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Former Member

Meet my son's best friend from school, Ms. Akeela. One day I went and pick him up and as I peeked into the class, I was amazed at the care she took of him. She packed his back pack, ensured he had his hat on, set up his clothing before waving him good bye. My heart melted ðŸĪ— . I called her and said 'thank you so much Akeela', she smiled and said 'you are welcome'.

I think she recognized that he was 'different' even though she might not even know of Autism. From what I heard she takes his money and buy snacks for him from the canteen and even scold him at times 😁. I am happy the world has people with such good heart and I applaud her parents for raising such a pretty and caring 'Angel'.

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Follow-up to Akeela and Sahil story!

Last night I sat and posted my son Sahil with his best friend Akeela. In a matter of just 1 hour the post got 1,000 likes and 500 share, I was amazed. Then I woke up this morning to 10,000 like and 5,000 shares ðŸ˜Ū and tonight its 38,000 likes and 13,000 shares ðŸ˜ē.

I was thinking as to what exactly about the post maybe hit the core of people's heart and three things came to mind; Racism, Kindness and Autism. My son is Autistic but only parents with children as such would understand the challenges, and how worried we are constantly especially when we send them off to school. To have teachers and students who will look out for them instead of bullying brings so much joy and peace to my heart.

We have received many messages from parents reaching out for advice about Autism. It's sad that in Berbice there is very limited avenues and resources where the differently abled can learn and benefit. I hope this post can reach the relevant authority to implement systems to cater for these 'special' persons in society.

The response was overwhelming and I thank everyone for your kind words and encouragement. To my brothers and sisters of different race and creed, we are one family and that's 'humanity'. Our differences makes us special and unique and that is what diversity is and where beauty lies. We should teach our children to respect everyone irrespective of their differences and I am happy that the post was an inspiration to many as it was for me and my family .

To all the individuals and groups who reacted, commented and shared the post, thank you for making something so 'simple' go viral. We even received a message from a news channel to feature the story, something I think Guyana needs desperately in an effort to end racism. It shows people are craving 'peace' and there is still good in a world plagued with evil.

Baseman posted:

Follow-up to Akeela and Sahil story!

Last night I sat and posted my son Sahil with his best friend Akeela. In a matter of just 1 hour the post got 1,000 likes and 500 share, I was amazed. Then I woke up this morning to 10,000 like and 5,000 shares ðŸ˜Ū and tonight its 38,000 likes and 13,000 shares ðŸ˜ē.

Two wonderful little children with activities for all to cherish.

In the first post, it is amusing that Akeela scolds Sahil at times.


@Former Member , great effort to change the mindset of all most all the posters on GNI Forum, those who keep the forum alive.

I read the story on FB , it was posted on a few pages ,i am sure you have read the heart warming responses . Hopefully in the near future the people will realize a divided developing nation stands a better chance united. I predict after the coming elections, some politicians will have to go back to the drawing board.

We shall find out  the winner before the celebrated Hindu festival in March. Also big bacchanal celebrating Republic Day before Elections .

Last edited by Django
Django posted:

@Former Member , great effort to change the mindset of all most all the posters on GNI Forum, those who keep the forum alive.

I read the story on FB , it was posted on a few pages ,i am sure you have read the heart warming responses . Hopefully in the near future the people will realize a divided developing nation stands a better chance united. I predict after the coming elections, some politicians will have to go back to the drawing board.

We shall find out  the winner before the celebrated Hindu festival in March. Also big bacchanal celebrating Republic Day before Elections .

I only posted a story.  The parents of Akeela deserve credit!


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