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It has been revealed that none of the 45 management-improving recommendations made by the Burrowes commission which delved into the operations of the Georgetown City Council has so far been implemented. This is according to Ramon Gaskin, the person tasked with monitoring the report’s implementation progress and who also undertook an examination of his own which unearthed gross discrepancies, corruption and other forms of mismanagement.


In an interview with one media house Gaskin said City Hall’s failure is based specifically on the laissez faire and corrupt culture of the Councils’ operation. He laid blame at the feet of the Mayor and City Councilors for the poor state of the city, given that Burrowes’ report dealt specifically with the administrative process of the city managing body, where it was felt that top brass improprieties were the main causes of the “deteriorating Garden City.”

He said the Burrowes Report submitted 45 recommendations to address City Hall’s administrative problems which included  fraud, theft, misuse and mismanagement of resources, but three years on the city has failed to improve, because of its non-implementation.
During his investigation of City Hall he too discovered other discrepancies and formulated his own report which saw the police being called in to address criminal offences occurring at the Council. Over 400 non-existent workers were found of the City's payroll.

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