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Mayor slams administration over micro management of council

July 8, 2014, By Filed Under News, Source


City Mayor Hamilton Green has lashed out at Minister of Local Government, Norman Whittaker, accusing him of micro managing and disrespecting the duly elected Georgetown Mayor and City Council (M&CC).


Mayor Hamilton Green

Mayor Hamilton Green


In a letter addressed to the editor, Mayor Green outlined his concerns regarding Minister Whittaker’s continued involvement in the operations of M&CC.

Green explained that he raised the issue at a recent forum, which was attended by the Local Government Minister.

According to Mayor Green, the Minister in an attempt to deny the accusation that the duly elected Mayor and Councillors were neither consulted or informed about this $500M clean up for Georgetown, stated that he had the benefit of inviting two officers to his meetings.

“Therein lies the major problem. The Minister of Local Government continues to micro manage the Georgetown City Council, yet, as one of the minions suggested at the meeting, blame the Mayor and Councillors for the ills of the City.

“This is untrue, dishonest and part of the state propaganda blitz.”

Green said that when it was pointed out that Parliament passed a bill for the Restoration of Georgetown, Minister Whittaker stated that two Committees had not submitted reports but that this was the cause of the delay—one headed by Mr. Kit Nascimento and the other by Mr. Joe Harmon, M.P.

“I was surprised because I have known Mr. Nascimento for five decades and one may not always agree with him. However, I know him to be an efficient and effective professional with a penchant for meeting deadlines. Mr. Harmon also takes assignments seriously.”

He said that inquiries about the projects proved that the Minister was not aware of the whole story.

“It appears that the government is not truly interested in helping to restore the Capital City, Georgetown…Last year, Town Clerk, Ms. (Carol) Sooba sent me the usual approved form for my signature, to purchase trucks, a procedure used for years. It was to buy old trucks.

“After discussions with both retired and current mechanics, it was decided that it is better to purchase one new vehicle rather than two or three used vehicles.

“Later Sooba arrogantly stated, the Minister has signed the document in place of the Mayor.”

Green says that Minister Whittaker did not deny this serious violation of a principle and total disregard for a duly elected official of the people.

“The bottom line is, after the Mayor noted the Minister’s total disregard for the Council … he (Minister) walked out, he threatened to dissolve the City Council and install an IMC; disregard 73 per cent of the voters, but wishes to put in place, a system for 27 per cent to rule.  So much for the Constitution and plain decency,” Green added.

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