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And you are not afraid of this Jewish Zionist New World Order? In your country ( I assume that you are American resident because of Obama being your profile picture) saying things like " The Holocaust is exaggerated", "5.999 million Jews, not 6 million", "Wall St. is run by Jews" and those types of things amount to "anti-Semitism" or hate crime.


America doesn't have freedom of speech like it used to. Everything there sounds politically correct or else it's "hate speech".


I shudder hearing anything about New World Order. The Jews have America drained and fascist just as Europe before WW1 and WW2.


Lucas, Zionist Jews were ruling many countries in Europe for hundreds of years before being removed.


Hence, the Zionist Jews exaggerated on the deaths of European Jews during WW2 as " A WORST CALAMITY IN HISTORY 6 MILLION JEWS" when 7 million Ukranians, 35 million Russians, 20 million Chinese and 2 million Armenians died in the 1900s.


Zionist Jews infliltrated the media and eduation system to promote this 6 million Holocaust to gain sympathy. Many who question or query the facts of the Holocaust get persecuted by the same Jews who claim they were "persecuted" for thousands of years in Europe.


Those Jews and American Zionazis wouldn't lose power for now pal.


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