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Voters list is "dirty"- Granger

  • Monday, 23 March 2015 06:41


Voters list is "dirty"- Granger


Opposition Leader, David Granger has raised concerns about what appears to be a “dirty” bloated voters list and urged supporters to be vigilant on polling day.
Addressing supporters of the coalition A Partnership for National Unity+ Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) at a fund-raising event in South Ozone Park, Queens, New York, he urged them to be vigilant.
“Do not take things for granted. Do not be complacent. The list has suddenly gone up by a hundred thousand to 567 thousand. Keep your eyes open. We do not believe in that. How in three years in a country in which the population is falling the voters list has gone up by a hundred thousand,?’ he told more than 300 persons at the fund-raising meeting held at Naresa’s Place.
If the coalition is voted into office on May 11, 2015 it plans to overhaul the voters list.

“We are better together because APNU and AFC will sit down and decide that we are going to work towards having a clean list.

That’ a dirty list and we are going to clean elections for not only this year but years to come,”  he said.

GECOM Chairman, Dr. Steve Surujbally is already on record as saying that the seven-member elections management body has been exploring other ways of removing the names of deceased persons.

On the other hand, he has previously attributed the increased number of registrants to greater public education and improved access to birth certificates.

Granger expressed confidence that APNU+AFC would be victorious at the upcoming polls because back in 2011, the parties together won 175,000 votes and the incumbent People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPPC) 166,000 votes.


“Even if we perform at the same level as 2011, we will win,” said Granger.


Chairman of the AFC’s New York/New Jersey Chapter, Dr. Rohan Somar called on attendees to embark on a massive telephone campaign to their friends and relatives in Guyana to urge them to vote for the coalition.


“Each and everyone of you let’s commit to a cause- members of the Diaspora to have phone calls from the Diaspora to our friends in Guyana,” he said.

The opposition coalition hopes to establish a government of national unity, transparency and accountability.


AFC-APNU Alliance wins

New Jersey Business Meeting






if both sides maintain the same support

& Votes as in 2011

 AFC-APNU - 175,000

PPP - 166,000

AFC-APNU Gain Zero......

PPP Gain Zero

Guyana govt denies criminal fraudster Ed Ahmad funding 2011 election ...

bharrat jagdeo helped ed ahmad & his brothers tranfer assets to Guyana ...

Critics branded Sampson a weak and in effective Senate leader and said ...






AFC-APNU Alliance wins


Brooklyn, New York










if both sides maintain the same support

& Votes as in 2011

and pick up an equal amount of new votes

EXAMPLE 10,000 Move Votes for each Side

 AFC-APNU - 175,000 + 10,000 = 185,000

PPP - 166,000 + 10,000 = 176,000

AFC-APNU Gain Same Amount......

PPP Gain Same Amount


ALL 10 - PPP  PROTESTERS in Brooklyn



AFC-APNU Alliance wins

if AFC-APNU maintain the same support

& Votes as in 2011 &

PPP Cannot get 9,000 additional Votes


Manzoor Nadir Massive Following


 AFC-APNU - 175,000 + 0 =175,000

PPP - 166,000 +9,000 = 175,000

AFC-APNU Gain Zero......

PPP Gain Over 9,000



AFC-APNU Alliance wins



if both sides lose support

& Votes than in 2011

Unless AFC - APNU Lose 10,000 More New  Votes

than PPP

 AFC-APNU - 175,000 - (y,000 New Votes ) 10,000

PPP - 166,000  -(y,000 New Votes )

Those who Love Kwame

need to go Back to Guyana

& Embrace Him





PPP Need 10,000 More In Guyana


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