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Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Henry:

Hamilton promoted a National Bank, which is altogether different than a Bank of England-style central bank. Credit that is created by a sovereign nation state does not "have to be traded to discover price." It cuts financial parasites such as yourself out of the action altogether.

Bank credit is not traded typically - never will be in our type economies. There is tremendous importance to have equities, corporate bonds, Treasury bills and long-term govt bonds traded. Sorry Henry you missed the forest and saw the trees - perhaps looking for another conspiracy story. 

If I want a conspiracy story, I need only look at the Kaeiteur News. Under a Hamiltonian system, the government creates credit that is earmarked for real development, and fellas like you are not permitted to insert yourself into the process as useless middlemen, skimming a small piece here and there until there is nothing left but a bubble.

Originally Posted by Henry:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Henry:

Hamilton promoted a National Bank, which is altogether different than a Bank of England-style central bank. Credit that is created by a sovereign nation state does not "have to be traded to discover price." It cuts financial parasites such as yourself out of the action altogether.

Bank credit is not traded typically - never will be in our type economies. There is tremendous importance to have equities, corporate bonds, Treasury bills and long-term govt bonds traded. Sorry Henry you missed the forest and saw the trees - perhaps looking for another conspiracy story. 

If I want a conspiracy story, I need only look at the Kaeiteur News. Under a Hamiltonian system, the government creates credit that is earmarked for real development, and fellas like you are not permitted to insert yourself into the process as useless middlemen, skimming a small piece here and there until there is nothing left but a bubble.


Although it serves as an inspiration, the Hamiltonian model cannot be applied entirely to banking in FX constrained economies. You missed the context as usual. 

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Rev With the way you work with numbers, you must be a inept businessman.



Mitts--it's been 24 years and counting since the Rev has been paddling his own canoe---hopefully the Rev's numbers skills will improve in the next 24





Parb, is that the Home Inspection Business? You might have even done better if you had some knowledge of Business econnomics 101. Or is it better to be street smart about the bribery and corruption practices?




This is what the AFC politicians--folks like Moses, Trotman, Ramjattan, Nigel, Gerhard, TK, etc, etc want to see in Guyana:



The losers in the AFC want to see a crisis---a declining Guyanese economy!


Unfortunately for the AFC, President Ramotar is anticipating another boom year for Guyana.





Originally Posted by Rev Al:



This is what the AFC politicians--folks like Moses, Trotman, Ramjattan, Nigel, Gerhard, TK, etc, etc want to see in Guyana:



The losers in the AFC want to see a crisis---a declining Guyanese economy!


Unfortunately for the AFC, President Ramotar is anticipating another boom year for Guyana.






I see your intellectual evolution is at the level of the gutter. You know it is envy that is motivating the AFC. The PPP is doing a great job at maintaining the dankey cart structure. The AFC is proposing betterment for all, including a perfidious one as you. 

Originally Posted by TK:

The PPP is doing a great job at maintaining the dankey cart structure. The AFC is proposing betterment for all....



That PPP donkey cart structure has Guyana on an upward trajectory--4% GDP growth in 2012---7 consecutive years of positive growth.


Check this:


* The agriculture and fishing sectors are flourishing---rice production at record level; sugar will be back on target soon; non traditional agri products on the rise


* The natural resource sector is mushrooming---416,000 ounces of gold produced in 2012---big gold mines will soon come on line; Bauxite sector will increase production; manganese production will re-start soon


* The energy sector---Guyana is working assiduously towards realizing hydro---with hydro---new industries---like alumina processing will bloom.


Now TK! Any country that can feed itself---develop its natural resources---and generate its own energy---such a country will always grow and prosper.







Check out the executives in the AFC---Moses, Ramjattan, Nigel, Trotman---all lawyers.


The Guyanese people are not stupid---they know lawyers are hustlers--they are men of words--they make their living hiring out their words---many lawyers are hustlers, swindlers, scam artists, swindlers--the Guyanese people know this--and that is why fast talkers like Moses, Ramjattan, Nigel Trotty, etc, etc will never lead Guyana--never!


So all those AFC plans for the betterment of Guyana---throw them in the garbage---the Guyanese people don't trust the hustlers in the AFC.








From all indicators, the Guyana economy is expected to continue its steady growth in 2013, thus increasing the per capita for  its citizens, especially those of the working class

Originally Posted by yuji22:



Thats so funny but it is true. Moses is a reject and oil roti is what he has reduced himself to. You forgot to mention Moses cuss down language. He publicly admitted using them on his grandchildren.


Happy New Year. Wishes for your good health and continued great insight into Guyana's political events.



Happy New Year to you too bro! May you and your family be blessed with the best of health and may all your hopes and aspirations become a reality.





The Rev is extremely pleased with the economic progress being made in the country---the private sector and foreign investors are leading the way.


Socially--in terms of education and health care---the PPP has been doing a remarkable job.





Let's be honest yuji--the PPP boys are feasting on the milk and honey--but that's how it is in politics---politicians have a lot of power and influence--but they their salaries are meager compared to the power they wield---and so they are very receptive to gifts---and that milk and honey that flows in the executive branch is very




And right now the hungriest opposition politician is this man:





And yes, it pains him deeply to see the success Guyana is making while Ramo is president.


Once again yuji--HAPPY NEW YEAR!



Originally Posted by Observer:

Moses should go back to the desert and keep searching for stone tablets with deep wisdom etched on them with fire.

I gave him a mantra and nice pair of jharay claath.


Rev...... i strongly Believe you are not one of them B@tty Boys.....

so there is no reason to behave like if yuh wearing Poom Poom Shorts ......

or yuh is a Jagabat Homan......

seriously leave that to those who fighting fuh Dr B's injection......

Dem cant do without Dr Injection......tha is like OXYGEN to dem.


But Rev if them paying yuh fuh seh lies.....

Go ahead and tek dem money...

because AFC aint got a line Item in de budget....

fuh Poom Poom Shorts.


Dont expose yuself, and only u know u situation ......

so if u can.....lef de thiefman dem fuh paddle dem own boat

Dont let people think different about you.....

you saw it loud and clear already...


Jagdeo + Ramotar = Crime+Corruption+Thiefing = PNC



Read wha Jagan fi daughta say about dem crooka....


Cheddi and Janet Jagan must be turning in their graves – says daughter at memorial

April 4, 2012 | By | Filed Under News

Ms Jagan-Brancier speaking to the audience

“My parents were probably the most incorruptible people you would ever find; their honesty and integrity were of very high standards, but unfortunately do not exist or I don’t see it in many of the leaders of the party and government.”

The comments came from the daughter of the late Guyanese leaders Dr Cheddi Jagan and Mrs Janet Jagan. She said that the current leaders of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) and government lack “the very, very, very high moral standards” which her parents embodied when they were alive.


Mrs Nadira Jagan-Brancier scolded the party for putting out platforms using her parents’ name— particularly her father’s— and not living up really and truly to what her parents had stood for.


“It is not enough to go out there and make lovely speeches about who my parents were, what they did and the legacy that we’re carrying on”.


She said that her parents fought for sugar workers, the poor and down-trodden in Guyana and in the world. “That’s who they stood for, and again, I think the party has moved away— not the party but certain elements in the party— from these very, very important values that held the party together and what makes the PPP what it is and so for me, when I look at some of the things happening, my parents must be turning in their graves— but they must be churning up in the waters of the rivers (in which their ashes were sprinkled)”.


She said that if the PPP is saying that it is following Cheddi Jagan and Janet Jagan as a living guide, “the only way you can follow them is to return to basics, return to who this party is which is the working- class party, obviously you have to support other people, but the base of this party is a working- class party, get back to being a non- corruptible party, so people can’t point a finger and say ‘there is so much corruption, why should we worry?”


The daughter of the late leaders then pleaded with the PPP/C leaders and members to get back to the high and moral values. “If the leaders don’t show the moral values then people won’t do it, and you’re children won’t grow up with moral values. And if your families don’t show moral values, then society as a whole will lose that”.


“Their lives were involved in politics so their time for me and my brother was very limited…They weren’t there the amount of hours that most people would have their parents around, but the times that they were, it was what they called quality time, not quantity…so the times they spent with us— memories that I will have for the rest of my life”.


She noted that her parents were very normal, simple, and humble people and a “very, very loving couple”.


She recalled sitting down for breakfast in the mornings around the family table and listening to the news from Guyana or the BBC “and you weren’t allowed to talk”.


She noted that they lived very simple lives and told the gathering that the house in which her parents once lived, is now open to the public. “The house is there and I really encourage people to use the opportunity to go in Bel Air and see the house where they lived…They lived a very simple life; they didn’t have big ostentatious homes that you see nowadays that government officials and party officials have, which is a very sad thing, personally”.


Ms Jagan- Brancier also encouraged persons to visit the Cheddi Jagan Research Centre in Kingston. “This was when my father was Premier from 1961 to 1964”.


“Most people think of my mom as only writing for the Mirror and other political things; my mom wrote a lot of children stories— I hope that people who have children would know this. She was also a poet and wrote some beautiful poems.”


Mrs Jagan’s prison diary, she said, are all important documents that Mrs Jagan-Brancier urged persons to read. The Cheddi Jagan website is also another feature that she urged the public to access information “and on this website, you will find information”.

Originally Posted by Jalil:

Rev...... i strongly Believe you are not one of them 



jalil bhai:


In nomine Patris,  et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti--in the name of the father and the son (and the) holy spirit. The Rev has never been a member of the PPP and never intends to be a member of the PPP.


But I find Guyana's politics interesting--and right now I am pleased with the progress Guyana is making under the PPP.


I have made it very clear that PPP politicians have their hands in the cookie jar--when the PNC was in power they had their hands in the cookie jar---and if the AFC were to ever get into power they would have their hands in the cookie jar.







The Rev knows you have a special place in your heart for Moses---but jalil---Moses is a lawyer---the minute you step into Moses' office---he starts billing you---the man is money hungry--if Moses were to ever be elected President---he would get drunk on that milk and


Don't put Moses on a pedestal jalil bhai---the man is a hustler---just like all the other politicians.


Anyway jalil--the Rev is 100% independent---I'm not a member of any politicial party in Guyana.



Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Rev yuh sound like Pope Paul deh bai.

Looks like the Rev studied some Latin too  heh! Maybe the Rev is Catholic. Some of them perform their services in Latin. Rev can you enlighten us?


Rev i was correct.....praise the do not wear poom poom shorts...

yuh different from Skeldon.


Back to Moses......Why you hate de man so like de Jagabat Homen who love Dr B injection.


Moses was in de cabinet a long time....please show us one time where he was fulling his pocket like any one of "De Funny Fellas".


And if he was thiefing why dem Poom Poom Shorts who talking now never turn him over to de police.


If de Rev is a man of god ......he would easily back up wha ever eee seh.


Rev back to she wrong too.....

Why should we ignore someone who is speaking the truth and knows what she is talking about.......and listen to a Poom Poom Shorts who covering up for Jagdeo & Ramotar Thiefing.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:


Beware of the traitors. These are the very people who wanted to hang you leading up to the US elections.

Tomorrow, Jalil and his followers would declare jihad on you.

Skeldon Rev is not like a Poom Poom Shorts .......

Rev is not covering up or hiding Jagdeo & Ramotar Thiefing and corruption with a Chadar.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by yuji22:



Thats so funny but it is true. Moses is a reject and oil roti is what he has reduced himself to. You forgot to mention Moses cuss down language. He publicly admitted using them on his grandchildren.


Happy New Year. Wishes for your good health and continued great insight into Guyana's political events.



Happy New Year to you too bro! May you and your family be blessed with the best of health and may all your hopes and aspirations become a reality.





The Rev is extremely pleased with the economic progress being made in the country---the private sector and foreign investors are leading the way.


Socially--in terms of education and health care---the PPP has been doing a remarkable job.





Let's be honest yuji--the PPP boys are feasting on the milk and honey--but that's how it is in politics---politicians have a lot of power and influence--but they their salaries are meager compared to the power they wield---and so they are very receptive to gifts---and that milk and honey that flows in the executive branch is very




And right now the hungriest opposition politician is this man:





And yes, it pains him deeply to see the success Guyana is making while Ramo is president.


Once again yuji--HAPPY NEW YEAR!





Thanks. You have brought light back to this forum and keep up the good work. TK was cut down to size and that was what he rightly deserved since he had a habit of calling other posters "simpleton." His ego has been badly bruised by your Muhamad Ali punch.


Rev, I agree that the some of the PPP boys had their hands in the cookie jar but the AFC is extremely anxious and excited to get in on the action. Let us keep them honest and you rightly posted that those who are found guilty should be sent to jail.


One fact remains, to date no one has been convicted and it is as a result of the AFC constantly crying wolf and now no one listens to them. We must not forget their terror sponsored campaign in Linden and Agricola. Let us not forget the young Indo Guyanese school girls who were molested at Agricola. Those responsible should be hanged. 


We need to be vigilant and call out politicians from all political stripes who cross the line. Politicians are a crooked bunch and the AFC is no exception.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

From all indicators, the Guyana economy is expected to continue its steady growth in 2013, thus increasing the per capita for  its citizens, especially those of the working class



Happy new Year Old man Conscience.


For the first time on this blog I agree with you, is this an idication of thing to come?


The year 2013 will have economic growth because of the gold and rice industry.  But is this growth at 7-8% to really filter down the to working class and create enough new jobs to provide more work for the working class?


Guess NOT!


By the way, growth for whom?  Certainly not for the working class, maybe for the Babby, Baayers, Brazzy, BJs, Brains and all the other BEES including the honorary Doctor BEE Ms Kawambee.  Another BEE words is – BATTY BWOYS.


When the economy can grow to produce 10-15% wages increase for the sugar workers then I will be in your corner Old Man Counsee.

Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:

The PPP is doing a great job at maintaining the dankey cart structure. The AFC is proposing betterment for all....



That PPP donkey cart structure has Guyana on an upward trajectory--4% GDP growth in 2012---7 consecutive years of positive growth.


Check this:


* The agriculture and fishing sectors are flourishing---rice production at record level; sugar will be back on target soon; non traditional agri products on the rise


* The natural resource sector is mushrooming---416,000 ounces of gold produced in 2012---big gold mines will soon come on line; Bauxite sector will increase production; manganese production will re-start soon


* The energy sector---Guyana is working assiduously towards realizing hydro---with hydro---new industries---like alumina processing will bloom.


Now TK! Any country that can feed itself---develop its natural resources---and generate its own energy---such a country will always grow and prosper.







Check out the executives in the AFC---Moses, Ramjattan, Nigel, Trotman---all lawyers.


The Guyanese people are not stupid---they know lawyers are hustlers--they are men of words--they make their living hiring out their words---many lawyers are hustlers, swindlers, scam artists, swindlers--the Guyanese people know this--and that is why fast talkers like Moses, Ramjattan, Nigel Trotty, etc, etc will never lead Guyana--never!


So all those AFC plans for the betterment of Guyana---throw them in the garbage---the Guyanese people don't trust the hustlers in the AFC.







As usual you are far out of depths. The Jagdeo-Ramotar has done NOTHING to escape the dankey cart economic structure. 



JUJI: "Thanks. You have brought light back to this forum and keep up the good work. TK was cut down to size and that was what he rightly deserved since he had a habit of calling other posters "simpleton." His ego has been badly bruised by your Muhamad Ali punch."

Originally Posted by TK:

As usual you are far out of depths. The Jagdeo-Ramotar has done NOTHING to escape the dankey cart economic structure. 




The forum now knows that TK the braggart is a one trick pony---copying and pasting useless economic theories--the man TK is a master at that--and of course, bragging about how smart he is---the man has a 3rd rate Phd--teaches at a 3rd rate college in Florida and thinks he is an intellectual heavyweight.hahaha


By the way TK, didn't you say rice production in Guyana was moving back to historical highs ?


You know that is a patently false statement, right TK the braggart ?


In 2012 rice production was 422,000 tons---never before in Guyana's history was production so high. Under the PNC the highest ever rice production was 180,000 tons in 1984.




Originally Posted by Jalil:

Rev.....I see yuh get a big load fuh carry......them bhai depending pun you fuh defend and justify de wholesale thiefing.

The Rev will never justify wholesale thiefing!


What the Rev has done is point out that "thiefing" is an integral part of the job of being a politician---especially in the executive branch.


And by the way politicians have this "thiefing" down to a science---now way they can be convicted.


Yuh notice the PNC/AFC has been in control of parliament for over a year and not a single charge of "thiefing" has been brought against a PPP politician.




The PPP boys are good jalil---real good---they "thief" with


And if the Guyanese people ever put the PNC or AFC into office---they will also thief with impunity.






You are a perfect example if not the embodiment of all the worst stereotypes of Indo-haters like Kean Gibson.


People like you give credence to the idea that Indians are culturally and biologically deficient when it comes to governing in a modern democratic state.


As lang as abbe fellow coolies are tiefin then its ok. As long as its coolies crushing our fragile state institutions, its ok.


When the PPP one day soon find themselves on the permanent Opposition benches and a racially triumphalist PNC takes power, I hope you'll be similarly smug.

Originally Posted by JoKer:


When the PPP one day soon find themselves on the permanent Opposition benches and a racially triumphalist PNC takes power, I hope you'll be similarly smug.



Which planet do you live on ?


Here on planet earth every politician feasts on the milk and honey when it's available---you have the deals under the table, the corrupting gifts, the inducements, the kickbacks, the perks, the take, the payola, etc, etc


Surely you are aware of all that stuff joker!


Listen joker! When the PNC illicitly ruled Guyana for 28 years---their politicans feasted on the milk and honey. The PPP has now ruled Guyana for 21 years---and their politicians are feasting on the milk and honey.


And if those hustlers(lawyers Moses, Trotty, Nigel, Ramjattan) from the AFC ever control the executive branch they will also feast on the milk and honey.








Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:

As usual you are far out of depths. The Jagdeo-Ramotar has done NOTHING to escape the dankey cart economic structure. 




The forum now knows that TK the braggart is a one trick pony---copying and pasting useless economic theories--the man TK is a master at that--and of course, bragging about how smart he is---the man has a 3rd rate Phd--teaches at a 3rd rate college in Florida and thinks he is an intellectual heavyweight.hahaha


By the way TK, didn't you say rice production in Guyana was moving back to historical highs ?


You know that is a patently false statement, right TK the braggart ?


In 2012 rice production was 422,000 tons---never before in Guyana's history was production so high. Under the PNC the highest ever rice production was 180,000 tons in 1984.





Hey...what makes you angry is the fact that I can do what you do in business and more. Well you can't even run a business because you simply failed to grow it in 24 your own confession. You can't ever get into my profession in this lifetime. That is no idle brag because with your number skills this board is aware you are a dunce - a third rate college will not be able to correct your mental deficiencies. You also should do some research, assuming you know how to do that, on the meaning of the dankey cart structure. Why don't you go to the rice production data and bring a chart here going back to 1966? 

Originally Posted by TK:


TK: Hey...what makes you angry is the fact that I can do what you do in business and more...


 = Tarron Khemraj


Rev: There you go again TK with your bragging--I this, I that, I the next--you are a deeply insecure man TK---anyway, keep up with the self aggrandizement---that's typical of 3rd rate intellects who graduated from 3rd rate schools and teach at 3rd rate




TK: Well you can't even run a business because you simply failed to grow it in 24 your own confession.




Rev: Let me get this straight---the Rev has owned and run his business for 24+ years---he employs people---pays his taxes--and you TK---a certified braggart are trying to belittle the Rev---listen young man---the Rev was being modest when he told Mitwah that he was paddling his own canoe the past 24 years---no need to brag like you--a 3rd rate intellect with degrees from 3rd rate schools and teaching at a 3rd rate college in Florida.





TK: You can't ever get into my profession in this lifetime.


Rev: You are soooo childish Tarron the braggart! Listen you teach economics at a 3rd rate college in Florida---congrats---you are a teacher---it's a worthy and honorable profession. By the way, you know what John maynard Keynes said about economists ? He said, "If economists could manage to get themselves thought of as humble, competent people on a level with dentists, that would be splendid." It looks like most economists are braggarts like you TK. By the way, the Rev is happy running his own business---not interested in working for others.




TK: That is no idle brag because with your number skills this board is aware you are a dunce


Rev: The Rev admits to being a dunce when it comes to politics and predicting outcomes using numbers---the Rev has no qualms acknowledging his failings and shortcomings.



TK: Why don't you go to the rice production data and bring a chart here going back to 1966? 


Rev: This is the data I saw: "Rice production in Guyana reached a high of over 180,000 tons in 1984 but declined to a low of 130,000 tons in 1988." Now TK, rice production reached a high of 180,000 tons in 1984---in 2012 rice production was 422,000 tons. You said rice production has returned to historical highs---you are dead wrong---Guyana did not produce 400K+ tons in the 60s/70s/80s/90s---the highest production in those decades according to the data I saw was 180,000 tons---why don't you reveal your source showing Guyana produced 400,000+ tons in 1966 ?





You are a certified braggart Tarron!




Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:


TK: Hey...what makes you angry is the fact that I can do what you do in business and more...


 = Tarron Khemraj


Rev: There you go again TK with your bragging--I this, I that, I the next--you are a deeply insecure man TK---anyway, keep up with the self aggrandizement---that's typical of 3rd rate intellects who graduated from 3rd rate schools and teach at 3rd rate




TK: Well you can't even run a business because you simply failed to grow it in 24 your own confession.




Rev: Let me get this straight---the Rev has owned and run his business for 24+ years---he employs people---pays his taxes--and you TK---a certified braggart are trying to belittle the Rev---listen young man---the Rev was being modest when he told Mitwah that he was paddling his own canoe the past 24 years---no need to brag like you--a 3rd rate intellect with degrees from 3rd rate schools and teaching at a 3rd rate college in Florida.





TK: You can't ever get into my profession in this lifetime.


Rev: You are soooo childish Tarron the braggart! Listen you teach economics at a 3rd rate college in Florida---congrats---you are a teacher---it's a worthy and honorable profession. By the way, you know what John maynard Keynes said about economists ? He said, "If economists could manage to get themselves thought of as humble, competent people on a level with dentists, that would be splendid." It looks like most economists are braggarts like you TK. By the way, the Rev is happy running his own business---not interested in working for others.




TK: That is no idle brag because with your number skills this board is aware you are a dunce


Rev: The Rev admits to being a dunce when it comes to politics and predicting outcomes using numbers---the Rev has no qualms acknowledging his failings and shortcomings.



TK: Why don't you go to the rice production data and bring a chart here going back to 1966? 


Rev: This is the data I saw: "Rice production in Guyana reached a high of over 180,000 tons in 1984 but declined to a low of 130,000 tons in 1988." Now TK, rice production reached a high of 180,000 tons in 1984---in 2012 rice production was 422,000 tons. You said rice production has returned to historical highs---you are dead wrong---Guyana did not produce 400K+ tons in the 60s/70s/80s/90s---the highest production in those decades according to the date I saw was 180,000 tons---why don't you reveal your source showing Guyana produced 400,000+ tons in 1966 ?





You are a certified braggart Tarron!





I see I have extracted a lot of your time and efforts - you have written a lot and submitted colored fonts and a picture. Unfortunately, you have not said anything of substance. As I told you before you are a failed businessman. Keep reading may learn something new. When you get the rice data going back to the 60s let me know.  

Originally Posted by TK:

I see I have extracted a lot of your time and efforts -


The Rev sees you were anxiously awaiting his reponse.


Listen! The Rev controls of his own time--no boss to order him around---this forum is a wonderful distraction.


And by the way, regarding the rice production---when the production hit 180,000 tons in 1984----that was a historical high at that point in time.


In 2012 the rice production was 422,000 tons!


You said rice production has returned to historical highs---that's patently untrue.








Rice production in Guyana reached a high of over 180,000 tons in 1984 but declined to a low of 130,000 tons in 1988. The fluctuating production levels were the result of disease and inconsistent weather. Droughts and heavy rains had an adverse effect on rice crops because the irrigation and drainage systems in rice-growing areas were poorly maintained. The area under rice cultivation fell from 100,000 hectares in 1964 to 36,000 hectares in 1988, according to the Guyana Rice Producers' Association.[1] The Guyana Rice Development Board is also an important institution in the development of rice production in Guyana.


* In 1964, over 100,000 hectares were under cultivation


* By 1988 cultivation had dropped to 36,000 hectacres


1 hectare = 2.47 acres




What's the acreage under rice cultivation in Guyana today ?







•    Total acreage under cultivation is now at its highest level ever at approximately 170,000 acres.
•    Two new varieties of rice were released to farmers in 2011.
•    14 new varieties of rice currently being tested.
•    The commissioning of an additional paddy seed plant in 2012 will result in the production of 20,000 bags of high quality paddy seeds annually.
•    Work is ongoing with Guyana National Bureau of Standards to certify the rice testing laboratory and to achieve ISO-Standards which is a critical step in strengthening export capacity and improving access to wider markets.
•    Work is ongoing to encourage large scale rice production in new areas such as the Rupununi.





Rice was first introduced into Guyana around 1750 being brought from South Carolina, during the occupation by the Dutch.  Another importation was recorded about 1782 during the French occupation from the French colony Louisiana.  From these early introductions and up’ to 1838 isolated attempts were made to grow the crop commercially.  However, for the most part these attempts failed and this was attributed to the lack of knowledge of rice cultivation by the slaves and to planters refusal to permit growing rice outside the environs of the sugar plantations (Ramgopaul, 1964).


In 1848, rice was freely grown in Berbice by Timini Africans.  In 1853, a crop was grown from seed bought from Georgia in the USA.  At the same time, a company was formed to grow 150 acres at Plantation Vive-la-Force on the West Bank of Demerara.  In 1855, it was hand grown on the West Coast of Demerara with great success.  Later on, farms spread to the Mahaica, Abary, and Canje rivers.  Around this time, the crop was catching on in Essequibo where in 1886, over 200 acres were grown.  Crop returns for 1898 showed that 6,500 acres were under rice.  By 1908, the area had increased to 38,000 acres.


Growth of the crop as a big business has been due largely to the efforts of East Indians immigrant.  At first, they used fields and water provided by sugar estate owners and grew rice to meet their own needs.  Later some of them grew rice for sale as their main source of income.  Still later, others took over unused sugar estate lands and grew rice more widely.  Guyana moved from net importer of some 20,000 tons, in the midst 1880’s to a net exporter since 1908.  (Pawer 1971) 


The growth of the industry really started during the First World War when it was difficult for rice shipments from Burma to arrive in the Caribbean.  It is recorded that Guyana exported the first shipment of eight tons of rice to Trinidad in 1917. 


The period during and after the World War 11 saw the beginning of mechanized rice cultivation.  In 1942, the Government inaugurated the Mahaicony – Abary-Rice Development Scheme (MARDS) as a wartime production effort primarily to make up for the short fall of rice supply to the then British West Indies.  The work done at MARDS stimulated much interest in mechanization and lead to rapid expansion of acreage.  Acreage cultivated grew from 103,000 acres in 1949 to 318,000 in 1967, (Davidson 1997). 


Mechanization with the tractor gradually replaced the oxen for land preparation.  Subsequently rice combines replaced hand cutting and broadcasting replaced transplanting.  Government facilated this rapid expansion of various rice cultivation through the establishment of Rice development Schemes.  Among those to be developed were Crabwood Creek, Block III, Corentyne, Onverwagt, Cane Grove, Boeraresie, Tapakuma, Black Bush Polder, Mara and more recently, the Mahaica Abary Development Project.  Private farmers and companies have also contribution substantially to the expansion in acreage by developing new lands for rice cultivation. 


Today rice production is at all time high with annual cultivation of over 350,000 acres.  Padi production has amounted to over 10 million bags per year at an average yield of 26 bags per acre.






* In 1967--318,000 acres were under cultivation


* In 2012--350,000 acres were under cultivation



* Rice production in 2012 was 422,000 tons!


* No way production in 1967 could have been higher---yields are better today---and 32,000 acres more are under cultivation.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by TK:

I see I have extracted a lot of your time and efforts -


The Rev sees you were anxiously awaiting his reponse.


Listen! The Rev controls of his own time--no boss to order him around---this forum is a wonderful distraction.


And by the way, regarding the rice production---when the production hit 180,000 tons in 1984----that was a historical high at that point in time.


In 2012 the rice production was 422,000 tons!


You said rice production has returned to historical highs---that's patently untrue.





You must be running a monkey wonder why you are a failed businessman. In real businesses not even the boss controls his/her own time. 

Originally Posted by Conscience:


•    Work is ongoing to encourage large scale rice production in new areas such as the Rupununi.





There are hundreds of thousands---maybe millions of acres of land in the rupununi---if it is feasible to grow rice in the rupununi---rice production in Guyana would take a quantum leap.






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