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Former Member

People’s Progressive Party

May 01, 2021 News, Source - https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...s-progressive-party/

Kaieteur News – Traditionally, Labour Day, or May Day as it’s referred to, allows for our nation’s workers to rally in solidarity to celebrate their invaluable contributions to national development and to use the occasion to voice challenges that are confronting them, as well as rally collectively to address solutions to the same. Unfortunately, due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, those customary marches and rallies will be absent this year. This is yet another example of the impact, which the pandemic continues to have on lives all across the world. However, through technology, mechanisms will allow leaders of Trade Unions to address workers on related issues and for their voices to be heard. Our workers are our country’s most valuable asset and as another Labour Day is upon us, the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) takes this opportunity to extend best wishes to all of them throughout our dear land. Our Party is cognizant of how they have been impacted by the pandemic and continues to implement measures, including the COVID-cash grant, to mitigate these impacts. Having returned to government, nine months ago, the PPP/C Government continues to work assiduously to ensure that our workers are a priority and that their lives and conditions continue to be improved. This recognition is evident by the emphasis and value placed on their welfare by the immediate re-establishment of the Ministry of Labour upon taking office in August 2020. The PPP firmly believes that mechanisms to engage and represent our workers must not be diluted and that they must be able to access related services in a structured and holistic manner as is necessary through a Ministry. While our Party is aware that there is more to be done, it continues to advance a multifaceted approach to ensure the advancement of our workers. Very early within this current tenure of government, burdensome taxes and fees were removed and the education cash grant was restored. To date, thousands of jobs have been created and restored to allow our workers a dignified opportunity to provide for their families.

Further, access to thousands of scholarships to aid in capacity building and the implementation of various programmes and policies to improve the social and physical infrastructure, are just part of the PPP/C Government’s thrust to better the lives of all of our workers. Our workers’ contributions have been the bedrock of the struggles for betterment for all and the development of our nation could not have been realised without them. The PPP salutes our workers, their resoluteness and innovativeness in advancing our country and encourages them to remain safe during the pandemic. Best wishes to them on their day.


People’s National Congress

May 01, 2021 News, Source - https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...s-national-congress/

Kaieteur News – The People’s National Congress extends warmest greetings to workers throughout the country who continue to contribute to national development as we commemorate Labour Day 2021.

The Trade Union movement this year will commemorate the centenary of the enactment of the Trades Union Ordinance on 18th June 1921 in British Guiana. A century is a long time in our history. Guyana applauds the historic achievements of the trades union movement to improve the working and living conditions of workers over the years.

The Labour Movement, despite the progress it has made, however, will be celebrating Labour Day at a time of increasing economic uncertainty brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. In the nine months of the PPP administration, hundreds have lost their jobs and incomes. In addition to the growing unemployment and under-employment, severe cuts to social services, and the rising cost of living have worsened conditions for many ordinary citizens.

The PNC is disappointed with the inhumane treatment meted to workers as manifested in the dismissal of hundreds of public servants and the administration’s refusal to meet with public sector workers’ unions to negotiate wages and salaries for workers.

The PPP administration has failed to prevent further dismissals and to provide employment for youths.

The PNC takes this opportunity on Labour Day to recognise the efforts of the working people who have toiled in the offices, fields, factories and the services sectors to advance national development.

The PNC urges everyone, especially our workers, to recommit to the development of our great nation on the basis of equality, rights and justice.


The Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Guyana

May 01, 2021 News, Source -

Kaieteur News – The Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Guyana (FITUG) and its affiliates – the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU), the Guyana Labour Union (GLU), the National Association of Agricultural, Commercial and Industrial Employees (NAACIE) and the Clerical and Commercial Workers Union (CCWU) – extends greetings and recognises the contributions and efforts of the Guyanese working-class and all workers of the world on this Labour Day 2021.

This year’s Labour Day finds the world gripped by the novel Coronavirus pandemic. It has disrupted our lives and made the previously mundane seem strange. As in previous times of adversity, mankind has demonstrated its will and intellect to surmount challenges. Concerted worldwide efforts have brought vaccines which can majorly dent the impact of the pandemic. Here in Guyana, we recognise the efforts of the Government to inoculate the adult population. We note when compared to several nations, we have made tremendous progress and this is a reassuring development. Though heartened by such developments, we see too the irresponsibility demonstrated by some of our countrymen and women. Such attitudes are not helpful in our desire to attain herd immunity. And on this Labour Day we encourage all Guyanese to receive their vaccines as we hold that we all have a responsibility to ensure that we can emerge from the pandemic in the shortest possible time.

As a day set aside to recognise the role of the working-class, the FITUG remains dismayed by the disrespectful attitude of some to our nation’s workers. We have heard too many times of instances of employers who seek to disregard our workers’ rights and conditions. Such actions are simply abominable and cannot be tolerated. The Federation has recognised the efforts of the Ministry of Labour to bolster to ranks as it seeks to uphold workers’ rights. This is a positive development and one that we are encouraged by. At the same time, we must express our disappointment that Labour Day 2021 is observed but the national minimum wage remains the same despite an agreement for an improvement. On this Labour Day, we sound our call for the national minimum wage to be increased to $60,000 monthly.

The working-class is guided by the principles of solidarity and fraternity and where workers irrespective of background strive for unity of purpose. Such attitudes we hold should be transcended to national life as well. In as much as we hold hope for such realities, we are disturbed by the divisive sentiments expressed by certain quarters. Most recently, we have seen the utterances of Opposition MP, Amanda Walton-Desir. As a leader, we hold Ms. Walton-Desir to a higher standard and she ought to know and do better. Her remarks have no place in our modern society and are roundly condemning her and others engaged in such disturbing acts.

This Labour Day also finds the workers breathing somewhat easier as many of the burdens placed on their backs have been lessened. We welcome the reversal of anti-worker policies which heightened the cost-of-living over the last few years. We hail too the reinstitution of the several pro-people policies by the new Administration. Taken together they will go a long way to addressing the plight of our workers. We also recognise statements of His Excellency, President, Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali, to close the rift between the have and have-nots. Given our anticipated economic expansion such statements are heartening and we look forward to further expansion of pro-poor policies in the coming years.

Indeed, Labour Day 2021 greets us with a mixture of hope and anxiety. We are certain as in the past that we will surmount our obstacles and emerge stronger and more committed. Certainly, there is a lot more to accomplish and more victories are within reach. On this Labour Day, the FITUG reiterates its commitment to enhancing the working-class and deepening the involvement of workers in decision making.


Mr. Patrick M. Yarde, President/CEO of Guyana Public Service Union

May 01, 2021 News, Source - https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...ublic-service-union/

Kaieteur News – May 1st would be the second Workers’ Day that workers would be severely restricted to celebrating this auspicious occasion that they look forward to every year and have the legitimate expectation of being with the leadership of their unions to be acquainted with pursuits in their interest, the difficulty being experienced, the progress being made, if any, and what is necessary collectively to be done to achieve the desired outcomes.

On this occasion, in 2021 there is nothing positive to note, the period May 2020 to May 2021 has been brutal for workers and more so for the elderly, pensioners and ruthless demanding and life threatening situations for front-line workers, due mainly to Covid-19. The origin of this pandemic is still in doubt, however, there is no doubt about how widespread, contagious, devastating and deadly it has been and continues to be even though there have been several vaccines developed and emergency approval for usage and the fact that several hundred million persons throughout the world have been inoculated.

The spread of the virus continues to escalate and in several countries, India, Brazil and Europe are scariest. Here in Guyana infections are on the rise and also the death rate.

It is clear to the Guyana Public Service Union that the Government’s unenlightened approach to mitigate the impact of this deadly virus is contributing to the escalation of infections and increase death rate from the virus. The importation and inoculation of vaccines are not enough.

This has been done throughout the world, even by other countries that provided Guyana with vaccines, the virus is still spreading and killing their citizens, but the naïve approach is applied here in Guyana in conflict with recent advice from PAHO.

Worst yet is the Government’s political conduct and ruthless stance in dealing with frontline workers particularly frontline Health Care Workers. Their entire approach is uncaring and somewhat heartless in this high risk and deadly environment. The cost of living is skyrocketing and prices for necessary household commodities have escalated. The Administration refuses to respect workers’ right and engage in collective bargaining; refusing to pay risk allowance to frontline workers that was agreed to in principle. They are pressuring and putting workers at risk; there is also political discrimination against workers and causing increased hardship and challenges to survive. They are taking action that would instigate conflict between workers; they are obviously in collusion with the private sector to deny workers what is merited, deserving and outstanding.

Guyana is now an oil producing state but clearly there is a political focus to utilise the revenue from that source in a partisan political manner and all decent and law abiding citizen must unite and guard against this.
This year we have also been faced with a test, the challenge to protect decency against vulgarity. This is the situation at the Linden Hospital Complex; we have concluded that the political Administration deliberately put one of their operatives to abuse our members to intimidate and to demoralise them. This is evident since notwithstanding the public criticism and the condemnation and call for the removal of this offensive upstart.

The political hierarchy is clearly supporting the conduct of this culprit and there is no display of decency at any level of the Government to acknowledge the inappropriateness of what was done.

Our Sisters taking protest action in Linden in defence of their image and decency from the vulgarity of Rudolph Small, are being victimised by this regime, their meager salaries were reduced unlawfully to pressure and punish them to submit to Small’s vulgar conduct. This is the humiliation that they are subjected to. The Union will be opening a bank account specifically to deposit funds to economically assist those members financially that would be affected by the regime’s gruesome actions and would be inviting all members and well-wishers, who voluntarily would like to contribute, to do so.

Another area that requires attention is the environment and climate change, there is no doubt that 2021 would present serious challenges which maybe devastating and we must start preparing to respond to such challenges.

Brothers and Sisters, in addition to all the agony and dangers facing us, the apparent menace that is lurking in our path to upliftment is the administration’ reluctance to address deserving and overdue increases in salaries and allowances commencing at the base with a living wage. No full time worker in the public service should be living in poverty. This is the case in Guyana which is deliberately being done by the Administration. Workers continue to be suffocated and discriminated against.

This ill treatment of workers seems to be endless. Government after government continues to abuse workers’ rights. In 2015 the promise was made to have inclusiveness and the restoration of collective bargaining by the APNU+AFC Administration. This promise was not honoured and impositions continued ruthlessly. In 2020 the PPP/C campaign promised to pay substantial increases to the public sector workers, so far that has gone with the wind and the slogan ‘President for all the people’ has no meaning.

Let me repeat – a major contribution to the working class neglect is the absence of inconclusiveness, the obstruction to workers’ participation in management and the disregard of honouring of obligation for the International Labour Organisation Conventions ratified by the Parliament of Guyana and that are in force.

In eliminating the obstacles in our way, we must mobilise now to confront the existing injustices in order to etch out a future that is built on fairness, justice and human rights. As a public sector union, we recognize and are confident that we are integral to the foundation of a just and democratic society and that our fight is a fight for all. We must enhance our relationship, our militancy and solidarity to dislodge the political and executive assaults. We must obtain positive results on our outstanding grievances.

We cannot be fragmented. We must unite! For in unity there is strength.
The only hope for the workers in Guyana is genuine working class unity.
Finally, and most important, workers are urged to protect themselves and be safe at all times.

On behalf of the Executive Council I extend best wishes to all workers for a Happy May Day 2021.

Labour Day: Workers are the fulcrum of development – GAWU

GAWU Labour Day address 2021

By Seepaul Narine, President

May 01, 2021

Comrades, I greet you on behalf of the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU) as we, once again, observe Labour Day. We begin by extending fraternal greetings to all workers as we recognize our advancements cannot be delinked from the efforts of our working-class. We hold that workers are the fulcrum of development and their efforts should not be underscored.

This red-letter day of the working-class was birthed in the struggle of Chicago of 1886 when thousands of workers marched calling for an eight-hour workday. For their justifiable struggle, those workers faced police brutality, hails of bullets, and even the gallows for their main leaders. The harshness steeled the workers into further action that realized the call of Chicago 1886. That struggle left an indelible mark and led to workers leaders in 1887 resolving that May 1st be deemed International Workers Day.

In Guyana, Labour Day celebrations begun during the 1930s under the leadership of Hubert Nathaniel Critchlow and his British Guiana Labour Union (BGLU), and in 1958, May 1st was declared a National Holiday by then Minister of Labour, Janet Jagan. Since that time, workers in Guyana have celebrated this day with marches through the streets of Georgetown and elsewhere, along with rallies addressed mainly by union leaders and others.

Those usual celebrations are this year, like last year, constrained as Guyana and the world contend with the coronavirus pandemic. Indeed, the pandemic has had an enormous toll. Here in Guyana, some 11,000 persons have been infected, and nearly 300 persons have lost their battles. The troubling statistics should be a wake-up call to us all. Though we recognize many Guyanese have adhered to the COVID-19 protocols and received their vaccinations, there are some Guyanese who continue to put themselves and others at risk. We have seen the immense toll the pandemic has taken and we all must play our role. On this Labour Day, the GAWU again, encourages all eligible Guyanese to be vaccinated. We take this opportunity to hail the contribution of our frontline workers, particularly those in the health field.

Local situation

We recognize too several issues continue to affect our well-being and require our unstinted attention. Crime remains a perennial issue which affects many persons in its several manifestations. Most worryingly are the extreme ends criminal elements have descended as they perpetuate their nefarious deeds. Indeed, our law enforcement officials need to be more proactive and there is need for a comprehensive plan to be developed to meaningfully address the scourge in our society.

We remain concerned too over the recklessness on our roadways and road fatalities in our country. Undoubtedly, to some extent, these occurrences are linked to the irresponsibility of our road users. Many concerns have been levelled at public transport operators. Indeed, admittedly they are some who, it appears, have scant regard for the rules and lives. The wanton danger those careless few put passengers and others cannot be ignored. Similarly, their contempt for the travelling public must not be overlooked. It is certainly time for stronger actions to be taken against all road users who threaten the lives of others. We cannot afford to lose more of our people in this way.

On this Labour Day too, we are disturbed by the efforts of those who seek to drive a wedge between our people. This is an unwelcome development that is not in the interest of our people and our country. We have recognised that His Excellency President Irfaan Ali has committed to ensuring all Guyanese equally enjoy the fruits of development. The President has rightly proclaimed we are ‘One Guyana’. We share his views and condemn those who are perpetuating divisiveness in our society. They have no interest in national development and should be ignored by all right-thinking Guyanese.

Comrades the burdensome cost-of-living brought about by onerous taxes imposed by the past Government was an issue that dominated previous Labour Day observances. Though those policies elicited the vexations of workers who undoubtedly faced hardship, the former Coalition, heartlessly, thumbed their noses. On this Labour Day we recognize that the new Government is listening and has rolled back several of the anti-people measures installed by the Coalition. We are told that the reversal has put some $40B back into the pockets of our people. While we recognize the efforts to bring relief to our workers, they are some unscrupulous businesses who are not passing those savings on to our people. Their actions detestable as they rob our ordinary people. We believe this matter requires firm action from the Government and those businesses engaged in such immoral acts should be identified.

We on this Labour Day welcome as well the restoration and improvement of the school child grant, the reinstitution of the water subsidy to pensioners, the reduction in water tariffs, the increase of the school uniform grant, old-aged pensions, and public assistance. These measures directly impact our workers, the needy, and the pensioners who had to contend with a great deal of hardships while being promised a ‘Good Life’. We see these are first steps and expect the Government over the coming years to enhance the support provided as it focuses on minimizing and later eradicating the bane of impoverishment. We hold such expectations are reasonable as we are told of the steady expansion of our economy and the greater prosperity that would accrue.

We saw the re-establishment of the Ministry of Labour as another victory for the working-class. Its downgrade by the Granger Administration was a slap in the face of the workers. There is urgent need for the re-established Ministry to arrest the exploitative practices many workers endure. It must ensure that the workers rights are upheld and errant employers face consequences for their actions. Another pressing issue regards the improvement of the national minimum wage which remains stuck at the insistence of employers. The pretext of COVID-19 has been deployed to deny our workers the long overdue adjustment. This is a matter that we believe requires urgent attention.

Comrades, a major event since last Labour Day was the defeat of the attempted thievery of the 2020 National and Regional elections. Indeed had those who perpetuated the ploy succeeded, we faced the distinct possibility of seeing all our advances reversed and starker hardships returning. While we take solace in the precipice avoided, we are disappointed that many of the architects remain unscathed. The entire episode was a horrid situation and one that we should not condemn present and future generations of Guyanese to ever again. Clearly there is urgent need for appropriate reforms as our people must repose confidence in our democratic system. We reiterate our call on this Labour Day for a properly constituted Commission of Inquiry to be established to investigate and record what was one of the most disturbing periods in our young independent nation’s history.

Sugar industry

Comrades, turning to sugar, which employs many Guyanese, we are pleased with the efforts to reinvigorate the industry. Today the depression that gripped the industry is dissipating and as we speak, serious efforts are being made to breathe new life into the industry and restore it back to a position of prominence. For the tens of thousands who depend on the industry, this is welcome news, especially for the many who were affected when estates were callously closed without any regard to the socio-economic upheaval that would emerge.

We have learnt that the industry is seeking to reposition itself to produce higher priced packaged and bagged sugar. This is a position long advanced by GAWU but was ignored by the former Government. We repeat that the industry has several possibilities for success, and we noticed that such avenues are examined through possible partnerships. This too is long overdue but goes to demonstrate, in our view, that the Coalition never really sought to protect the industry. In its revitalization thrust the new Government has provided support to recapitalize the industry. Such support is necessary to nurture the industry back to its feet. We welcome this investment and believe if properly utilised it could have a meaningful impact. The GAWU holds too that there is need for appropriate investment in the workforce as well. A motivated workforce is key to the industry’s success and the role of the workers should not be ignored.

Oil sector

Comrades on this Labour Day, we are told that our country is poised for takeoff as our stature as an oil producing nation grows. Indeed, the sector has the potential to bring our dreams into reality and propel us to unbelievable heights. At the same time, we cannot ignore the pitfalls that have faced other producers as well. We must be careful to strike a balance and to ensure foremostly that our people benefit now and in the future. It is in this regard that we cannot ignore the employment practices of some companies in the sector. From what we have seen, we believe, our workers have been being shortchanged and there is an urgent need to address the several gaps.

There is also a need to ensure that we get a bigger slice of the pie from the sector. We recognise that the new Government has committed itself to addressing several of the shortcomings identified in future agreements. We noticed too significant debate regarding the gas-to-shore project which has transformative possibilities. On this matter, previous studies have attested to the potential benefits, but we hold that all relevant studies should be pursued. We must ensure that next generations of Guyanese can indeed harness the potential benefits.

International Situation

Comrades, Labour Day is, as we know, a day when we raise high the banner of solidarity of the international working-class. We are part of this world movement. As generations of workers before us have done in our country, the working-class of the world have also written, selflessly, glorious, and inspiring chapters of struggles that impacted positively on our lives and influenced profound socio-economic change in their respective societies.

In our day, we are witnessing new challenges levelled at those who historically thrived on wars, conflicts, oppression, and exploitation. These ruling forces and their agencies and their puppets, despite their use of new methods and intrigues against the peoples, are unable to suppress their reinvigorated struggles erupting on all continents or to still the peoples’ voices that demand an end to injustice, and are calling for World Peace, deepening of democracy, end to poverty, respect for countries sovereignty and consistent and focused efforts to address climate change which is reaching a critical level.

We express, in the strongest terms, our sincerest solidarity to all peoples, especially the working-class who are engaged, in one way or another, in this fight today for these causes. We hasten to add that while we support these struggles, we must also do our share to bring about an order that places people before profits and a world order based on peace, humane relations, and steady progress.


Comrades, on this Labour Day 2021, as workers let us recognize that we need to be more assertive in demanding our rights and insist that we be involved in the decision-making processes that impact our lives. We must speak up and speak out for democracy and justice.

Today’s conditions do not call for complacency but for greater activism. The spirit of Chicago, 1886, as well as our own rich legacy should serve to inspire us today. Let us remember these insightful words to the world’s workers: “Workers, Unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains; you have a world to win”.

Labour Day greetings to all working-people indeed, all citizens of Guyana!

Long live Proletarian Internationalism!

Long live Labour Day 2021!


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