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* In 1992 when the PPP assumed office Guyana's GDP per capita was $2535


* Today Guyana's GDP per capita is $8500


* The PPP haters and wankers on GNI are longing for the PNC days when the GDP per capita was $2500



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:







* In 1992 when the PPP assumed office Guyana's GDP per capita was $2535


* Today Guyana's GDP per capita is $8500


* The PPP haters and wankers on GNI are longing for the PNC days when the GDP per capita was $2500



Meh neighba used to seh: FACTS AND FIGURE NAH LIE!!!


Burnham and the PNC used to have this same kind of propaganda. 


The PPP however is a litany of contradictions. First they were running around hollering that the opposition was scaring investors, then they cried the sky would be falling if the AML bill was not passed now they are talking about booming investments?


My take on this is that it is all bullshit, just like their big investments announced with Ansa McCall on the Canje Basin initiatives where did all that go?


This is nothing more than unfiltered serpent piss.

Originally Posted by Rev:


10 YEARS GROWTH: Guyana GDP per capita had a positive growth of 97.3% in the last 10 years(from 2003 to 2013)


* You think the wankers on GNI will acknowledge this positive news ? Never! They will reply will vulgarity and obscenity.



the only part of guyana that grow is pradoville 

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:


 My take on this is that it is all bullshit...




* Folks like President Ramotar, Dr. Suresh Narine, the Pinnacle investors and the DOERS in Guyana---they are WINNERS.


* On the other hand, folks like rigger Granger, Beavis & Butthead(Moses and Khemraj) and their dumb followers areLOSERS.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

As I stated earlier reverse this is just more unfiltered serpent piss you ain't fooling anyone in Guyana.






* You're just like Beavis and Butthead above--always angry and bitter.


* Life must surely be tough on you.



Who the hell are you to come here pretending you are from easy street and insisting other are having it bad because they are commenting on naked corruption, ethnic nepotism and downright thievery in the PPP? Life must be really screwed up for you if these thieves are your idols.


Also note, burnham only give a few thousand per year to an African freedom fighting group and he was excoriated. Here these fellows are giving away our national assets wholesale and every other day to some other Indian or Chinese group and you still think we should sit on your hands!

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Who the hell are you to come here pretending you are from easy street and insisting other are having it bad because they are commenting on naked corruption, ethnic nepotism and downright thievery in the PPP?




* It is a fact that people who are miserable, unhappy, tormented and wretched, tend to be angry, annoyed, bitter, easily offended, ill-tempered and perennially vexed.


* You want examples:



* There! Beavis and Butthead are prime examples of men who are perennially angry and bitter.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Who the hell are you to come here pretending you are from easy street and insisting other are having it bad because they are commenting on naked corruption, ethnic nepotism and downright thievery in the PPP?




* It is a fact that people who are miserable, unhappy, tormented and wretched, tend to be angry, annoyed, bitter, easily offended, ill-tempered and perennially vexed.


* You want examples:



* There! Beavis and Butthead are prime examples of men who are perennially angry and bitter.



The fact is one has to be daft not to apprehend the whole scale transference of the nations wealth into the hands of a  chosen few. The PPP's industrial scale corrupt practices is not defensible. This news release is another secretive backroom deal with anonymous people purporting to be putting up funds when none of it is vetted but they get our assets. Remember Surendra?  Money down this is some incarnation of the Indian company already on the Jagdeo gravy train. Bet they are going to produce rice crispies as well!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

The fact is one has to be daft not to apprehend the whole scale transference of the nations wealth into the hands of a  chosen few.




* It looks like you live under a rock and don't know how the world operates.


* Listen! Just today there was an article in Business Insider headlined "10% of the world's population controls 87% of the wealth." See link:


* I already explained to you on this forum that CRONY CAPITALISM is prevalent in every country on this planet----the MONIED ELITES will always partner with the government elites and mutually enrich themselves.


* So stop with your phony indignation---CORRUPTION will always exist---in Guyana and in every country in the world.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

The fact is one has to be daft not to apprehend the whole scale transference of the nations wealth into the hands of a  chosen few.




* It looks like you live under a rock and don't know how the world operates.


* Listen! Just today there was an article in Business Insider headlined "10% of the world's population controls 87% of the wealth." See link:


* I already explained to you on this forum that CRONY CAPITALISM is prevalent in every country on this planet----the MONIED ELITES will always partner with the government elites and mutually enrich themselves.


* So stop with your phony indignation---CORRUPTION will always exist---in Guyana and in every country in the world.



 Amazing...I live under a rock and you are in the reflected light of a bunch of crooks!


 I do not care who control what else where. I do not want to wake up and these ignorant racist former church mice are our new patricians.





Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 Amazing...I live under a rock and you are in the reflected light of a bunch of crooks!


 I do not care who control what else where. I do not want to wake up and these ignorant racist former church mice are our new patricians.





* You have not visited Guyana in nearly 35 years and you have the presumptuousness to claim that you care who rules Guyana ?


* Lemme remind that that the PPP has been ruling Guyana the past 22 years and they will continue to rule for generations to come.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 Amazing...I live under a rock and you are in the reflected light of a bunch of crooks!


 I do not care who control what else where. I do not want to wake up and these ignorant racist former church mice are our new patricians.





* You have not visited Guyana in nearly 35 years and you have the presumptuousness to claim that you care who rules Guyana ?


* Lemme remind that that the PPP has been ruling Guyana the past 22 years and they will continue to rule for generations to come.





Lemme remind that that the PPP has been ruling Guyana the past 22 years and they will continue to rule for generations to come.


More examples of the grand delusions of these knuckleheads.


Bisram claimed in 2011 the PPP would win by a landslide. He was burgered....


The facts are that the majority of the electorate voted against the PPP in 2011 that trend is going to continue and only get worse for the PPP. There are no indications that this trend will reverse.


PPP tools can howl all you want, the facts are the AFC aint pushing for this no confidence in a vacuum the people are demanding it.






* While President Ramotar and the PPP are sharing gifts and grants all across Guyana and  announcing massive investments in Guyana, those two clowns, Moses and Khemraj can't get their no confidence vote going.hahaha



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:




* While President Ramotar and the PPP are sharing gifts and grants all across Guyana and  announcing massive investments in Guyana, those two clowns, Moses and Khemraj can't get their no confidence vote going.hahaha




AFC's unofficial spokesperson Gil is now spinning nonsense while the AFC eats crow.


AFC has a bunch of Katahars and Loud Mouths who can spew nonsense and garbage all day long.


Granger put the AFC in their place and stabs Neemakharam twice in the back.


Ha Ha !


This is fun to watch.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:


AFC's unofficial spokesperson Gil is now spinning nonsense while the AFC eats crow.


AFC has a bunch of Katahars and Loud Mouths who can spew nonsense and garbage all day long.



Granger put the AFC in their place and stabs Neemakharam(Moses) twice in the back.


Ha Ha !


Tis is fun to watch.




* Poor Gilbakka has been reduced to a SAD SACK.


* Beavis and Butthead/Moses and Khemraj have become laughingstocks in Guyana.


* Only 5% of Guyanese pay any heed to those clowns----the other 95% either ignore them or mock them.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


AFC's unofficial spokesperson Gil is now spinning nonsense while the AFC eats crow.


AFC has a bunch of Katahars and Loud Mouths who can spew nonsense and garbage all day long.



Granger put the AFC in their place and stabs Neemakharam(Moses) twice in the back.


Ha Ha !


Tis is fun to watch.




* Poor Gilbakka has been reduced to a SAD SACK.


* Beavis and Butthead/Moses and Khemraj have become laughingstocks in Guyana.


* Only 5% of Guyanese pay any heed to those clowns----the other 95% either ignore them or mock them.




Sad Sack Gil had to eat crow.


Oct 16th will come and go and the PPP will still be in office.


So much for loud mouth Moses and his useless threat to bring down the PPP.


Beavis and Butthead/Moses and Khemraj are Guyana's laughing stock.


Ha Ha.


Bring it on !

Last edited by Former Member



CANADIAN oil company CGX Energy has entered into a short-term loan agreement with petroleum exploration and production giant Pacific Rubiales Energy Corporation for Cdn.$7.5 million to cover certain expenses generated in Guyana in connection with its work commitments here.


The company expects to spud the exploration well on the Corentyne Block by October 2015





*If CGX has to borrow money to do exploration in Guyana, they are clearly not financially equipped to search for oil in Guyana.









Amid mounting concern over the non-passage of the Telecommunications Bill to liberalise the sector, Digicel Guyana has already begun taking steps to improve the delivery of service to Guyanese customers.


Read More:



* While the TALKERS like blowhard Moses Nagamootoo are complaining about the PPP and trying to walk Guyana backwards economically the DOERS like Digicel Guyana are getting things done and contributing to continued growth and development in Guyana.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:


 My take on this is that it is all bullshit...




* Folks like President Ramotar, Dr. Suresh Narine, the Pinnacle investors and the DOERS in Guyana---they are WINNERS.


* On the other hand, folks like rigger Granger, Beavis & Butthead(Moses and Khemraj) and their dumb followers areLOSERS.



Narine is a leech, Ramotar is a toady. Pinnacle is just another group getting 5000 acres of land for doing what the people in the country side should be doing themselves. Almost ten years ago I wrote on how easy it is for people to make sawdust, blacksage stoves etc using similar compressive biomass strategies for free and with what is around them. We do not need to go to Indian for investors who would be exporting earnings. They need to be creating investing groups of local people to do for ourselves what we are able to do for ourselves.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Narine is a leech, Ramotar is a toady. Pinnacle is just another group getting 5000 acres of land for doing what the people in the country side should be doing themselves. Almost ten years ago I wrote on how easy it is for people to make sawdust, blacksage stoves etc using similar compressive biomass strategies for free and with what is around them. We do not need to go to Indian for investors who would be exporting earnings. They need to be creating investing groups of local people to do for ourselves what we are able to do for ourselves.


* Usual HOT AIR from you Stormy.


* You're good at calling names, but then again you are a TALKER.


* Dr. Narine is a DOER and so are the folks at Pinnacle.


* You Stormy talked about Bio-Mass 10 years ago---the pinnacle folks will be putting your talk into action----they are DOERS.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Narine is a leech, Ramotar is a toady. Pinnacle is just another group getting 5000 acres of land for doing what the people in the country side should be doing themselves. Almost ten years ago I wrote on how easy it is for people to make sawdust, blacksage stoves etc using similar compressive biomass strategies for free and with what is around them. We do not need to go to Indian for investors who would be exporting earnings. They need to be creating investing groups of local people to do for ourselves what we are able to do for ourselves.


* Usual HOT AIR from you Stormy.


* You're good at calling names, but then again you are a TALKER.


* Dr. Narine is a DOER and so are the folks at Pinnacle.


* You Stormy talked about Bio-Mass 10 years ago---the pinnacle folks will be putting your talk into action----they are DOERS.



They will do nothing since they start of on a sham. We have lots of saw dust to recycle, rice husk, and biomass from Cane production for free. Yet these knuckle heads want to go and plant 5000 acres of jumbie bean!


I can talk all i want on dozens of things. I also do only what pleases me!

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Narine is a leech, Ramotar is a toady. Pinnacle is just another group getting 5000 acres of land for doing what the people in the country side should be doing themselves. Almost ten years ago I wrote on how easy it is for people to make sawdust, blacksage stoves etc using similar compressive biomass strategies for free and with what is around them. We do not need to go to Indian for investors who would be exporting earnings. They need to be creating investing groups of local people to do for ourselves what we are able to do for ourselves.


* Usual HOT AIR from you Stormy.


* You're good at calling names, but then again you are a TALKER.


* Dr. Narine is a DOER and so are the folks at Pinnacle.


* You Stormy talked about Bio-Mass 10 years ago---the pinnacle folks will be putting your talk into action----they are DOERS.



They will do nothing since they start of on a sham. We have lots of saw dust to recycle, rice husk, and biomass from Cane production for free. Yet these knuckle heads want to go and plant 5000 acres of jumbie bean!


I can talk all i want on dozens of things. I also do only what pleases me!

the ppp is a lame duck rule by a stupid duck,these fools have no idea what to do 

Originally Posted by Rev:


* It looks like you live under a rock and don't know how the world operates.


* Listen! Just today there was an article in Business Insider headlined "10% of the world's population controls 87% of the wealth." See link:


* I already explained to you on this forum that CRONY CAPITALISM is prevalent in every country on this planet----the MONIED ELITES will always partner with the government elites and mutually enrich themselves.


* So stop with your phony indignation---CORRUPTION will always exist---in Guyana and in every country in the world.



as i noted elsewhere, this is the aspirational mantra of ignorant immorality


indeed, the diseased logic of a pedophilia promoter writ subtle . . . it is the (incurable) nature of the lurking beast

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