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Former Member

As the Peoples Progressive Party (PPP) prepares to discuss the relevance of Marxism in contemporary society, there is still broad agreement that it is still a relevant tool in analyzing the society although the country is capitalist-driven.

PPP Executive member, Dr. Roger Luncheon; Alliance For Change Leader, Khemraj Ramjattan and Peoples National Congress Reform (PNCR) member, Aubrey Norton do not discount the importance of Marxist theory.

The ruling party’s symposium on “The Relevance of Marxism in Contemporary Society” is slated to be held on Saturday at Guyana International Conference Centre.

Norton, a Political Scientist, described Marxism as a “profound method” to analyse society......



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Originally Posted by Conscience:

Guyanese turn out in large number at the Conference Center, to listen to their leaders.....Knowledge is power.......power to the working class

The PPP-style working class:

Bharrat Jagdeo

Clement Rohee

Irfaan Ali

Priya Manickchand

Bobby Ramroop

Winston Brassington

Fip Motilall

Buddy etc.


Last edited by Former Member

Conscience, did the symposium use the "tool" of Marxism to analyze the present class structure of Guyanese society?


Who are the owners of the means of production and exchange?


How did these owners accumulate their capital?


What is the size of the lumpen-proletariat and is it responsible for the increase in crime?


What is the level of unemployment and who is accountable, the State or the capitalists?


I got the impression Gilbakka is from the old school.

We need people whose minds have not been tainted with Marxism to run the PPP. I hope this symposium will serve a good purpose and not just a show to promote a dead ideology.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin

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