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John McCain took to the Senate floor today to discuss Huma Abedin--known variously for her work at the State Department under Hillary Clinton and for her marriage to sexting ex-congressman Anthony Weiner. Is McCain perhaps a People magazine subscriber, using his time in the chamber to congratulate Abedin on the charming family photo unveiled by the mag today? Alas, no. McCain was defending Abedin against recent accusations made by Rep. Michele Bachmann that Abedin's security clearance should be questioned due to alleged ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. "I understand how painful and injurious it is when a person's character, reputation, and patriotism are attacked without concern for fact or fairness," McCain said according to prepared remarks. "It is for that reason that I rise today to speak in defense of Huma Abedin." Huffington Post's Jason Linkins unpacks the story: Bachmann recently started an inquiry as to whether Congress has been infiltrated by members of the Muslim group. After fellow Rep. Keith Ellison raised questions about her sourcing, Bachmann replied with 16 pages of evidence, leading with accusations about Abedin's family ties. Back to McCain: Ultimately, what is at stake in this matter is larger even than the reputation of one person. This is about who we are as a nation, and who we still aspire to be. What makes America exceptional among the countries of the world is that we are bound together as citizens not by blood or class, not by sect or ethnicity, but by a set of enduring, universal, and equal rights that are the foundation of our constitution, our laws, our citizenry, and our identity. When anyone, not least a member of Congress, launches specious and degrading attacks against fellow Americans on the basis of nothing more than fear of who they are and ignorance of what they stand for, it defames the spirit of our nation, and we all grow poorer because of it. In an appearance this morning on Current TV, Rep. Keith Ellison said of Bachmann's inquiry, "This is all about waving a red bloody flag and trying to get people to be hysterical and afraid and gin up the hate machine."

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Similarities of muslim organizations and communism. Not Islam.


The communist had a world wide agenda and the name of its many organizations always started with World this or that.


Like the many muslims organizations, it is the same way and they just like the communist have a world wide agenda. Anihilate all those who do not follow their faith. Just as communism expounded against capitalism. 


Much is being said about Mc Carthyism and its comparison of the recent accusation of muslims in high places. Communist were in key places as well and even Oppenheimer was accused having communist friends.


AC 360 seems to go biserk about the recent revelation of the muslims in high places. He claims it could never happen. Anybody remembers the army guy that shoot up a whole lot of people in the USA.


People with long term agendas work their way up the ladder.


Several muslim organizations around the world have it in for the USA. Any which way they want. Without the USA, the fanatical muslims would win and the moderate muslims will never lift a finger or voice against the fanaticals.


Perhaps, the world is destined for this occurance. Just another system of it evolution. Are these senators fighting against legit suspicion and they wrong to want to preserve the American way of life. 

(Reuters) - The top Republican in the Congress on Thursday criticized Representative Michele Bachmann and four other fellow House Republicans for making "pretty dangerous" accusations when they questioned the security clearance of a Muslim aide to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. The comments of House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner came after Senator John McCain, the 2008 Republican presidential nominee, blasted the five lawmakers for seeking an investigation into whether Huma Abedin, Clinton's deputy chief of staff, had connections to the Muslim Brotherhood, an Islamist political organization. Boehner, speaking at a regular news briefing, said "accusations like this being thrown around are pretty dangerous." He said he did not know Abedin, but "from everything I know of her, she has a sterling character."
Originally Posted by Chief:

If there is a legit suspicion go the right authorithy do not do what Bachman did.

But sometimes I wonder.  There are lot's of trojan horses coming in and penetrating Govt.  Just think of people like Chief and ASJ, true jihadist living among this open and plural society.  Bachmann is onto something, but maybe the wrong target.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Chief:

If there is a legit suspicion go the right authorithy do not do what Bachman did.

But sometimes I wonder.  There are lot's of trojan horses coming in and penetrating Govt.  Just think of people like Chief and ASJ, true jihadist living among this open and plural society.  Bachmann is onto something, but maybe the wrong target. just exposed the whole plot


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