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kp posted:

If the SOB don't want to work, fire them.

is THAT what Jagdeo told you is the issue . . . hmmm?

PPP embedding Moscow oligarch culture into 21st Century Guyana . . . with local masters, of course

we all know who they are or are likely to be if the PPP gangsters win Guyana's March elections

but heyyyy . . . you mussbe another one of them Freedom House skolars who 'studied' in Russia


Last edited by Former Member
Amral posted:

Ronan I have changed the title of your thread to the actual reported title as stated on the source.  Please in future refrain from modifying when quoting sources.

Amral, your ‘rule’ makes no sense

it will kill satire and intelligent commentary, such as it exists here, and dumb things down to a race for the first to post inane, oftentimes propaganda headlines as topic headers LIKE SHEEP fed by a mostly PPP media cohort

let me dramatize with lil more satire . . . yesss “satire”

headline from obituary in Oligarch News:

RIP [lifetime ban] Ronan 2009-2020 (w/obituary)

someone posts the full obit with headline verbatim on GNI . . . but with the header

OW GAWD, RONAN DEAD!. . . Amral kill am, ow gawd

now, theoretically, you would strangle sh!t this funny and subversive, contorting yourself per some ‘guidance’ from power above in the election season

but oh, wait wait . . . i forgetting “ronan rules”

never mind


Last edited by Former Member
Demerara_Guy posted:

GNI rules are extremely simple to follow ....

Posting articles, for example, it requires ...

-- actual name of article

-- author

-- date

-- source

One can post their personal comments after the article is published.

banna, my posts are not for the simple minded

make your decrepit ole self scarce and go suck thumb in wan carna, arite

Sean posted:

Ronan arguing with his parole ðŸ‘Ū‍♀ïļ Officer. Watch the hammer drop one more time ! 
hey hey hey 

what a whiny little troll

and sadly, everything vital for you is “too small”

hence, your world orbits around supposedly ‘powerful authority figures’ who “hammer” on your behalf with their kite paper truncheons

no wonder Jagdeo who can’t handle real homan is your hero



Russian big business is controlled by the Russian mafia. Plus the bauxite market is in the ditch right now since Trump put protection tariffs on the aluminum import market.  These Russians in Guyana have no power.  In a time when every aluminum business in the world is fighting for survival this union in Guyana chose to strike. What a bunch of .......and they are using historical racism against the black people in bauxite mining as the way forward in their protest.  No one gives a rass. I would not be surprised if the complete industry collapses in Guyana because no one is making any money in bauxite right now.  

Demerara_Guy posted:

GNI rules are extremely simple to follow ....

Posting articles, for example, it requires ...

-- actual name of article

-- author

-- date

-- source

One can post their personal comments after the article is published.

Another idiot. Personal attack after personal attack and open TROLLING pon po, kyant walking Baseman and NOTHING done. But we all about how to post topics, and dot i's and cross T's. Wasteful idiot Guyanese juss like parliament. Too bad diapers disposable now, odda wise yuh might be too busy washing fuh post sheer crap hay.

Prashad posted:

Russian big business is controlled by the Russian mafia. Plus the bauxite market is in the ditch right now since Trump put protection tariffs on the aluminum import market.  These Russians in Guyana have no power.  In a time when every aluminum business in the world is fighting for survival this union in Guyana chose to strike. What a bunch of .......and they are using historical racism against the black people in bauxite mining as the way forward in their protest.  No one gives a rass. I would not be surprised if the complete industry collapses in Guyana because no one is making any money in bauxite right now.  

You'll soon be banned for providing "commentary". Stick to de rules bai - juss post article den suck yuh thumb.

ronan posted:
Amral posted:

Ronan I have changed the title of your thread to the actual reported title as stated on the source.  Please in future refrain from modifying when quoting sources.

Amral, your ‘rule’ makes no sense

it will kill satire and intelligent commentary, such as it exists here, and dumb things down to a race for the first to post inane, oftentimes propaganda headlines as topic headers LIKE SHEEP fed by a mostly PPP media cohort

let me dramatize with lil more satire . . . yesss “satire”

headline from obituary in Oligarch News:

RIP [lifetime ban] Ronan 2009-2020 (w/obituary)

someone posts the full obit with headline verbatim on GNI . . . but with the header

OW GAWD, RONAN DEAD!. . . Amral kill am, ow gawd

now, theoretically, you would strangle sh!t this funny and subversive, contorting yourself per some ‘guidance’ from power above in the election season

but oh, wait wait . . . i forgetting “ronan rules”

never mind


@Former Member yes, the Ronan rule. Amral prappa gat it in fuh black man.Ever notice you and me are the ones he singles out? To be expected though. Dis is the same man that post pictures of monkeys to represent black people couple years back, guffawing wid he fren "Dave". 

Iguana posted:
Prashad posted:

Russian big business is controlled by the Russian mafia. Plus the bauxite market is in the ditch right now since Trump put protection tariffs on the aluminum import market.  These Russians in Guyana have no power.  In a time when every aluminum business in the world is fighting for survival this union in Guyana chose to strike. What a bunch of .......and they are using historical racism against the black people in bauxite mining as the way forward in their protest.  No one gives a rass. I would not be surprised if the complete industry collapses in Guyana because no one is making any money in bauxite right now.  

You'll soon be banned for providing "commentary". Stick to de rules bai - juss post article den suck yuh thumb.

I am telling you reality. No one in the world is making any money from bauxite right now.

Prashad posted:
Iguana posted:
Prashad posted:

Russian big business is controlled by the Russian mafia. Plus the bauxite market is in the ditch right now since Trump put protection tariffs on the aluminum import market.  These Russians in Guyana have no power.  In a time when every aluminum business in the world is fighting for survival this union in Guyana chose to strike. What a bunch of .......and they are using historical racism against the black people in bauxite mining as the way forward in their protest.  No one gives a rass. I would not be surprised if the complete industry collapses in Guyana because no one is making any money in bauxite right now.  

You'll soon be banned for providing "commentary". Stick to de rules bai - juss post article den suck yuh thumb.

I am telling you reality. No one in the world is making any money from bauxite right now.

Bai, I get what you're saying but "reality" and sensible discussion don't matter hay. This place is almost devoid of any intellect for discussion. It is a propaganda site, borderline hate site.

Po Django wukking overtime to "market" it online, hundreds of readers, but no one registers to post. Says a lot.

Amral posted:
Sean posted:

Ronan arguing with his parole ðŸ‘Ū‍♀ïļ Officer. Watch the hammer drop one more time ! 
hey hey hey 

His membership has been revoked. 

Of course, of course! 'Twas fully expected. He brought topics for discussion that alyuh uncomfortable with, suh in the most unmanly fashion, alyuh craft alyuh "rules" about headlines. Plus he black.

All this obsession about "rules about headlines" in the midst of pure slanderous, villainous personal attacks by members on other members that somehow, conveniently, go unseen by THREE moderators.SMFH.

Somewhere in Canada by de latrine yuh number one fan wiping he batty and screaming yuh name in glee! Alyuh gat no shame! 

Last edited by Former Member

Oh, by the way, upon my banning, Auntie K (she of "black people are the scourge of the earth" fame) and the rest of barely literate punks who are cowardly to engage while I'm here will surface to comment and celebrate. All ah dem reading, but none dare show face now when i deh hay. Amral phone getting lit up.

Last edited by Former Member

These Indo haters chaps like Guana come here and start cussing up Indos left right and centre and when the hammer falls on their heads, they cling on to their usual race crutch. Look at the disrespect that he showed towards Amral and Then declares himself as pure and dignified. 

Rules and conduct don’t matter to them because it’s the PNC way. Look at the example which Granger sets for those chaps to follow. Disregard for parliament, CCJ, the constitution and illegally appointing a GECOM chairman to rig.

Those traits have been inherited by the likes of Guana etc. 

Last edited by Former Member
Prashad posted:

You fellas notice Iguana has nothing to add except to cuss down East Indians or in his mind "them koolie".



Bai, I duz wuk hard fuh a living. I'm a career man. I ain't no bookkeeper mekking posting in ledger and trying fuh figga out why 10 cents off while posting pon GNI. Lazy, teefing bastards dem.

Iz hard not to "cuss down East Indians" hay. All the FOOLS posting hay are East Indian. Yuh neva see me cuss Zed, did you?

Last edited by Former Member
Sean posted:

These Indo haters chaps like Guana come here and start cussing up Indos left right and centre and when the hammer falls on their heads, they cling on to their usual race crutch. Look at the disrespect that he showed towards Amral and Then declares himself as pure and dignified. 

Rules and conduct don’t matter to them because it’s the PNC way. Look at the example which Granger sets for those chaps to follow. Disregard for parliament, CCJ, the constitution and illegally appointing a GECOM chairman to rig.

Those traits have been inherited by the likes of Guana etc. 

The rantings of an ignorant, neva see cum fa see backwater latrine toad. Care for me to elaborate on the genetic "traits" you inherited? hmmm?


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