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Former Member

Mars is spreading hate and racism at GNI and must be stopped and or warned by Admin.

This is what Mars said today at GNI in his increasing rage of madness and racism:

"I understand that you guys are mostly all Indians here and the Apan Jhat support mechanism comes into play. In a case like this you folks will support abee mattie regardless."

Amral, please put a full stop to this hate that Mars is spreading at GNI. He is igniting the race card at GNI.

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Ease up my foot !!!

This is exactly from Burnham's racist playbook in order to ignite hate and division. Any decent minded person will condemn this level of hate that he  is attempting to spread at GNI.

Calling out his intense hate for others must be condemned, you may choose not to but in the same manner in which you initially failed to condemn Granger and the PNC is the same manner in which failure to condemn racist people like Mars and others will encourage the same level of hate that Burnham and the PNC spread across Guyana.

Burnham's racist playbook is being played out and spread by Mars at GNI.

He must be put in the pen or condemned.

Last edited by Former Member

The Admin on this site are allowing a dangerous situation with this guy Mars.

He is caught with his pants down with his lies that I support terrorism. Yet the Admin are allowing him to continue with his make up non sense and not doing anything about it.

Since last Saturday night he is cursing and going on bad , calling me every name in the book and I am holding back because decent posters including Amral ask that I do not do so.

It is getting worse everyday with every post ge is cursing all. Ease he cannot substantiate and my of his false claims.

He tried to pin Yugi and Yugi came out and apologize to me.

This boy gas always been out of line on GNi, always cursing and calling people names.

Admin I have been a senior poster with a good track record if that does not mean anything then I will probably have to follow Kari and Terry and call it a day.

I love GNI but when Andre jeep repeating that all Muslims are terrorist that I am terrorist sported and a host of other lies and all you guys are saying that for me to go easy, that's not fair.

I have never come to Admin but Andre has been this for too long. I am capable of go title for tat with him but I do not feel I eed to do that 



Andre lies and turn around and believe his lies.

He is claiming that I support  terrorists.

When I confront him to produce evidence he hold on to a post that Yugi made for which Yugi apologised.

Let me show you the wickedness of Andre ge turned around and curse Yugi . He said Yugi is a coolie that's why he apologize.

My self and Yugi do disagree for ge is a supporter of the Ppp and I am not.

Yugi like many posters when they realize that they are wrong they admit which I respect Yugi for. 

This is not the first time Yugi retract, he openly admitten that he made a mistake to support Trump.

What Mas is doing is what he is famous for , cursi g and fabrication f lies against everyone. Chec k his posts he has nothing good to say, he is always in name calligraphy and  ring in wi kedness. He thrives on that and he has broght GNI to a very low level.

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