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Ms. Yvonne Pearson, The Carib Warrior, a woman who is one of the most knowledgeable indigenous leaders in Guyana.  She has dedicated her whole life to the fight for indigenous rights.  She was the 3rd speaker in the House today.  She addressed the issue of why no one in the Amerindian community was consulted as to the new government's Amerindian Youth policy and asked for names.  Amna Ally responded, "Too many names to mention."  And brushed her off.  Is this how we treat the "First" people of Guyana?

Source:  PPP MPs.







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And for those of you who don't know her story, Yvonne was one of the first victims of the Coalition. 

June 13, 2015 - Guyana Times

Former Head of the National Toshaos Council, Yvonne Pearson, has been dismissed from her post as the advisor to the Indigenous People’s Affairs Minister.  Pearson, who has served in the position for over 22 years, was on Friday relieved of duty.

Yvonne Pearson

Yvonne Pearson


Indigenous People’s Affairs Minister Sydney Allicock, when asked about the rationale behind the decision to dismiss Pearson, stated that the decision to dismiss her was made after a considerable review of the woman’s performance was done. “We have been reviewing the structure of operations and we have come to the agreement that we need to undertake some changes,” Allicock told the Guyana Times during a telephone interview. “We have not seen the expected output during the course of her time in operation, nor have we seen the end result for the funds used,” the Minister explained.

Pearson, who also served as the Chairperson of the National Toshaos Council and has been a vocal representative of the indigenous people, slammed the Minister’s reasoning behind the decision to dismiss her from her office. She stated that she is just another victim of witch-hunting by the new Government.

Pearson stated that the Minister’s explanation of the reason for her dismissal was preposterous. “How could he say that I did not perform? What yard stick did he use to measure my performance? He did not give me an opportunity to perform,” Pearson said.

She stated that it is her firm belief that her dismissal is as a result of her openly supporting the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) in the May 11 elections. “It is a total disrespect and disregard to the rights of people as we have the right to support whichever political party we choose. I heard President Granger said that elections are over and that there would not be any witch-hunting. I was prepared to work with them for the benefit of the people, but they gave me no choice,” the disappointed Pearson related.

She also lashed out at the way she was made aware of her dismissal stating that she felt as if she was a criminal. She related that on Friday she was summoned and given her dismissal, which stated that it was with immediate effect.  “They just handed me the letter as if I am a criminal of some sort because I supported the PPP/C.”  Pearson added, “I have no choice; I had to pack my few belongings and leave. I am totally disappointed and hurt because I have been working with the Ministry of Amerindian Affairs and I have been actively involved in bringing the concerns of the indigenous people to the forefront.”

In response to this development, former Amerindian Affairs Minister Pauline Sukhai lashed out at this decision stating that it is a blatant disregard to the rights of indigenous people. “Yvonne Pearson is a very long serving and dedicated leader to the Amerindian people and she is well respected for her leadership,” Sukhai stated.

“Any Government that would be dismissive about such expertise is making a big mistake. She was my adviser and I have benefitted from her. She served for 18 years as Head of the National Toshaos Council and was elected for that position by 19 male Toshaos, which speaks of how much she is respected among them.”

Sukhai furthermore expressed her disappointment in the way in which the decision was made in, saying, “She is respected by me as well as across the hinterland. It is a sad day for me that we discard such a leader.”  She argued that it was a callous approach where the indigenous people were concerned as it completely disregarded their rights as indigenous people and will discourage other Amerindians from having their freedom of political affiliations.

Bibi Haniffa
baseman posted:

This PNC Govt really scraped the bottom of the barrel for "talents", if you can call it that!!

I have to agree. 

Just back from a USA trip and American Guyanese are angry and frustrated at this useless AFC/PNC government.

Guyanese are now sending back barrels of food to Guyana and it has only been ten months with a bunch of fools governing Guyana.

It will only get worse. 

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:

And for those of you who don't know her story, Yvonne was one of the first victims of the Coalition. 

June 13, 2015 - Guyana Times

Former Head of the National Toshaos Council, Yvonne Pearson, has been dismissed from her post as the advisor to the Indigenous People’s Affairs Minister.  Pearson, who has served in the position for over 22 years, was on Friday relieved of duty.

Yvonne Pearson

Yvonne Pearson


For Amerinds who saw her as a seller of her soul to the gods of the PPP it is good riddance. Was she not there when Dharamlall  went on a tirade against Amerindian leaders threatening to withhold government access and funds as if he was the brown white father and they his footstool? Good riddance. On this board I have raged against her title as representing amerindian people. She sold here soul to the PPP and to them she belong not native peoples

yuji22 posted:
baseman posted:

This PNC Govt really scraped the bottom of the barrel for "talents", if you can call it that!!

I have to agree. 

Just back from a USA trip and American Guyanese are angry and frustrated at this useless AFC/PNC government.

Guyanese are now sending back barrels of food to Guyana and it has only been ten months with a bunch of fools governing Guyana.

It will only get worse. 

Let me get this reasoning...your pilgrimage to the USA was instrumental to inform you as to the status of the Guyanese at home? When was it a Guyanese was not in love with a barrel? They cannot pass one being under use without snatching it up as a container for goods to Guyana. That has and will always be the case.

And what credentials do you have over Granger for example? Where did you go to school? Get real you racist vermin.

Stormborn posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

And for those of you who don't know her story, Yvonne was one of the first victims of the Coalition. 

June 13, 2015 - Guyana Times

Former Head of the National Toshaos Council, Yvonne Pearson, has been dismissed from her post as the advisor to the Indigenous People’s Affairs Minister.  Pearson, who has served in the position for over 22 years, was on Friday relieved of duty.

Yvonne Pearson

Yvonne Pearson


For Amerinds who saw her as a seller of her soul to the gods of the PPP it is good riddance. Was she not there when Dharamlall  went on a tirade against Amerindian leaders threatening to withhold government access and funds as if he was the brown white father and they his footstool? Good riddance. On this board I have raged against her title as representing amerindian people. She sold here soul to the PPP and to them she belong not native peoples

Stormy, I am having a hard time believing this bit of information about Dharamlall.  He has worked with Yvonne on many of her Amerindian projects and is her number 1 supporter.  In fact, yesterday he was the one who jumped in to back her up in Parliament.  Are you sure about this????????!!!

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Stormborn posted:


For Amerinds who saw her as a seller of her soul to the gods of the PPP it is good riddance. Was she not there when Dharamlall  went on a tirade against Amerindian leaders threatening to withhold government access and funds as if he was the brown white father and they his footstool? Good riddance. On this board I have raged against her title as representing amerindian people. She sold here soul to the PPP and to them she belong not native peoples

Stormy, I am having a hard time believing this bit of information about Dharamlall.  He has worked with Yvonne on many of her Amerindian projects and is her number 1 supporter.  In fact, yesterday he was the one who jumped in to back her up in Parliament.  Are you sure about this????????!!!

Brer Google seh to pass on dis link to Bibi and to tell she dat she must feel free to consult Brer Google when she has questionsssss:

Bibi Haniffa posted:

"Permanent Secretary of the Amerindian Affairs Ministry Nigel Dharamlall is denying issuing threats and has said his statements were taken out of context."

Gilly,  I know for a fact that Dharamlall is a supporter of Yvonne and her projects.  


Oh Please! He was caught on a recording issuing threats against the Amerindian leaders. He just did what all the PPP scamps do when they are busted. Deny, Deny.

Last edited by Mars
Bibi Haniffa posted:

"Permanent Secretary of the Amerindian Affairs Ministry Nigel Dharamlall is denying issuing threats and has said his statements were taken out of context."

Gilly,  I know for a fact that Dharamlall is a supporter of Yvonne and her projects.  


Not disagreeing with you. Just following up on your question to my learned friend Stormy. There was a big spat in 2014 between Dharamlall and some Amerindian chiefs.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

"Permanent Secretary of the Amerindian Affairs Ministry Nigel Dharamlall is denying issuing threats and has said his statements were taken out of context."

Gilly,  I know for a fact that Dharamlall is a supporter of Yvonne and her projects.  


why on earth, in context, are u hallucinating that these 2 phenomena are mutually exclusive?

Stormborn posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

And for those of you who don't know her story, Yvonne was one of the first victims of the Coalition. 

June 13, 2015 - Guyana Times

Former Head of the National Toshaos Council, Yvonne Pearson, has been dismissed from her post as the advisor to the Indigenous People’s Affairs Minister.  Pearson, who has served in the position for over 22 years, was on Friday relieved of duty.

Yvonne Pearson

Yvonne Pearson


For Amerinds who saw her as a seller of her soul to the gods of the PPP it is good riddance. Was she not there when Dharamlall  went on a tirade against Amerindian leaders threatening to withhold government access and funds as if he was the brown white father and they his footstool? Good riddance. On this board I have raged against her title as representing amerindian people. She sold here soul to the PPP and to them she belong not native peoples

But you love Uncle Tom and Devany.

KishanB posted:
Cobra posted:
Nehru posted:

Amna Ally is a certified DUNCE. Why yuh think she is the chewing Gum Minista. Her portfolio is to paste chewing Gum and bring people together.

She is prettier than Priya Manickchand.  

LOL.  Very pretty, pink and puckering.

With a face like that in front of you; use of the word "pretty" should be a criminal offence !!

skeldon_man posted:

Storm might have 1/10th of buckman in him. He thinks he is the new world authority on buckmanism. Wonder what tribe he is..Wai Wai?

In some tribal designation one has only to point to second great grandparent.  That is 1/16th of the blood line. So what are you yapping about? I have a full blooded native mother so there. That is 1/2.

In any event, one is what one is  by acknowledging to be of the culture. Also peoples of the world have long practiced a ritualistic  blood oaths as a strategy for inclusion.

These days the modern state incorporated similar the same notions. Why the hell do you think you are guyanese if not in a declaration of a principle of jus sanguinis (granted jus soli  also works). Why then am I not an amerindian dick head?


Drugb posted:

Years back, there was talk of d2 being a white trying to pass himself off as a buckman. And there is evidence to suggest that he may not even be Guyanese. Notable was his blunder that a Sakiwinki is a bird. 

Are you guyanese or do run like you lived on the foot hills of mt Kilimanjaro and is as black as any Kenyan I ever met.


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