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Medical clinic for visually impaired launched


Georgetown, GINA, June 13, 2012

Source - GINA


Indigenous Peoples’ Commission Coordinator Michael Gouveia, Health Ministry’s Parliamentary Secretary, Joseph Hamilton, Chief Medex Officer Baldeo James and Health Ministry’s Inter-Ministerial Sector Coordinator, Seewchand at the launch of the medical clinic.


The Ministry of Health today launched a medical clinic for the visually impaired at the Guyana Society for the Blind, Werk-en-Rust, in a move to ensure equitable access to healthcare. The clinic will be operational every second Wednesday in the month.


Coordinator for the Guyana Society for the Blind, Cecil Harris met with Minister of Health, Dr. Bheri Ramsaran and suggested a Clinic where ophthalmology can be practiced primarily. Subsequently, arrangements were made to accommodate the institution.


Health Ministry’s Inter-Ministerial Sector Coordinator, Seewchand mentioned that the Ministry is striving to ensure that quality health care is delivered to all Guyanese and that the goals and objectives are being achieved effectively and efficiently.

Meanwhile, Indigenous Peoples’ Commission Coordinator, Michael Gouveia noted that, “A person who is visually impaired in my estimate still has the potential to make significant contribution to the development of Guyana.”
Gouveia further noted that the Health Ministry has been hosting many outreaches and recently started visiting places that have not usually been focused on such as the Blind Institute.

“We have engaged the Ministry of Home Affairs and Prison Service. At the moment we have in the Georgetown Prison two nurses stationed daily to help with medical activities. There are monthly visits of all the prisoners by doctors and Tuberculosis and Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (HIV/AIDs) programme within the prison sector,” the Ministry’s Parliamentary Secretary, Joseph Hamilton remarked.


A section of the audience (visually impaired) at the launch of the Medical Clinic


“I feel happy today with the move the Health Minister has taken to help us here, at the Society for the Blind because most times when we go to the hospital…we would have to depend on the orderlies. We would be able to interact with others while the doctor is attending to others…I’m proud,” exclaimed Donna Cummings one of the beneficiaries.  


At the moment, the Health Ministry is in dialogue with the Mayor and City Council and Guyana Power and Light to enhance the surroundings for the Blind Institute.

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