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India asks U.S. to withdraw official from its embassy in New Delhi, source says

By Jethro Mullen. Kristina Sgueglia and Elise Labott, CNN
updated 8:30 AM EST, Fri January 10, 2014



New York (CNN) -- The Indian government has asked the United States to withdraw an official from its embassy in New Delhi, an Indian official not authorized to speak to the media told CNN on Friday.

The decision comes as Devyani Khobragade, the Indian diplomat whose December arrest and strip search in New York strained ties between New Delhi and Washington, heads back to India.

"We have asked the U.S. Embassy to withdraw an officer of her rank," the Indian official said.

Khobragade's return to India from the U.S. could calm tensions between the nations. U.S. prosecutors accuse her of lying in a visa application about how much she paid her housekeeper. She was indicted this week by a federal grand jury on one count of visa fraud and one count of making false statements.

<cite class="expCaption">Arrest sparks diplomatic feud</cite>

The Indian government denied a request by the State Department to waive Khobragade's diplomatic immunity so she can answer the charges, U.S. and Indian officials said. The immunity was granted after her controversial arrest.

The Indian Ministry of External Affairs said Friday that she had left the United States and was on a flight back to India.

"At the time of her departure for India, Counsellor Khobragade reiterated her innocence on charges filed against her," the ministry said in a prepared statement. She is expected to arrive late Friday.

Khobragade "affirmed her determination to ensure that the episode would not leave a lasting impact on her family, in particular, her children, who are still in the United States," the ministry said.

New Delhi is demanding that Washington apologize and drop charges accusing the diplomat of lying on a visa application for her former housekeeper.

Allegations denied

Federal prosecutors allege Khobragade promised in the visa application, under which her housekeeper moved from India to the United States, to pay her at least the minimum wage in New York, and to require she work no more than 40 hours per week.

They allege that Khobragade then had the housekeeper, Sangeeta Richard, sign a second contract, which paid her far below the minimum wage and required that she work much longer hours.

"I would like to tell other domestic workers who are suffering as I did -- you have rights and do not let anyone exploit you," Richard said in a statement released Thursday.

Khobragade's lawyers have repeatedly said the diplomat is not guilty and is entitled to diplomatic immunity.

"She is pleased to be returning to her country," her attorney Daniel Arshack said Thursday. "Her head is held high."

Khobragade "did not make any false statements and she paid her domestic worker what she was entitled to be paid," he said.

Richard fled the diplomat's home last summer, and Khobragade started legal proceedings against her and her husband in the Indian courts. Richard has been granted permission to remain in the United States.

Diplomatic status

Arshack said Khobragade and her legal team were pleased that the State Department had done "the right thing" Thursday by recognizing her diplomatic status.

U.S. officials had previously said Khobragade was entitled to consular immunity, which is less broad than diplomatic immunity and covers only actions carried out under official duties.

Khobragade was India's deputy consul general for political, economic, commercial and women's affairs. But after her arrest, Indian officials appointed her as counselor at the country's permanent mission to the United Nations in New York.

Through that post, she was accorded "the privileges and immunities of a diplomatic envoy," the Indian Ministry of External Affairs said.

Two senior U.S. officials said that the State Department had no choice but to grant Khobragade full diplomatic immunity once she was accredited to the United Nations because she did not pose a national security threat, which is the only reason for which, in very rare cases, immunity is denied.

When India refused the U.S. request to waive the immunity so that she could face the charges against her, she had to leave the country, the officials said.

Father's gratitude

Khobragade's father, Uttam, thanked people across India for their support in the case.

"Because of the support from all of you ... my daughter is going to come back to her country and unite with the family," he said Friday at a news conference in New Delhi.

He said his daughter had been fighting for the "sovereignty of this country and dignity of the judicial system."

India has expressed outrage over the arrest of Khobragade, who was handcuffed and strip-searched by federal agents on December 12 after a complaint filed by Richard.

Some observers have suggested that Indian officials' protests and repeated demands for an apology are driven by political concerns.

Secretary of State John Kerry expressed "regret" about the situation last month, but stopped short of saying authorities had done anything wrong.

U.S. law enforcement officials have said that Khobragade's strip search was standard procedure and that she received a number of privileges not usually accorded to defendants.

Pressure from New Delhi

Amid the uproar, Indian authorities removed concrete barriers from outside the U.S. Embassy and took away American diplomats' identification cards.

That was followed recently by an order that the United States shut down "commercial activities" at a recreational facility at the U.S. Embassy in New Delhi.

The U.S. Embassy should halt the activities at the property by January 16, an Indian external affairs official said Thursday. The property houses a bowling alley, swimming pool and gym.

The multipurpose club in the embassy compound was used by nondiplomats, Indian officials said, accusing the U.S. of contravening an article of the Vienna Convention.

As the diplomatic fallout deepened, U.S. Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz delayed a trip to India that had been planned for next week.

"We have been in conversation with Indian counterparts about the dates, and we have agreed to hold the dialogue in the near future at a mutually convenient date," an Energy Department official said.

Human rights activists say India's anger about the strip search misses the bigger issue. They say the mistreatment of domestic workers is a widespread and often overlooked problem worldwide.

Officials from both nations have repeatedly said that they hope the issue won't undermine their relations in the long term.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Nehru:

India IS NO LONGER A PUSH OVER. tIT FOR tAT.  India the new Ruissia.


Look at dis chammar defending the ill treatment of his fellow chammars.


Some ******s like you are lucky the British saved you from generational slavery in India and bring yuh to the New World to mooch off the public service

Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

India IS NO LONGER A PUSH OVER. tIT FOR tAT.  India the new Ruissia.


Look at dis chammar defending the ill treatment of his fellow chammars.


Some ******s like you are lucky the British saved you from generational slavery in India and bring yuh to the New World to mooch off the public service

IDIOTS like you will FOREVER be enslave mentally!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:

India IS NO LONGER A PUSH OVER. tIT FOR tAT.  India the new Ruissia.

India is one of the sores on the backside  of the Planet. This incident should have been a way of uplifting their status.. showing that official do not support of the under class status that  makes up so much of their population.


Instead they supported this woman cruelty. The knew full well the US would have expelled her eventually and they would not now be seen as supporting what is deeply ingrained in their culture. This is the second brutal diplomat they let go home for crimes of an unacceptable nature. 


Let me reiterate, Indian has  as many of its children in factories than in school. It practices femicide as process. It maintains a slave culture exceeding all of the world combined. And then there is that little matter of almost 60% of Indians never seeing a toilet and quite comfortable with a roadside squat.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

India IS NO LONGER A PUSH OVER. tIT FOR tAT.  India the new Ruissia.

India is one of the sores on the backsides of the Planet. This incident should be a way of uplifting their of the under class which makes up so much of their population. Instead they supported this woman cruelty. They US would have expelled her eventually and they would not now be seen as supporting what is deeply ingrained in their culture. This is the second brutal diplomat they let go home for crimes of an unacceptable nature.


Let me reiterate, Indian has more of its children in factories than in school, It practices femicide as process. It maintains a slave culture exceeding all of the world combined. And there is that little matter of 60% of Indians never seeing a toilet and quite comfortable with a roadside squat.

Easy lesson good fuh Dunce:  Over 400 Million Indians are living BETTER than you are. Put dat in yuh Pipe and smoke it!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

India IS NO LONGER A PUSH OVER. tIT FOR tAT.  India the new Ruissia.

India is one of the sores on the backsides of the Planet. This incident should be a way of uplifting their of the under class which makes up so much of their population. Instead they supported this woman cruelty. They US would have expelled her eventually and they would not now be seen as supporting what is deeply ingrained in their culture. This is the second brutal diplomat they let go home for crimes of an unacceptable nature.


Let me reiterate, Indian has more of its children in factories than in school, It practices femicide as process. It maintains a slave culture exceeding all of the world combined. And there is that little matter of 60% of Indians never seeing a toilet and quite comfortable with a roadside squat.

Easy lesson good fuh Dunce:  Over 400 Million Indians are living BETTER than you are. Put dat in yuh Pipe and smoke it!!!

not gonna argue with you, that is a waste of time. Your kind of thinking is the reason why a nation that  had renown scholars one thousand years prior to when the planet has never heard the name on any Englishman, that asked all the seminal philosophical questions  500 years prior to any society on the planet ever contemplating them, still languishes as one of the worse hell holes on the planet. Imagine they developed the flush toilet and indoor plumbing 1500 years ago and still more than half of the nation does not know of it.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Wally:
Originally Posted by JB:

These people are so backward. Thankfully my ancestors left that backward backwater. 

Indians will not tell us this to our faces but many of them see us Indos from the Caribbean as just a bunch of inferiors. 

Wally, Which side is right?

Which Nehru are you, Motilall or Jawaharlall?


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