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Labour Minister: ‘More vacancies than persons available to fill them’
IMG 9833: Minister of Labour, Dr. Nanda Gopaul (right) and FITUG President, Mr Carvil Duncan on the WFTU Action Day march

Labour Minister: ‘More vacancies than persons available to fill them’


MINISTER of Labour, Dr. Nanda Gopaul has stated confidently that there are more vacancies around Guyana, than persons available to fill them.

Dr. Gopaul gave this assurance as he addressed a Workers Rally on the lawns of the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU) headquarters, High Street, Kingston, last week, in observance of World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) Action Day, 2014. The theme of the observances was “Fighting Against Unemployment for Dignified Work”.
The Labour Minister was at the time reacting to a World Bank report which claims that Guyana has a 22 per cent unemployment rate. Said Dr. Gopaul, “What I can tell you, as Minister of Labour, is that there are thousands of vacancies around this country and we can’t find workers to fill those vacancies… That’s the situation. What is important is when we search for workers and can’t find workers, you can say you are getting somewhere.”
Dr. Gopaul noted that Guyana has developed over the last ten years, in an unprecedented manner. And alluding to ‘dignified work’ as contained in the theme of the ‘Action Day’ observances, he assured: “Working conditions have improved tremendously, to the point that today, whether they be part-time workers; domestic workers, or working in someone’s home or shop, there is dignity in labour. It is because of the Government of the PPP/Civic, we have been able to accomplish a national minimum wage for everyone.”
Further, he said, Guyana has ratified the International Labour Organization’s (ILO) Convention 189 touching on domestic workers, and giving legal coverage for domestics, making them entitled to work no more than 30 hours per week or 8 hours per day with no exploitation. Any period of work beyond that has been attracting overtime consistently since 1992 in this country. The Minister said too that Guyana has made strides in industrial relations by the enactment of several legislations to protect the rights of workers.
As for those job seekers who have not yet found employment, the Minister said such persons seeking employment will have to state clearly that no job is available for which he or she could be employed.
In order to beef up employment opportunities for young people, Dr. Gopaul said that government has embarked on massive training programmes. Over the last five years, government has targeted school children and trained them with marketable skills.
“We continue to train thousands per year, under the Board of Industrial Training (BIT) and all those persons are beneficially employed. Instead of training them to work for employers, we train them to work for themselves,” he said.
He cited the training of thousands of persons by government over the last several years, in the art of making concrete blocks. And there’s an added incentive for the persons trained, Dr. Gopaul said. “At the end of training, we give them the block moulds and supplies of cement and sand to start their own business.” Block making is a very lucrative undertaking, and a skill for which there will always be demand locally, given the current housing and construction boom.
Women too have benefitted from training programmes that are geared to equip them for employment. Both single parents and young mothers benefit from training in areas such as cake-making and cosmetology that could make them gainfully employed.
And for school leavers who did not write the CXC examinations, such persons are being trained as equipment operators, and have all been employed on completion of the training, according to the Minister.
Meanwhile, Dr. Gopaul said that the Ministry of Labor has revamped its Central Recruitment and Manpower Agency – an agency where unemployed persons could go and get registered. To this end, he is urging unemployed persons to apply there. He said that by the end of the year, almost all of the persons having registered are offered employment.
The Minister recalled that in 2013, the agency registered more than 100,000 persons and placed 1,500 in employment, adding , “That’s a positive sign that employment is here.”
And for those who are yet without jobs, the Labour Minister threw out a challenge. “I am appealing to those who believe that they can’t get jobs, to come to the Central Recruitment and Manpower Agency in any region in this country and we will be able to place you for job opportunities.”

The Labour Minister ended with a call to Guyana’s youth: “So young people, I want to appeal to you, do not waste your lives on drugs or at the street corner. There are opportunities. Enough money is being voted or set aside to train all the young people in this country. We want to make every single youth employable. I want to let you, the young people know that you can have a job in this country if you seriously want to work.”

(By Shirley Thomas)

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Chinese immigrants can become productive citizens unlike a segment of society who are too lazy to work and are whining and complaining and demanding cheap electricity.


Chinese immigrants can also become PPP supporters.


What absolutely a preposterous claim! Guyana has an official unemployment rate of about 12 percent. The real rate is around 30 percent and of those another 10% of the workforce is under employed ie sugar workers who are really part time workers. What Guyana does not have is jobs that pay living wages. We are on the US dollar scheme for everything and yet we make only 3k a year on average. To live with cost of living on par with the US one need to be making at least 26K for a family of four and that is the base for poverty here

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

What absolutely a preposterous claim! Guyana has an official unemployment rate of about 12 percent. The real rate is around 30 percent and of those another 10% of the workforce is under employed ie sugar workers who are really part time workers.


Poppycock !


You sit on your armchair and have stats on Guyana.


What a dunce you are !

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

What absolutely a preposterous claim! Guyana has an official unemployment rate of about 12 percent. The real rate is around 30 percent and of those another 10% of the workforce is under employed ie sugar workers who are really part time workers.


Poppycock !


You sit on your armchair and have stats on Guyana.


What a dunce you are !

Look jackass, those are the stats if you cared to get informed without pretending to be informed or to be intelligent. That you even are marginally above high school aptitude keeps you saying stupid things most of the times

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

What absolutely a preposterous claim! Guyana has an official unemployment rate of about 12 percent. The real rate is around 30 percent and of those another 10% of the workforce is under employed ie sugar workers who are really part time workers.


Poppycock !


You sit on your armchair and have stats on Guyana.


What a dunce you are !

Look jackass, those are the stats if you cared to get informed without pretending to be informed or to be intelligent. That you even are marginally above high school aptitude keeps you saying stupid things most of the times


You listen jackass,


Guyana cannot fill it's current job vacancy rate.



Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

What absolutely a preposterous claim! Guyana has an official unemployment rate of about 12 percent. The real rate is around 30 percent and of those another 10% of the workforce is under employed ie sugar workers who are really part time workers.


Poppycock !


You sit on your armchair and have stats on Guyana.


What a dunce you are !

Look jackass, those are the stats if you cared to get informed without pretending to be informed or to be intelligent. That you even are marginally above high school aptitude keeps you saying stupid things most of the times


You listen jackass,


Guyana cannot fill it's current job vacancy rate.



You filthy puke where you got that from, You are a liar.


I pardon your mental capacity for not being able to read the facts.


Guess what, the AFC snake oil days are over.


The AFC has been terminated.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:

I pardon your mental capacity for not being able to read the facts.


Guess what, the AFC snake oil days are over.


The AFC has been terminated.

One does not merely read facts you dumb fool. Abstract facts to apply them in where needed. The reality here is for you to grasp Guyana's capacity to pay wages sufficient to meet a the reality of a US-like cost of living.  The fact you miss is the average earning power is 3k. Guyana can have all job openings left and right but none will pay a living wage.


The AFC will be there for a long time. It is the new reality.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

I pardon your mental capacity for not being able to read the facts.


Guess what, the AFC snake oil days are over.


The AFC has been terminated.

One does not merely read facts you dumb fool. Abstract facts to apply them in where needed. The reality here is for you to grasp Guyana's capacity to pay wages sufficient to meet a the reality of a US-like cost of living.  The fact you miss is the average earning power is 3k.


The AFC will be there for a long time. It is the new reality.


Massive crowds of five AFC supporters in USA, ten at an AFC meeting in Berbice and Granger's 50 protesters are quite "massive" support for the intertwined AFC/PNC combined party.


5, 10 and 50.


Ha Ha.


Yuji, a notice you spending a lot of days talking to yourself.


But I want to ask, where is the unemployment rate for Guyana?  In 2010, the PPP conducted a labor force survey to determine the unemployment rate.


Since then the figures were buried?





Youth unemployment in 2013 was 48 percent according to the UNDP.  GO figure on YUJI.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

I pardon your mental capacity for not being able to read the facts.


Guess what, the AFC snake oil days are over.


The AFC has been terminated.

One does not merely read facts you dumb fool. Abstract facts to apply them in where needed. The reality here is for you to grasp Guyana's capacity to pay wages sufficient to meet a the reality of a US-like cost of living.  The fact you miss is the average earning power is 3k.


The AFC will be there for a long time. It is the new reality.


Massive crowds of five AFC supporters in USA, ten at an AFC meeting in Berbice and Granger's 50 protesters are quite "massive" support for the intertwined AFC/PNC combined party.


5, 10 and 50.


Ha Ha.

As I said you are not only stupid but schizophrenic....


Yugi has now become a lover of crayola and shit talk. Dat banna gonna buss a vein, notice is only he talkin nuff shit here.

Dem other guys startin to ketch lil sense, they know is only lil time left so they not even standin beside po po yugi.

They also know he rass stupidy and he got one other stupidy fren here who taught him to use crayolas.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Chinese immigrants can become productive citizens unlike a segment of society who are too lazy to work and are whining and complaining and demanding cheap electricity.


Chinese immigrants can also become PPP supporters.

You are talking horse manure.



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