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Mass Mooning at Chicago Trump Tower This Sunday to Get Him to Release His Taxes

Nancy Huehnergarth
Chappaqua, NY

FEB 10, 2017 — First off, I'm not recommending this. I prefer to stay fully dressed when protesting.

But I thought you'd get a kick out of how determined some people are to persuade President Trump to release his tax returns.

The Facebook event page for "Chicago Moons the Trump Tower," says they will meet at Trump Tower around 3:30 pm on Feb. 12 and will drop their pants by "the crack" of 4:00 pm.

From the Facebook event page: "Donald Trump doesn't think the American people want to see his tax returns, so let's show him that we do in the classiest way possible!"

More than 1,000 people on Facebook said they will attend, and another 3,600 said they're interested. Hopefully, frostbite won't ruin the demonstration.

If you're like me, and prefer to keep your pants on, please continue to make phone calls to House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady and ask that he get 10 years of Trump's taxes from the Secretary of the Treasury. Brady definitely has the authority thanks to a little known provision in the law. Leave a message for Brady at either (202) 225-3625 or (202) 225-4901. Or send him a fax at (202) 225-2610.

Mass mooning planned at Chicago's Trump Tower
Hundreds of people plan to moon the Chicago's Trump Tower in an eye-catching attempt to...

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Replies sorted oldest to newest

I find the last paragraph of the article quite intriguing.  I ran into Kevin Brady last Thursday in the middle of a snow blizzard.  Had I seen this before I would have mentioned it to him to give him a good laugh.  Kevin is a dear dear friend of Donald Trump and a diehard Repubican so they can strip naked and call his office all they want.  It won't make a difference.

Bibi Haniffa
yuji22 posted:
Prashad posted:

I agree with the Bibi here.

Me too. Is mooning the new standard for protests ? What have some people reduced themselves to ?

This is still respectful compared with President Trump going around grabbing women by their *****, I wonder if he continues this activity in the White House, he has many around in the people's House except his wife.

Imran posted:
yuji22 posted:
Prashad posted:

I agree with the Bibi here.

Me too. Is mooning the new standard for protests ? What have some people reduced themselves to ?

Signs that the world is coming to a end.


I agree. America, last decent place on earth that all kinds of people can live in peace and the undesirables ***king it up. By the seconds.


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