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Marriott Hotel to be launched in a few weeks – Jagdeo
- project still mired in controversy

November 10, 2011 | By KNews | Filed Under News
Source - Kaieteur News

President Bharrat Jagdeo has disclosed that the long awaited Marriott hotel will be launched in a few weeks.

The Head-of-State made the announcement while officially launching the Movie Towne brand in Guyana on Tuesday last.

According to Jagdeo, the Marriott when completed will add to the growing stock of facilities that will provide entertainment in Guyana.

Last July the President said that the government was looking to seal a deal with Zublin Grenada Limited within three months.

Jagdeo said that the project would be financed by the government and the company, with the government putting one-third of the financing and Zublin Grenada investing the other two-thirds.

It was the same Grenada company that was upbraided over a year ago by the government for prematurely disclosing that it was working out a deal to build a Marriott-branded hotel here.

In mid-May 2010, the government reacted angrily when the company, Zublin Grenada, announced that it was seriously considering “a very attractive offer” by the Guyana Government to build the Marriott resort and casino.

In July 2010, the government advertised for interested contractors to make pre-qualification applications for construction of the hotel in the Kingston area next to the Guyana Pegasus Hotel.

Jagdeo said that two bids were received and the government decided to go with Zublin as the lower of the two bidders.

It was noted that the hotel will be operated by Marriott International and be built according to Marriott standards.

The works, it was advertised, would include the construction and erection of a 200,000 square- foot, 160-room hotel facility along with a 75,000 square foot “entertainment complex” outfitted with common services areas/amenities that will house a casino, restaurant, nightclub, and other spaces that will be rented.

But the deal appeared to be mired in controversy with City Mayor Hamilton Green in August, accusing the government of bullying the land away from the real owners, without their knowledge.

The Mayor claimed that part of the land the government has put into the hands of the developers of the Marriott Project belonged to the City Council.

“We had no conversation about it,” Green had told this newspaper.

He was referring to the fact that the hotel plans submitted for the project seem to indicate that the project would encompass the area that was once the Luckhoo Swimming Pool – property of the Council.

The Mayor said that the Council was receiving project proposals for the said area.

Green said that among the proposals was one by international Guyanese singing superstar Eddy Grant, who wanted to construct a cultural complex. That proposal was being given favourable consideration, the Mayor said.

However, Green said that he received a call from President Bharrat Jagdeo telling him not to bother with those proposals, that there is a much bigger project for the area. At that time, Green said, he did not know that the project the President was talking about was the Marriott Project.

It was when the plans for the area were submitted that Green said it was realised that the piece of land, known as Block “Alpha” Kingston, on which the Marriott Hotel would be situated, included the Council’s land.

The Mayor said there was no indication to the Council regarding the takeover of the land, nor was any compensation discussed.

And the Alliance For Change (AFC) had expressed outrage at the President’s decision to sign a Memorandum of Understanding with the Zublin Group, committing in excess of US$14M of taxpayers’ money for a private project.

According to the AFC, no consultation was done with stakeholders in the local hospitality industry which currently averages less than 30 per cent annual occupancy.

In addition, no feasibility study was done to ascertain the viability of the project to which the president is committing tax payers money, no agreement was made public of the commitments made to the Marriott chain, nor information disclosed on the so called private partners and their source of US$28.0M.

“If the Marriott or indeed anyone else wants a hotel in Guyana, then let them go to the Bank as all local operators have done, if they believe in its viability, instead of poor taxpayers being made to bear the brunt of this investment,” AFC member Sheila Holder had told a news conference in July last.

“Mr. Jagdeo is soon to leave office and therefore, must immediately desist from committing this country’s scarce financial resources to his wild adventures. Let us put a stop to this arrogance and belief of his that he owns the Treasury of this country.”

She further said that using taxpayer funds to finance a multinational chain is a reckless disregard for the plight of overtaxed Guyanese taxpayers. “Further, it creates unfair competition to local investors many of whom are still to recover from the financial burden they had undertaken for the 2007 World Cup Cricket.”

On November 23, 2010, the Minister of Finance, Dr Ashni Singh, used his powers under the Public Corporations Act 1998 to transfer the “state land” to the state-owned National Industrial Commercial Investment Limited (NICIL), the body which acquires and holds government shares, stocks, debentures or other securities of any company, and such like bodies.

The plot of land in question measures 6.88 acres.

The application for approval to build the Marriott Hotel was submitted to the City Engineer in the name of Winston Brassington, who was acting on behalf of Atlantic Hotel Incorporated (AHI), the company which was set up by the government to oversee the construction of a Marriott branded hotel.

Brassington is also the chairman of NICIL, to which the land was transferred.

Mayor Green said that there is nothing the cash-strapped Council could do at this time, but to hope that some revenues accrue to it when the hotel is completed.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Gov't using revenues from lotto, vat, and income taxes to help boost the private sector which will create more jobs for Guyanese. Sounds like a bad thing to invest with the wealthy but it's an American thing that worked well.
Billy Ram Balgobin
Isn't this kind of a dictatorship where the citizens of Guyana, especially those of G/Town, have no say in where, how and when about the building of this hotel. Whatever Jagdeo dictates is carried out.
Man have alittle SHAME. GT NOT able to clean their own bloody Garbage. Man Al Yuh really DUMB!!!
Originally posted by Gupta:
Isn't this kind of a dictatorship where the citizens of Guyana, especially those of G/Town, have no say in where, how and when about the building of this hotel. Whatever Jagdeo dictates is carried out.
Originally posted by Nehru:
Man have alittle SHAME. GT NOT able to clean their own bloody Garbage. Man Al Yuh really DUMB!!!
Originally posted by Gupta:
Isn't this kind of a dictatorship where the citizens of Guyana, especially those of G/Town, have no say in where, how and when about the building of this hotel. Whatever Jagdeo dictates is carried out.
Shut the hell up about shame when you pander to a corrupt regime who is set to build this Hotel simply to spite the owner of Pegasus and also to lay down a foundation to increment Jagdeo's pension. This is his deal.
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Where are the developments for Berbice?

Ramotar has definite plans to build a zoo in Whim. Would you like to audition now?? We can talk about this in private. If you pass hand to the corrupt boys we can guarantee you residency. Big Grin
Billy Ram Balgobin
What you want the Govt to build? Cassava Bread Ovens and Barrels to make Piwari????
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Nehru:
Man have alittle SHAME. GT NOT able to clean their own bloody Garbage. Man Al Yuh really DUMB!!!
Originally posted by Gupta:
Isn't this kind of a dictatorship where the citizens of Guyana, especially those of G/Town, have no say in where, how and when about the building of this hotel. Whatever Jagdeo dictates is carried out.
Shut the hell up about shame when you pander to a corrupt regime who is set to build this Hotel simply to spite the owner of Pegasus and also to lay down a foundation to increment Jagdeo's pension. This is his deal.
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Where are the developments for Berbice?

Ramotar has definite plans to build a zoo in Whim. Would you like to audition now?? We can talk about this in private. If you pass hand to the corrupt boys we can guarantee you residency. Big Grin

Billy Ram...why do you degrade your intelligence looks like Jagdeo got all you people in de same rum shop for an evening training about how to cuss, degrade and live like gutter rats.
Nehru, SM and you seem to have grown on the same ppp pod, which Jagdeo Pee Pee Pee on every day.
I speak to you the very way you speak to me!!! Take a bloody look in the Mirror!!!
Originally posted by Tola:
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Where are the developments for Berbice?

Ramotar has definite plans to build a zoo in Whim. Would you like to audition now?? We can talk about this in private. If you pass hand to the corrupt boys we can guarantee you residency. Big Grin

Billy Ram...why do you degrade your intelligence looks like Jagdeo got all you people in de same rum shop for an evening training about how to cuss, degrade and live like gutter rats.
Nehru, SM and you seem to have grown on the same ppp pod, which Jagdeo Pee Pee Pee on every day.
Originally posted by Nehru:
What you want the Govt to build? Cassava Bread Ovens and Barrels to make Piwari????
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Nehru:
Man have alittle SHAME. GT NOT able to clean their own bloody Garbage. Man Al Yuh really DUMB!!!
Originally posted by Gupta:
Isn't this kind of a dictatorship where the citizens of Guyana, especially those of G/Town, have no say in where, how and when about the building of this hotel. Whatever Jagdeo dictates is carried out.
Shut the hell up about shame when you pander to a corrupt regime who is set to build this Hotel simply to spite the owner of Pegasus and also to lay down a foundation to increment Jagdeo's pension. This is his deal.
To the contrary, just as I have no desire to see them build gubar baked mud firesides so Indos can cook authentic sadah rotie, or bushrom stills so misguided sagiwangs in the community can have their fill of methyl tainted ethanol; I do not care to see them building ovens for cassava bread ( dummy, we do not use ovens) or barrels for piwari ( authenticity have that fermenting in a canoe).

As I said to you many times, your racism is grounded in a false reality. You are a child of dalits with a genetic provenance covering 6000 years of oppression. In our space, you were given lungs to breathe new life. Only *******s like you pay us back with contempt. But we know you.
Billy Ram...why do you degrade your intelligence looks like Jagdeo got all you people in de same rum shop for an evening training about how to cuss, degrade and live like gutter rats.
Nehru, SM and you seem to have grown on the same ppp pod, which Jagdeo Pee Pee Pee on every day.

Since when you PNC/AFC people are so morally clean that you have the nerve to condemn me in such horrible fashion?? Don't you have a sense of humor?? Ramjattan and Moses are bigger drinkers than Jagdeo. I don't even think Jagdeo drinks.
Anyway, I like when people criticize me. It just gives me an opportunity to blast them back.

The idea of a zoo is a wonderful one for the ancient county. Berbice needs a botanical garden and a Zoo. One of the great things the British did in their colonies was setting up botanical gardens.
Billy Ram Balgobin
We have to report this matter to Ramjattan and Moses about D2 insulting people about their Dalit ancestry. This is man is no longer of sound mind and continues to degenerate into creature with less and less control over his natural defensive instincts. He could snap and cause a calamity for many.
Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Where are the developments for Berbice?

Ramotar has definite plans to build a zoo in Whim. Would you like to audition now?? We can talk about this in private. If you pass hand to the corrupt boys we can guarantee you residency. Big Grin
Are you descending to the latrine to join Nehru in the company of flies?

I do admire your ownership of the Zoo. Fortunately, for us it is in your head so we are willing to let you live there. Meanwhile, we do hope the good inhabitants of Whim have become wise to the PPP 's lies and kick them to the curb.
Taking your nose into consideration, you are not even ten feet close to me.

Jagdeo is the worst head of state that ever lived in Guyana and your actions closely follow his gutter-rat attitude.

Originally posted by Nehru:
I speak to you the very way you speak to me!!! Take a bloody look in the Mirror!!!
Originally posted by Tola:
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Where are the developments for Berbice?

Ramotar has definite plans to build a zoo in Whim. Would you like to audition now?? We can talk about this in private. If you pass hand to the corrupt boys we can guarantee you residency. Big Grin

Billy Ram...why do you degrade your intelligence looks like Jagdeo got all you people in de same rum shop for an evening training about how to cuss, degrade and live like gutter rats.
Nehru, SM and you seem to have grown on the same ppp pod, which Jagdeo Pee Pee Pee on every day.
Originally posted by Tola:
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Where are the developments for Berbice?

Ramotar has definite plans to build a zoo in Whim. Would you like to audition now?? We can talk about this in private. If you pass hand to the corrupt boys we can guarantee you residency. Big Grin

Billy Ram...why do you degrade your intelligence looks like Jagdeo got all you people in de same rum shop for an evening training about how to cuss, degrade and live like gutter rats.
Nehru, SM and you seem to have grown on the same ppp pod, which Jagdeo Pee Pee Pee on every day.

Billy Ram Balgobin is a wonderful person. Bal means strong Gobin= Govinda= Krishna=Ram ... relating to Divinity... As Billy he is just trying to be funny... Big Grin
We want D2 to show us a country that has a political system close to what he envisages for Guyana that would work better than current Westminster style parliamentary system. We are just tired of reading his theories that make little or no sense.
Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Where are the developments for Berbice?

Ramotar has definite plans to build a zoo in Whim. Would you like to audition now?? We can talk about this in private. If you pass hand to the corrupt boys we can guarantee you residency. Big Grin
Are you descending to the latrine to join Nehru with there in the company of flies?

I do admire your ownership of the Zoo. Fortunately, for us it is in your head so we are willing to let you live there. Meanwhile, we do hope the good inhabitants of Whim have become wise to the PPP 's lies and kick them to the curb.

Mustapha, the PPP RC and CC member, also live at Whim....if he is such a likeble person, why does his family have such a large security detail ?
Mutt and Jeff are the most disliked persons in Berbice.
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Originally posted by Tola:
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Originally posted by Mitwah:
Where are the developments for Berbice?

Ramotar has definite plans to build a zoo in Whim. Would you like to audition now?? We can talk about this in private. If you pass hand to the corrupt boys we can guarantee you residency. Big Grin

Billy Ram...why do you degrade your intelligence looks like Jagdeo got all you people in de same rum shop for an evening training about how to cuss, degrade and live like gutter rats.
Nehru, SM and you seem to have grown on the same ppp pod, which Jagdeo Pee Pee Pee on every day.

Billy Ram Balgobin is a wonderful person. Bal means strong Gobin= Govinda= Krishna=Ram ... relating to Divinity... As Billy he is just trying to be funny... Big Grin

I thought Billy had something to do with goat and a relationship with Rohee. Big Grin
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
We have to report this matter to Ramjattan and Moses about D2 insulting people about their Dalit ancestry. This is man is no longer of sound mind and continues to degenerate into creature with less and less control over his natural defensive instincts. He could snap and cause a calamity for many.
I do not have masters. I am Amerind. I am my own master. My people have not known tyranny for 12000 years until the white man came. When he left we endure the new colonialists who suddenly think they are our new masters.

Telling you where you are from is not an insult. Giving you the understanding that you were indentured here and for the most part abandoned here is not a lie. It is to make clear tro you that we as a forest people cannot now become your footstool

You, as the PPP, telling us that you own the place and can make rules for us is the lie. Do you think Moses and Ramjattan et al do not know that if our numbers were superior we would have revolted against this status of the Guyanese Palestinians?

Be thankful that is not the place where we are or the hate you see from natives in Fiji against Indians would be our lot. I am thankful we are in the inferior numbers as well because we get the chance at redemption in spite of oppression. We can reflect, contemplate and be wise and not fall into the greedy state of the PPP thinking that what little is left of us can fill your whor.e houses or be your maids and gardeners.

Yes it is our hope that you know you are from the oppressed state of dalitdom and ought to be wise by it. A retribalizing to a status of the new Brahamins as the PPP have become can do none of us any good.
I like your response. Very Civilised. partybanana partybanana panman panman yippie yippie
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Nehru:
What you want the Govt to build? Cassava Bread Ovens and Barrels to make Piwari????
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Nehru:
Man have alittle SHAME. GT NOT able to clean their own bloody Garbage. Man Al Yuh really DUMB!!!
Originally posted by Gupta:
Isn't this kind of a dictatorship where the citizens of Guyana, especially those of G/Town, have no say in where, how and when about the building of this hotel. Whatever Jagdeo dictates is carried out.
Shut the hell up about shame when you pander to a corrupt regime who is set to build this Hotel simply to spite the owner of Pegasus and also to lay down a foundation to increment Jagdeo's pension. This is his deal.
To the contrary, just as I have no desire to see them build gubar baked mud iresides so Indos can cook authentic sadah rotie, or bushrom stills so misguided sagiwangs in the community can have their fill of methyl tainted ethanol; I do not care to see them building ovens for cassava bread ( dummy, we do not use ovens) or barrels for piwari ( authenticity have that fermenting in a canoe).

As I said to you many times, your racism is grounded in a false reality. You are a child of dalits with a genetic provenance covering 6000 years of oppression. In our space, you were given lungs to breathe new life. Only *******s like you pay us back with contempt. But we know you.
Originally posted by Nehru:
I like your response. Very Civilised. partybanana partybanana panman panman yippie yippie
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Nehru:
What you want the Govt to build? Cassava Bread Ovens and Barrels to make Piwari????
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Nehru:
Man have alittle SHAME. GT NOT able to clean their own bloody Garbage. Man Al Yuh really DUMB!!!
Originally posted by Gupta:
Isn't this kind of a dictatorship where the citizens of Guyana, especially those of G/Town, have no say in where, how and when about the building of this hotel. Whatever Jagdeo dictates is carried out.
Shut the hell up about shame when you pander to a corrupt regime who is set to build this Hotel simply to spite the owner of Pegasus and also to lay down a foundation to increment Jagdeo's pension. This is his deal.
To the contrary, just as I have no desire to see them build gubar baked mud iresides so Indos can cook authentic sadah rotie, or bushrom stills so misguided sagiwangs in the community can have their fill of methyl tainted ethanol; I do not care to see them building ovens for cassava bread ( dummy, we do not use ovens) or barrels for piwari ( authenticity have that fermenting in a canoe).

As I said to you many times, your racism is grounded in a false reality. You are a child of dalits with a genetic provenance covering 6000 years of oppression. In our space, you were given lungs to breathe new life. Only *******s like you pay us back with contempt. But we know you.
I do doubt that in that reptilian brain there is an understanding of civility.
On GNI it is not considered a Rumor but Soup of The Day. Ask D2. yippie yippie
Originally posted by TI:
Wasn't someone peddling rumors that Ed Ahmad was building Marriot? Where did these rumors go?
Originally posted by Nehru:
On GNI it is not considered a Rumor but Soup of The Day. Ask D2. yippie yippie
Originally posted by TI:
Wasn't someone peddling rumors that Ed Ahmad was building Marriot? Where did these rumors go?
I think it is PPP soup.
Originally posted by D2:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
We have to report this matter to Ramjattan and Moses about D2 insulting people about their Dalit ancestry. This is man is no longer of sound mind and continues to degenerate into creature with less and less control over his natural defensive instincts. He could snap and cause a calamity for many.
I do not have masters. I am Amerind/BUCK on paiwari overdose and very happy.
Originally posted by SuperMike:
Originally posted by D2:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
We have to report this matter to Ramjattan and Moses about D2 insulting people about their Dalit ancestry. This is man is no longer of sound mind and continues to degenerate into creature with less and less control over his natural defensive instincts. He could snap and cause a calamity for many.
I do not have masters. I am Amerind/BUCK on paiwari overdose and very happy.
I guess your silly behind thinks that will get to me? It proves my point. You PPPites diehards are the cultural dredges of our dear land of Guyana. The poor people struggling to make a life know little of what little mealy mouthed soupies and racists you are!
“If the Marriott or indeed anyone else wants a hotel in Guyana, then let them go to the Bank as all local operators have done, if they believe in its viability, instead of poor taxpayers being made to bear the brunt of this investment,” AFC mmber Sheila Holder had told a news conference in July last.

Sheila may be right however you will note that the many bold moves by Jagdeo have borne fruit. This is a capital investment and will supply many affluent oversas Guyanese and diplomats with a 5 star option which is currently not available in the nation. I think at this juncture in the nation's development this is a well needed addition to infrastructure. Mostly all other Caribbean nations have 5 star accommodations except Guyana. The time is right as the momentum of development is about to cascade to all sectors of society.
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
“If the Marriott or indeed anyone else wants a hotel in Guyana, then let them go to the Bank as all local operators have done, if they believe in its viability, instead of poor taxpayers being made to bear the brunt of this investment,” AFC mmber Sheila Holder had told a news conference in July last.

bannas...occupancy rate is only maybe 40% or so right now

Sheila may be right however you will note that the many bold moves by Jagdeo have borne fruit. This is a capital investment and will supply many affluent oversas Guyanese and diplomats with a 5 star option which is currently not available in the nation. I think at this juncture in the nation's development this is a well needed addition to infrastructure. Mostly all other Caribbean nations have 5 star accommodations except Guyana. The time is right as the momentum of development is about to cascade to all sectors of society.
Originally posted by raymond:
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
“If the Marriott or indeed anyone else wants a hotel in Guyana, then let them go to the Bank as all local operators have done, if they believe in its viability, instead of poor taxpayers being made to bear the brunt of this investment,” AFC mmber Sheila Holder had told a news conference in July last.

bannas...occupancy rate is only maybe 40% or so right now

Sheila may be right however you will note that the many bold moves by Jagdeo have borne fruit. This is a capital investment and will supply many affluent oversas Guyanese and diplomats with a 5 star option which is currently not available in the nation. I think at this juncture in the nation's development this is a well needed addition to infrastructure. Mostly all other Caribbean nations have 5 star accommodations except Guyana. The time is right as the momentum of development is about to cascade to all sectors of society.
i am trying to figger which part of this world a government can take the tax payers money and invest in hotel ppp stooges have to get real
Originally posted by warrior:
Originally posted by raymond:
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
“If the Marriott or indeed anyone else wants a hotel in Guyana, then let them go to the Bank as all local operators have done, if they believe in its viability, instead of poor taxpayers being made to bear the brunt of this investment,” AFC mmber Sheila Holder had told a news conference in July last.

bannas...occupancy rate is only maybe 40% or so right now

Sheila may be right however you will note that the many bold moves by Jagdeo have borne fruit. This is a capital investment and will supply many affluent oversas Guyanese and diplomats with a 5 star option which is currently not available in the nation. I think at this juncture in the nation's development this is a well needed addition to infrastructure. Mostly all other Caribbean nations have 5 star accommodations except Guyana. The time is right as the momentum of development is about to cascade to all sectors of society.
i am trying to figger which part of this world a government can take the tax payers money and invest in hotel ppp stooges have to get real

Try the US for starters, bailing out banks, car companies, and buying up bad debt and investing in defunct insurance companies. hahahahaha
Try the US for starters, bailing out banks, car companies, and buying up bad debt and investing in defunct insurance companies. hahahahaha

yuh comparing apples and oranges
Originally posted by raymond:
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
[QUOTE]“If the Marriott or indeed anyone else wants a hotel in Guyana, then let them go to the Bank as all local operators have done, if they believe in its viability, instead of poor taxpayers being made to bear the brunt of this investment,” AFC mmber Sheila Holder had told a news conference in July last.

bannas...occupancy rate is only maybe 40% or so right now

look here little print shop man, don't think small, 5 star hotel have their own clientele. It will not take away from the lower classes of accommodations that you are accustomed.
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
“If the Marriott or indeed anyone else wants a hotel in Guyana, then let them go to the Bank as all local operators have done, if they believe in its viability, instead of poor taxpayers being made to bear the brunt of this investment,” AFC mmber Sheila Holder had told a news conference in July last.

Sheila may be right however you will note that the many bold moves by Jagdeo have borne fruit. .

You are a funny guy. People only pay for 5 star rates in 5 star nations, and according to you Guyana is a hot, and muddy and miserable place that only Guyanese will want to visit. And only to see relatives.

A short while ago you boasted how St Lucis eco product is much better than Guyana's. Whats interesting si I dont even think Allen Chastanet, their bombastic Minister of Tourism will make such a claim,a s he ha sno doubt been to Guyana.

Other Caribbean nations have 5 star hotels for high end visitors and foreign business people. Not their own nationals returning home.

Are you telling me that Guyanese live so primitively that overseas Guyanese will rather waste money at an expensive hotel than stay with their relatives, which most people do? After all if they want to see family while remain away from them stuck in some impersonal hotel.
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Originally posted by raymond:
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
[QUOTE]“If the Marriott or indeed anyone else wants a hotel in Guyana, then let them go to the Bank as all local operators have done, if they believe in its viability, instead of poor taxpayers being made to bear the brunt of this investment,” AFC mmber Sheila Holder had told a news conference in July last.

bannas...occupancy rate is only maybe 40% or so right now

look here little print shop man, don't think small, 5 star hotel have their own clientele. It will not take away from the lower classes of accommodations that you are accustomed.
what clienetele guyana will get,90%of the time the hotels in guyana is empty,unless you talking about the ppp drugdealers
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Try the US for starters, bailing out banks, car companies, and buying up bad debt and investing in defunct insurance companies. hahahahaha

Here is teh rub druggie, George Bush, your hero allowed his buddies to destroy the economy. So to prevent a complets depression, worse than the Great Depression, he had to bail out the banks.

Is Guyana such that teh govt must bail out its hotel sector...well yes, as its hotels are mainly empty, most on the brink of collapse.

So why build another one? As Sheila said if private investors wish this, let them take the risk..if it works great, and if it doesnt...their loss.
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
5 star hotel have their own clientele.d.

If so build it at Kaieteur Falls then. 5 start hotels in countries with limited business traffic usually build them near to attractions. I dont know what attraction that the mouth of the Demerara River has for anybody.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Try the US for starters, bailing out banks, car companies, and buying up bad debt and investing in defunct insurance companies. hahahahaha

Here is teh rub druggie, George Bush, your hero allowed his buddies to destroy the economy. So to prevent a complets depression, worse than the Great Depression, he had to bail out the banks.

Is Guyana such that teh govt must bail out its hotel sector...well yes, as its hotels are mainly empty, most on the brink of collapse.

So why build another one? As Sheila said if private investors wish this, let them take the risk..if it works great, and if it doesnt...their loss.
they will build it then sell it and the money will disappear.remember buddys

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