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Marriott hires 239 staffers; 228 are Guyanese

… admits recruiting 30 staffers from other hotels


February 5, 2015 | By | Filed Under News, Source - Kaieteur News


Chairman of Atlantic Hotel Inc. (AHI), Winston Brassington, has denied that a significant number of foreigners are being recruited for the running of the Marriott Hotel.

The official, in a statement detailing the recruitment, also admitted yesterday that 30 staff members hired once worked at other local hotels.

The 197-room US$57M hotel is due to be opened shortly. There have been criticisms that AHI was aggressively pursuing workers from local hotels and not interested too much in local labour.


AHI’s head, Winston Brassington

AHI’s head, Winston Brassington


Brassington noted that of the 239 staff chosen from just under 3,500 applications received to operate the hotel, 228 are Guyanese.

Some 90 of these staffers are in training with another 60 more to begin training next week.

This means, Brassington said in the AHI statement, that less than five percent of the total staff engaged is from overseas.

Of a total complement of 29 management staff hired from 922 applications, 20 are Guyanese. Five of these Guyanese were recruited from overseas.
Of the nine non-Guyanese management staff engaged from overseas, four are Food and Beverage specialists not available in Guyana.

Some 691 applications were received for supervisory staff with 30 persons engaged- all of whom are Guyanese and only five of whom previously worked at another hotel in Guyana.

Of the non-management positions, Brassington said, 1,862 applications were received with 180 staff engaged- 23 were from other hotels in Guyana.


Marriott Hotel is due to be opened in a matter of months.

Marriott Hotel is due to be opened in a matter of months.

This meant, Brassington said, of the 3,475 applications received, a total of 223 positions are recruited from Guyana, of whom, thirty 30 have worked with other hotels in the country.

The official said that the salary scales offered for staff recruited from Guyana are comparable with those generally paid in the hospitality sector here for similarly qualified and experienced staff. He reminded that in setting salary levels for recruitment, the Marriott management has a contracted obligation to the principal owners of the hotel to deliver a profitable hotel.

The AHI statement insisted that the hotel was already delivering on its promise to create new employment in Guyana and “it is patently ridiculous for anyone to claim otherwise.  The hotel will open with 239 new employees. This number will be approximately doubled when the Casino and Restaurant Entertainment complex comes on stream.”

In recent weeks, owner of the nearby Pegasus Hotel, Robert Badal, complained that the hotel was stealing its employees.

Over the past weekend, Opposition’s Alliance For Change, made it clear that it will revisit, review and if necessary impose sanctions if it gets into Government when elections are held in May.

AHI which is managing the construction and shares of the company, has under the financing arrangement, invested just over US$20M in taxpayers’ dollars and was looking to raise US$27M more from a syndicated loan arranged by Republic Bank Trinidad.

Another US$8M would have been coming from two Hong Kong businessmen. However, a court case filed by Member of Parliament, Desmond Trotman, blocking the transfer of the land, has held up those monies.

The US$8M would have controversially allowed the two Hong Kong businessmen to gain a 67 percent control of the hotel. But that investment is held up by the court case.

Government has remained silent where it found the monies to carry on construction as the hotel is set to open in a few months.

The Opposition has been asking, but Head of AHI Winston Brassington, and Government, have refused to answer.

There have been speculations that the remaining monies were coming from local businesses but there has been silence.

The extravagant incentives and other benefits to Marriott have left other hotel operators extremely worried as the new 197-room hotel in Kingston, when it comes on stream this year, is more than likely to close them down.

In December, Brassington admitted that financing for the project was in jeopardy because of the court case filed by Opposition Member of Parliament, Desmond Trotman.

Government said that the new hotel will be giving Guyana branding and attract high-end clientele.

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Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Marriott hires 239 staffers; 228 are Guyanese

… admits recruiting 30 staffers from other hotels


February 5, 2015 | By | Filed Under News, Source - Kaieteur News


Chairman of Atlantic Hotel Inc. (AHI), Winston Brassington, has denied that a significant number of foreigners are being recruited for the running of the Marriott Hotel.

The official, in a statement detailing the recruitment, also admitted yesterday that 30 staff members hired once worked at other local hotels.

The 197-room US$57M hotel is due to be opened shortly. There have been criticisms that AHI was aggressively pursuing workers from local hotels and not interested too much in local labour.


AHI’s head, Winston Brassington

AHI’s head, Winston Brassington


Brassington noted that of the 239 staff chosen from just under 3,500 applications received to operate the hotel, 228 are Guyanese.

Some 90 of these staffers are in training with another 60 more to begin training next week.

This means, Brassington said in the AHI statement, that less than five percent of the total staff engaged is from overseas.

Of a total complement of 29 management staff hired from 922 applications, 20 are Guyanese. Five of these Guyanese were recruited from overseas.
Of the nine non-Guyanese management staff engaged from overseas, four are Food and Beverage specialists not available in Guyana.

Some 691 applications were received for supervisory staff with 30 persons engaged- all of whom are Guyanese and only five of whom previously worked at another hotel in Guyana.

Of the non-management positions, Brassington said, 1,862 applications were received with 180 staff engaged- 23 were from other hotels in Guyana.


Marriott Hotel is due to be opened in a matter of months.

Marriott Hotel is due to be opened in a matter of months.

This meant, Brassington said, of the 3,475 applications received, a total of 223 positions are recruited from Guyana, of whom, thirty 30 have worked with other hotels in the country.

The official said that the salary scales offered for staff recruited from Guyana are comparable with those generally paid in the hospitality sector here for similarly qualified and experienced staff. He reminded that in setting salary levels for recruitment, the Marriott management has a contracted obligation to the principal owners of the hotel to deliver a profitable hotel.

The AHI statement insisted that the hotel was already delivering on its promise to create new employment in Guyana and “it is patently ridiculous for anyone to claim otherwise.  The hotel will open with 239 new employees. This number will be approximately doubled when the Casino and Restaurant Entertainment complex comes on stream.”

In recent weeks, owner of the nearby Pegasus Hotel, Robert Badal, complained that the hotel was stealing its employees.

Over the past weekend, Opposition’s Alliance For Change, made it clear that it will revisit, review and if necessary impose sanctions if it gets into Government when elections are held in May.

AHI which is managing the construction and shares of the company, has under the financing arrangement, invested just over US$20M in taxpayers’ dollars and was looking to raise US$27M more from a syndicated loan arranged by Republic Bank Trinidad.

Another US$8M would have been coming from two Hong Kong businessmen. However, a court case filed by Member of Parliament, Desmond Trotman, blocking the transfer of the land, has held up those monies.

The US$8M would have controversially allowed the two Hong Kong businessmen to gain a 67 percent control of the hotel. But that investment is held up by the court case.

Government has remained silent where it found the monies to carry on construction as the hotel is set to open in a few months.

The Opposition has been asking, but Head of AHI Winston Brassington, and Government, have refused to answer.

There have been speculations that the remaining monies were coming from local businesses but there has been silence.

The extravagant incentives and other benefits to Marriott have left other hotel operators extremely worried as the new 197-room hotel in Kingston, when it comes on stream this year, is more than likely to close them down.

In December, Brassington admitted that financing for the project was in jeopardy because of the court case filed by Opposition Member of Parliament, Desmond Trotman.

Government said that the new hotel will be giving Guyana branding and attract high-end clientele.


Jobs Jobs Jobs


Listen to the AFC and PNC losers whine and complain. Good news for Guyanese means bad news for AFC/PNC.


"He reminded that in setting salary levels for recruitment, the Marriott management has a contracted obligation to the principal owners of the hotel to deliver a profitable hotel."


Yall ketch what this means? Dem people getting under minimun wage?




"Government said that the new hotel will be giving Guyana branding and attract high-end clientele."


Since when coke dealers are classified as high-end clientele? Or this high end means "whores with huge ASSets?"


Keep me posted when they open for business. I keep delaying my trip sonce I only stay in reputable hotels.  Last time Pegasus was a very third rate experience. They had something they called steak that sent me to the dentist.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

More job opportunities for more working class Guyanese, the A.F.C/A.P.N.U once voted against the project, that would have prevented the jobs of hundreds of Guyanese people.

They would not hire Guyanese for construction but  now ready to hire them as sex slaves....


Kitty Market rehabilitation at a standstill

March 1, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

While the rehabilitation of the Kitty Market remains on the agenda of the Mayor and City Council, (MCC), lack of consensus among administrative officers has the process at a standstill. On Wednesday, Chairman of the Market and Public Health Committee, Ranwell Jordan revealed that the Council had initially agreed on having the vendors of Kitty Market relocated to an alternative site to make way for the renovation. He however noted that the process to rehabilitate the Kitty landmark has been placed on the back burner. “The Council would still hope to restore the Kitty Market to its original state but to date no advertisements has been sent out inviting suitably qualified persons to answer the call for tenders,” Jordan said while noting that the relevant information is currently in the hands of the Council’s administration. “The Town Clerk and her team were tasked with sending out the advertisements.” When the proposal for the rehabilitation was made last September, members of the Kitty Market Action Committee listed security, and improved sanitation among their chief concerns. Meanwhile, the Kitty Market remains derelict, with stallholders risking their lives on a daily basis to earn a living. Speaking with Kaieteur News earlier this week, stallholders noted that the structure is continuously deteriorating. “The building is decaying day by day; you can see that more boards are falling off because the building is rotten  …we have been calling for immediate redress but to date all we get is promises… no action from the Government or the Council.” Last September, Deputy Mayor, Patricia Chase-Greene disclosed that efforts were underway to rehabilitate the Kitty Market. Chase -Greene told media operatives that the market was identified as a major hazard by the fire department. The Deputy Mayor has said that the Council was in the process of seeking assistance from the Government and other interested persons for the rehabilitation of structure. The MCC official had been adamant that preserving the architectural design of the market and ensuring that the original vendors are not displaced is of chief concern to the municipality, and was the main conditionality under which the market will be rehabilitated. “Whosoever acquires the contract to rebuild the Kitty Market will have to maintain the heritage structure of the building as well as give place to the original vendors.”

Originally Posted by kp:

Mitwah, your story has nothing to do with the Marriott read, what! looking for attention!!!

He accidentally posted it in the wrong thread. But he did create a thread on the subject afterwards to correct for the mistake.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Congratulation to the 228 Guyanese who're now gainfully employed by Marriott Hotel. Job security means better living for families and adding to the local economy.



If I see banners with these messages, I will be asking for my Fees.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Congratulation to the 228 Guyanese who're now gainfully employed by Marriott Hotel. Job security means better living for families and adding to the local economy.



If I see banners with these messages, I will be asking for my Fees.

Nah the new Government (present opposition) won't be using your words, they've got their own.


It is sure progress in Guyana, creating new jobs is a plus. Look, in Canada just recent the negative news of Lay-offs and Closures such as McDonalds, Tim Hortons, Target,Wriggley Gum, Sony etc in excess of 20,000 jobs loss.

Originally Posted by yuji22:


Jobs Jobs Jobs


Listen to the AFC and PNC losers whine and complain. Good news for Guyanese means bad news for AFC/PNC.



I guess it is all right for you if some one jacks up a store and use the proceeds of theft to fund a business. It is about jobs jobs jobs to idiots like you!

Originally Posted by kp:

Mitwah, your story has nothing to do with the Marriott read, what! looking for attention!!!

I know you are a bit slow. I will take my time and type my questions. What is the ethnic make up of the 223 workers hired? How many non-PPP sympathizers are in the management positions?

Originally Posted by TI:

Keep me posted when they open for business. I keep delaying my trip sonce I only stay in reputable hotels.  Last time Pegasus was a very third rate experience. They had something they called steak that sent me to the dentist.

this fool go to guyana and stay in a squatting area now he want to tell people he can afford a 5 star hotel,how much overseas guyanese can afford a 5 star hotel 


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