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Haags Bosch dumpsite controversy…BK gets $1B settlement with new Govt


Months after the High Court reversed a decision to terminate the contract of BK International Inc. to

BK’s owner, Brian Tiwarie

BK’s owner,
Brian Tiwarie

manage the Haags Bosch dumpsite, Government has agreed to pay the company a $1B (US$5M) in settlement.
The deal was hammered out over a month ago by the Ministry of Legal Affairs/Attorney General Chambers.
There has been no official announcement by the government and monies have not been paid over as yet, officials familiar with the deal said this week. There were also not immediately any details how the $1B figure was arrived at.
Government is currently assessing tenders for a new company to manage the facility, the country’s biggest dumpsite. A project to convert solid waste at the Haags Bosch dumpsite into electricity is also in the making.
The facility was opened in early 2011, replacing the dumpsite in Le Repentir Cemetery in the city which had to be closed because of health and capacity reasons.
BK, owned by businessman Brian Tiwarie, had been battling with both the previous and current governments over the management of the Haags Bosch facility, an area of 100 acres that is located behind Eccles,  East Bank Demerara. Under the arrangements, BK was supposed to be paid for every tonne of waste he processed.
The matter came to a head last year when the administration of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic on February 27h terminated BK’s contract for the construction and operations of the landfill. They said that the company missed deadlines and committed other breaches.
On March 13, 2015, BK through his lawyer, Davindra Kissoon, filed a lawsuit asking Chief Justice (ag) Ian

BK’s lawyer, Davindra Kissoon

BK’s lawyer,
Davindra Kissoon

Chang, to overturn the decision of the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development to terminate the contract.
Tiwarie, in court documents, claimed that he was owed hundreds of millions of dollars for the construction and for the daily management of the Eccles site. The management period ends in 2019.
The lawsuit named the former Permanent Secretary, Collin Croal, former Minister Norman Whittaker and the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development. Under the new administration that ministry has been renamed the Ministry of Communities.
In his claims to the court to overturn the termination, Tiwarie said that the decision was arbitrary and illegal and breached his expectation as contained in contract.
He asked for other reliefs and court costs.
He had accused Croal and Whittaker of causing delays and changing designs for the landfill.
The contractor also blamed the ministry for handing his company designs that were poor. He was forced to process double the waste by the ministry, contrary to his contract.
The company insisted that it complied for five years and invested millions of dollars of its own monies, expecting to reap the benefits at the end of the contract period in 2019.
Tiwarie also made it clear that over the 20 years he has been in business, he had built up a reputation to a point where he is a preferred contractor for Government and never had one terminated.
The company explained that in 2007, the then PPP/C Government decided that it had to find an alternative site to Le Repentir, which was becoming problematic.
Around 2007, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) loaned Guyana US$18.07M for the Haags

Former Local Govt. Minister, Norman Whittaker

Former Local Govt. Minister, Norman Whittaker

Bosch project with BK and Puran Bros winning the tender in 2009.
While it was agreed that the construction would be for US$9.7M, this was reduced to US$7.7M because of cash problems facing the Ministry.
Tiwarie said that the agreement with his company was with the Ministry, and not IDB.
Construction began in 2010 at the site which was officially opened on February 1, 2011.
Tiwarie said that in 2012, the supervision of the landfill operations was placed under the Ministry of Public Works with the engineer Walter Willis as Project Manager.
However, BK and Willis clashed and Willis was removed from the project shortly after.
Tiwarie in his court documents said that his company construction cells, roadways, administrative offices, canteen and workshop, and a scale. In the process he hired 50 persons and managed to process 140,000 tonnes of waste annually.
However, the Ministry started delaying payments to BK despite invoices being submitted and letters of demand being written.
As at July 23, 2013, the ministry owed BK some US$324,677…the monies being for work done since 2012. This meant there were no payments for one and half years.
Aside from this, BK had filed claims against the ministry for breaches in the contract for US$8M. The company settled for US$1.7M.

The Haags Bosch dumpsite.

The Haags Bosch dumpsite.

BK said that it did not even pay its Performance Security to the insurance company for the contract because of the delays by the ministry.
Chief Justice (ag) Ian Chang, in his 80-page decision late November in favour of BK, found that the company had a contract and there was an option that could be explored –that of judicial review given the fact the state entered its contract with BK “in the exercise of the State’s common law power to contract”; that “the general public had a direct interest in the project” given “the level of public expenditure…the importance of the project to public health and welfare.”
BK International was represented by Attorney–at–Law Davindra Kissoon of the London House Chambers. The Attorney General’s Chambers had appeared for the Minister and Permanent Secretary.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

BK gets hired and nobody knows. Then Glenn Lall squeal on BK and there is public outrage and BK gets fired.  Then BK contract gets terminated.  Now BK gets awarded $1billion.  What next? Is it me or something really fishy going on here?  Hope y'all enjoying the comedy show produced by the Coalition government that y'all were betting the bank on less than a year ago!


Bibi Haniffa

This was a sweetheart deal awarded to BK by the previous corrupt PPP outfit when they knew that company had no experience in managing solid waste. The inevitable happened and the PPP bandits were eventually forced to terminate the contract for non performance by BK. The PPP tiefmen at the top collected their kickbacks so BK sued because the PPP breached the contract by not paying them and the PPP bhais refused to return the huge kickbacks they got from BK. The PPP paid Justice Chang smoothed things out by ruling in favor of BK and suppressing embarrassing details of the corrupt contract between BK and the PPP. The new government had no choice but to settle with BK after Chang ruled in favor of BK.

Last edited by Mars

It seems to me that the new govt is incompetent, they throw in the towel without a fight, a clear sign that they were sweetened to make this deal after BK clean up garbage town GT. They were going to put the man on the throne making Brian honorary minista until the blind followers on this forum cried out and forced Granger's hands. The PPP held off this man for over a year but the PNC compromised in order to clean up their backyards. 

Mars posted:

This was a sweetheart deal awarded to BK by the previous corrupt PPP outfit when they knew that company had no experience in managing solid waste. The inevitable happened and the PPP bandits were eventually forced to terminate the contract for non performance by BK. The PPP tiefmen at the top collected their kickbacks so BK sued because the PPP breached the contract by not paying them and the PPP bhais refused to return the huge kickbacks they got from BK. The PPP paid Justice Chang smoothed things out by ruling in favor of BK and suppressing embarrassing details of the corrupt contract between BK and the PPP. The new government had no choice but to settle with BK after Chang ruled in favor of BK.

These are very idiotic comments. You are shooting from the hips. Where is the evidence for your claims? All you are doing here is showing your bias and hatred for the PPP...nothing else.  

VishMahabir posted:
Mars posted:

This was a sweetheart deal awarded to BK by the previous corrupt PPP outfit when they knew that company had no experience in managing solid waste. The inevitable happened and the PPP bandits were eventually forced to terminate the contract for non performance by BK. The PPP tiefmen at the top collected their kickbacks so BK sued because the PPP breached the contract by not paying them and the PPP bhais refused to return the huge kickbacks they got from BK. The PPP paid Justice Chang smoothed things out by ruling in favor of BK and suppressing embarrassing details of the corrupt contract between BK and the PPP. The new government had no choice but to settle with BK after Chang ruled in favor of BK.

These are very idiotic comments. You are shooting from the hips. Where is the evidence for your claims? All you are doing here is showing your bias and hatred for the PPP...nothing else.  

Where is the evidence for anyone else's claims Numbnuts? I didn't see you asking anyone else for evidence to back up the bilge they posted. Why is that? My scenario makes a lot more sense than anything that anyone else contributed if you read the article and know the history between the corrupt PPP and BK.


Sweetheart deal with the PPP yes, but there is too much BS with BK and the current government. If the deals between BK and the PPP were shady, how do we explain the recent flip flops and the lack of transparency between the government and BK. What the hell do all of this now have to do with you bashing the you forget they not in office. Where do you draw the line between the faults of this government and the PPP? In your shallow mind, any negative associated with the govt is the fault of the PPP.  

VishMahabir posted:

Sweetheart deal with the PPP yes, but there is too much BS with BK and the current government. If the deals between BK and the PPP were shady, how do we explain the recent flip flops and the lack of transparency between the government and BK. What the hell do all of this now have to do with you bashing the you forget they not in office. Where do you draw the line between the faults of this government and the PPP? In your shallow mind, any negative associated with the govt is the fault of the PPP.  

The contract was signed between the PPP and BK. The PPP stopped paying BK. BK sued the government which at the time was still the PPP. Justice Chang ruled in favor of BK being paid after the PPP government breached the contract. What does this have to do with the current government, Numbnuts?

Last edited by Mars

BK International got into trouble with the PPP gov't. and decided to court the coalition to get away with the nonsense. They had APNU people at the commissioning of their local airline, and, according to Harmon, funded the coalition's election campaign generously.  

Billy Ram Balgobin
Bibi Haniffa posted:

BK gets hired and nobody knows. Then Glenn Lall squeal on BK and there is public outrage and BK gets fired.  Then BK contract gets terminated.  Now BK gets awarded $1billion.  What next? Is it me or something really fishy going on here?  Hope y'all enjoying the comedy show produced by the Coalition government that y'all were betting the bank on less than a year ago!


That is completely the PPP's doing. They took a man with no experience in any of the things he was hired to do and give him all sorts of privileges just for kick backs and created this fellow who like the ambassador now thinks they state is their feeding trough. The government should black list his behind but all things being equal they will continue to do business with him.

Last edited by Former Member

Haags Bosch articles erroneous –Attorney General demands apology from Kaieteur News

ATTORNEY GENERAL and Legal Affairs Minister Basil Williams has rejected a front page headline which appeared in the Friday edition of Kaieteur News about an alleged deal between prominent businessman Brian Tiwari and the Government.The headline in question read: “Haags Bosch dumpsite controversy, BK gets $1billion settlement with Govt”, but on pages 3 and 28, the headline of the same story read “BK wins $1B settlement with Govt.”

The “Dem boys seh…” column also carried a headline: “Soulja Bai getting jook in ee eye”, which appeared on page 10 of the said publication.

These articles relate to an Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)-funded contract known as “Haags Bosch”, entered on November 20, 2009 with the former Government.

The Attorney General’s Chambers, in a release, said myriad problems had developed with the contract over the years, and the former Government belatedly terminated the contract on February 27, 2015.
Consequently, Tiwari filed an action in the High Court, challenging the termination. The Attorney General’s Chambers represented the Ministry of Local Government (now Ministry of Communities) in that action.

On November 26, 2015, the then Chief Justice (ag), Justice Ian Chang SC, CCH, ruled that the termination of the contract by the former Government was not correctly done. The effect of this decision was that the contract continued, and Tiwari could remain on site, the Attorney General Chambers said.

On December 30, 2015, the Attorney General caused a Notice of Appeal and an Application for a Stay to be filed against the said decision; and talks were entered into with Minister of Communities Ronald Bulkan and his team, Brian Tiwari and his team and Attorney General Basil Williams and his team with a view to resolving this matter, since the work on the Haags Bosch dumpsite was at a standstill and the stench and smoke from fires on the dumpsite were affecting the surrounding communities.

The Attorney General’s Chambers explained that, in the course of talks, permission was sought from Cabinet, and granted, to negotiate a settlement with a view to ending the contractual relationship with Tiwari and having his company exit the dumpsite.

The chamber added: “Negotiations have commenced, and are not yet complete. Moreover, any proposed settlement would have to return to Cabinet for approval. In light of the foregoing, it is evident that the said articles are erroneous, malicious and vexatious, and (are) designed to sully the good name of the Attorney General, his officers, the Ministry of Legal Affairs, and the Government of Guyana. We therefore demand an apology from the publishers of the Kaieteur News.”


Corruption in present day government involves greedy pigs from the East Indian community.  Do African leaders who are concerned with the effects of corruption on the poor, especially  on African Guyanese  have anything to say about all the deliberate shady deals this APNU/AFC gov't.. is busily making with businessmen??  

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Corruption in present day government involves greedy pigs from the East Indian community.  Do African leaders who are concerned with the effects of corruption on the poor, especially  on African Guyanese  have anything to say about all the deliberate shady deals this APNU/AFC gov't.. is busily making with businessmen??  

Oh Please! You people have no bloody shame. The PPP were ten times more corrupt. Were you concerned then?

Last edited by Mars
Mars posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Corruption in present day government involves greedy pigs from the East Indian community.  Do African leaders who are concerned with the effects of corruption on the poor, especially  on African Guyanese  have anything to say about all the deliberate shady deals this APNU/AFC gov't.. is busily making with businessmen??  

Oh Please! You people have no bloody shame. The PPP were ten times more corrupt. Were you concerned then?

Hey Mars, you should be calling out the afc/apnu on corruption rather than using the argument that they are better because the PPP were worse with corruption.  No corruption should be excused as it invariably diminishes progress. The afc/apnu ran on an anti corruption platform. We all should hold them accountable regardless of whether we supported them into power or not. 


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