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I am pleased to join with my fellow citizens and those around the world in observing yet another International Day for the Protection of Children. In so doing, I extend special greetings to all the children of Guyana. I send you, the children, my best wishes for a cheerful childhood filled with pleasant memories, joyous times, fun, laughter, a thirst for knowledge and true friendship.

To parents, I use this opportunity to remind you of our obligation towards the future generation. Every child deserves to be nurtured in a loving and caring environment. Every child should be part of a home characterized by understanding, affection, generosity and forgiveness.

I wish to encourage every parent to recognize the need to bring up their children in an atmosphere free from fear, violence and other forms of abuse. May greater attention be paid to good parenting so that our children can be surrounded by an environment of peace, stability, attention and love!

This is possible. No matter how modest or austere is your home or however limited are your material means, the human heart is capable of an outpouring of love and affection, especially towards our children.

It is for all of us to preserve the innocence of childhood and to ensure that our children are respected and loved at all times because every one of them, without exception, is worthy of the greatest dignity.

May we therefore use this year’s International Day for the Protection of Children to recommit to the highest ideals of responsible parenting so that all of our country’s children can enjoy a truly, happy and protected childhood!

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Violence especially against children and women; existing for millions of years; are indeed unacceptable.  They are present in every country/place, including the major locations like the US-of-A, Britain, Canada, Europe, etc.


We must all strive to assist in minimizing these unfortunate occurrences and to always protect children and women.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Violence especially against children and women; existing for millions of years; are indeed unacceptable.  They are present in every country/place, including the major locations like the US-of-A, Britain, Canada, Europe, etc.


We must all strive to assist in minimizing these unfortunate occurrences and to always protect children and women.

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Violence especially against children and women; existing for millions of years; are indeed unacceptable.  They are present in every country/place, including the major locations like the US-of-A, Britain, Canada, Europe, etc.


We must all strive to assist in minimizing these unfortunate occurrences and to always protect children and women.

are you people for real you making excuse for the police force will not help the problem why dont these things happen to your family


A lot of these afc/pnc idiots come on the forum and try to make believe that only Guyana has problems.  No nation will ever eradicate instances of abuse against women and children, look how renowned afc/pnc supporters, living in the US/CA and posting right here on this forum are suspected of pedophile acts against their own kids. 


Empty assed words. It took women miners risking their lives against brigands in the gold fields to rescue the under aged girls being trafficked. Not one was ever rescued by the Guyana security forces when the world knows the kayaboos are filled to the brim with Brazilian, poor Indian and black Guyanese kids and native women.


Lets be clear...this woman has not written one word, uttered one word nor was she out there looking or demanding that the security forces look for our young people who are kidnapped ceaselessly and trafficked. This is the usual photo op from the chronic do nothing lot in the PPP.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

Empty assed words. It took women miners risking their lives against brigands in the gold fields to rescue the under aged girls being trafficked. Not one was ever rescued by the Guyana security forces when the world knows the kayaboos are filled to the brim with Brazilian, poor Indian and black Guyanese kids and native women.


Lets be clear...this woman has not written one word, uttered one word nor was she out there looking or demanding that the security forces look for our young people who are kidnapped ceaselessly and trafficked. This is the usual photo op from the chronic do nothing lot in the PPP.

The people are also an arm of the law.  The law cannot be everywhere, every time, lest it be deemed a police state.  The recent break in the OH case of three women held prisoner for over 10 years in plain sight was exposed by average persons.  People need to reasonable and pragmatic.


First Lady's Foundation held a treat for Children across the country on Saturday last. The event held under the theme "Promotion of the Positive Family" was held as part of celebrations to mark International Children’s Day.  Over 400 children drawn from villages in  West and East Coast Demerara attended. The first activity saw approximately 200 children from the East Coast of Demerara being entertained at a party at the Lusignan Community Center while the latter was held at the Uitvlugt Community Centre on the West Coast Demerara. At both events the Children interacted with First Lady Deolatchmee Ramotar and other members of the foundation. The programmes included songs, poems and dances by the children. Party bags consisting of snacks, sweets, juice, and other eatables were also distributed to the children.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

Empty assed words. It took women miners risking their lives against brigands in the gold fields to rescue the under aged girls being trafficked. Not one was ever rescued by the Guyana security forces when the world knows the kayaboos are filled to the brim with Brazilian, poor Indian and black Guyanese kids and native women.


Lets be clear...this woman has not written one word, uttered one word nor was she out there looking or demanding that the security forces look for our young people who are kidnapped ceaselessly and trafficked. This is the usual photo op from the chronic do nothing lot in the PPP.

The people are also an arm of the law.  The law cannot be everywhere, every time, lest it be deemed a police state.  The recent break in the OH case of three women held prisoner for over 10 years in plain sight was exposed by average persons.  People need to reasonable and pragmatic.

fool the law is nowhere in guyana


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