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Members arrive on GDF with little fanfare, but before they leave, it becomes a big show.  As if to say, 'please hold me back, me na wanna go', like dem school day fighting bully, who get dem ass kicked.  Then other members pretend to hold  dem back, because they are valuable to the cause.

Some members say harsh things regarding how this free voluntary site is run by a new owner and plan to leave at a certain political time. What will they do if this certain political time don't happen ? Keep on complaining that they will leave ? Some people  been talking about leaving since dankey bray and dem still dea hea. 

Rass, if you want to leave, just friggin leave. All it takes is one click to remove your membership, without anyone knowing and quit all de friggin belly-aching, like a lil sissy.  Or STFU.  

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Ramakant-P posted:
kp posted:

I think he looking for moderator job, either that or desperately sucking up to Django.

kp posted:

I think he looking for moderator job, either that or desperately sucking up to Django.

Tola would love to see outspoken coolies leave so that coup detat of this forum would appear legal.

Rama, you got da rite. Wha de rass you still doing hea ? 

Tola posted:
Ramakant-P posted:
kp posted:

I think he looking for moderator job, either that or desperately sucking up to Django.

kp posted:

I think he looking for moderator job, either that or desperately sucking up to Django.

Tola would love to see outspoken coolies leave so that coup detat of this forum would appear legal.

Rama, you got da rite. 

Confession is good for the soul...

Dave posted:
Tola posted:
Ramakant-P posted:
kp posted:

I think he looking for moderator job, either that or desperately sucking up to Django.

kp posted:

I think he looking for moderator job, either that or desperately sucking up to Django.

Tola would love to see outspoken coolies leave so that coup detat of this forum would appear legal.

Rama, you got da rite. 

Confession is good for the soul...

Who is confession, like you na repair you 'S' yet. 

Tola posted:
Dave posted:
Tola posted:
Ramakant-P posted:
kp posted:

I think he looking for moderator job, either that or desperately sucking up to Django.

kp posted:

I think he looking for moderator job, either that or desperately sucking up to Django.

Tola would love to see outspoken coolies leave so that coup detat of this forum would appear legal.

Rama, you got da rite. 

Confession is good for the soul...

Who is confession, like you na repair you 'S' yet. 

There is no need to get personal.

Ramakant-P posted:
Tola posted:
Dave posted:
Tola posted:
Ramakant-P posted:
kp posted:

I think he looking for moderator job, either that or desperately sucking up to Django.

kp posted:

I think he looking for moderator job, either that or desperately sucking up to Django.

Tola would love to see outspoken coolies leave so that coup detat of this forum would appear legal.

Rama, you got da rite. 

Confession is good for the soul...

Who is confession, like you na repair you 'S' yet. 

There is no need to get personal.

Whats personal ? 

Tola posted:
Ramakant-P posted:
Tola posted:
Dave posted:
Tola posted:
Ramakant-P posted:
kp posted:

I think he looking for moderator job, either that or desperately sucking up to Django.

kp posted:

I think he looking for moderator job, either that or desperately sucking up to Django.

Tola would love to see outspoken coolies leave so that coup detat of this forum would appear legal.

Rama, you got da rite. 

Confession is good for the soul...

Who is confession, like you na repair you 'S' yet. 

There is no need to get personal.

Whats personal ? 

I should have written 'physical'.  You should read what wrote.  It's all cybor attack.

Ramakant-P posted:
Tola posted:
Ramakant-P posted:
Tola posted:
Dave posted:
Tola posted:
Ramakant-P posted:
kp posted:

I think he looking for moderator job, either that or desperately sucking up to Django.

kp posted:

I think he looking for moderator job, either that or desperately sucking up to Django.

Tola would love to see outspoken coolies leave so that coup detat of this forum would appear legal.

Rama, you got da rite. 

Confession is good for the soul...

Who is confession, like you na repair you 'S' yet. 

There is no need to get personal.

Whats personal ? 

I should have written 'physical'.  You should read what wrote.  It's all cybor attack.

Rama, dis whole forum is cyber attack in one form or another. Read my post again, I was responding to what was written. If you people want to pay dis game, I will respond. 

Tola posted:
Amral posted:

And some reactivate their account in a day or 2

I don't have a problem with members leaving and returning, but complaining  of  leaving, because of their dissatisfaction  and not doing anything about it. 

Tola,...  how can we have positive and humorous discussion when you are " knocking down posters on this forum" ... the same very thing you condemn others for..... shameful 

Folks, this is the same Tola who wrote below in 2016.

In the beginning, GNI discussion forum was a place of harmony with positive and humorous discussion, where many lasting and helpful friendships were made, but   it now seems to be a forum with  people who like to speak within their own minds, while  knocking down others.
Typical of some Guyanese who are shamed in many countries, they seem to behave like crabs in a  barrel and would step on others, to make themselves look good, or  destroy any effort to get ahead.
Is there presently a ‘purpose for achievement’ on GNI political discussion forum?  I doubt it and believe if it continue in this manner,  it might  degrade further into its own destructive force. 
It became a place that destroy by building on negativism, that is shameful to see, because Guyana badly need positive assistance.
If just 1% of negative energy on GNI political forum is used to support the people of Guyana to achieve a better life, it will make a huge difference, because many don't have anything now. This is nothing new, because members on GNI previously came together to help others in need.
We  wonder what type of   productive life some posters must have.  We assume they are employed, but  they spend so much time daily on GNI knocking down others and  we know posting  takes away from doing other things.
Youth in Guyana  read GNI political, but don't post because of nastiness by some members in response.  It puzzles them with shame to understand, if these are educated people in the diaspora who left to improve themselves, it might have been better if they had remained in  Guyana, because some seems worse than some people in Guyana.
They also wonder how these people portrait Guyana to others, if they are so negative and ungrateful about their homeland, that gave them so much to improve their lives.  
It is unfortunate to see a site representing Guyana, don't take an initiative to help build Guyana more productively, instead of  members trying to  destroy it.
Free speech yes, but for what purpose.
I believe Mr. Odeen Ishmael’s  family started this site with good intentions, but it  degraded to a place that discourage visitors, especially the youth in Guyana, who badly need positive leadership.
With no assistance from regional and local officials, even with  a letter of introduction from the Guyana National Suicide Prevention Committee,  our foundation started in 2006 building sport facilities in schools and communities.  We later trained hundreds of multi-race youth  in leadership, peer counselling and suicide intervention at UG, with neutral facilitators.  We selected dozens of  youth from this group and provided additional training in peer counselling.  They  were sent to their communities for counselling and training others.  Resulting in school dropout returning to school, where some graduated from UG and high schools  and are teachers at the school they dropped out,  mentoring to others with similar problems.  Other graduates  are married with families and have productive lives.
Our committee members are from Canada, United States, Europe, as well as in Guyana. We take turns for ongoing training in suicide intervention and prevention.
Our funding partners are Canada Fund, Air Canada, Caribbean Airlines, Scotia Bank, Telus Canada, Larpakan Shipping, other corporations and numerous individuals.
One of our goals is to have an NGO conference in Georgetown for all NGOs operating in Guyana, so we can compare notes regarding how to better operate in the Guyanese environment.   
Our program was derailed when  officials demanded  large fees, that our funding partners were unable to pay. This resulted in  schools and medical clinics told, there will be consequences, if they continue to support our foundation.
The issue was taken to MOH and MOE, who told us its a local matter,  to be dealt with local officials, the same people demanding the fees.
Our foundation is rebuilding in Guyana and plan to be as effective  as before, but a coordinated national strategy is required, if any significant  improvement will be made in suicide prevention.
As long as we continue to dwell on racism and negativism in Guyana, the country will continue to be stagnant for development of  its people.
If GNI discussion forum presently is a reflection of things to come, there might be  little hope for Guyana, under any government.
Like a disease, negativism is contagious with destructive forces and positive attitude achieve continued growth.   The one we feed will determine  our life and the future of Guyana.
Among all the challenges, instead of knocking down others who might be trying to improve things. Ask yourself, ‘What am I doing to help  the people in Guyana grow ?’
There are many non-government charitable organizations  operating in Guyana  that need help badly, because the work  is  overwhelming and if you are dedicated to assist, they will not be hard to find.
An effective  organization  is the Good Hope – Lusignan  Learning Centre.  Sandra will be happy to hear from you.    
An important person said  ‘Come, see and  help build lives’, but  the choice is always ours.
If you should make this decision, it might be beneficial  to do so, with an open  mind of one Guyanese people. 
Last edited by Former Member

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