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Baseman posted:

Obama was a weak leader in foreign policy. 

He bowed to the Wahab King, returned just to get kicked by ISIS. 

Then he sat back and watch ISIS engulf Syria.  

Then, instead of fighting ISIS, he followed the Clintons and took out Gadaffi and gave ISIS another stronghold. 

Then he failed to protect the mission in Benghasi and, well we all know what happened....then they tried a cover-up!  

Then Russia invaded Crimea and he did nothing.  It took Trump to arm the resistance! 

Meanwhile the Israelis trampled over the rights of the Palestinians with no progress. 

Then he watched and did nothing as Yemen descended into chaos!

Then he gave Guyana to the PNC!

 A load of Baloney.

ISIS spread across the region because of the security  crisis left after Bush invaded Iraq and disrupted the fragile “stability” that existed. Obama took the fight to ISIS and crushed them to the extent where Trump was left with mop up duties when he assumed office. All the umteen witch hunt hearings that you had on Benghazi turned up no wrong doings in contrast to the Russia hearings which have led to many of Trump senior people being indicted. What will Trump do to fix Yemen or Libya? Nothing. Obama did all he could after the Russian Crimea invasion. He had Russia kicked out of the G8 and imposed sanctions. Do you expect him to invade Russia? In contrast, your wet noodle Trump is trying to have Russia readmitted to the G8 and is talking about easing sanctions on them. And you must have noticed that treasonous display a few days ago while he was licking Putin’s balls. Trump has taken the Israeli/Palestinian relationship to a new low with the embassy in Jerusalem. He will have achieved nothing on that front by the time they kick him out. His meeting with Kim Jong Un was more hype and no action. The only progress Trump made was to promise Kim hotels in NK. Kim has since ramped up his nuclear program according to US intelligence experts. He’s not giving up any of it and just played Trump like a fiddle. For someone who claims to be a master negotiator, that orange clown is a complete failure. He looked like a weakling against Kim and Putin. He cannot even negotiate with his own Republican Congress to vote for his health care plan. Obama had nothing to do with the Guyana Elections. The stench of PPP corruption exiled them to the dog house for a few years after the people of Guyana cast more votes for the Coalition Government. They did the same thing in 2011 so the PPP should have seen the swift kick in the ass coming in 2015. Only nincompoops like DG thought that the PPP would win with 60% of the votes.

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