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APNU’s Backer urges recall of Lall, Gajraj

April 13, 2012 | By | Filed Under News 


…laments Rohee’s systematic destruction of Foreign Service

By Gary Eleazar

In her first presentation as Shadow Minister of Foreign Affairs Minister, Deborah Backer, of A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), has urged the government to immediately recall Kellawan Lall and Ronald Gajraj, its Ambassadors in Brazil and India respectively, with “competent, highly skilled and experienced diplomats,” taking into account the importance of the two nations in the global trade arena. There was particular reference to the economic significance of the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa).
Backer said that as it relates to the preparedness of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its pursuit of Trade and Investment, “given the global economic rearrangement that has seen the emergence of the BRICS countries and other emerging nations, APNU believes that it is imperative that our missions in Brazil and India be headed by our most accomplished and highly qualified diplomats who can take a lead role in encouraging trade and investment in Guyana.”
The Attorney and Former Shadow Home Affairs Minister, Backer told the Speaker in her address that, “Sir, by no stretch of imagination can the words accomplished and highly qualified’ be attributed to either High Commissioner Kellawan Lall or Ronald Gajraj.”
As such she said that APNU is demanding that the government quickly remove and replace the envoys at the two missions which she said “are too critical to be used as rewards for party loyalists who performed poorly in Guyana.”
She said that in the Finance Minister’s Budget presentation, Dr Ashni Singh spoke of the promotion of trade and industry which is listed as a priority focus of the government’s foreign policy, with the primary strategies being the strengthening of bilateral relations with countries with whom we have had traditional ties and are fostering new strategic alliances, with some focus on enhancing economic and social links with our neighbours.
She said that upon hearing this from the Minister the question that immediately springs to mind is “has our Ministry of Foreign affairs through our overseas missions and its staff at Takuba Lodge been prepared for this most critical task?”
Backer said that it is an undeniable fact that when the PPP/C took office in October 1992, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was staffed with highly qualified diplomats at the overseas missions and Guyana ‘s Foreign Service was “the envy of our CARICOM sister countries and those further afield.”
The Shadow Foreign Affairs Minister as she made her presentation said that while it is not her intention to dwell on the past, it is worthwhile to note “the removal by the PPP/C administration of 69 Ministry of Foreign Affairs staff, including High Commissioners and Ambassadors within months of assuming office, resulted in the near destruction of this most important ministry.”
She said that this purge or beheading was conducted by none other than the then Foreign Affairs Minister Clement Rohee, and called it a systematic destruction of the Foreign Service.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Chief:

And when Gagraj return home let him answer about the phantom Gang that created chaos in Guyana.

Yuh lil katahar, goa live near Buxton nah.  Yuh ole sk0nt living up dah an' a taalk sh1t.  Stay rite up deh leh dem wite man keep eye pon yuh lil terrorist loving bastard.  Gaj is KING, keep yuh rancid mout up deh.

Originally Posted by Chief:

It is so refreshing to see the opposition turning up the heat on this corrupt PPP Gov't.

Oi, wy naat come donk hay an' gi dem lil heat....oooh, mi fugget wenn yuh come is fuh kochar lil ambasada wuk.  Rememba, yuh cyan chatay APNU batty, but dem cyant gi yuh no ambasada wuk.

Originally Posted by Chief:

India and Indian officials are quite corrupt as well.

Yea, how come yuh bribe nah gi yuh ambasada wuk in Guyana.  Abie coolies donk hay nah fall fuh yuh triks.  Now gwan goa chatay PNC bakside.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

In fact Gajraj is regarded as a hero in India where they admire the demolition of the FF's with help from short man. ahahahhhaha

He has to swim home. Fly and he will be with short man as bubba's batti boy. The US has short man in isolation because even bubba could not protect him from being gang raped in jail. Karma does indeed work its will. The lamentations of the mothers of sons he murdered and the agony of the lives as junkies that transformed so young people into with the poison of his cocaine trade came down squat on his head.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

In fact Gajraj is regarded as a hero in India where they admire the demolition of the FF's with help from short man. ahahahhhaha

He has to swim home. Fly and he will be with short man as bubba's batti boy. The US has short man in isolation because even bubba could not protect him from being gang raped in jail. Karma does indeed work its will. The lamentations of the mothers of sons he murdered and the agony of the lives as junkies that transformed so young people into with the poison of his cocaine trade came down squat on his head.

Well said!!!


I have to agree with Sledgehammer and BGurd_see even though I think the latter is crazy at times. Ramotar should recall Gajraj and hand the Presidency over to him. The man brought peace and sanity to the country by killing them criminals. The PNC should look at their record first because killing coolies was their number one priority. Chief and the rest of them stink mouth rats who have watched how the PNC  plundered and raped the nation should be the last ones to talk. My hat off to Sledgehammer. She has her facts right.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

In fact Gajraj is regarded as a hero in India where they admire the demolition of the FF's with help from short man. ahahahhhaha

He has to swim home. Fly and he will be with short man as bubba's batti boy. The US has short man in isolation because even bubba could not protect him from being gang raped in jail. Karma does indeed work its will. The lamentations of the mothers of sons he murdered and the agony of the lives as junkies that transformed so young people into with the poison of his cocaine trade came down squat on his head.

There was no murder, just retribution. Atheists tend to use the word karma to explain payback however the hand of God guided short man to save the Guyanese public while you and your kind snickered as Guyanese died at the hand of those same "sons" who went on a murderous rampage while their mothers justified their wickedness. The Guyanese public will be forever  thankful for the intervention of RK et al while you folks twiddled your thumbs and prayed for the demise of Guyanese. 

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by TI:
What heat? Hot air? Both APNU and AFC are toothless soupies.

TI, Are you for square pegs in round holes?

Chief, the only qualification that counts for you and the PNC for an Ambassador Job is a PNC Party Card from Congress Place and Coolie Blood on your hands. Ronald Gajraj has more qualifications that Debra Backa.

Originally Posted by Chief:

India and Indian officials are quite corrupt as well.

What about Africa and African officials. Are they clean? What happened in Mali, Sudan, Ethiopia, Uganda etc. etc. Aren't there corruption in places like Canada, Mexico, USA. You think that they clean too. You rass can't talk about da because the RCMP and FBI and the drug lords would show up at your door and "tek you weh barley a grow".

Originally Posted by Chief:

Big Belly Gajraj was a thug in the army during the Burnham days and then Jagdeo recruited him to murder afro Guyanese.

So also was your God, the chief thug, criminal and ballot box thiefman David Granger. Burnham had Big Belly too. As Slegehammer recommended, you should go chatay APNU Batties. Is nuff, nuff, batties you gat to chatay b4 you come back and tell us how it taste or before the ambulance come to take you to hospital.

Originally Posted by Dondadda:

I have to agree with Sledgehammer and BGurd_see even though I think the latter is crazy at times. Ramotar should recall Gajraj and hand the Presidency over to him. The man brought peace and sanity to the country by killing them criminals. The PNC should look at their record first because killing coolies was their number one priority. Chief and the rest of them stink mouth rats who have watched how the PNC  plundered and raped the nation should be the last ones to talk. My hat off to Sledgehammer. She has her facts right.

Dat is waan coolie katahar.  Leh e' rass come donk hay an' live near Buxton.  Dem diss coolies is coolie wuss enemy.  Maybe dats wy e' run goa marry-up. 

Originally Posted by Chief:

Big Belly Gajraj was a thug in the army during the Burnham days and then Jagdeo recruited him to murder afro Guyanese.

Cyar yuh katahar bad breath da side.  Stay rite up deh, no ambasada wuk, time a goa run out pon yuh ras.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

In fact Gajraj is regarded as a hero in India where they admire the demolition of the FF's with help from short man. ahahahhhaha

He has to swim home. Fly and he will be with short man as bubba's batti boy. The US has short man in isolation because even bubba could not protect him from being gang raped in jail. Karma does indeed work its will. The lamentations of the mothers of sons he murdered and the agony of the lives as junkies that transformed so young people into with the poison of his cocaine trade came down squat on his head.

Well said!!!

Two batty bais, Chief and Stormborn. Gajraj fuh prezzy.

Originally Posted by Chief:

Turn up the pressure APNU &AFC.

kEEP THE PPP on their toes.

Dem ah keep PPP pon dem toes, but dem a gatt yuh benn and touch yu wan.  Keep an up fun lil ambasada wuk.


I wonder how competent an Attorney she is. She has no saying in who the Govt Appoint. Only The predident and his Cabinet cam make such decisions.

Brother gajraj is the RIGHT man for the Job.


Understanding the dynamics surrounding Deborah Backer’s recent gibberish-like pronouncements in Parliament as it relates Guyana’s Foreign Service paints the picture of one stuck very much in the past. This means being stuck in Guyana’s darkest period which was under the PNC dictatorship.

Before proceeding further, it becomes imperative to provide a brief contextual analysis of the issue thus laying the catalyst solidifying my position.

Under the PNC dictatorship up to 1992, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was the flagship Ministry of the despotic regime. Backer was erudite enough to point out that during that time Guyana’s Foreign Service was the envy of the CARICOM countries. In fact a lot of prestige was given to those who were employed in the Foreign Service.  During that period, only those sympathetic to the regime were employed in the Foreign Service, in fact many of the staff who were at  clerical level at that time have now become policy makers and are part of a selected cabal who are influential in the decision making apparatus of the Ministry.  This fact is reiterated when one visits the Foreign Service today on South Road  you would hear about the “Golden Years of Guyana’s Foreign Service” reverberating along the stairs and corridors.

What Backer wouldn’t want to debate in Parliament is the fact that while Guyana’s Foreign Service reached its epitome at that time, the PNC’s capacity to deliver essential services has virtually collapsed. Infrastructure remains severely dilapidated. The supply of potable water was limited to a small proportion of the population, drainage and irrigation systems had deteriorated to the point that they were no longer useful, and health and education services had become so inadequate that social indicators for the country had fallen to among the lowest in the Caribbean. The Monies that were pumped into the Foreign Service by the despotic PNC regime at that time was used on two levels, first to ensure that Guyana’s image on the International stage remain one of exaltation and secondly  to ensure that the economic and social reality in Guyana remained concealed from the international limelight.

Backer would desist from venturing into unchartered territory where ensuring an ethnic balance in the Foreign Service ought to be discussed. One certainly had to be of a specific ethnicity to gain employment in Guyana’s Foreign Ministry at that time, more so once you had a PNC card, then a career in the Foreign Service with all its perks of travelling and per diem would be yours for the taking. The Public therefore must understand that while Guyana’s Foreign Service was its peak during the dictatorship, every other sector suffered as pointed out in the preceding paragraphs.

When the nation placed their trust in the PPP/C on October 5th 1992, they did so confident in the belief that the national economic and social development of Guyana would be a priority. It is therefore understood that the tenure diplomats who served under a previous regime would no longer be tenable under a new administration as a result of completely different political and social agenda. It becomes a no-brainer when diplomats from other countries tender their resignation upon a new party assuming office.

Minister Rohee did the right thing; no longer could those who supported the dictatorship and advocated views that were diametrically opposed to those of the new Government be representing Guyana on the International stage.  Hypothetically speaking, why would the Honorable Clement Rohee employ someone into the Foreign Service who was vehemently opposed to the LCDS or the New Global Human Order? That would be asinine and tantamount to diplomatic suicide.

On the issue of rotation of overseas based diplomats, Backer would not disclose that under the PNC many of the staff who were at the overseas missions were there for an indefinite period in fact she should know that many of them have even refused to return home after being there for decades. This was the PNC’s way of rewarding Party lackeys.

Backer ought to divulge to that nation, what is a competent, highly skilled and experienced diplomat? What makes her suddenly an authority on Guyana’s Foreign Policy? Backer has to understand that in order for her and others who serve the PNC’s racist agenda, the Foreign Ministry is no longer the flagship of the PNC, Guyana has moved on from that dark period. We have moved on to such an extent that Backer and many of her comrades on the Opposition bench can now enjoy a high standard of living, they have access to potable water, they and their children have benefited from an efficient education sector. This would have been inconceivable for Backer and others had the PNC been allowed to continue to send Guyana into the bottomless pit.

She should snap out of her hallucinations and accept the realty and simultaneously acknowledge the stewardship with which the PPP/C Government has led Guyana from 1992 to present.



Let us not forget that the leader of the PNC Granger has blood on his hands. How about him coming clean on election rigging and killings in 1973 election at No. 63 Village, Corentyne, Berbice. He was Burnham's sidekick.


How about starting with her leader Granger ? Least we so easily forget.


Don't get me going on this matter. Please. Let us call a spade a spade.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

In fact Gajraj is regarded as a hero in India where they admire the demolition of the FF's with help from short man. ahahahhhaha

He has to swim home. Fly and he will be with short man as bubba's batti boy. The US has short man in isolation because even bubba could not protect him from being gang raped in jail. Karma does indeed work its will. The lamentations of the mothers of sons he murdered and the agony of the lives as junkies that transformed so young people into with the poison of his cocaine trade came down squat on his head.

There was no murder, just retribution. Atheists tend to use the word karma to explain payback however the hand of God guided short man to save the Guyanese public while you and your kind snickered as Guyanese died at the hand of those same "sons" who went on a murderous rampage while their mothers justified their wickedness. The Guyanese public will be forever  thankful for the intervention of RK et al while you folks twiddled your thumbs and prayed for the demise of Guyanese. 

One can depend on  you for the most contrary of suppositions. First, the law is not about retribution or revenge. The laws about unemotional justice.


As a bit of instructive advice; karma has little to do with god or atheism. It is a principle in the universe which is about  rewarding efficient ends (inevitably good ends) ends  in kind.If one builds a house well its stands; if it is built badly it  deteriorates rapidly.


Karma is not about an active interventionist god. That is Christianity you are talking about ie one that rewards with heavenly abode. The hindu God is a god that contemplates everything and nothing since all are one.


With that in mind one sees the Karmic reward for recruiting RK means to law enforcement. It rewards the nation with the rise of wicked people.


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