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Mayor upset over delayed court ruling on Sooba

August 12, 2014, By Filed Under News, Source - Kaieteur News


City Mayor, Hamilton Green has expressed concern with regards to the delay in the court proceedings involving Town Clerk (Ag) Carol Sooba.


During a press conference held at City Hall on Friday, the Mayor detailed that the Council has tried and failed in its attempts to rid itself of the ‘de facto’ Town Clerk.


“We have tried everything; we have attempted to work with Ms Sooba and that has failed…We have approached the courts, it has not delivered…We have not had any clear decision from the courts….In the meantime, the Council remains vulnerable to the strange actions of Ms Sooba.”


“Justice delayed is justice denied,” according to Mayor Green, who was responding to the recent decision of a Supreme Court Judge to withhold a ruling on whether Sooba will remain in the public office of City Secretary.


Consequently, Green said that the Council has decided to refuse to acknowledge Sooba as Town Clerk (Ag) and endorse Royston King as the officer to carry out the duties of that office, in accordance with the Municipal and District Councils Act, Chapter 28:01.


Within the past months, the Council has expressed its concerns over government’s appointment of Sooba as Town Clerk.


Sooba, who was selected for the post by the Local Government Ministry, has been blatant in her refusal to carry out the decisions of the Council.

Her actions have attracted a series of legal proceedings from members of Council, who noted that the rift between the executive and administration of the municipality, has affected the system vital to the provision of services to the citizens of Georgetown.


In recent times, the Mayor and the majority of Councilors have filed two no-confidence motions against the Town Clerk (Ag).


However, Sooba remains adamant in her role as Town Clerk. She claims that with in excess of 800 staffers under her control, she will get the job done.


Source -- http://www.kaieteurnewsonline....urt-ruling-on-sooba/

hammie and the PPP is one - check the record books, he joined with the PPP in stabbing Hoyte in the back in 1994.


So do not get in the middle of a Freedom House quarrel between hammie and Ramu.


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