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Former Member

The Media and supporters of the opposition jump on Jagdeo case of what he said Ramotar should have done to the opposition. (Kick some asses)?


Shame on Ramjattan for telling the PPP to (haul their asses) like it was going out of style. Yall need to clean up allyou house first before talking a bout disgrace.


Well, we can all agree that the PPP is a crowd getter. This must send shiver down PNC spine.  

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Originally Posted by Cobra:

The Media and supporters of the opposition jump on Jagdeo case of what he said Ramotar should have done to the opposition. (Kick some asses)?


Shame on Ramjattan for telling the PPP to (haul their asses) like it was going out of style. Yall need to clean up allyou house first before talking a bout disgrace.


Well, we can all agree that the PPP is a crowd getter. This must send shiver down PNC spine.  


Light up the fireworks. PPP will CRUSH the PNC.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

The Media and supporters of the opposition jump on Jagdeo case of what he said Ramotar should have done to the opposition. (Kick some asses)?


Shame on Ramjattan for telling the PPP to (haul their asses) like it was going out of style. Yall need to clean up allyou house first before talking a bout disgrace.


Well, we can all agree that the PPP is a crowd getter. This must send shiver down PNC spine.



This is the man who threatened kick some ass. Well his ass got kicked.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

The Media and supporters of the opposition jump on Jagdeo case of what he said Ramotar should have done to the opposition. (Kick some asses)?


Shame on Ramjattan for telling the PPP to (haul their asses) like it was going out of style. Yall need to clean up allyou house first before talking a bout disgrace.


Well, we can all agree that the PPP is a crowd getter. This must send shiver down PNC spine.  

Well when a man who likes to kiss asses especially Boby's own, we have to take notice when he talks about kicking asses.


Originally Posted by Cobra:

So, allyou call Jagdeo gutter rat fuh say kick some asses,

Promoting Violence....


but spare Ramjattan the rod for saying to the PPP haul you ass suh.

Against Buggery ....


Ah watching and listening very carefully. 


Simple ....Cobra.....Simple


Na mek Yuji Confuse yuh....

Yuji Love & Protect Kwameism...


Originally Posted by Cobra:

The Media and supporters of the opposition jump on Jagdeo case of what he said Ramotar should have done to the opposition. (Kick some asses)?


Shame on Ramjattan for telling the PPP to (haul their asses) like it was going out of style. Yall need to clean up allyou house first before talking a bout disgrace.


Well, we can all agree that the PPP is a crowd getter. This must send shiver down PNC spine.  

It is the the idea of peddling violence. It is the ignominy of publicly speaking to Indian people about physically kicking black people when you have been, for all intents and purpose, kicked them in the groin through economic marginalization. It is the contempt of the PPP for others not of Indiokiin ( my coinage).

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

The Media and supporters of the opposition jump on Jagdeo case of what he said Ramotar should have done to the opposition. (Kick some asses)?


Shame on Ramjattan for telling the PPP to (haul their asses) like it was going out of style. Yall need to clean up allyou house first before talking a bout disgrace.


Well, we can all agree that the PPP is a crowd getter. This must send shiver down PNC spine.  

It is the the idea of peddling violence. It is the ignominy of publicly speaking to Indian people about physically kicking black people when you have been, for all intents and purpose, kicked them in the groin through economic marginalization. It is the contempt of the PPP for others not of Indiokiin ( my coinage).


The PPP and Jagdeo can and should be called out for their misdeeds not what they didn't do or mean.


I cannot imagine any Indian thinks that "kick their asses" is a reference to Black people. I think you've all taken leave of your senses.


You're actually being very disingenuous here to jump to this conclusion.


This was just a campaign message delivered at a rally of ordinary people. Could have been delivered by any political party anywhere.


Stop hyper-ventilitating. The long awaited (fantasy based of course) Indo genocide of Blacks ain't gonna happen. No one's even thinking such thoughts.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

I begged Jagdeo to take classes in Public Speaking but he ears hard.


I thought he did a fine job. He played to a crowd of voters at a rally with reference to "kick their ass" and then he reminded in very simple terms that the PNC has a track record of wanting to "kick out the coolie people." The last part is just an inconvenient truth for the Opposition about their past statements and conduct.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

I begged Jagdeo to take classes in Public Speaking but he ears hard.


I thought he did a fine job. He played to a crowd of voters at a rally with reference to "kick their ass" and then he reminded in very simple terms that the PNC has a track record of wanting to "kick out the coolie people." The last part is just an inconvenient truth for the Opposition about their past statements and conduct.

I dont care about the Opposition past statements. There are so many other words and phrases that he could have used to convey the same message. "Let us whip them at the Polls"  " Let us go get them"" " Let us give the Opposition HELL at the Polls"

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

The Media and supporters of the opposition jump on Jagdeo case of what he said Ramotar should have done to the opposition. (Kick some asses)?


Shame on Ramjattan for telling the PPP to (haul their asses) like it was going out of style. Yall need to clean up allyou house first before talking a bout disgrace.


Well, we can all agree that the PPP is a crowd getter. This must send shiver down PNC spine.  

It is the the idea of peddling violence. It is the ignominy of publicly speaking to Indian people about physically kicking black people when you have been, for all intents and purpose, kicked them in the groin through economic marginalization. It is the contempt of the PPP for others not of Indiokiin ( my coinage).


The PPP and Jagdeo can and should be called out for their misdeeds not what they didn't do or mean.


I cannot imagine any Indian thinks that "kick their asses" is a reference to Black people. I think you've all taken leave of your senses.


You're actually being very disingenuous here to jump to this conclusion.


This was just a campaign message delivered at a rally of ordinary people. Could have been delivered by any political party anywhere.


Stop hyper-ventilitating. The long awaited (fantasy based of course) Indo genocide of Blacks ain't gonna happen. No one's even thinking such thoughts.

You are speaking to an Indian crowd in reference to an non Indian party so you should have more respect. After all we are all Guyanese. The PPP massages race. It is the cornerstone of their campaign strategy to create the PPP as the subaltern backward other that must be kept at bay least they follow their compulsion and wreck the society given their native incompetence. 


Do not put words in my mouth. I never spoke of genocide. I spoke of disrespect. I spoke of messaging that massages that disrespect to motivate an already racially biased group to be driven like sheep to the polls for a corrupt group based on identity

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Interesting Stormy Bhai.


You are speaking to an Indian crowd in reference to an non Indian party so you s

Did they not jump on Granger when he said the PPP has to take care of the sugar workers implying he is speaking of their responsibility for taking care of  Indians and not his reference to the fact they ruined the industry?


Rohee endorses Jagdeo statement that PPP is a ‘coolie people’ party

March 10, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

-    Says Afro Guyanese should welcome statement General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), Clement Rohee, yesterday supported the statements made by his comrade, Bharrat Jagdeo, to the effect that the incumbent party is a “coolie people” party.

PPP General Secretary, Clement Rohee

As he hosted the PPP’s weekly press conference at Freedom House Robb Street, Georgetown, Rohee said that he saw nothing wrong with former President Jagdeo’s allusion to the PPP as a coolie people party. Jagdeo made this statement on Sunday when he spoke at the memorial service held in honour of former President and founder member of the PPP, the late Dr. Cheddi Jagan at Babu Jaan, Corentyne, Berbice. Jagdeo, who is known to speak rashly at this yearly forum, told thousands who gathered at the event that the “opposition” whispers to its supporters, “Let us throw out the coolie people.” Jagdeo added that the opposition “consistently shouts about the racism of the PPP but they practice racism. They whisper campaigns. In the last elections they went to some of the Afro villages and beat some drums at six in the morning and say let us throw out these coolie people. Get up and go out and vote.” Yesterday Rohee was questioned as to whether he supported the statements made by his comrade and he responded in the affirmative. Rohee said that PPP is indeed a “coolie people” party as it is “overwhelmingly supported by Indians.” Asked if he considered the impact such a statement can have on PPP supporters who are of another race, Rohee said that he doesn’t see that any harm can be caused. He even told media operatives that PPP supporters who are Afro-Guyanese should welcome the statement as it is forthright.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

I begged Jagdeo to take classes in Public Speaking but he ears hard.

 Jagdeo was not in CHURCH to deliver a SERMON , he was there to excite the crowd. This is ELECTION time, CAMPAIGN time. Remember he is not running for President, he doesn't have to be politically correct.

I thought he did a fine job. He played to a crowd of voters at a rally with reference to "kick their ass" and then he reminded in very simple terms that the PNC has a track record of wanting to "kick out the coolie people." The last part is just an inconvenient truth for the Opposition about their past statements and conduct.

I dont care about the Opposition past statements. There are so many other words and phrases that he could have used to convey the same message. "Let us whip them at the Polls"  " Let us go get them"" " Let us give the Opposition HELL at the Polls"


Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

I begged Jagdeo to take classes in Public Speaking but he ears hard.

 Jagdeo was not in CHURCH to deliver a SERMON , he was there to excite the crowd. This is ELECTION time, CAMPAIGN time. Remember he is not running for President, he doesn't have to be politically correct.

I thought he did a fine job. He played to a crowd of voters at a rally with reference to "kick their ass" and then he reminded in very simple terms that the PNC has a track record of wanting to "kick out the coolie people." The last part is just an inconvenient truth for the Opposition about their past statements and conduct.

I dont care about the Opposition past statements. There are so many other words and phrases that he could have used to convey the same message. "Let us whip them at the Polls"  " Let us go get them"" " Let us give the Opposition HELL at the Polls"


Bai Kp, In a friendly game you always hear 'Abie guh kick ayu rass'. No harm; doesn't mean violence is advocated.

Originally Posted by kp:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

I begged Jagdeo to take classes in Public Speaking but he ears hard.

 Jagdeo was not in CHURCH to deliver a SERMON , he was there to excite the crowd. This is ELECTION time, CAMPAIGN time. Remember he is not running for President, he doesn't have to be politically correct.

I thought he did a fine job. He played to a crowd of voters at a rally with reference to "kick their ass" and then he reminded in very simple terms that the PNC has a track record of wanting to "kick out the coolie people." The last part is just an inconvenient truth for the Opposition about their past statements and conduct.

I dont care about the Opposition past statements. There are so many other words and phrases that he could have used to convey the same message. "Let us whip them at the Polls"  " Let us go get them"" " Let us give the Opposition HELL at the Polls"


He was speaking to a Guyanese crowd as a former president and ought to be more prudent than to inflame the sentiments about race. It is patently absurd, given our enduring racial problems, to massage race, identify a party as belonging to a particular race since that creates the "us" against "them"  as in racial terms and not in terms of political differences. He is as usual a vituperative, vile and vindictive fellow

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

The Media and supporters of the opposition jump on Jagdeo case of what he said Ramotar should have done to the opposition. (Kick some asses)?


Shame on Ramjattan for telling the PPP to (haul their asses) like it was going out of style. Yall need to clean up allyou house first before talking a bout disgrace.


Well, we can all agree that the PPP is a crowd getter. This must send shiver down PNC spine.  

It is the the idea of peddling violence. It is the ignominy of publicly speaking to Indian people about physically kicking black people when you have been, for all intents and purpose, kicked them in the groin through economic marginalization. It is the contempt of the PPP for others not of Indiokiin ( my coinage).


The PPP and Jagdeo can and should be called out for their misdeeds not what they didn't do or mean.


I cannot imagine any Indian thinks that "kick their asses" is a reference to Black people. I think you've all taken leave of your senses.


You're actually being very disingenuous here to jump to this conclusion.


This was just a campaign message delivered at a rally of ordinary people. Could have been delivered by any political party anywhere.


Stop hyper-ventilitating. The long awaited (fantasy based of course) Indo genocide of Blacks ain't gonna happen. No one's even thinking such thoughts.

You are speaking to an Indian crowd in reference to an non Indian party so you should have more respect. After all we are all Guyanese. The PPP massages race. It is the cornerstone of their campaign strategy to create the PPP as the subaltern backward other that must be kept at bay least they follow their compulsion and wreck the society given their native incompetence. 


Do not put words in my mouth. I never spoke of genocide. I spoke of disrespect. I spoke of messaging that massages that disrespect to motivate an already racially biased group to be driven like sheep to the polls for a corrupt group based on identity


That some people choose to read racially-based "disrespect" in this seemingly normal banal statement meant to excite a political rally in an election campaign speaks more to those who are reading the tea leaves.


Hoyte as Leader of the PNC just about three elections ago promised the PPP "slow fiah and moh fiah." He delivered literally. Against ordinary Indian peasants.


There was a difference. Are you suggesting that Indians went home on Sunday all riled up to go and find Black People and start "kicking some ass"?


However, with all that said, this is a racially divided country and they are the Government so someone should have anticipated that their statements (like everything else in Guyana) would be viewed in the lens of race.


I still in my heart of hearts did not hear "kick some ass" as some slight on Black people.


The other comment however about beating drums at 6am to "throw the coolie people out" I would be more inclined to say was a blatant appeal to race.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

The Media and supporters of the opposition jump on Jagdeo case of what he said Ramotar should have done to the opposition. (Kick some asses)?


Shame on Ramjattan for telling the PPP to (haul their asses) like it was going out of style. Yall need to clean up allyou house first before talking a bout disgrace.


Well, we can all agree that the PPP is a crowd getter. This must send shiver down PNC spine.  

It is the the idea of peddling violence. It is the ignominy of publicly speaking to Indian people about physically kicking black people when you have been, for all intents and purpose, kicked them in the groin through economic marginalization. It is the contempt of the PPP for others not of Indiokiin ( my coinage).


The PPP and Jagdeo can and should be called out for their misdeeds not what they didn't do or mean.


I cannot imagine any Indian thinks that "kick their asses" is a reference to Black people. I think you've all taken leave of your senses.


You're actually being very disingenuous here to jump to this conclusion.


This was just a campaign message delivered at a rally of ordinary people. Could have been delivered by any political party anywhere.


Stop hyper-ventilitating. The long awaited (fantasy based of course) Indo genocide of Blacks ain't gonna happen. No one's even thinking such thoughts.

You are speaking to an Indian crowd in reference to an non Indian party so you should have more respect. After all we are all Guyanese. The PPP massages race. It is the cornerstone of their campaign strategy to create the PPP as the subaltern backward other that must be kept at bay least they follow their compulsion and wreck the society given their native incompetence. 


Do not put words in my mouth. I never spoke of genocide. I spoke of disrespect. I spoke of messaging that massages that disrespect to motivate an already racially biased group to be driven like sheep to the polls for a corrupt group based on identity


That some people choose to read racially-based "disrespect" in this seemingly normal banal statement meant to excite a political rally in an election campaign speaks more to those who are reading the tea leaves.


Hoyte as Leader of the PNC just about three elections ago promised the PPP "slow fiah and moh fiah." He delivered literally. Against ordinary Indian peasants.


There was a difference. Are you suggesting that Indians went home on Sunday all riled up to go and find Black People and start "kicking some ass"?


However, with all that said, this is a racially divided country and they are the Government so someone should have anticipated that their statements (like everything else in Guyana) would be viewed in the lens of race.


I still in my heart of hearts did not hear "kick some ass" as some slight on Black people.


The other comment however about beating drums at 6am to "throw the coolie people out" I would be more inclined to say was a blatant appeal to race.

Hoyte's crude use of language is appropriate here only as reference not as excuse. Your employment of it as putative to what is wrong usage in our political space should inform you why what Jagdeo said is also wrong.


Throwing the PPP out is only associated to throwing the coolie out because that is what they have identified themselves to be and it not healthy. If Granger or any authoritative in representing his group were to employ the crass racist references to sell an identity then they ought to be called out on it.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

You are speaking to an Indian crowd in reference to an non Indian party so you should have more respect. After all we are all Guyanese. The PPP massages race. It is the cornerstone of their campaign strategy to create the PPP as the subaltern backward other that must be kept at bay least they follow their compulsion and wreck the society given their native incompetence. 


Do not put words in my mouth. I never spoke of genocide. I spoke of disrespect. I spoke of messaging that massages that disrespect to motivate an already racially biased group to be driven like sheep to the polls for a corrupt group based on identity

Which is the non indian party? Are you not preaching racism here?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

You are speaking to an Indian crowd in reference to an non Indian party so you should have more respect. After all we are all Guyanese. The PPP massages race. It is the cornerstone of their campaign strategy to create the PPP as the subaltern backward other that must be kept at bay least they follow their compulsion and wreck the society given their native incompetence. 


Do not put words in my mouth. I never spoke of genocide. I spoke of disrespect. I spoke of messaging that massages that disrespect to motivate an already racially biased group to be driven like sheep to the polls for a corrupt group based on identity

Which is the non indian party? Are you not preaching racism here?

Did I say kick their ass? 


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