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Mayor Green in hot water after sabotaging revenue collection : - his deputy also in the ‘sass’


GEORGETOWN Mayor Hamilton Green and his deputy, Patricia Chase-Green, yesterday, stormed the seawalls in a concerted show of bullyism, admonishing vendors not to pay revenues which are obligatory, and unlawfully removing the keys from City Council vehicle No. PLL 7605, which was being used to store the revenue collected from vendors.

ASP Gordon Langevine

ASP Gordon Langevine

Town Clerk Carol Sooba explained in an interview with this newspaper yesterday afternoon that Julian Orgista, who was responsible for collecting the revenue, was targeted by the Mayor, who then admonished vendors not to pay any money to Orgista.
Sooba added that she was made aware that the Mayor used his armed bodyguard, who is appointed to him by the Georgetown Mayor and City Council (M&CC), as a “man-weapon” to cause confusion between vendors and councillors who were executing their duties.
“This is not the first time that the Mayor has abused his privileges in this regard,” Town Clerk Sooba declared.

She noted that all the actions of the Mayor, his deputy and his bodyguard were monitored by Assistant Superintendent of Police Gordon Langevine and other officers of the City Constabulary, who then took action and called for back-up. However, when the City Constabulary sprang into action, Sooba said the Mayor took “a comfortable seat on the seawalls” after having committed his acts of bullyism.

Langevine, who is the officer in charge of security detail at the City Constabulary, denounced the actions of the Mayor and Deputy Mayor, and noted that their actions “constitute a criminal offence”.
He explained that the assistant town clerk and deputy town clerk were yesterday proceeding west along the seawall road, collecting monies from vendors in an action which by law is compulsory, when Mayor Hamilton Green, Deputy Mayor Patricia Chase-Green, and other councillors extracted the keys from the vehicle, PLL 7605, and departed.

The vehicle was subsequently left with the windows open, although it rained periodically, and staff members were forced to take to safety the cash they had already collected. City Constabulary ranks approached Green to inquire the reason for his actions, but he refuted the allegation that he had the keys to the vehicle in question, although the evidence was unquestionable, and continued his admonition to vendors not to pay revenues.

Langevine said the incident occurred behind the NIS ground at around 13:30 hrs, and a report was subsequently made to the Guyana Police Force and to the new police divisional commander. Senior officers who were present when the incident occurred then proceeded to the Alberttown Police Station to give statements on the incident.

Sooba said the vehicle, described as an automatic one, which accordingly could not be towed, had to be ‘fetched’ by a tow truck so as to avoid inflicting damage to it.

According to Sooba, the act of collecting revenues for vending is one that has been in existence for over twenty years. She said that power was previously vested in Deputy Mayor Patricia Chase-Green, who manipulated staff collecting revenues, and as such monies always “appeared short”.

Sooba is convinced that the actions of the Mayor and Deputy Mayor are retaliatory, because monies are not being directed into their hands. With the power to collect revenues now being vested in her, Sooba remarked, “I will do my job with diligence and bring a stop to this confusion”.

Only recently, she told reporters in an interview that there are specific spots which would be sold to persons who wish to vend on Easter Monday. In addition, she had said, the council would be ensuring enforcement, whereby persons who land on the spots would be made to pay for same or be evicted.

She had said that there would be no place for thieves in her administration, and the Mayor and some councillors are welcome to be part of the bigger process of restoring City Hall, but there must be the understanding that she is the CEO and administrator of the council, and all matters which should be passed through her by law will have to be respected.
Written By Ravin Singh


extracted from Guyanachronicle

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Originally Posted by Conscience:


She had said that there would be no place for thieves in her administration, and the Mayor and some councillors are welcome to be part of the bigger process of restoring City Hall, but there must be the understanding that she is the CEO and administrator of the council, and all matters which should be passed through her by law will have to be respected.
Written By Ravin Singh


extracted from Guyanachronicle

Didn't the Chief Justice rule that this woman was hired illegally? She should be removed from the job for which she is not qualified. Wasn't she also under investigation for swindling funds? What happened to the investigation? Was it pushed under the rug like all the other corrupt PPP schemes? 



Probe into Sooba’s alleged misappropriation of funds continue


Almost three months after allegations surfaced over the misappropriation of half a million dollars by Town Clerk of Mayor and City Council (M&CC) Carol Sooba, the Auditor General’s (AG) office says that investigations are ongoing into the matter.

Town Clerk Carol Sooba

Town Clerk Carol Sooba

The AG, Deodat Sharma, told Kaieteur News that agents of his office are continuing their investigations, but no final report has been submitted on the matter. This newspaper understands that a request was made for Sooba to explain the basis under which she allegedly used the Council’s money for her own purposes, but it is unclear what her response has been.

Last edited by Mars

Greene is a thug and bully.


Be very careful of the PNC old guard.


They are still around awaiting to return Guyana to a state of Thugs just like the PNC days under dictators Burnham and Hoyte.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Greene is a thug and bully.


Be very careful of the PNC old guard.


They are still around awaiting to return Guyana to a state of Thugs just like the PNC days under dictators Burnham and Hoyte.

Those thugs are in the PPP and well protected. How much land was given to Lumumba by Jagdeo?

Originally Posted by yuji22:



It may appear that the AFC is making many blunders. Jagdeo has been out of office for how long now ?

Jagdeo is still in charge. Donald is just a puppet.


Easter Monday celebration – City Mayor, police clash over revenue collection


April 22, 2014 | By |  


The fun and frolic which traditionally surrounds the Easter Monday activities were marred yesterday by a faceoff between the Georgetown Mayor and law enforcement officers, over persons occupying sections of the Georgetown Seawalls.
While families lined sections of the seawalls participating in kite flying activities yesterday afternoon, two van loads of police ranks and City Constabulary officers swooped down and attempted to forcibly remove anyone who had erected a structure, demanding that they pay a fee.

This included small scale vendors and families nestled under tents and make shift structures.

The contention of the officials was that payments should have been made to City Hall for occupying the vicinity and those that had not done so were in contravention.
However, their attempts met with firm resistance from City Mayor Hamilton Green and a group of Councilors who claimed to have ‘stumbled upon incident. ’ They instructed the people to ‘stand their ground.’

“We just came out here and happened to witness what the people were facing first hand and therefore we decided to intervene and put a stop to it. We were told that they have been harassing people here all day… this sort of behavior has dampened the usual celebration that takes place here every Easter. I have an example of a man who came here all the way from the Corentyne. He has a pretty large family. He had to pay $20,000 to erect his canopy to enjoy and partake in the celebrations.”
Yesterday’s showdown is the offshoot of controversy surrounding the payment for the occupation of spots along the seawall route on the Rupert Craig Highway.
Last week, M&CC officials were at loggerheads over whether persons should pay to use the seawalls.
However, this newspaper was told that despite lack of consensus on the matter, the Town Clerk instructed the law enforcement officers to remove persons who did not pay to occupy the area.

Mayor Green had initially instructed the public not to pay a cent for spots on the seawall on Easter Monday, while Town Clerk (Ag), Carol Sooba insisted that citizens must pay
“The Council had held talks and decided that people must not pay for occupying the section of the seawall but it appears as though the Town Clerk has instructed the officers of the City Constabulary, under the command of Gordon Langevine to do otherwise.  They seem to be ambiguous about their role as they are unresponsive and uncaring to the instruction of Council because they all seem to be afraid of this strange person. The officers are in very brutal manner attempting to remove small scale vendors and other persons who are occupying the area …they are demanding as much as $10,000 from a woman with a little tray, which is pretty absurd,” the Mayor explained.
The officers were reportedly requesting payments ranging from $ 10,000 to $20,000 per spot from those occupying the area for commercial purposes or otherwise.
A vendor and mother of three expressed gratitude to the Councilors for their intervention, as she explained that she would have lost her entire investment.

“Is every year we does come out here with we children and sell couple small things like drink and so and if we gotta pay we does pay a $2000 or $1500 to the Council but this year they want $10,000. If I pay that I would not leff with nothing so I grateful for what the council fuh what they do.”

Some of the stalls which the officers attempted to remove
Last week Local Government Minister Norman Whittaker told media operatives that he is prepared to recant the Town Clerk’s decision if it was found that she was selling the space without the permission of City Hall.
“I have learnt that it is not a Council decision. In that respect, our intention is to engage the Town Clerk on the matter, but for now, I am guided by what is in the press. If it is not a Council decision, we will be engaging the Town Clerk to find out whether what was reflected in the press is true, and if it is correct, then we will ask the Town Clerk to reverse that decision,” Whittaker explained.
However, the Minister was unavailable for a further comment on the issue yesterday.
Last February, the Town Clerk took similar action during the Mashramani celebrations, claiming that more revenue was needed to be raised for the cash-strapped Council.  The exorbitant prices resulted in large companies pulling out from occupying the popular Merriman’s Mall.


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