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Mathematics delivery and performance to improve with deployment of Master Trainers

(October 9th, 2018) – Mathematics Master Trainers today signed their contracts to begin working with mathematics teachers across the 10 Administrative Regions to improve the delivery of the subject and ultimately the mathematics performance among students at the secondary level.

According to GSEIP Project Coordinator, Mr. Jimmy Bhojedat, this initiative forms part of the Guyana Education Sector Improvement Project (GSEIP). There will be 29 Master Trainers tasked with firstly training over 600 mathematics teachers within the regions. Following this period of training, the teachers will undergo a period of mentoring and coaching. He noted that today’s activity marks another significant milestone in the GSEIP and for the Education Ministry.

Senior Education Officer (Mathematics), Mr. Ameer Ali said that the Master Trainers comprise of some of the best and brightest mathematics teachers at the CSEC and Grade Six level.

He explained that some of the Master Trainers are lecturers at the Cyril Potter College of Education (CPCE), University of Guyana or have attained over 10 years of experience teaching the subject.

Mr. Ali said that the Master Trainers will now be required to go into schools, work with teachers in schools and guide them using material from the mathematics kit that has already been distributed to schools across Guyana.
He said that based on observations made by the Master Trainers, they can host developmental sessions with teachers or it can be done regionally. This he said, will occur for the next two years.

Minister of Education, Hon. Nicolette Henry congratulated the Master Trainers for taking up the leadership role to move the education sector forward and take it to a better place particularly as it relates to the delivery of mathematics and students’ performance in the subject.
She said that it is important that teachers understand delivery and content so that students can leave school with a good understanding of the principles that govern mathematics.

With the work to be done by the Master Trainers, Minister Henry said that she trusts that there will be improved performance and outcomes not only in test scores but in behavioural patterns towards mathematics.

Further, Minister Henry said that she is pleased that there are male Master Trainers involved in the project since their presence would have a greater impact along the gender spectrum as it relates to male underperformance, particularly in the secondary school level.

(Murtland Haley and Sheikel Rankin)

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Labba posted:

Yuh could only be wan masta mats trainer if yuh get wan nuff mats under yuh belt. Is dem master trainter from critchlow and cpce? hey hey hey...

Dem talking about Master Trainers. When dem talk about Master Baters den you can dispense yuh expert advice.

Pointblank posted:

Further, Minister Henry said that she is pleased that there are male Master Trainers involved in the project since their presence would have a greater impact along the gender spectrum as it relates to male underperformance, particularly in the secondary school level.

(Murtland Haley and Sheikel Rankin)

Early mathematics has to be delivered with a narrative to inform the student of the problem being solved and how it originated. The idea of teaching mathematics as was delivered to us via rigid rules ( We used GH Hardy texts) is a waste of time. Mathematics has to be interesting not sterile. 

Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:

This is a military approach to education.  Great concept.  Dem PNC bais gatt some good ideas, racism aside.  

You cannot teach mathematics as doctrine. Mathematics is open ended and connected to the lives of people in every way and life is completely rowdy. You never get good mathematicians without them seeing life in the numbers.

Let's say you are teaching surds. The student should not immediately be regimented into solving them without being told that they represent a quality of harmony and disharmony. Actually Pythagoras who felt the world can be defined in terms of perfect ratios was completely discombobulated with the square root of was not a thing that fit in their world view. It was irrational hence the term irrational numbers. 

Last edited by Former Member
D2 posted:
Baseman posted:

This is a military approach to education.  Great concept.  Dem PNC bais gatt some good ideas, racism aside.  

You cannot teach mathematics as doctrine. Mathematics is open ended and connected to the lives of people in every way and life is completely rowdy. You never get good mathematicians without them seeing life in the numbers.

Let's say you are teaching surds. The student should not immediately be regimented into solving them without being told that they represent a quality of harmony and disharmony. Actually Pythagoras who felt the world can be defined in terms of perfect rations was completely discombobulated with the square root of was not a thing that fit in their world view. It was irrational hence the term irrational numbers. 

I did not mean that.  I meant embedding "stiffeners" could leverage the strength of the rest.  I agree with what you said.


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