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Former Member

Glen Lall's bitterness towards former President Bharrat Jagdeo rared its head once again with the manufacture of 'outrage' over facilities extended by the state to the former President who was forced to seek overseas treatment for a serious aliment. In trying to create the impression that extraordinary facilities were provided to Jagdeo both the Kaieteur and Stabroek News which are aligned to the opposition excluded the fact that then opposition leader Robert Corbin received similar treatment. No 'concerns' were however raised back in 2009 when Corbin was medivaced to a New York hospital via a private plane which was also equipped with medical personnel at an additional cost.


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Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Again, based on the advice of his medical team Jagdeo was ordered medically evacuated to the US. The doctors are the ones accountable here.



Medical adviser and chief buggeroligist was none other than:


Jagdeo-ooe got Babita.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Glen Lall's bitterness towards former President Bharrat Jagdeo rared its head once again with the manufacture of 'outrage' over facilities extended by the state to the former President who was forced to seek overseas treatment for a serious aliment. In trying to create the impression that extraordinary facilities were provided to Jagdeo both the Kaieteur and Stabroek News which are aligned to the opposition excluded the fact that then opposition leader Robert Corbin received similar treatment. No 'concerns' were however raised back in 2009 when Corbin was medivaced to a New York hospital via a private plane which was also equipped with medical personnel at an additional cost.


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Ow lard, Luncheon now refuse to stay at the Georgetown Hospital, he gone Trinidad.


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