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Originally Posted by Conscience:

You would think that the opposition APNU/AFC which blames the government for delaying the work of the Select Committee on the Anti Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Bill would gladly welcome the idea of having the media present during sittings........No SIR! Not the APNU/AFC........

 There is no sinister motive rather than getting rid of the corrupt PPP rot.  The money laundering bill is of no use to us if the Minister of Finance through the agency of NICIL can rob us indiscriminately.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Don't fight the truth warrior, the joint opposition is very cognizant of that fact, they would dare pass a vote of no confidence in the National Assembly.

the only reason the opposition is not passing a no confidence motion is because they lack finance to fight a next election.but they do not need to pass this motion the ppp is destroying themself

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The joint opposition also have the prevalence of passing a vote of no confidence, but they are cognizant that the P.P.P/C was a victim of their own success, and had suffered incumbency fatigue.

which ppp school they teach you these brainwashing shit.what will happen at the next election they will hide pradoville1and2

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The PPP/C has fully recovered for incumbency fatigue, and is in the best stead to contest and win, with a majority, the next General and regional elections, also the upcoming local government elections.

What caused them to be fatigued..the heavy loot they were carrying away from the treasury on their backs?


Do you think the use of trucks this time to spare their legs of the larger money grab is going to spare them the disgust this time?


They are rotten so they smell and the society know the stench of the oligarchs. They hear their money jingle as these obscene characters stroll by in their newly acquired finery.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The media should be invited to the next sitting of the Anti-Money Laundering Bill select committee meeting.

I hope they also listen to the complaints of the naked laundering of the nations assets through NICIL to friends and family in the party. Will the PPP tell them at that time why they refuse to make public the balance sheet of that national holding company?

Originally Posted by Conscience:






Could the Penguin Brazzington send you copies of his check or his exclusive contract to loot our assets? How about a copy of the transaction where he, acting for the government, sold state assets to his brother?


And why post these checks? Do they represent fraud? We want to see the check for the 7 million Ifart paid for his property that disappeared into the Skeldon factory repair fund. How about showing the transaction for what is  now holdings by Bobby?

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Let the Guyanese Populace be the judge, when the media is invited, hold your horses.

Conscience, Where is the $3.9B?

By KNews

â€ĶHouse votes $4.4B but only $1.5B being paid

A five percent increase for public servants by Government has sparked anger by the Guyana Public Service Union. It also has an Opposition party now wondering whether $3B budgeted for workers may be missing.
Last week, Head of the Presidential Secretariat, Dr. Roger Luncheon, said that a five percent increase for public servants and public sector workers was most likely in keeping with tradition. He said that the funds were budgeted for.

“That matter is hallowed. It is not likely to exceed the planned five percent that is in the budget,” Dr Luncheon stated. This increase, he said in his weekly press conference last Wednesday, is retroactive to January 2013.  An announcement of the formal approval is expected to be made shortly, a Government statement confirmed of his press conference.

It is his statement that has the main bargaining body, the Guyana Public Service Union (GPSU), and now the Alliance For Change (AFC) hopping mad. Earlier, this year the National Assembly voted $29.129B in wages for public servants. It also voted $4.4B to cater for salary increases. Government’s announcement of the five percent will cost around $1.5B.

“So where is the rest of almost $3B? When we voted for over $4.4B it worked out about a 15 percent increase. This is nonsense,” says AFC’s leader, Khemraj Ramjattan. His party controls seven of the 33 seats in the Opposition-controlled National Assembly. The party is now planning to raise the issue there. It was the same complaint raised by GPSU.

The announcement has been meeting with growing unhappiness with protests already coming from the workers of the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation, Linden Hospital, the West Demerara Hospital, the Guyana Post Office Corporation and the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission.

Over the weekend, GPSU blasted Government saying that the announced increase is insensitive, disrespectful and ruthless. The union said that it will be the big salaried ‘Fat Cats’, who are paid significantly more, who would benefit while the rest of the labour force, whose percent realizes the bare
minimum, finds this payout a meager aid.

GPSU has been complaining that it has been bypassed for several years with Government not negotiating with them for increased benefits, as is stipulated by regulations.
The Opposition is questioning the salary increase announced by Government last week.
Rather, for the last few years, Government has been announcing an average a five percent increase in December. To make matters worse, in January, the union said that it met with President Donald Ramotar where it was agreed that a multi-year proposal for wages and salaries will have to be submitted.

GPSU said that it complied but nothing has since been done by Government. “Is this an acceptable attitude for a self proclaimed working class Government? Is this the desired attitude that we as a nation would like to inculcate in future leaders? Is this representative of our nation’s professionalism?”

Yesterday, members of the Government said that the government has no monies to pay more as the Opposition had made cuts to the national budget. Attorney General, Anil Nandlall, blamed the $32B budget cut and economy downturn for the five percent.


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