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Medical exam shows Colwyn Harding's rectum was ruptured with "foreign object"

  • Wednesday, 12 February 2014


An unnamed independent medical expert has found that there was upper rectal bleeding in Colwyn Harding to support his claim that a policeman sodomized him with a condom-covered baton.

The results of the findings were released Wednesday afternoon by members of the Colwyn Harding Support Group. ‘That expert found that there was active rectal mucosa bleeding on Mr. Harding in the upper rectum,” said Attorney-at-Law, Nigel Hughes, adding that it was consistent with a foreign object. “Evidence of mucosal bleeding was still found in the rectum which confirms that a foreign object had actually caused that,” he added.

An investigation by the Police Force’s Office of Professional Responsibility has not found any evidence that Harding was sexually assaulted by a baton but that he suffered a hernia while on remand at the Georgetown Prison. Police have said that no none of the nine policemen were expected to be charged with sexual assault but with common assault based on advice by the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP).

Hughes said the findings have been dispatched to DPP for her to consider in deciding what charges should be instituted on constable directly fingered in the alleged ordeal during November 2013. At that time, he had been arrested at Timehri North as part of a probe into stolen items.

Hughes announced that he has written to the Attorney General, Anil Nandlall to discuss the matter of damages. “This, again, is an attempt to afford the authorities and the State a reasonable opportunity to embark on a serious discussion about the question of damages,” he said. A claim of GUY$100 million has been already made to the Police Commissioner. Hughes gave himself another two weeks within which to file civil proceedings against the State and possibly private criminal charges after the DPP would have made her recommendation.

The local medical expert, who performed the examination on Harding on January 25, 2014 at the St. Joseph’s Mercy Hospital and doctors in Jamaica said the Guyanese doctors could not have formed an opinion because they had not examined Harding.

Harding has returned to Guyana and his condition is said to have improved considerably ahead of a final surgery expected to be performed in Jamaica. Executives of the Colwyn Harding Support Group are appealing for funds to help finance his surgery and related expenses projected to be at US$7,500.

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Now the Corrupt PPP/C and their cronies are in some serious problems. I know before hand that those crooks cannot be trusted. Now lets see how bere bere gets off this one, with all his lies that he was peddling.


A claim of GUY$100 million has been already made to the Police Commissioner. Hughes gave himself another two weeks within which to file civil proceedings against the State and possibly private criminal charges after the DPP would have made her recommendation.


An unnamed independent medical expert has found that there was upper rectal bleeding in Colwyn Harding to support his claim.


Who is this unnamed medical expert? He/she should come forward and testify and put this guy misery to rest. 


Who is this unnamed medical expert? He/she should come forward and testify and put this guy misery to rest


Nigel Hughes star witness, not the right time to bring him/her out.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

An unnamed independent medical expert



Nehru this was uncalled for.  If it was your son at the front end of the baton, how would you feel?


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