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Former Member

Massive corruption uncovered at CJIA


Corruption is said to be a disease that eats away at the faith of citizens in its government and when it is reported and there is inaction it is even more despicable.
Officials are now talking about a racket at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA). Despite numerous reports to superiors, the racket is not investigated and is, in fact, covered up.


The Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) is responsible for the collection of all taxes payable to Government. It also runs an Internal Affairs and Intelligence and Risk Management department.
There is, further, a monitoring section which operates at wharves and airports.


According to reports, a very senior officer (name provided) in the monitoring section at the airport has been colluding with security officers and immigration officials to recycle airport tax stubs, as well as allow for drugs and other items to be placed on planes destined for foreign locations.
In the case of the recycled stubs, these are then resold to travelling passengers.


The publication was told that the official would stop the cameras from recording or delete footage altogether, in order to allow these dealings to go unrecorded.
This publication was informed that the cameras at the airport are very unreliable and would become non functional after a bout of heavy rains among other reasons.


Whenever questioned about missing footage the fact that the system is unreliable is used as the excuse.
The crooked GRA officer who facilitates this was also accused of doing the same when he was posted at a city wharf where containers are searched.
Corrupt businessmen would usually make a payment to ensure that their containers are not thoroughly searched and the GRA monitoring officer would record the opening of the container after which a series of technical ploys would be used to cover up the fact that the containers are not properly searched.


According to reports, despite the activities being reported, the officer was transferred to the Airport and was subsequently promoted.
This publication was told that the reason the activities are not thoroughly investigated and forwarded to the Commissioner General is the fact that the corrupt officer and the persons required to investigate, share a close relationship.

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Originally Posted by Cobra:

Massive corruption uncovered at CJIA


Corruption is said to be a disease that eats away at the faith of citizens in its government and when it is reported and there is inaction it is even more despicable.
Officials are now talking about a racket at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA). Despite numerous reports to superiors, the racket is not investigated and is, in fact, covered up.


The Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) is responsible for the collection of all taxes payable to Government. It also runs an Internal Affairs and Intelligence and Risk Management department.
There is, further, a monitoring section which operates at wharves and airports.


According to reports, a very senior officer (name provided) in the monitoring section at the airport has been colluding with security officers and immigration officials to recycle airport tax stubs, as well as allow for drugs and other items to be placed on planes destined for foreign locations.
In the case of the recycled stubs, these are then resold to travelling passengers.


The publication was told that the official would stop the cameras from recording or delete footage altogether, in order to allow these dealings to go unrecorded.
This publication was informed that the cameras at the airport are very unreliable and would become non functional after a bout of heavy rains among other reasons.


Whenever questioned about missing footage the fact that the system is unreliable is used as the excuse.
The crooked GRA officer who facilitates this was also accused of doing the same when he was posted at a city wharf where containers are searched.
Corrupt businessmen would usually make a payment to ensure that their containers are not thoroughly searched and the GRA monitoring officer would record the opening of the container after which a series of technical ploys would be used to cover up the fact that the containers are not properly searched.


According to reports, despite the activities being reported, the officer was transferred to the Airport and was subsequently promoted.
This publication was told that the reason the activities are not thoroughly investigated and forwarded to the Commissioner General is the fact that the corrupt officer and the persons required to investigate, share a close relationship.

no this is a big supprise


I am all for development but people seem not to care about the massive corruptions from high ranking officials at the country's main port of entry. Why are we expanding the airport before cleaning up the corruptions? Government can get things done if they wanted to, but when they have something to gain from it they lay low and brush it off. The Marriott and Park Vue Hotels should not overshadow the uncured disease of corruption. President Ramotar should visit CJIA with his top investigators and start firing and jailing some of these high level crooks. 

Originally Posted by Cobra:

I am all for development but people seem not to care about the massive corruptions from high ranking officials at the country's main port of entry. Why are we expanding the airport before cleaning up the corruptions? Government can get things done if they wanted to, but when they have something to gain from it they lay low and brush it off. The Marriott and Park Vue Hotels should not overshadow the uncured disease of corruption. President Ramotar should visit CJIA with his top investigators and start firing and jailing some of these high level crooks. 

when did any ppp president ever jail anybody cobra give it a rest 

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

I am all for development but people seem not to care about the massive corruptions from high ranking officials at the country's main port of entry. Why are we expanding the airport before cleaning up the corruptions? Government can get things done if they wanted to, but when they have something to gain from it they lay low and brush it off. The Marriott and Park Vue Hotels should not overshadow the uncured disease of corruption. President Ramotar should visit CJIA with his top investigators and start firing and jailing some of these high level crooks. 

when did any ppp president ever jail anybody cobra give it a rest 

When you speak on the issue constantly, one day they will listen or have no other choice than to suffer the consequences for inaction on corruption. Guyana will not remain like this forever. When the voters realize their full potential, they will speak with their vote at the poll. This I hope will come sooner than later. This goes to all parties that preach what they don't practice. In your case, you're a party loyalist, so you wouldn't see things the same way as I do. 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

I am all for development but people seem not to care about the massive corruptions from high ranking officials at the country's main port of entry. Why are we expanding the airport before cleaning up the corruptions? Government can get things done if they wanted to, but when they have something to gain from it they lay low and brush it off. The Marriott and Park Vue Hotels should not overshadow the uncured disease of corruption. President Ramotar should visit CJIA with his top investigators and start firing and jailing some of these high level crooks. 

when did any ppp president ever jail anybody cobra give it a rest 

When you speak on the issue constantly, one day they will listen or have no other choice than to suffer the consequences for inaction on corruption. Guyana will not remain like this forever. When the voters realize their full potential, they will speak with their vote at the poll. This I hope will come sooner than later. This goes to all parties that preach what they don't practice. In your case, you're a party loyalist, so you wouldn't see things the same way as I do. 

i am in no party cannot afford to but i am a guyanese and any political   party that try to destroy guyana i will speak up if possible i will take action

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

I am all for development but people seem not to care about the massive corruptions from high ranking officials at the country's main port of entry. Why are we expanding the airport before cleaning up the corruptions? Government can get things done if they wanted to, but when they have something to gain from it they lay low and brush it off. The Marriott and Park Vue Hotels should not overshadow the uncured disease of corruption. President Ramotar should visit CJIA with his top investigators and start firing and jailing some of these high level crooks. 

when did any ppp president ever jail anybody cobra give it a rest 

When you speak on the issue constantly, one day they will listen or have no other choice than to suffer the consequences for inaction on corruption. Guyana will not remain like this forever. When the voters realize their full potential, they will speak with their vote at the poll. This I hope will come sooner than later. This goes to all parties that preach what they don't practice. In your case, you're a party loyalist, so you wouldn't see things the same way as I do. 

i am in no party cannot afford to but i am a guyanese and any political   party that try to destroy guyana i will speak up if possible i will take action

I am glad to hear you say that. I may take you up on your words someday to help liberate Guyana from corruptions.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

I am all for development but people seem not to care about the massive corruptions from high ranking officials at the country's main port of entry. Why are we expanding the airport before cleaning up the corruptions? Government can get things done if they wanted to, but when they have something to gain from it they lay low and brush it off. The Marriott and Park Vue Hotels should not overshadow the uncured disease of corruption. President Ramotar should visit CJIA with his top investigators and start firing and jailing some of these high level crooks. 

when did any ppp president ever jail anybody cobra give it a rest 

When you speak on the issue constantly, one day they will listen or have no other choice than to suffer the consequences for inaction on corruption. Guyana will not remain like this forever. When the voters realize their full potential, they will speak with their vote at the poll. This I hope will come sooner than later. This goes to all parties that preach what they don't practice. In your case, you're a party loyalist, so you wouldn't see things the same way as I do. 

i am in no party cannot afford to but i am a guyanese and any political   party that try to destroy guyana i will speak up if possible i will take action

I am glad to hear you say that. I may take you up on your words someday to help liberate Guyana from corruptions.

you find the finance and i will find the guns i am a man of action


Let's face it. Die hard PPP supporters who vote for the PPP will always vote for the PPP(Romney's 47%). It happens that the PPP 47% is greater than the PNC or the AFC 47%. Guyana is a democracy regardless if you like it or not. You can talk about guns and overthrow while the PPP is in power. Ever wonder what would happen if you threw this kind of smack in Guyana when the PNC was in power? You would have been eliminated by Hammie.

PNC or AFC will never rule Guyana..not even as a minority government.  

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Let's face it. Die hard PPP supporters who vote for the PPP will always vote for the PPP(Romney's 47%). It happens that the PPP 47% is greater than the PNC or the AFC 47%. Guyana is a democracy regardless if you like it or not. You can talk about guns and overthrow while the PPP is in power. Ever wonder what would happen if you threw this kind of smack in Guyana when the PNC was in power? You would have been eliminated by Hammie.

PNC or AFC will never rule Guyana..not even as a minority government.  

for a man who boast of having a education you have a stupid idea what make up a democracy maybe i can suggest you read some more about the subject the ppp never think it will be a minority government but it happen they might be more surprise in store for you i pray your old heart can take the shock as for me you make me laugh one day i will let you know who i am i am the first man that tell jagan to kill hammie

Originally Posted by Cobra:

I am all for development but people seem not to care about the massive corruptions from high ranking officials at the country's main port of entry.

Unfortunately, worst corruption at the airport facilities existed way back in time and in particular heightened during the PNC's era from 1964.


This situation, while it will not be totally eliminated under any government, has been greatly reduced from 1992.

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Let's face it. Die hard PPP supporters who vote for the PPP will always vote for the PPP(Romney's 47%). It happens that the PPP 47% is greater than the PNC or the AFC 47%. Guyana is a democracy regardless if you like it or not. You can talk about guns and overthrow while the PPP is in power. Ever wonder what would happen if you threw this kind of smack in Guyana when the PNC was in power? You would have been eliminated by Hammie.

PNC or AFC will never rule Guyana..not even as a minority government.  

for a man who boast of having a education you have a stupid idea what make up a democracy maybe i can suggest you read some more about the subject the ppp never think it will be a minority government but it happen they might be more surprise in store for you i pray your old heart can take the shock as for me you make me laugh one day i will let you know who i am i am the first man that tell jagan to kill hammie

Oh rass bai, now yu tun hedukata and political advisa. Yu prappa tun smaat. Me no yu ah hoo. Hope yu na klaim fuh be einstein.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

I am all for development but people seem not to care about the massive corruptions from high ranking officials at the country's main port of entry.

Unfortunately, worst corruption at the airport facilities existed way back in time and in particular heightened during the PNC's era from 1964.


This situation, while it will not be totally eliminated under any government, has been greatly reduced from 1992.

I paid bribes to speed up my luggage through customs. We know who are the customs at CJI. They willingly do it through the porters. 

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

I am all for development but people seem not to care about the massive corruptions from high ranking officials at the country's main port of entry.

Unfortunately, worst corruption at the airport facilities existed way back in time and in particular heightened during the PNC's era from 1964.


This situation, while it will not be totally eliminated under any government, has been greatly reduced from 1992.

Aw c'mon DG! What a croc! Everybody in your son's class got below 50% so you're happy with his 49%. I'm beginning to think less of your contributions here. Be smarter, will ya!

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

I am all for development but people seem not to care about the massive corruptions from high ranking officials at the country's main port of entry.

Unfortunately, worst corruption at the airport facilities existed way back in time and in particular heightened during the PNC's era from 1964.


This situation, while it will not be totally eliminated under any government, has been greatly reduced from 1992.

Aw c'mon DG! What a croc! Everybody in your son's class got below 50% so you're happy with his 49%. I'm beginning to think less of your contributions here. Be smarter, will ya!

Your impetuous and erratic explosions are escalating at exponentially instantaneous proportions.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

I am all for development but people seem not to care about the massive corruptions from high ranking officials at the country's main port of entry.

Unfortunately, worst corruption at the airport facilities existed way back in time and in particular heightened during the PNC's era from 1964.


This situation, while it will not be totally eliminated under any government, has been greatly reduced from 1992.

Stop lying you ole goat. Corruption has increased by leaps and bounds under the PPP. Do you even know what happens at the airport with the amount of PPP coke that is shipped through there? You haven't left the comfort of your nursing home in years so how would you know.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

I am all for development but people seem not to care about the massive corruptions from high ranking officials at the country's main port of entry.

Unfortunately, worst corruption at the airport facilities existed way back in time and in particular heightened during the PNC's era from 1964.


This situation, while it will not be totally eliminated under any government, has been greatly reduced from 1992.

Aw c'mon DG! What a croc! Everybody in your son's class got below 50% so you're happy with his 49%. I'm beginning to think less of your contributions here. Be smarter, will ya!

Your impetuous and erratic explosions are escalating at exponentially instantaneous proportions.

......and I'm supposed to laff....

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

I am all for development but people seem not to care about the massive corruptions from high ranking officials at the country's main port of entry.

Unfortunately, worst corruption at the airport facilities existed way back in time and in particular heightened during the PNC's era from 1964.


This situation, while it will not be totally eliminated under any government, has been greatly reduced from 1992.

Aw c'mon DG! What a croc! Everybody in your son's class got below 50% so you're happy with his 49%. I'm beginning to think less of your contributions here. Be smarter, will ya!

Your impetuous and erratic explosions are escalating at exponentially instantaneous proportions.

......and I'm supposed to laff....

Are you crying?    

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

I am all for development but people seem not to care about the massive corruptions from high ranking officials at the country's main port of entry. Why are we expanding the airport before cleaning up the corruptions? Government can get things done if they wanted to, but when they have something to gain from it they lay low and brush it off. The Marriott and Park Vue Hotels should not overshadow the uncured disease of corruption. President Ramotar should visit CJIA with his top investigators and start firing and jailing some of these high level crooks. 

when did any ppp president ever jail anybody cobra give it a rest 

Problem, most of these corrupt persons and PNCites and the GoG will have a mini civil-rights issue to deal with.  Firing them will create a pretext for another slo fyah mo fyah campaign.  You see what happen in Linden when the GoG clamp down on illegal behavior.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

I am all for development but people seem not to care about the massive corruptions from high ranking officials at the country's main port of entry.

Unfortunately, worst corruption at the airport facilities existed way back in time and in particular heightened during the PNC's era from 1964.


This situation, while it will not be totally eliminated under any government, has been greatly reduced from 1992.

D_G, I know you have a knack for history, but your 1964 thing is irreverent to this modern era of the PPP. Please don't make excuses to tolerate corruption. The PPP either get with program or get out of office. Like I said, I hold the PPP to a higher standard to do better than the PNC.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

I am all for development but people seem not to care about the massive corruptions from high ranking officials at the country's main port of entry.

Unfortunately, worst corruption at the airport facilities existed way back in time and in particular heightened during the PNC's era from 1964.


This situation, while it will not be totally eliminated under any government, has been greatly reduced from 1992.

D_G, I know you have a knack for history, but your 1964 thing is irreverent to this modern era of the PPP. Please don't make excuses to tolerate corruption. The PPP either get with program or get out of office. Like I said, I hold the PPP to a higher standard to do better than the PNC.

The PPP is a mafia organisation. Through corruption they acquire paybacks and election funding. They will never bring in the official at CJIA. My mamoo knows who's the thief man there. 

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

I am all for development but people seem not to care about the massive corruptions from high ranking officials at the country's main port of entry.

Unfortunately, worst corruption at the airport facilities existed way back in time and in particular heightened during the PNC's era from 1964.


This situation, while it will not be totally eliminated under any government, has been greatly reduced from 1992.

D_G, I know you have a knack for history, but your 1964 thing is irreverent to this modern era of the PPP. Please don't make excuses to tolerate corruption. The PPP either get with program or get out of office. Like I said, I hold the PPP to a higher standard to do better than the PNC.

The PPP is a mafia organisation. Through corruption they acquire paybacks and election funding. They will never bring in the official at CJIA. My mamoo knows who's the thief man there. 

Are you speaking on DG's behalf?

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

I am all for development but people seem not to care about the massive corruptions from high ranking officials at the country's main port of entry.

Unfortunately, worst corruption at the airport facilities existed way back in time and in particular heightened during the PNC's era from 1964.


This situation, while it will not be totally eliminated under any government, has been greatly reduced from 1992.

D_G, I know you have a knack for history, but your 1964 thing is irreverent to this modern era of the PPP. Please don't make excuses to tolerate corruption. The PPP either get with program or get out of office. Like I said, I hold the PPP to a higher standard to do better than the PNC.

The PPP is a mafia organisation. Through corruption they acquire paybacks and election funding. They will never bring in the official at CJIA. My mamoo knows who's the thief man there. 

Are you speaking on DG's behalf?


Do you see me using many big words in one sentence? 

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

I am all for development but people seem not to care about the massive corruptions from high ranking officials at the country's main port of entry.

Unfortunately, worst corruption at the airport facilities existed way back in time and in particular heightened during the PNC's era from 1964.


This situation, while it will not be totally eliminated under any government, has been greatly reduced from 1992.

D_G, I know you have a knack for history, but your 1964 thing is irreverent to this modern era of the PPP. Please don't make excuses to tolerate corruption. The PPP either get with program or get out of office. Like I said, I hold the PPP to a higher standard to do better than the PNC.

Irrelevant in which specific way(s)?


Perhaps, it is your choice to rid the PPP/C out of office.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

I am all for development but people seem not to care about the massive corruptions from high ranking officials at the country's main port of entry.

Unfortunately, worst corruption at the airport facilities existed way back in time and in particular heightened during the PNC's era from 1964.


This situation, while it will not be totally eliminated under any government, has been greatly reduced from 1992.

D_G, I know you have a knack for history, but your 1964 thing is irreverent to this modern era of the PPP. Please don't make excuses to tolerate corruption. The PPP either get with program or get out of office. Like I said, I hold the PPP to a higher standard to do better than the PNC.

Irrelevant in which specific way(s)?


Perhaps, it is your choice to rid the PPP/C out of office.

D_G, I no longer hold any party allegiance. My devotion goes to the people of all creed and race of Guyana. If the PPP cannot eradicate the corruption that is decaying the fabric of our country, then they're part of the problem. If they have to be voted out of office, it would be by their own doing, not me. Even when I was supporting the PPP, I said if so many people are crying against this disease, sometime we have to stop and listen to them. I don't think Indians alone have all the answers to Guyanese problems.    


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