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Georgetown sees biggest Diwali motorcade in recent history –with youths dominating this year’s festivities

LIKE a solid wall stretching into the distance, spectators lined several city streets and roadways leading to the Georgetown Seawall, and the seawall running along the East Coast of Demerara, as they sought to get a glimpse of the attractive floats and the beautifully made up men, women and children from the Hindu community participating in the Dharmic Sabha’s annual Diwali motorcade.

This Edward Beharry Float, designed by Andrew Art, was one of the largest floats among those on show last evening

This Edward Beharry Float, designed by Andrew Art, was one of the largest floats among those on show last evening

Last evening, the floats assembled at the Shri Krishna Mandir in Campbell Avenue, Campbellville, Georgetown before making their way in a procession through several city streets and on to the Rupert Craig Highway, along which they travelled, wending their way to the La Bonne Intention (LBI) Community Centre Ground for the cultural programme put on by the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha.
Hundreds of cameras, smart-phones and other gadgets were used to capture the spectacular displays of lights and devotees ensconced in low-bed trucks, canters, open back pickups and other vehicles from which blared the sweet religious melodies usually associated with Diwali celebrations.
There were individual floats, even as mandirs and other religious grouping were well in evidence in the parade.
Speaking with the Guyana Chronicle last evening, Culture Minister Dr. Frank Anthony said the event is now tradition in Guyana, and last evening’s motorcade was the largest of its kind for this season.

This Diwali float parked on Campbell Avenue last evening did not cease to amaze the scores of spectators gathered at the Shri Krishna Mandir

This Diwali float parked on Campbell Avenue last evening did not cease to amaze the scores of spectators gathered at the Shri Krishna Mandir

Dr. Anthony said the Diwali motorcades are always events that persons would look forward to witnessing, and while there are many mythical meanings to the origin of Diwali, the salient message is that good triumphs over evil – a message all Guyanese can relate to in everyday life. He said that once a person does good, good will follow that person.
He said that keeping the focus and the meaning of Diwali alive will eventually see persons making themselves better individuals, and by extension their country a better place.
Speaking with the Guyana Chronicle before the procession departed from Campbell Avenue, President of the Guyana Hindu Dharmic Sabha, Dr Vindhya Vasini Persaud described the event as one of the biggest motorcades witnessed in recent times.

A float from the Success Mandir on the East Coast of Demerara which joined the convoy at Campbell Avenue

A float from the Success Mandir on the East Coast of Demerara which joined the convoy at Campbell Avenue

She commended the various mandirs and other persons and groupings who took time to be part of the historic moment, and said that one of the hallmarks of this year’s celebration, like last year’s, is the fact that young people and their youth groups have dominated the celebrations, and are working to take the activity to another level with their fresh and brilliant ideas.
Last evening’s event saw more than twenty floats taking part in the motorcade, and according to Dr. Persaud, the event has now become somewhat of a source of national pride, since it is being emulated in the rest of the Caribbean and other countries further afield.DSC_0136
Last night’s parade was described as spectacular, with floats coming from the East Bank of Demerara, West Coast of Demerara, East and West Banks of Berbice as well as from Georgetown.
Dr Vindhya Persaud said that while the motorcade is a competition, those taking part are always encouraged to work together, thus allowing the light of unity to glow unchallenged.
Today, Hindus around the world celebrate the Festival of Lights; and, over the past week, there have been several activities to mark the occasion.
The Guyana Chronicle will feature a more detailed and colourful story on last evening’s celebration in tomorrow’s edition.

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Originally Posted by yuji22:

The largest celebrations especially by the youths show confidence in their government and faith in their dharma and country.

That's what you believe. They are celebrating something that was always celebrated. 

Originally Posted by yuji22:

The largest celebrations especially by the youths show confidence in their government and faith in their dharma and country.

Why are you making the celebration polictical?

The PPP is evil.

Bribery and corruption have blighted Guyana

November 2, 2013 | By | Filed Under Letters 


Dear Editor, Ever since 1999 this country has been plagued with bribery and corruption. It was not surprising, therefore, that provisions have been made in the Constitution for an Integrity Commission in clear recognition and acknowledgement of the fact that Guyanese are no longer living in the age when men were born gentlemen, but rather in the age when efforts are being made to make gentlemen by laws and regulations. Yet the regime has not been forthright with the nation in allowing the Integrity Commission to function independently of PPP control. The dictum that a man’s word is his bond has clearly lost all its intrinsic value and significance under this regime, hence the promulgation of the Integrity Commission. This law was passed, no doubt with the expectation of halting the escalation of corruption and dishonesty on the part of those in public life and those exercising public functions, but it has, it would seem, proven to be neither a palliative nor a panacea to reducing or eradicating corruption, except perhaps, to adorn our statute books with yet another law. It is significant to note, however, that while the law is one which primarily constitutes an invasion of one’s right to privacy, the enactment of the law has been justified on the ground of public interest, as opposed to the right of the individual. This is the message we want the PPP cabal to hear. The word integrity clearly connotes persons of unblemished character and strong moral principles and persons who are held in high esteem as exemplars and worthy of becoming persons in public life, such as Members of Parliament and those holding public office. However, empirical evidence has established that persons of such calibre are clearly scarce commodities in our society, especially in the PPP, and this conclusion may receive some support in a statement made some time ago by President Hoyte when he said that “selection of members of the Commission is not a matter to be rushed as these persons must be of the highest calibre and integrity.” Integrity is therefore not a commodity that can be taken off a shelf as this regime has done. The value and concept of the importance of integrity has to be nurtured and developed during a person’s formative years, failing which, the word becomes meaningless to those who are strangers to it. As human beings we are basically and fundamentally the product of our environment, so that a person born, nurtured and developed in an environment destitute of those intrinsic values would clearly be devoid of them. While we address our ministers in the PPP as “Honourable” (righteous and incorruptible), the personal honour to which the word owes its genesis or origin would seem to have lost much, if not all of its value and significance, since it has become imperative to enact laws and regulations, the purport and intent of which are to subject such persons to the submission of their incomes, assets and liabilities to the Integrity Commission on an annual basis for scrutiny, and for the purposes of declaring them to be persons of integrity. This constitutional mechanism has been predicated on the fact that Ministers and parliamentarians in the PPP regime have so misused and abused their powers and authority for personal gain and aggrandizement, that they should be found guilty of criminal offences. As a consequence, the question that has arisen from time to time is whether these PPP ministers and Parliamentarians should continue to be addressed as “honourable” or whether they should be addressed simply as Mr. or Ms. or just by their first names. Most Guyanese seem to have lost confidence and respect for the PPP cabal. One of the mind-boggling questions is therefore, whether legislation per se will stem the tide of the growing escalation of bribery and corruption on the part of those in public life or whether there should be put in place a comprehensive and intensive educational programme, designed to create an environment in which our children, who would be the adults of tomorrow, could be nurtured, developed and sensitized of the intrinsic value and significance of the principles of honesty and integrity. Since bribery and corruption would appear to be irrefutably endemic and pervasive in the regime and in the society, non-governmental organizations such as the Transparency Institute of Guyana, the Private Sector Commission, the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the trade unions, among others, ought to collectively consider speaking out against and condemning the PPP regime for its failure to stop the growing escalation of corruption and bribery at all levels of government. And there is no better place to begin than with the contracts in which major kickbacks are offered in return for them. Dr. Asquith Rose and Harish S. Singh




Mitwah is trying to derail a thread about the confidence the youths of Guyana are showing in their government, dharma and country. Shame on Mitwah. 


Mitwah is once again banned for Hooliganism:





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  • Unknown

The struggle for accountability is still on – Granger

November 3, 2013 | By | Filed Under News 



…“We need to know what is happening with the tax dollars of the hardworking Guyanese”

Opposition Leader, David Granger has registered his firm belief that a basic change to a government that believes in accountability will make a difference for the betterment of Guyana. Granger made that statement as he sought to hit home the dilemma of the Opposition in having to hound the government for information that should be readily available.

 APNU Leader, David Granger

APNU Leader, David Granger

The politician said that Guyanese stand to benefit collectively from a type of scrutiny that will allow a government to be on its toes. “So the struggle needs to be pursued and all must join.” He said that the People Progressive Party (PPP) administration needs to realize that accountability will make a people more confident in their government. Granger noted that accountability is what makes the system work. He added, “That’s the need for the opposition,   and an accountable government will become a good government.”

According to A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) leader, his party has been engaged in a 21-month struggle to ascertain the source of funding for many projects and entities.  His immediate reference however, was to the Government Information Agency (GINA).

Granger said that it hard to figure how GINA still exists with the funding given to the entity by the National Assembly. He added, “There must be another source of funding and we need to find that out.” He told Kaieteur News that there is too much going on that the Opposition doesn’t know about. He sought to make it clear that it is not a case where the Opposition is not trying to find out; he said that the Opposition’s inquires are just falling on deaf ears.

Granger had also told Kaieteur News, “It is a worry how the government can carry out these projects, like the Marriott, knowing that they are not best in the interest of the average Guyanese people.” He said that the opposition, especially the APNU, will make it “our” interest to ensure that the tax dollar of the hard working Guyanese citizen is put to good use; “that is what we were put here for.”

Originally Posted by Nehru:




Thank you Bhaya. May Laxmi Mata Bless all Guyanese.


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