No matter what progress the PPP is achieving or has achieved in Guyana, they are not doing enough. However, if th PNC was in power and they were raping the country, you will give them bravos.

Skeldon man tgwop questions.


1.  What is the unemployment rate in Guyana?


2.  What is the TRUE unemployment rate when we consider trhat many in marginal occupations like street vending would prefer a decent paying job.


2.  And what would the rate be had Barbados, Trinidad and other CARICOM countries (yes these countries accused of doing nothing for Guyanese) not allowed job opportunities for many Guyanese?


These are topics that the PPP refuses to discuss, but yet if we got those answers then we would see for ourselves how well the PPP was benefitting Guyanese.


once again people like skeltonman show they are willing to sellout their guyanese people for the ppp party.its shows how low the ppp can sink and the lowlife that support this party.skeltonman you is nothing but a low life ***** you do fit to live in a country like the USA you should find a hole and crawl in


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