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Sean posted:

Who you ?

Na bai, you can give your life to the PNC. You never condemned Granger despite the fact that he raped and violated the constitution, appointed Patterson illegally and ignored CCJ rulings. Never !

Kery you tail aside. Go and try fooling dem lil bais. You going to mek dem bais laugh you more at GNI.

Bhai Sean, django has no shame. 

Sean posted:

Who you ?

Na bai, you can give your life to the PNC. You never condemned Granger despite the fact that he raped and violated the constitution, appointed Patterson illegally and ignored CCJ rulings. Never !

Kery you tail aside. Go and try fooling dem lil bais. You going to mek dem bais laugh you more at GNI.

Who laughs at Django, for all the years he is here ?  Do you think your incoherent post attracts any one.

Last edited by Django
Dave posted:
Sean posted:

Who you ?

Na bai, you can give your life to the PNC. You never condemned Granger despite the fact that he raped and violated the constitution, appointed Patterson illegally and ignored CCJ rulings. Never !

Kery you tail aside. Go and try fooling dem lil bais. You going to mek dem bais laugh you more at GNI.

Bhai Sean, django has no shame. 


Juss like de PNC, he has no record to stand on. He staunchly defended the PNC rape and violation of the constitution and CCJ rulings. That’s an awful record. 

Django posted:
Dave posted:

Bhai Sean, django has no shame. 

For what ??

For saying you are impartial and have no affiliation to a particular political party, but never called out APNU/ AFC for their wrongdoings and is quick to identify PPPC. It’s night and day with your hypocrisy and two face . 

You could have earn so much respect on this forum if you were condemning Granger and his corrupt ministers for their wrongdoing. 

You also select news and posted them. 

Last edited by Former Member
Dave posted:
Django posted:
Dave posted:

Bhai Sean, django has no shame. 

For what ??

For saying you are impartial and have no affiliation to a particular political party, but never called out APNU/ AFC for their wrongdoings and is quick to identify PPPC. It’s night and day with your hypocrisy and two face . 

You could have earn so much respect on this forum if you were condemning Granger and his corrupt ministers for their wrongdoing. 

You also select news and posted them. 

Your first paragraph is your assumption ,  you keep harping on that for awhile ,perhaps others may think otherwise.

I am aware of their wrong doings ,and condemned apparently you missed when it is done . I usually listen to both sides ,before hurling accusations.

Regarding news , i avoid spamming the forum ,with articles which i presume will just die. No members are being prevented from posting articles , everyone free to post. Most of the articles posted are from SN ,I have trust in their reporting ,although sometimes they goof up.

Last edited by Django
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Django is Lappa-Lappa jumping up for the PNC>  He cannot influence one coolie to vote for the PNC.  I don't know what value the PNC sees in this guy.  Oh lord!  The PNC always use Lappa-Lappa Indos much to their own embarrassment.

Banna stick to what you believe in. 

History tells otherwise . One is credited for Guyana 1980 Constitution, condemned by the same people ,embracing it today.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Django is Lappa-Lappa jumping up for the PNC>  He cannot influence one coolie to vote for the PNC.  I don't know what value the PNC sees in this guy.  Oh lord!  The PNC always use Lappa-Lappa Indos much to their own embarrassment.

De bai showing off with he brand new tools de pnc gift him. Ah hear the CAN gold plated with granger name inscribed

Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Jagdeo's statement that the next PPP/C government will last up to 40 years must not be interpreted literally. Politicians get carried away during elections campaigns. But Jagdeo is correct in asserting that Granger has dictatorial tendencies. His various actions regarding the choice of a GECOM chairman and his thwarting of Charrandass Persaud's NCV constitutional procedures showed undoubtedly Granger's dictatorial tendencies.

Bai Django, read what Gilly wrote again. Jagdeo is simply saying that his party has what it takes to govern for eternity. He isn’t saying that they will. And as long as his party does not refuse to allow citizens their right to vote like what Granger has done the past year he is not doing anything wrong. The villain in Guyana right now is Granger and your days will be more peaceful the moment you give yourself the chance to acknowledge that. You ran off on a very ill advised tangent here. It almost seemed like you were advised by Williams since he makes these monumental mistakes. Calm down my brother.

Kaz ,i understand clearly Gilly point. I always said no political party should anchored in for long periods in Guyana, we have seen the outcome of such.

I don't have any problems with government turnover either bai but I am just saying that one should not sacrifice progress just so the less deserved party feels that they are also enjoying the music. Effort and input should always be rewarded in deference to lack of energy and effort. You are a businessman and has to deliver to your customers. I don't think you will turn down a promising high volume mechanic just so you can employ another person who lacks the skills and abilities to deliver to your customers. If you do that, you will first lose your customer, your business and the ability to keep that employee who doesn't possess the skillset necessary to deliver your promises. The Coalition has mislead the people who voted for them back in 2015 because they did not possess the necessary deliverables for being in government. But while there is no sin in failing in one's job, there is much sins in Granger's behavior the past year as he disgustingly denied voters their right to voice their choice. But even more disgusting is that his sin began even before last December if you go back to how he violated the constitution in how he appointed old man Patterson.

While it is true that the LGE is not like the RGE, one cannot discount the dissatisfaction that was displayed by the LGE vote. It clearly showed that many of the PNC supporters felt that the PNC was not worth them going out and vote.

Remember, don't give the person the job because they walked through your door. If they can't do the job, do the smart thing and give them a freck. If you make the mistake of giving them the job, you may lose the ability to even give the other person a freck. 

Django posted:

History tells otherwise . One is credited for Guyana 1980 Constitution, condemned by the same people ,embracing it today.

That's a real dilemma. While the Guyana constitution is a laughing stock it is still the supreme law of the land and has to be abided by. Granger actions can't be excused by assailing the constitution. For many years Americans had come to the conclusion that driving over 55mph was not as problematic as previously argued causing the speed limit to be set at 55mph. While there were talks of the law being changed to either 65 or 70 mph, motorists still had to drive at 55mph or risk being citing for speeding. Same with the constitution. It is a disservice to assail it for Granger's behavior.


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