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Former Member

Mayor not invited to LGC’s meeting

Jul 08, 2021 News, Source - https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...ted-to-lgcs-meeting/

Kaieteur News – A meeting of the Local Government Commission (LGC) was held on Tuesday but neither City Mayor, Ubraj Narine, nor long serving counsellor and Chairman of the Finance Committee, Oscar Clarke, were invited to participate.

This state of affairs has been regarded as “very disturbing” by Mayor Narine. In fact, he said that he is convinced that the move was political in nature. He said that the LGC seems to be operating with only a few selected commissioners. He qualified this statement by revealing that when he reached out to other commissioners from the A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC); he was informed that they too were not aware of the meeting.

The meeting, this publication was informed, was intended to discuss the redundancy of the security section, the day care section and the general work section of the Georgetown municipality. Mayor Narine said that the fact that other members of the City Council were invited to the meeting suggests that the move was deliberate.

He noted that although he remains open to work with the LGC, he is “very surprised by the move they made.”

@Former Member posted:

Mayor not invited to LGC’s meeting

Jul 08, 2021 News, Source - https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...ted-to-lgcs-meeting/

He noted that although he remains open to work with the LGC, he is “very surprised by the move they made.”

Indeed, indeed ... indeed ...

Dee Mayor remains on ee main jab ... Mayor Pandit Ubraj Narine (centre) joins in the clean-up operation.

Georgetown Mayor joins in city clean-up, Jan 21, 2019 News, Source - https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...ns-in-city-clean-up/


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