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Mashramani Anniversary Messages

February 24, 2013, By , Filed Under News, Source


Women’s Progressive Organization

The Women’s Progressive Organization (WPO) extends greetings to all Guyanese on the occasion of Mashramani which is being held under the theme “Reflecting Creativity, Embracing Diversity”.

This event has truly evolved into a national celebration where thousands of Guyanese from all walks of life are coming together to take part in the various events and entertainment.

We are pleased with the involvement of the various entities over time, and we are truly gratified by their support.

We welcome our Guyanese brothers and sisters from the Diaspora who have supported us over time and we welcome new friends and well-wishers alike.

WPO believes that Mashramani, like all other national events, must seek to bring us even closer as a nation in the patriotic task of building a cohesive nation.

Happy Mashramani!


Guyana Trades Union Congress

The Guyana Trades Union Congress (GTUC) calls on all Guyanese to engage in serious thought and introspection as the nation commemorates its 43rd Republican Anniversary. For while the thrust behind republican status marks another milestone in the fight for self determination that came with severing all ties of colonial control, the people must today stop and ask if the government (executive and legislature) is working consistent with the principle of self-determination as protected in Article 13 of the Guyana Constitution. Mashramani, an Amerindian word, means celebration after hard work. Yet it is ironic that as efforts are made to celebrate many are without work and many know not where work will come from. The dreams of self determination, ensconced in a patriotic song, speak to the people’s aspiration to “build this land that belongs to me.” In our culture work is deemed an honorable aspect of human existence and critical to survival, development and nation building.



The People’s National Congress Reform (PNC/R) is pleased to extend greetings and good wishes to all of the people of Guyana as we celebrate the 43rd Anniversary of our Republican status.

The anniversary of the Republic, apart from the national celebration of Mashramani, is an occasion for reflection and assessment of the state of our nation, 43 years after Guyana was declared a Republic. In that regard, it must be evident to all that we, as Guyanese, need to undertake a frank and honest evaluation of whether our nation is headed in the direction that would bring us all, particularly our young people, progress, and prosperity.

Our Party has joined our partners in APNU to declare and dedicate our energies to making 2013 the Year of Youth. However, we are conscious that, as a nation, we are challenged to remove the threats posed by the scourge of criminality and violence; corruption; the continued lawlessness in high places; the intolerance of views, other than those expressed by the Administration; all of which contribute to infusing a sense of despair and the feeling of hopelessness that is currently afflicting the young people of this nation.

Accordingly, the PNC/R wishes all of the Guyanese people a Happy Republic holiday, and a joyous celebration of Mashramani, as we pray that the spirit of peace, love, and unity will dwell among us on the 43rd anniversary of our Republic.


FITUG’s Republic Anniversary Message 2013

It has been forty-three (43) years since most Guyanese – leaders and followers in 1970 – opted for the Constitutional and Governmental status of Republicanism. Guyana became a Republic on February 23, 1970 still retaining membership in the Commonwealth of Nations – the grouping of former British colonies. But Guyana was quick to shed everything “British” from its political, independent psych. Nationalism was to take root from February, 1970.

The Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Guyana (FITUG) warmly welcomes this weekend’s observance and celebration of our Republican status. As the premier majority workers grouping in Guyana, FITUG is concerned, in a sustained manner, with what these anniversaries mean for our working class. These national observances also make time and opportunity for workers’ representatives to ponder upon how much was or was not achieved for those who kept the economy going and the nation afloat, all these decades, so that such anniversaries could be a reality.

FITUG cannot but salute the efforts of the current political and government managers in authority as they endeavour to craft policies, then programmes with budgets to keep the Republic on the path to prosperity. FITUG urges other stakeholders, especially the political opposition, to put the Republic first and seek meaningful dignified compromise so that development in the citizen’ interest and welfare, could continue.

The government must carefully manage the exploitation of our natural resources lest they are all expropriated by our welcome foreign investors. A careful, equitable watch must be kept on all contracts crafted with interested investors – whether they are Brazilians, Canadian, Chinese, American, British, or Asians from further afield. Legislation should be crafted to ensure joint ownership with Guyanese investors having a large share.

FITUG will be on the road, in the Union headquarters, in the workplace as we celebrate Mashramani and the Republic’s 43rd Anniversary.
Best wishes to all workers and all Guyana!



The People’s Progressive Party joins with all Guyanese as we celebrate our 43rd Republic Anniversary as a nation.

This period is indeed a time for reflection of our journey as a people and is also one of celebration for our remarkable achievements.

Our Republic Anniversary this year is given more significance as it marks the 250th anniversary of the Berbice Slave Rebellion.

The conditions under which fore parents of Afro Guyanese and then later on, Indentured servants lived and worked must not escape us as it started a struggle for freedom and betterment which we as a nation enjoy today.

This significant part of our history must be a constant source of inspiration for our people to build on the foundation already laid so our future generations may enjoy a better Guyana.

We must also draw lessons from some of the difficulties encountered by Cuffy and his revolutionaries with the most important being the need for unity and discipline in achieving our goals.

Guyanese must also be constantly vigilant to protect the gains of our nation against the threat to our development and democracy by the opposition both in and out of our Parliament.

During this period, each of us must reaffirm our commitment toward working together to overcome the challenges which still confronts us.

That aside, our 43rd Republic Anniversary finds our nation as the most developed than any other part of our history, where our people are empowered, and enjoy liberties which our fore parents could have only dreamt about.

Positive transformation is not isolated to one part of our country but all across our nation, making it the most exciting period in our relatively short period as a Republic.

Guyanese have a lot to celebrate on Saturday, February 23rd 2013 and the PPP wishes everyone a Happy Mashramani!



I am happy to extend warm ‘Republic Day’ greetings to you on the 43rd Anniversary of Guyana’s becoming a Co-operative Republic. Change is coming.

A Partnership for National Unity, in declaring 2013 the ‘Year for Youth’, took a bold step to restore young people’s faith in the institutions of our country. Our nation is now looking forward to the future with increasing confidence.

The National Assembly, now with an opposition majority, has assumed its rightful role in the Republic. The Legislative branch – for the first time in two decades – is better able to hold the Executive branch to stricter standards of scrutiny and accountability. It has demonstrated its resolve to assert its constitutional authority in the state.

The National Assembly has seized the democratic opportunity to deepen the representative process and to demand that the executive branch of government implements measures aimed at creating a good life for all Guyanese.

A Partnership for National Unity salutes Republic Day 2013 as another milestone in our political evolution. It finds our nation further along the road to consolidating our parliamentary democracy, insisting on improved governance and to making Guyana a better place for all.
Happy Republic Day!



February 23rd 2013 marks forty-three (43) years since Guyana’s attainment of Republican status. Becoming a Republic represented the final step in our nation’s journey to full independence and nationhood. It meant that our Head of State was no longer a representative of the Monarch. Instead, he was an elected citizen of Guyana.

From 1970 to now, we have had many struggles, but only in the latter half, our Republic has managed to establish strong democratic values in our society.

This is the foundation upon which we advance our country’s development. It is very important for us to live and work together in peace, dignity, and harmony for the good of the nation. After all, the festival of Mashramani is one that depicts, through costumes, songs, and floats, the Diversity and Unity of the Guyanese people.

But today it seems that the real freedom which our great leaders fought for are becoming elusive. While it is true that the Queen Victoria statue no longer commands the Law Court compound, our beloved country seems to be at a juncture where all that a Republican status stands for are being violated.

Instead of working in cooperation and partnership with our Government for continued national development in all spheres of life, we have political leaders who continuously try to selfishly use a paper thin one-seat majority in the National Assembly to stymie progress. With this sentiment in mind, the PYO calls on the opposition in the National Assembly to recognize that they owe a duty and responsibility to the country and people to make Guyana better and not to use their paper thin majority to politick.
They have to refrain from pursuing the petty, partisan agenda that has been adopted.

Do not hinder progress.

We in the Progressive Youth Organization wish to use this occasion of our Republic Anniversary to call on all Guyanese to work in concert with our Government for the continued growth and development of our nation – let not the struggles of our leaders who courageously fought for our freedom go down in vain.

The PYO urges all Guyanese to participate safely and responsibly in the celebrations that mark Guyana’s 43rd Republic anniversary.
Happy Mashramani to ALL GUYANA!



In 1966 and before there was national political consensus that British Guiana must become Independent Guyana. By 1970 as it was again agreed – between the two political giants of the time, Cheddi Jagan and Forbes Burnham and their followers – that the four (4) year-old Independent State of Guyana should completely rid itself British identity and become a Republic.

Political leaders of that period, though having their rigid positions and disagreements over power, its use and our national development, submerged differences to join together to fashion the Birth of a Republic.

We generally agreed to abandon the British Monarchy as Head of State, the Privy Council as our highest Court and we assumed full responsibility for our military defence. Most of all Guyanese assumed a psychology of being independent in the nationalistic sense.

In 1970 February, they wondered whether their leaders would justify the new Republican status and lead them into the national prosperity the country’s natural resources promised.

It is against those reflections that the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU) joins the nation in celebrating the forty-third anniversary of our Republican status. As a workers’ representative body, the largest such organisation here, GAWU is, however, motivated to ask: what has 43 years of Republicanism brought to us, the citizens of the Republic? GAWU will not answer for everyone but would urge Guyanese to reflect upon the work of the architects of the Republic, the leaders and their political parties, their work in Government and Parliament over the four-plus decades. What role did we as citizens and workers play within the context of what the leaders and their governments provided us?

Two sets of administrations managed our present and our destiny since 1970. For twenty-two (22) years the People’s National Congress prevailed. Now it is twenty (20) years since the PPP/C has governed, sometimes against great unfair odds.

GAWU urges Guyanese, amidst the merriment of parades, floats, song and dance, to reflect on the role of all these players. GAWU also urges citizens to really begin to influence elected and other leaders to do our will – not theirs. Let’s make Republicanism meaningful. The very word means “power residing in the people”.

Merry Mashramani as we celebrate Republic Day.

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