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Former Member

Massive display of support at Lusignan for PPPC as curtain comes down on political campaign

Written by , Published in News, Georgetown, GINA, May 9, 2015, Source


A hydro project, new highways, a deep water harbour, Information Communication Technology Centres (ICT), economic free zones, a highly educated and skilled workforce, job creation and a better standard of living for all Guyanese should his Government be re-elected are some of the re-assurances given by Head of State, Donald Ramotar this evening to thousands of Guyanese at the Lusignan Tarmac as the race to the polls hit the finish line.


The President was at the time speaking at the final rally hosted by the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPPC) before the 24-hour break from politicking ahead of the May 11 general and regional elections.


President Donald Ramotar waves to supporters at the final PPPC Rally at Lusignan, East Coast Demerara


Supporters converged at the East Coast Demerara venue as the curtains came down on the elections campaign amidst jubilation and high anticipation of victory at Monday’s polls with encouragement from their Presidential Candidate Ramotar and Prime Ministerial Candidate Elisabeth Harper. This was dubbed as one of the most anticipated elections in Guyana, as it represents an opportunity for the ruling PPP/C to regain the majority in Parliament after the combined opposition got a one-seat majority in the 2011 elections, giving the PPP/C a minority Government for the first time in Guyana.


“I ask you to be brave, to be strong, and to go out early in the morning to vote, to put your x to the side of the cup. Over the years the PPP/C government and the PPP have stood by you, and I ask you on Monday to stand with us, to stand by me and let us deliver the biggest victory for the people of this country.”


Ramotar traced the resultant hardships of the past three years in office, being constantly opposed by the political opposition without sound rationale and any alternatives for development.


Extending his personal and party’s gratitude, Ramotar thanked all the supporters, who stood with him for the past years.


“I’ve admired your strength and the tremendous achievements you have made because everywhere I go, I can see the marked improvement in people’s lives…You the people of this country performed magnificently, and I must congratulate you for that...The campaign was a hard fought campaign. We in the PPP/C, we campaigned on our record because we have a record that we can be proud of, we have a record of struggling for freedom and independence…and when independence came and our democracy was undermined and our freedom taken away, we fought relentlessly,” he said for restoration. “The fact that we can speak our mind freely we cannot ever put a price tag to that.”


He reminded supporters of the bleak economic situation in which Guyana was under the PNC and that then Minister of Finance, Carl Greenidge admitted in a signed affidavit that the country was bankrupt and the debt was 925 percent of the economy. “The PPP/C Government brought that down to only 60 percent of the economy.” The repayment figures are also a success story, as they came down from 153 percent of revenue to less than five percent of revenues today.


“We can see progress right around the country. Our children now over the last ten years have moved from being at the bottom of the ladder to over the past ten years, every single year Guyanese students topping the Caribbean as the best student in the Region,” he said. This success, he noted, is not confined to students of those schools regarded traditionally as the top performers, but from schools in rural communities, as the top technical student for the Caribbean last year came from Cotton Tree, West Berbice. “His achievement is the achievement of a child of the working class,” he said, noting that the PPP/C has always been a party of the working class. This, he said, vindicates government’s social spending thrust, which is unparalleled in the Caribbean. Guyana currently invests about 30 percent of its national budget on the social sectors, the bulk of which goes towards education delivery.



The massive crowd at the PPPC Rally at Lusignan, East Coast Demerara


He said once re-elected, the government hopes to take Guyana to a developed country status within a short period by modernising the landscape and developing the capacity of the people. He spoke of the potential of the Amaila Falls Hydro Project that was started by the PPP/C, and which was consistently knocked down by the political situation, but government will start the project again before the end of the year once re-elected.


“We are going to modernise our country by creating the infrastructure we are putting in place, we will modernise Guyana…” a determined Ramotar assured his supporters. Key to this modernisation of which he speaks is the expansion of the Cheddi Jagan International Airport that will bring down freight cost and open overseas markets for Guyanese farmers and producers.


“The world will be our market,” he said, adding that the supporting road network will be built to reduce the time and cost for farmers from farm to market, thereby increasing their competitiveness.


“We are the party of continuous change. We have shown that in every situation we are able to grapple with...and now we are ready to move our country to higher (levels of) development,” he said. This development will include the creation of thousands of jobs through the hydro project, an ICT lab on the East Coast to employ more than 1000 persons and a new East Coast Highway.


These new ventures will not be at the expense of the traditional sectors, he promised, as “we will not neglect our traditional industries. We will ensure that sugar continues to make an important contribution to the economy of our country, and I have committed that the next PPP/C government will spend a minimum of $20 billion to ensure the industry prospers, and you know you can take our promise seriously... We built the university of Guyana. We built the Guyana School of Agriculture. We built the CPCE, and the Bank of Guyana,” he said.



President Donald Ramotar addressing the massive gathering at Lusignan


The PPP/C Government improved transportation “and now we are bridging our rivers. We have bridged the Berbice River and are working to Bridge the Corentyne River as well. These projects will create thousands of jobs because it will all us to create economic free zones… all over the place we will have more and more centres for growth in our country.”


The President said that Guyana’s economy will be diversified and emphasised that Government “will continue to spend our money on the people of our country, to improve the capacity of Guyana because that is our philosophy that is where we come from. We believe that the economy must serve the people.”


His party has facilitated more working people owning their own homes and reduced the age for homeownership from more than 50 years to 34 years and raised the life expectancy significantly.


“When we came to office the average level (life expectancy) was 58 for men and 60 for women and today we have lifted that to almost 70…and in the next five years we intend to carry it to 75 years for our people... Our success in the economy has been translated into a better life for the people of Guyana,” he said adding that the Georgetown Hospital can now do heart surgeries and soon the speciality hospital that will be built by his Administration will take things further by offering organ transplant.


“Every promise we have kept, and I am proud of that record, but there is one danger in place. That danger comes from the Opposition, an opposition that is totally uninterested in the development of our country,” he said, noting that they have cut $89 billion from the budget over the last three years, but “despite their worst efforts to try to hold back the development of our country, we still remained the fastest growing economy in the Caribbean, and that is a remarkable development because they set out to deliberately harm our country.”



Eager children reach out to President Donald Ramotar


He told supporters that their non-cooperation was evident also in their stance on the Anti-Money Laundering Bill.


“They do not have a record they can stand on. Indeed it is very strange that they don’t want to talk about history because David Granger, by training, he’s a historian, he has a degree in history, but this is the only historian in the world who doesn’t want to talk about history for very good reasons because he cannot hold up the record of the PNC in government to us as an alternative. They cannot do it because they ruined our country...they wanted to tell you what you must eat. If you must eat flour, if you must eat peas...”


This is evident in that party changing its name at every recent elections and the PPP/C Government. He said his party has not only been fighting against the opposition political parties, but “we had to fight against the newspapers that support them”, adding that KN refused to carry a PPP/C ad with an APNU supporter urinating on the flag as it was too lewd, but that said paper has published the body of a decapitated man on its front page.


“What kind of hypocrisy is this? But we know they don’t want us to expose the corruption,” he said, which include Moses Nagamootoo being paid by NICIL (National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited) for consultancy work during the Berbice River Bridge construction and still seeking payment from people who were living at the riverside and (Khemraj)  Ramjattan being associated with the contractors of the planned Specialty Hospital.


They have been bombarding the psychology of the Indian population in the country, through their ads, but the Kaieteur News carried those ads, he said. President Ramotar was referring to East Indians being used by the Coalition to wow support in their favour. “Every single Guyana whether Indo, African, Amerindian Guyanese or others, they have every right to vote for the PPP/C because it was the PPP/C policies in government that transformed their lives…,” he said, noting that “we are happy that we have so many observers in the country because as old dog don’t stop sucking eggs and the PNC is the same APNU,” he said, who are culpable of stealing ballots.

He also spoke of the right to vote, a battle in which the PPP/C was at the forefront, and urged the gathering to remember the ballot box martyrs who made sacrifices to ensure free and fair elections.


Making his final call for support for a return to the Presidency and a majority in the National Assembly for his Party, President Ramotar said, “We are proud of our achievement. Comrades we have stood by you. These elections are important elections. We remember another coalition in 1964 and where it brought our country to,” adding that this current coalition seeks power over development as they decided on political positions before discussing policies to take Guyana forward.


Speaking about the opposition leadership, Ramotar noted it’s less than credible, as he observed that Granger has assured Barticians that there will be no more massacres, but pointed out it was the PNC’s founder leader Forbes Burnham that said “Only he owns the dog can call off the dogs. So is Granger in the statement he is making, is he admitting that he’s in control of the dogs? Can he call them off when he wants to do so? Comrades this is the frightening implication.”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Nehru will be quite a happy person.


What you think, Cobra?

The PPP end their rally at Nehru's Village and post election celebration will be at Nehru's place. A perfect setting, indeed.


Rohee calls on thousands at Lusignan … Prove Granger wrong, let us deliver a resounding victory for the PPP/C


PPP General Secretary Clement Rohee addresses the Lusignan rally
PPP General Secretary Clement Rohee addresses the Lusignan rally


“BY Tuesday or Wednesday just as it is a beautiful day today let it be a day of beauty for the PPP/C as we secure another victory.”Those were the words of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C)’s General Secretary, Clement Rohee, while speaking to a vibrant and massive crowd at the incumbent party’s final rally at Lusignan, East Coast Demerara.

Rohee issued a call to the thousands gathered there, saying, “Beautiful people of Region 4 and Guyana, help us and we will stamp another victory for the PPP/C.”

Subsequent to this call, he highlighted the fact that, A Partnership For National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU+AfC)’s Presidential Candidate, David Granger’s statement that his party will win 52-68% of the votes will be reversed, as it is the PPP/C who will win that with the support of the Guyanese people.

The PPP/C stalwart alluded to the fact that, Granger has criticised the list of electors, calling it dirty, but he noted “his past is dirty, and his party has a dirty history, one which included trampling on the rights of Guyanese and the rights of freedom of speech.”

This he told the thousands of PPP/C supporters made thousands leave the country, but the PPP/C remained as solid as a rock and will continue to do so as they progress in developing Guyana.


As the crowd chanted ‘PPP for victory,’ Rohee paid homage and honoured some of the leaders who fought for this country, like the former presidents, the late Dr. Cheddi and Janet Jagan, among others.

“We will uphold the good work of the founder leaders of the party and we will not let APNU+AFC rob us of this,” he emphasised.


Turning to the Opposition’s mischief Rohee urged the people of Lusignan that, “there are dangers we must look out for on Monday, as the so-called palm-key party is planning every day on how to defeat the PPP/C by not adhering to the holding of free and fair elections.

“For instance, they cheated us one and a half years in Government, because the President had to dissolve Parliament because they were going to pass a no-confidence motion against us,” he said.

According the PPP/C’s General Secretary, the Opposition wanted to block a Government that is doing positive things for Guyana, that is why he called on the thousands help the PPP/C win with a majority and a victory that is so convincing and unbelievable that they could only say that the elections were free and fair.


“As we turn out on Monday we must look out for all the tricks and pay attention to what happens at the polling stations…we must exercise great vigilance, because they like stuffing the ballot boxes, and we must ensure that this does not happen,” urged the PPP/C stalwart.

The energy, he noted, which is being exerted here must continue on and after the General and Regional Elections, because he added this election is about the future of this country.

Furthermore, this election is about choosing the PPP/C who in their Manifesto, “Guyana version 2.0” have pointed out developmental programmes that will be implemented after the elections.

“If we want to win we must believe in ourselves, as we must not allow powers and bullies to deprive us of what we want and what we believe in,” he lamented.

Therefore, in closing he said, “I call on everyone to stand strong in your conviction and belief…as every man, woman and child must live in a strong, stable and secure Guyana under the leadership of the PPP/C.”

Last edited by Former Member

PPP/C always driven by people’s interests – Harper tells Lusignan rally


PPP/C Prime Ministerial Candidate Elisabeth Harper addresses the rally at Lusignan
PPP/C Prime Ministerial Candidate Elisabeth Harper addresses the rally at Lusignan


“THE moment is fast approaching, one more day before Election Day and on that day we have a big decision to make: who will lead us to 2020 and your only choice is the PPP/C,” prime ministerial (PM) candidate for the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Elisabeth Harper said to the massive crowd of supporters that congregated at the Lusignan market tarmac. Elisabeth Harper noted that the PPP/C has always been driven by the interest of the people, as she pointed out the significant progress the PPP/C Government has achieved over the last two decades. “This is evident with a stable, growing economy,” she noted.

The PM candidate explained that the PPP/C launched their 2015 Manifesto and it consists of many benefits for the people of Guyana. “Food security is at the top of our agenda, increased production and the diversification of our other crops. We will also continue to partner with the private sector to create more investment projects and jobs creation,” she related.

She noted that under the PPP/C manifesto the Government will establish a special development fund that will encourage job and health- creation activities. Harper told her supporters that education is a priority for this Government as she alluded to the many achievements of this sector. She noted also that with a better education system, the country will have enhanced job opportunities by preparing our country for a high educational sector. She noted too that crime poses a problem and the PPP/C manifesto speaks at length on ways that will be implemented to mitigate this issue through the disciplinary services.

Empowering women is vital, Harper noted, “We will review all the laws that will encourage and promote women’s rights and equality. We must exercise zero tolerance on domestic violence.” She explained that domestic violence destroys who we are and everything we stand for and we as a community should not encourage it and “I encourage our men to participate in this fight also.”

“Single parents will be able to also further their education, training and day- care services will be provided, child support will be mandatory by the court” are some of the opportunities that will be available to single parents Harper noted.

She further explained that the PPP/C Government has over the years upheld “the rights of women, our right in all aspects of the country, our right to an education more importantly.” Harper further explained that teenage pregnancy is also a big problem and our manifesto will be to address these issues also, “if you had to leave school early, you have another chance to continue your education and provide for your family, opportunities will be available to support you.”

Harper noted that presently more attention needs to be given to job creation for our young people and in the PPP/C manifesto, “we will make sure jobs are created and more development and a number of new initiatives for job- creation opportunities will be embarked upon.

“With these new initiatives, many more people will be able to enjoy a higher standard of living in this country,” she said. “Our manifesto talks about housing for young people, a vision that is geared to creating a Guyana with a great future, with more interacting and dialogue to facilitate our decision making within this sector,” Harper expressed.

Harper spoke with confidence of the achievements that were made a reality under the PPP/C Government. “In your community you have more services in education, health and job opportunities. You are now able to build your own homes with the help of the Housing Ministry; the agricultural sector improves even further under this government.”

Speaking specifically to the young people who will be voting for the first time, she emphasised: “I want you to listen very carefully; soon you might be standing on this stage and putting forward a vision on this stage. I encourage you to work hard and help to build this blessed country.

“Voting to preserve the democracy of Guyana through the collective strength of all Guyanese is what we will do on May 11,” Harper noted
The PM candidate stressed “greater things are yet to come with the PPP/C victory, we will not lose this race. I believe in you and my party believes in you, do believe in us and let us on May 11 bring home a majority victory.”

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Nehru will be quite a happy person.


What you think, Cobra?

The PPP end their rally at Nehru's Village and post election celebration will be at Nehru's place. A perfect setting, indeed.

Excellent indeed ... please convey my greetings to Nehru.


Nandlall urges thousands at Lusignan … Vote to protect our freedoms, make every vote count

By Vanessa Narine, May 10, 2015, Source


Anil Nandlall addresses the Lusignan rallu
Anil Nandlall addresses the Lusignan rallu


MONDAY’S VOTE is a matter of protecting the gains of 500 years of struggle by the Guyanese people, which has translated into the freedoms – peace, progress and prosperity – enjoyed by every man, woman and child in the country.“We have to vote to protect those gains…we have to vote against those who took away your freedoms,” said member of the People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C), Anil Nandlall, at yesterday’s Lusignan’s rally – the party’s final appeal to voters.

Over the last two months, the ruling party has advanced its campaign across the country and enthused by the energy of a massive gathering of support, he confidently stressed that the ruling party has renewed its bond with the Guyanese people and re-energised its support base.

Nandlall noted that Guyana’s last great struggle, the fight for democracy was a fight to reclaim government, Parliament, the judiciary, freedom of the press and constitutional rights in the face of a dictatorship that unleashed force, violence and intimidation on those who dared to stand up for their rights.

The hard won gains of a fight that demanded blood, sweat and tears, is what is at stake, according to him,


Nandlall asserted that every vote must count. “Not a single registered voter must be at home on Monday… at the last elections thousands of us stayed home on the East Coast of Demerara and did not vote because we felt we were winning the elections…. this time every single vote must count.”

He urged that every eligible voter must be encouraged to go to the polls on Monday – parent, neighbour, brother, sister, friend or foe.

“Do we have that clear?” he questioned, the response to which was wild cheering.

The PPP/C member added that the ruling party has always been a party of the people and for all the Guyanese people, noting that it was the PPP/C that delivered Guyana its first female president in the late Mrs. Janet Jagan and now its first prime ministerial candidate, Mrs. Elisabeth Harper.

On that note, he appealed that come May 11, “rain, sun, lightening or thunder,” the Guyanese people must turn out to the polling stations to cast their vote for the party that has stood by the people for decades.

“We are not a dry- weather party,” Nandlall said, acknowledging that the forecast for Monday has predicted rains.

The PPP/C member noted too that the ruling party’s list of candidates speaks to talent, intellect, youth and experience.

“We will continue to fight for you… May 11 is serious business,” he stressed.


Nandlall was emphatic in encouraging the thousands at Lusignan not to be “distracted by the political Opposition and its supporters with acts of bullyism and intimidation, as well as “latent racism” pushed from its campaign platforms.

He highlighted that in 2011 many Guyanese became “complacent” and did not turn out at polling stations to cast their votes.

“This time around we will not be distracted…we will remain resolute…on Monday, May 11 we must reassert ourselves,” the PPP/C member said.
This reassertion, according to him, will be supported by PPP/C representatives come Election Day. “We will be close by,” he assured, adding that identification cards are not a necessity to vote and urged that persons who were unable to conduct transfers should return to their voting districts to cast their votes.

“Once you are on the list you are eligible to vote,” Nandlall stressed.
He was emphatic in underscoring the fact that crowds do not win elections, presence at the polls do. “Your presence at the polls will deliver victory for the PPP,” he said.

The PPP/C member urged too that the Guyanese people must not forget the dangers to which the political Opposition had exposed them. “We must remain resolute and stand strong…do not forget the dangers we can, yet again, be exposed to if we do not stand strong,” he said.

Nandlall noted that the political opposition’s disposition defined on which side APNU+AFC stood. “We stand on the side of the people… they chose their side and on Monday you will chose your side,” he said.

According to the confident PPP/C member next Thursday Guyana’s new prime minister will be Mrs. Elisabeth Harper and President Donald Ramotar will be returned as Head of State to lead Guyana to a brighter future – one that is stable and secure.

“On May 11 you will have your day and you will have your say,” Nandlall concluded, amidst thunderous cheers from the thousands of PPP/C supporters.

By Vanessa Narine


Nandlall asserted that every vote must count. “Not a single registered voter must be at home on Monday… at the last elections thousands of us stayed home on the East Coast of Demerara and did not vote because we felt we were winning the elections…. this time every single vote must count.”


I hope voters heed to this advise.


Conditions for the May 11, 2015 elections is much different that those for the 2011, Cobra.


On Monday, the indications are that PPP/C supporters will indeed be at the polling stations to cast their votes.


Rohee now knows Region 4 get beautiful people, haha, and i wonder if Nandlall still want the young reporter gal for his uncle? Well I know Pauline giving big smiles these days with her 2.1 million teeth and Roger shame to open he mouth, for political expediency Ramotar had to bury the man Bheri but he coming back like Jesus from the dead, talking about dead the man seh the ting na dead but who cares, he should go talk to Anil.


Guyana will continue to develop under PPP/C – Sharma tells massive PPP/C Lusignan rally

May 10, 2015, Source


Dr. Mahender Sharma addresses the Lusignan Rally
Dr. Mahender Sharma addresses the Lusignan Rally

“GUYANA is poised to grow under the PPP/C, we have created a highly educated population and under the PPP/C we will continue to develop,” was the message by the young members of the list as they urged Guyanese to vote resoundingly for the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C).Setting the pace for the Lusignan Rally on the East Coast of Demerara, Dr. Mahender Sharma, son of Chandranarine Sharma, stated with vibrancy on May 11 “there is no doubt that under the PPP/C you have seen peace, prosperity, development and progress.”

Explaining the happenings of the last three years, Dr. Sharma noted that “they said no to everything we put forward in Parliament, they cut monies for creation of jobs, funds for education was cut, funds for our Amerindian people was cut now they (APNU+AFC) have a plan for the country… but don’t give them this opportunity to destroy this country come out and vote on May 11.

“The PPP/C has restored dignity to Guyana, when previously we were shunned and now we are the envy of the Region.” This sort of development was achieved under the PPP/C Government, he stressed.

“You have an important decision on May 11, we want you to come out early and put your X next to the cup; make sure the ballot paper is stamped with the six-digit number and vote for continued progress,” Dr. Sharma concluded.

Vanessa Benn explained the struggles of the Guyanese people under the People’s National Congress (PNC) now calling themselves APNU+AFC (A Partnership of National Unity and the Alliance For Change). She noted that she is proud to say that “I always voted for the PPP/C and will continue to vote for them because they are a party with a vision of progress.”

Benn continued by explaining that “they don t want us to talk history, because they are scared of the stories coming out and people seeing their true colours.” She however, reflected on some of the history and struggles of the Guyanese people under the PNC Government.

Asking the massive congregation of PPP/C supporters “who should lead our country for the next five years, do you want the Opposition that would only take us backwards or under the PPP/C that has a vision for the future and will take this country forward.” Her answer was “we voting PPP/C.”

Benn spoke at length of the achievements in the education sector, noting the amount of women that are furthering their education and are now becoming doctors, lawyers and engineers among others.

“You will decide the future of our country on May 11, either we move forward or we go back to the days of punishment and there is only one choice and that’s the PPP/C”, Shyam Nokta related.

He urged supporters to vote on [the PPP/C’s] track record and stressed that you should check the track record of the PPP/C and the PNC and see under which leadership has the country developed. “We (PPP/C) have worked tirelessly to rebuild the country; this is why there is only one choice and that is the PPP/C,” he reiterated.

“We have been living this positive change and the PPP/C has restored optimism and confidence in our people, under the policies and programmes of the PPP/C we have achieved milestones in education, housing, under the Low Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS), health among others.”

May 11, Nokta noted, “is a day that we have to protect our democracy and all the gains we have made for this country, make the right choice and secure a resounding victory for the PPP/C.”


Dr Jagdeo tells Lusignan rally … Don’t give APNU+AFC a chance — says they were given a chance and they wrecked the country


Former President Bharrat jagdeo addresses the Lusignan rally
Former President Bharrat jagdeo addresses the Lusignan rally

Pouring out from practically every street of nearby villages, thousands last evening assembled at the Lusignan Tarmac in a show of their unconditional support for the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Government.The many in final pilgrimage before Monday’s General and Regional Elections, decked out in red and while polo t-shirts emblazoned with Vote PPP/C, danced and waved the ruling party’s red, black and yellow signature flags as music blared from the speakers placed around the huge tarmac.

It was a sea of red overflowing that corner of the public road, all pledging their support to the PPP/C as it heads to what many have called the ‘mother of all elections’ on Monday.

International reggae icon Bob Marley’s “Don’t worry everything gonna be alright”, which happened to the final words of Dr Cheddi Jagan, founder and distinguished leader of PPP/C, as among several songs that blasted from the speakers.

And the energy reverberated in the crowd, which appeared ‘battle ready’ as the ruling party would say.

Taking to podium, amid loud cheers, former President, Dr Bharrat Jagdeo warned the thousands gathered against the call by the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and Alliance For Change (AFC) to give the Alliance a chance.

In a passionate tone, he said they were given a chance in 2011 and instead of helping in the development of Guyana, they wrecked country.

The opposition had the majority in Parliament for the last three years, and during that time, Dr Jagdeo said they never came to the government and asked for more money in the budget for sugar workers, they expressed no interest to help rice farmers, had little interest in improving education, healthcare and the enhancement of security for the citizenry.

“They had three years in Parliament and the never used their power to do anything positive and that is why we have to take it back from them on Monday,” he said to a tumultuous applaud from the multitude of supporters.

Take back majority
He added: “We have to take it back from them by ensuring that we have the majority in Parliament. What did they use it for, $89 billion of cuts; $89 billion spent in the economy could have generated over $200 billion of flows through our economy. That means jobs for people, jobs for the carpenters and cleansers, the fishermen and everyone else because it will shore-up disposable income, but the sucked it out of the economy because they were vindictive.”

The APNU in consort with the AFC also cut loans for students of the University of Guyana (UG), but Dr Jagdeo said, they will promise the students free education when they get into power.

The Opposition is also promising, he said to give out free computers to every child, but yet they cut allocations for the One Lap Top Per Family Programme.

Dr Jagdeo said the empty politics was also extended to the Amaila Falls Hydro Project, which the combined opposition, the APNU and AFC, also voted down.

“The cut the Amaila Falls… we know how electricity affects costs of living. We could have saved over US$3 billion over 20 years, cut your electricity rate, we could have your business getting cheaper power so that they can generate more jobs but the cut that from the budget too.”

And this is not all, he said, the APNU+AFC Alliance has suddenly developed a love for the Amerindian people now that it is close to elections.

“But they cut over $4 billion from the budget for Amerindian people. Isn’t this shameful behaviour comrades?” he asked the gathering, telling that that this is what the APNU and AFC did when they had three years of power in Parliament.

The former President emphasised that Guyana needs President Ramotar to move the country forward, but it can only do so with a majority in Parliament, as he urged to vote solidly for the PPP/C on Monday.
62 lashes

Dr Jagdeo trashed claims by APNU+AFC Leader David Granger that the Alliance will win Monday’s election by 62 per cent.

He said if Granger was in the class of one of his teachers, who hails from Buxton, he would have been in pain by now.

“If Granger was in Aubrey Payne’s class, he would have had 62 lashes on his backside for misleading people,” he told the gathering which erupted in laughter.

But nowadays, he said, the cane is not used any more, but if were in school today, he would have been sent to the back of the class.

The former President said the Opposition Leader did not make the wild claim for the safe of making it, contending that he did so primarily because of two sinister reasons.

“One, set a high figure so that if you lose the elections you can claim that you were cheated or secondary, say that you are winning 62 per cent because you will demoralise PPP supporters into not turning out… We must not be fooled by this bogus electoral arithmetic,” he urged the gathering.

The APNU+AFC Leader had said that the coalition in the 20100 Regional and General election won 40 per cent and the AFC 11 per cent, and this time around being together, they will win more.

But Dr Jagdeo said the AFC support from 2011 to now has practically collapsed across the country, mainly because they misled their supporters, promising them that they will never join forces with the APNU.

Lies and distortions
This aside, he said, the APNU+AFC has been basing their campaign on lies and distortions, contending that they have no vision for Guyana.

Granger, he said, even to today, despite insurmountable evidence, is still denying that the PNC never rigged any elections.

“If you can start your bid for the presidency by putting out such as big lie, then it is either you are forgetful, you have amnesia, Alzheimer and we don’t want a president like that, who does not have any memory, Ramotar has good memory,” he said.

He added: “Granger doesn’t speak about guns given to the PNC when he was commander in the army, he does not speak about the army’s involvement in the killing of Walter Rodney… his campaign is not a campaign based on righteousness, it is a campaign based on lies.”

The former president also called on the gathering to do not be afraid of APNU+AFC intimidation, turn out in their numbers and vote to return the PPP/C with a majority government.

He said the PPP/C has also urged the observers to watch out for any manipulation that the opposition would try to make after 16:30h to snatch the ballot boxes.

“We know what they are about and that’s why we are not going to allow them to come anywhere near of running this country… we need to come out and make sure that this country gets the future that it deserves, and only Ramotar can lead us into that future,” the former president said.

By Tajeram Mohabir


Dam Dam Digga Mousam Digga Digga was the Tune all over Lusignan yesterday!! Then came the roaring chant of  FIVE MORE YEARS!!!   FIVE MORE YEARS!!!!   LEH WE GO  LEH WE GO TO THE LAND OF PROGRESS AND PROSPERITY ON THE PPP TRAIN.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Dam Dam Digga Mousam Digga Digga was the Tune all over Lusignan yesterday!! Then came the roaring chant of  FIVE MORE YEARS!!!   FIVE MORE YEARS!!!!   LEH WE GO  LEH WE GO TO THE LAND OF PROGRESS AND PROSPERITY ON THE PPP TRAIN.






And indeed, five more years for the PPP/C in government.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Dam Dam Digga Mousam Digga Digga was the Tune all over Lusignan yesterday!! Then came the roaring chant of  FIVE MORE YEARS!!!   FIVE MORE YEARS!!!!   LEH WE GO  LEH WE GO TO THE LAND OF PROGRESS AND PROSPERITY ON THE PPP TRAIN.






And indeed, five more years for the PPP/C in government.

Yeah Baby!! Pop the champagne!!! PPP PPP PPP Let us DANCE for JOY!!!   Dance DG Dance and be HAPPY.    VICTORY IS OURS!!!!



Pop the champagne!!!    





Dance DG Dance and be HAPPY.



Champagne and other beverages will flow as the PPP/C again win the election with more than 51% of the votes.  


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